Il digiuno intermittente aumenta l'aspettativa di vita umana?

Il digiuno modificato a giorni alterni viene messo alla prova per prolungare la durata della vita.

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Ci sono altri video in arrivo in questa serie sul digiuno. Resta sintonizzato per:
• La dieta 5:2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messe alla prova ( la-5-2-dieta-e-la-dieta-mima-digiuno-messa-alla-prova)<br/> • Mangiare a Tempo Limitato alla prova (
• I benefici di un'alimentazione precoce limitata ( -restricted-eating)

Ecco tutti i precedenti se ve ne siete persi qualcuno:
• La regola delle 3,500 calorie per libbra è sbagliata (è-sbagliata)
• Il motivo per perdere peso Altopiani quando sei a dieta (
• La nuova regola delle calorie per chilo di perdita di peso? (
• I benefici della limitazione calorica per la longevità ( -della-restrizione-calorica-per-la-longevità)
• Potenziali insidie ​​della restrizione calorica (
• Benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso al test ( -test)
• Il digiuno fa bene alla perdita di peso? (
• Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni messo alla prova (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Alternate-Day-Intermittent-Fasting-Put-to-the-Test)
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni è sicuro? (

Per ulteriori informazioni sulla longevità, dai un'occhiata a:
• Aumento della durata della vita dei fagioli (
• Frutta, verdura e longevità: quanti minuti per boccone? ( per-boccone/)
• La dieta di Okinawa: Vivere per 000 (
https: //
• La restrizione della metionina come strategia per prolungare la vita (

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79 Risposte a “Il digiuno intermittente aumenta l'aspettativa di vita umana?”

  1. Hello
    I like so much tour videos in currently Nutrition studying and I hop reach your email I hope to continue my PhD in USA can you help me please

  2. Please always check if the study did not include any food in ‘fasting’ days. Some use 500kcal. Just focus on hours fasted.

  3. Please always check if the study did not include any food in ‘fasting’ days. Some use 500kcal. Just focus on hours fasted.

  4. So basically – maybe it works and maybe it doesn’t, because the evidence isn’t clear enough and I leave the video being just as confused as I came into it.
    I wish there were some conclusions or advice on these videos because I after 10 of these fasting videos I still don’t know if you think we should do it or not and in which way.

  5. For the people freaking out about being confused – this is just one part of his webinar on fasting. He does go into further depth with fasting and circadian rhythm (early intermittent fasting) as the best proven method. i.e. Only eating breakfast and then a light lunch, then skipping dinner and fasting until the next morning.

  6. Got excited for a minute when I saw "human," and thought you were finally going to get to intermittent fastings effect on human growth hormone 🙂 So far none of the studies have actually been on fasted individuals ( ex: milk on fasted days on this study), and the only type of fast is alt-day. We need data on actual fasting intermittently.

  7. Interesting but seems inconclusive, to many variables or differences…..Thank you, enjoying all the stuff you're coming out with on fasting!
    Vegan whole plant based foods on Instagram == mikewakethefoodup

  8. Wow the last video wasn't enough of a downer? we needed another that was like 'well it might work, but the data is crazy and there's not enough, and the people running it were probably biased…'

  9. Could it be possible that fasting is only beneficial for carnivores as they are not putting that bad crap in their mouths, whereas fasting maybe harmful for Vegans as they don't need the dietary restriction?????????????????????????????????? Is that why you get a lot of youtube vegans swapping to carnism after fasting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My observational study.

  10. It's a shame that this study was made under the fascist government of Franco. The poor ancients didn¡t have the chance to choice to avoid the study. Perhaps today will be voluntaries for such a test, but surely, the subjets would want to be payed.

  11. thanks a lot for the video dr Greger; i just finished watching 'what the health' on netflix, wonderful to see you there too!
    even though it was, for the most part, simply a reiteration of what you have been sharing with us here on the channel, i feel like im ready to drop dairy products as well.
    is there perhaps anybody here that can recommend a good replacement for whey? (thats kinda the last thing, im quite heavily invested into fitness/crossfit)

  12. Um, the title of this video says ‘intermittent’ fasting, which is not the same as alternate day fasting. So what about intermittent fasting? Is there anything on that, please? Or OMAD?

  13. Have you ever checked into this story about a man who at age 27 over 350 pounds fasted for over a year on coffee, tea and water? It was supposedly documented by medical doctors it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this. Here's a link in case you haven't heard of it before; Watch "A Man Who Refused to Eat for 382 Days and Lost 275 Pounds" on YouTube

  14. Asthma is an inflammatory disease. Most of my inflammation responses are from food…wheat and dairy milk being the top two. It look me until my early 40's to realize this…so, for anyone with asthma, eat plants only, then deal with the animal hair, grass, molds, smoke, fragrances, or anything else you would take an antihistamine for. The biggest culprit is the food we eat. My allergies and asthma now is almost non existent, and I really wish I knew this sooner.

  15. Please look at intermittent fasting like 16/8 or 20/4 or even 23/1 without alternate day cycles. Haven't heard you mention autophagy once, which is like the main benefit of fasting isn't it?

  16. so, I still feel confused about this. I'm on my 30s but want to know if I can go for this to keep my weight in the line since I love eating a high starchy diet. Thanks!

  17. Dear Dr. Gregor,

    I have a very important question to ask and would be extremely happy about any form of reply!
    I recently did a complete DNA/microbiome test, where they tested my gut bacteria and other gut markers.

    My markers generally speaking pretty good. They found out that my microbiome is dominated by the "Ruminococcus" bacteria. However, it turned out that I am laking some bacteria that I find to be pretty crucial. They categorized by vitamin producing (we are talking about b12 and K) bacteria, which seem to be close to non-existent, or even non-existent in my gut. Regarding B12 it is Propionibacterium, Bacillus, and Lactobacillus that all mark 0.0. Looking at Vitamin K it is Enterobacter, Lactococcus, and Serratia with 0.0.

    My question is: Are the bacteria essential to build the vitamin. I know B12 is build by bacteria. So what if there is a lack of the bacteria producing B12. Can you counteract it with supplementation? I could send the report too, it's in German though. 😀

    I have been plant-based for about 5 years now, 24 years old, 183cm (6"0) and about 93kg. I do strength training so I would say I am overweight, but a body fat percentage of 18% could be true, Christmas is approaching…

  18. Is it possible that the experimental group ate more fruits since that was one of 2 food groups they could eat on fasting days, and that this lead to a better result?
    Or that they had better results because they consumed more milk?

  19. Starving then binging is not good for health or emotional state. Best to be in a routine of eating very basic same old food. If you start playing games with smoothies, nuts or nut butters, vegan desserts/confections, or sweet fruits, you can easily get into a craving binging scenario. Plain old whole starchy staples and vegetables is the best way with modest fruit.

  20. The title of the study is literally “alternate day *calorie restriction*”. Why call it “alternate day fasting” ?
    Again, *not* the same thing.

  21. Dr. Greger, you should make a playlist for convincing people to change their diet! Something I can send people a link to when they ask why I'm vegan

  22. This topic will be restricted / squashed just and treated with careful "tobacco science" by big food and big medicine…. and less healthy things like the meat and cheese KETO diet promoted …. More death and disease = more profit ..

  23. Thought one of the main points of your book was about keeping as active as possible so that you can eat as much calories whole plant foods to flood your body with antioxidants. Seems if you calorie restrict or fast than goes completely against this.

  24. I was over weight with diabetes and my intestines were literally rotting (chronic diverticulitis). I had a fatty cirrhotic liver. I felt like dying everyday. I started fasting for 24 hrs every other day. I started taking milk thistle, marshmallow root and a 20billion 9 strain probiotic everyday. I eat what I want when I want on my non fasting days. NOTE: by nature your body starts rejecting crappy food and leans towards richer proteins and good fats like avocados. No longer diabetic, no longer cirrhotic, no more diverticulitis flare ups and normal weight…..

  25. Jebus Cryesus… The idiocy! The people on the Spanish study were they fasting? Fruits and milk? So fructose and lactose? On 900 calories? Poor people! Everything in this video is misleading. That's not how you intermittent fast.

  26. Despite all of the good efforts put in Dr. Greger’s work, I find it hard to come out with a reasonable conclusion sometimes on a subject due to the fact that he stacks mind-spinning evidences on opposite directions at the same time. It’d be super if he Concludes at the end, instead of leaving it an open end.

  27. Great video. I appreciate your time sharing this video. I've done different types of fasts through the yrs from (extreme/hard dry), normal/water fast- for a long water fast will have juice or broth for strength), to partial fasts/IF, Juice/smoothie fast to OMAD) with amazing results. The Daniel fast w/veg & water Only is one I've yet to try. The benefits of fasting for the body mind and spirit is the TRUTH!. One shouldn't jump on a fast without doing their research first and seeking advice from their Dr. especially if taking medication. Fasting 2 days out of the week and making it a ritual routine works wonder, especially if seeking to get closer to God. Many ppl die from all types of diseases and we don't have to. We need to starve these diseases and we do this by fasting. They have lied to us from the beginning of time, they teach us that if we don't eat for a few days we can die 'LIES' and that when you hit starvation mode you get sick and it's a sign to eat or die 'LIES'. When you fast you will experience headaches, pale tongue, sore throat, dizzy spells, nauseating, muscle aches, anxiety, mood swings the list of symptoms goes on (everyone is different so different results for everyone, & many will experience the same symptoms) when you experience these symptoms during your fast it means the toxins are leaving your body THIS IS A GOOD THING. Do not be afraid AND DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF.

    Fasting can reverse many ailments and will break many addictions from sugar, alcohol, bad habits the list goes on. It won't be easy, you will have temptations but it will be all worth it in the end so keep fighting. Accept that you will have to endure pain and suffering till the hump is over, YOURSELF WILL THANK YOU LATER. It's like when someone that is addicted to heroin stops using, debilitating withdrawal symptoms set in, including muscle aches, anxiety, desperation, fear, etc. Also, depending on the person's lifestyle, you will have to do a fast longer than others and this is not an overnight thing.. to reverse a disease all depending, you have to fast longterm taking baby-steps and changing your eating habits will.

    Keep in mind any addiction like drugs/sugar/alcohol etc you consume it alters brain chemistry, so you will experience a number of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms during the detox as mentioned above. There is so much to learn with fasting and how good it is for us. For those who never done a fast before start with IF and moving a notch up. You have to experience it for yourself. Fasting is the fountain of youth, it rejuvenates the immune system, it slows the aging process and decreases cancer risk. Fasting is very rewarding. If interested in fasting there are many books out there on fasting. I bought many books on fasting, to name a few Fasting by Jetezen Franklin, The daniel fast and The daniel fast for weight loss, Fasting by Derek Prince and no I am not affiliated with any this is not an advertisement just trying to help anyone looking into fasting. I have also learned a lot from Joy Blair she is an anointed woman of God also has many books out and fasting is 1 of her main topics. When you fast and include God with prayers you will experience a powerful spiritual encounter with God. Check out sister Joy Blair channel God bless

  28. I respect Greger. However I don’t think it scientifically right just picking few negative papers while majority research proved the benefits of all types of fasting. In addition He is not expert in this field.

  29. There is a significant amount of caloric restriction in the 2nd study with a normal 2300 calorie diet one day and nothing but some berries and milk the second day (800 calories max) This would be roughly an average of 1600 calories per day. The real question is whether or not it is the intermittent fasting or caloric restriction that is causing the improved health outcomes. From my memory and what I've read, it is the caloric restriction that is likely the cause of the improvement, although fasting makes it easier to restrict calories by increasing leptin levels and decreased ghrelin levels.

    TL;DR: Intermittent fasting makes caloric restriction easier which is likely the actual cause of health benefits and increased longevity.

  30. I do IF between 11am and 7pm. Originally it was between 12pm to 8pm. I changed due to a new job. What I found is that my relationship with food changed and for the better. I've also found that I now eat much healthier. Only a small handful of times have I broken the end time. Once was because I had a coffee with a friend that finished 8:10pm, another time was a Christmas function where I stopped eating 8:15pm, next was a wedding where I wrote the day off (ate so much fruit during the day though) and last Saturday where I ate out and despite no customers the place didn't get my dish where I didn't finish until 7:10pm. It's helped me a lot. I always drink water outside those hours. If I'm hungry before 11am I will eat a piece of fruit.

  31. I do OMAD (lots of days cheating.)..cysts are disappearing as are all my other issues are gone or greatly reduced…It will be part of my life…forever.

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