Benefici dei semi di cumino nero (Nigella Sativa) per la perdita di peso

Le spezie possono aiutare a perdere peso? Per tre centesimi al giorno, il cumino nero (noto anche come semi neri e semi di nigella) può migliorare i livelli di colesterolo e trigliceridi, la pressione sanguigna e il controllo della glicemia, oltre ad accelerare la perdita di grasso corporeo.

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Consumo ¼ cucchiaino di cumino nero macinato al giorno è una delle mie 21 modifiche per accelerare la perdita di peso. Puoi vederli tutti 21 nella mia app gratuita Daily Dozen (su iOS ( ) e Android ( en_US)) e leggili in modo approfondito in How Not to Diet ( -non-dieta/). (Tutti i proventi dei miei libri sono devoluti in beneficenza.) Ho anche menzionato alcuni dei benefici per la perdita di peso del cumino nero nella mia perdita di peso basata sull'evidenza ( https:// presentazione.<br/>
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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Benefici dei semi di cumino nero (Nigella Sativa) per la perdita di peso”

  1. Consuming ¼ teaspoon of ground black cumin per day is one of my 21 Tweaks for accelerating weight loss. You can see all 21 of them in my free Daily Dozen app (on iOS and Android) and read about them in-depth in How Not to Diet. (All proceeds from my books are donated to charity.)

  2. I just bought 2 lbs. organic! One lb for me and one to give away to people who want to try it…spreading the love, Dr. Gregor, spreading the love.

  3. I buy them at the market and put them on top of my salads, in soups and stews, etc. I like the flavor of them. but I love your pepper mill idea. thanks for sharing that it's genius. we're not worthy of all your knowledge and research. God bless you

  4. Great info, well presented, as usual. But GET RID OF ANIMATED DR GREGOR. It is distracting and stinks of poorly allocated funds. Makes me recoil. Get rid of it. Yesterday.

  5. this is strong strong stuff and not for everybody. i used to take it almost daily and got bad problems with my stomach after a while. what i learned is that just because some people call certain things healthy, doesnt mean its necessary healthy for you . everybody is differnt

  6. Anyone know a good brand? A few of the ones I looked at on Amazon have reviews talking about bugs or fake seeds.

  7. Ugh, no more cartoon please! The best versions of the videos were the ones that focused on what's important–the data, the science, the graphs. Nix the cartoon!

  8. New graphics are generally great but a BIG NO on the animated Dr G. He comes across as incredibly intelligent and trustworthy. The animation is schticky and comes across as less professional for a health care provider. Please abandon this!

  9. I am taking statins for high cholesterol and would never take something like this before consulting with the pharmacist for any contraindications. However, the weight loss factor peaks my interest.

  10. Instead of animating Dr. Gregor, I would like it if he had a couple other live human co-presenters — people who share his values. These could be people from anywhere in the world. Sort of like a visiting professor.

  11. The cartoons do not add anything positive to this video. It’s hard getting some folks to believe the seriousness and validity of science today; let’s not make things worse by adding cartoons please.

  12. Is it 1/2 teaspoon of powdered black cumin or 1/4 teaspoon? I believe I saw a different Dr. Greger video using the 1/2 teaspoon amount. Would like to down it with a spoonful of honey. After I take my Rx for Hashimotos on an empty stomach my plan is to take the cumin/honey 1/2 hour after that. Then wait 1/2 hour to eat. Sound right?

  13. Some places such as Penzeys list this as "Charnushka: Black, smoky seeds also known as black caraway, nigella sativa or kalonji."

  14. Black cumin is great in salad dressing. I grind up a bunch of seeds, along with rosemary and thyme, in a spice grinder before adding it to my blender for batch-making homemade salad dressing to freeze in ice cube trays.

  15. Black cumin can help fight numerous pathogenic bacteria, including h-pylori. That's how it's producing the downstream health benefits.

  16. Uhm I love you Greger, but this animation is creepy! Rather just no Greger or a simple webcam Greger in the corner though 😅

    If you really must use animation.. Adobe has software that maps your face expressions on a rig, that might give better results? Also, the drawing is kind off off with the rest of your style 🙂

  17. Also called kalonji seeds and often found in the international section of large supermarkets (in Canada anyhow).

  18. great info i had heard about and tried black seed oil in the past, but as always go for the whole food so the powder makes more sense since my diet is 100% oil free

  19. NutritionFacts….. 0:59 this talking animation is very disturbing. It doesn't quite sync up with what he's saying and even if it were perfectly synchronized, it would still be ugly.

  20. Unless they get the cartoon doctor to twitch in sync with every syllable and bounce up and down with toe raises, it won’t replace the real thing.

  21. What's the best way to eat black cumin? Should it be ground like flax seed to be more easily utilized? You said your family put it in a pepper mill and ground it but is that for taste, ease of use, or more nutritionally beneficial? Thanks as always for this excellent video.

  22. Thank you for a great video. My only concern about Nigella seeds is that they reduce appetite and promote weight loss. Those of us on a whole food plant based diet are slim enough already!

  23. I want cartoon Dr. Greger on a t-shirt. Also, I've only ever heard of black cumin by name it goes by in India, kalonji, sold cheaply in every Indian market abroad versus over-priced upscale supermarkets.

  24. I understand that a pepper grinder will not grind the black cumin optimally fine enough. I use a Hamilton Beach Coffee/spice grinder from Walmart , which can pulverize the seeds into as fine (or coarse) a powder as desired. I use the same spice grinder for rosemary, flax, cumin seeds, etc.

  25. I am a long time follower of this channel but truly the Dr. knows little or nothing on Nigella Sativa. Please follow my channel the BSE Imports-Exports channel for we are the experts.

  26. The pepper mill filled with cumin seed instead is a great idea! I put mustard seeds in a pepper mill and I reach for it more often than the mill with pepper in it.

  27. Love the cute cartoon Dr.! No matter what iteration of Dr. Greger we see, the message is the most important thing, along with putting it to the test!

  28. Dr. Gregor convinces me to try adding black cumin into my daily regimen. However, he flippantly mentions how he and his family have a pepper grinder filled with black cumin seeds at the dinner table. I've ordered and returned a half dozen types of pepper/seed grinders because the black cumin seeds are simply TOO SMALL to grind and therefore just fall out of the grinder unground. I also tried to write Dr. Gregor to ask him for his suggestion or name brand of his grind, but alas he is not taking any inquiries by email. Does anyone have any suggestions for some way to grind black cumin seeds that doesn't involve a mortar and pestle or grindings that are complicated and time consuming?

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  30. I bought mine at a local East Indian store. They were labeled Kalonji/Black Onion Seed, and then in ingredients Nigella Sativa.
    Very inexpensive there.

  31. I had to stop eating both black and regular cumin – they were proving very not good for me and my endometriosis. Also was having some atrocious side effects, thankfully within days of removing them both from my diet things settled back down.

  32. Hi,I open a date,I remove the pit and I staff it will half a tea spoon of Nigella saliva powder.and eat it everyday. It is a delicious snack!

  33. I huge you all to also follow the herbal treatment of Dr. Ogudugu on YouTube to be able to defeat the herpes virus cause I was cured from genital herpes by this same Dr. Ogudugu on YouTube.

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