Il cibo piccante fa bene?

Chi mangia regolarmente cibi piccanti tende a vivere più a lungo, ma è causa-effetto?

Resta sintonizzato per il prossimo video, Come i peperoncini piccanti possono allungare la tua vita ( estendi-la-tua-vita).

In precedenza ho parlato di cibi piccanti per la perdita di peso in Aumentare il grasso bruno attraverso la dieta ( e Benefici dei semi di cumino nero per la perdita di peso (, e per le condizioni gastrointestinali nel pepe di cayenna per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile e l'indigestione cronica ( sindrome-intestinale-e-indigestione-cronica/).<br/>
Il video che ho citato sui fagioli e la longevità è The Hispanic Paradox : Perché i latini vivono più a lungo? (

Puoi trovare tutti i miei video sulla curcuma nella pagina dell'argomento (https://nutritionfacts. org/topics/turmeric/), incluso quello mostrato in questo video: Aumentare la biodisponibilità della curcumina (https: //

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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87 Risposte a “Il cibo piccante fa bene?”

  1. I know people who won't eat a whole food diet because they say it is too bland but perhaps using spice might make it more possible for people to each bland whole food.

  2. I worked with a guy who put hot sauce on all his food, even potato chips. He told me that he couldn't taste anything without it and that everything tasted to him like hot sauce. Apparently, he couldn't taste any other flavor and he had ruined his taste perception. For that reason, I've always been cautious to use only a small amount of spicy flavoring in my food, if I use any at all. It took me over 10 years to go though just one spice bottle of cayenne powder.

  3. If spicy can be argued to be a form of taste, then it's the only taste sense shared by my mouth and my butt. Because when I overdo it, I get a taste on the way out.

  4. Doc, thank you for the great news! I knew all that turmeric, cayenne pepper, black pepper, garlic powder, ginger powder, mustard powder and balsamic vinegar glaze were good for me. I didn't know the peppers carried their weight though. Awaiting the next video like a paparazzo perched outside a celebrity home. 😊💚🙏

  5. Super fascinating! And good to hear, I do love my chilis and spicy food in general :3 thank you so much <3

  6. There's also the starch and fat taste bud. 😎 But yeah, it's interesting no one ever mentions spicy. I found this video amusing because of Brandon Sander's Stormlight Archive series where in their culture, men are expected to like spicy foods and women are expected to like sweet foods. lol.

    I wonder if there's one more thing they didn't think of – whole food or processed food? Is eating Fuego Takis going to give me the same health benefits as eating a whole food dish I cook myself? I'm guessing not.

  7. I used to be able to eat really spicy foods and then one day while sitting down to the same meal I'd eaten every Thursday (at a restaurant with a friend), I ate a bite and thought I was gonna die it was sooooo hot!!! I'd eaten it many times and loved it, but now it was too spicy and from then on I've never been able to tolerate anything past 'mild'. Did I burn my taste buds out? Go figure!

  8. Hey, for me it’s leads to stomach acid overproduction, acid reflux and so on. I’m on low fat, plant based whole food diet. When I cut out soil, onion, garlic and chilli everything is nice 👍

  9. i hate when english speaking people say Umami instead of Savory. it's the same thing, japan didnt discover or invent it we always had a word for it.

  10. I like spicy flavors because I can often use it in place of salt to make otherwise bland food taste better. For example, I would struggle to drink one of Dr. Greger's V12 vegetable smoothies if it didn't have the black pepper and jalapeno in it. The spice makes all the differnce.

  11. My husband absolutely adores hot peppers. He even watches the Internet series "Hot Ones" where a very gifted interviewer eats spicy wings with a Celebrity. The line up of hot sauces ranges from the" not so hot "to incredibly , uncomfortably spicy. It's entertaining…Oh and the plant based celebs opt for a vegan version. I think it's cauliflower. Anyway thank you for reading so many papers and summing up this information for the Public. You must be naturally compassionate Dr Greger.

  12. Hoping you’ll go into dried vs fresh chilies. I use tons of red chili flakes but not too many fresh chilis at the moment

  13. Plant based diets are the biggest scam of this century. The amount of misinformation regarding the ”ethical” brainwashing propaganda is criminal and utterly sickening. The "evidence based nutrition" is so corrupt at this point its diabolical. Resulting in you following these guidelines or current fabricated cherry picked and/or tampered studies regurgitated by these fake doctors that leech your trust in them. Within years of following such ridiculous diets you malnourish yourself, and by god, your children. Listen to your body, and research without content what our ancestors true diet and lifestyle was

    My story, I am a 25 year old male with multiple sclerosis & evidently went a biblical, no fault "Whole food vegan diet WITH supplementation" as it was "evidently" the healthiest diet for the disease and human health in general. How delusional i was. 3 years in suffering with a plethora of symptoms, constant inflammation restricting my body from working out as much as i wanted to and doing normal every day things, even though i was eating every single "anti-inflammatory" "Superfood" (biggest clown word used in this plant based culture, as most of them are loaded with toxins like saponins, goitrogens, lectins, oxalates, tannins, and phytates. Which they don't disclaim any harm. Wonder where kidney stones come from?) under the sun, neurological issues (depression, anxiety & hypochondriac mainly), never ending brain fog & bed ridden fatigue, DAILY bloating, constipation, 2-4 stools a day (from the indigestible fibre, practically consuming sawdust) and everything was getting worse by the week. I was giving up on life and eventually decided to add meat back into my diet as for these 3 years whole food vegan with supplementation, it was as if my body was instinctively telling me to eat some sort of meat, yet my ignorance and self righteous pride attached to this plant based diet neglected such efforts to consume it. So I thought at this point, I may as well give it a try as i have nothing else to lose right? Unbelievably within a couple days things started getting a little better. So i decided to see this out for a couple more weeks and everything got better and better. Now this is where i thought i should try the biggest transition of all. To the other side of the spectrum, as this plant based diet COULD be a complete joke. Essentially I went cold turkey & started going keto/carnivore (low carb). It was hard eliminating all these toxic carbs/sugars (only whole food plant based carbs and sugar is only from whole fruit sources) full of oxalates & anti nutrients, as well as carb/sugar withdrawals which have been closely linked to the same symptoms you could get from withdrawals on alcohol/cocaine and other hard drugs. The first month was bumpy but the most amazing thing for me was that my digestion from only eating grass fed & finished beef/lamb(or any ruminant animal), organic pasture raised no soy or corn fed free range eggs, raw cow/goat/sheep milk(or pasteurized if you cannot get raw), parmesan cheese (or any fermented cheese, preferably unpasteurized), salt & water, was better than the entire 3 years on what seemed to be a joke of a diet at this point. All these terrible GI/neurological symptoms diminishing. Seeing most of my debilitating symptoms from the MS unnoticeable/minimal. I am now 2 years into this keto/carnivore diet/lifestyle and am stronger and healthier than ever, living my life to the full. No longer feeling like a sick animal, i feel like I'm THRIVING and living as nature intended. Still having minimal symptoms of MS but everything in every aspect of my life is amazing, even though I still wake up to this nightmare of a disease daily. This story is my own testament & only hope for others to see this story and try an animal based diet our for themselves before they get too malnourished and sick on plant based diets by your own ignorance and pride to make changes if things aren't working. Remember, any diet that requires any type of base line supplementation (Vitamin D, B12, DHA, IODINE) is NOT a proper human diet. I feel even closer to mother earth now as consuming an animal for its nutrients and vitality is as natural as it gets. For something to live, something must die. This is the cold hard truth of the cycle of life. Anyone still afflicted by these ideals please research into what has happened to our world since the agricultural revolution. This plant based movement has only really been around for 80 years or so, so really think about that & research without content what our ancestors true diets were. The answers lie there if you need an abundance of information before you make any drastic changes to your health. Remember health is not only wealth, it is everything in this life we have. Do not let emotions, ignorance, pride & brainwashed ideals segregate your thirst for the truth

  14. I feel like some of the papers cited are conflating spicy in the sense of being intensely aromatic, and spicy in the sense of creating a hot sensation. It doesn't invalidate what's being said here, but they mean two different things and probably have different physiological effects.

    Both seem to improve health outcomes, so why not do both? Hot AND fragrant.

  15. Sometimes I want to eat even if I'm not hungry, so I put some hot sauce on a few crackers. I forget about wanting to eat then. I suspect that spicy condiments help others as well.

  16. Is there any truth to the endorphin theory? That's what I wonder because people often use food to boost their moods, me included and end up over eating. I don't eat hot spices usually but I do like them.

  17. Doc, what about IBS patients who refrain from eating chili peppers specifically those allergic to containing Capsaicin containing ones?

  18. Love love love garlic, love love love any kinds of Onions and black or white pepper spice but I do NOT like the usual hot peppers at all…basically just don't like the taste of them.

  19. Spicy peppers must be tempered or aged with vinegar or lemon juice, imo. Otherwise they "bite" and you don't taste other flavors but if you age them in vinegar you get the heat and flavor of peppers. 🌶️

  20. Excellent. I eat a lot of chillies now and when I heat up exercising it feels like a chili response rather than typical heating up. Took about a year of eating them every day. It's not uncomfortable or debilitating in any way if anything I cool down better (faster, heat up less but over more of my body, cooling response likewise feels more widespread) than I used to.

    Interestingly my nerves were shot for a while (ok now thanks to good living) and nervous sweat appeared to be independant of chili or exercise induced heating.

  21. I'm so happy to hear that spicy food is good for one's health.
    I would find it difficult to suffer a bland diet for longevity's sake.

  22. Regardless of the health effects, I'll never stop eating ridiculously spicy peppers. They're the best drug I know, and I love the rush. No spice, no life!

    So glad the research agrees!😅 More spicy vegan food, please! 🌶️

  23. I regularly brew Fire Cider (hot chilis, garlic, horseradish, onion, garlic, ACV, rosemary, lemon) to manage my H Pylori stomach infection (all the ingredients destroy HP in contact) and boost my immune system during flu season. It has helped my stomach and immune system so much and the rush of taking a shot of it is always so fun!!

  24. Well i think they definitely should have offered some different spicy option in that mashed potato experiment because as a lover of spice, I'm not a big tobasco fan. Cayenne pepper would have been better

  25. My favorite thing is eating some kind of meat with like half a garlic and a nice amount of original tabasco sauce, I just love the taste and feeling, it's so nice to see that it's healthy, sometimes I do eat multiple times a week 😀 if garlic didn't cause bad breath I would eat it every single day

  26. I can think of a different kind of reverse causality. I’ve often noticed people who eat spicy food can be competitive about it. What if it's associated with ego and competitiveness? These two things may also be associated with testosterone and health. Or it could also relate to novelty seeking, and I can see that people who are bored easily might be more socially, mentally, and physically active. Just a thought.

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