Sei ore di sonno sono sufficienti?

Solo perché non abbiamo prove che ci sia una crescente epidemia di privazione del sonno, non significa necessariamente che stiamo dormendo abbastanza . Di quante ore di sonno abbiamo bisogno?

Ecco alcuni altri video sul sonno:
• Crostata di ciliegie per l'insonnia (
• Kiwi contro l'insonnia (
• Come trattare il jet lag con la luce (
• Gli integratori di melatonina sono sicuri? (<br/> • Come trattare il jet lag con alimenti ricchi di melatonina ( -rich-food/)
• Fare luce sulla perdita di peso (
• I cellulari influiscono sul sonno? (

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75 Risposte a “Sei ore di sonno sono sufficienti?”

  1. I hope so, cuz that's all I ever get…. 😬 Edit: welllllll that's not good. I checked my fitbit and my average is like 5.5 hours… 😮‍💨

  2. As someone who works the night shift and sleeps during the day, I would absolutely love to get 6 hours of sleep a day. I mean, I might be in bed for 6-7 hours, but I'm lucky to sleep more than 3 hours at a time before I start to wake up.

  3. Depends where you start off. According to Matt Walker (I suggest you watch his TED speech), there's a thing like sleep debt.
    So if you're "in the green" and sleep 6 hours, then you're good. But if you slept 4 hours a night for the last two years – 12 hours a night might be the norm until you work off the sleep debt you've gathered.

  4. More than 8h is best optimal is even nearer 9hour (if one is healthy/young enough) to allow proper hormonal/health benefits. if all your life your body accumulated weakness to the point of only (falsely)"needing" 7hour that is unfortunate but if you have a small body acquainted to it then one should try to not fall even lower.
    if one sleep 14hour that is good (it means you had sleep debt) but you should get rid of the harmful situations that lead to such (real) need (a noisy neighbor, busy week, sleep apnea etc). these situations is obviously a confunding factor (beside employment status that also advantage poorer sleeper) for people sleeping longer hours. as it says in the video there is no other scientific explanation beside confounding factors but we do have data for benefit on longer sleep (hormons, sleep debt mechanism, evolutionnary logic, age correlation etc).

  5. Actually, there is evidence that some people genetically can get by with less sleep than others. Some need 6 hours of sleep while others need 7-8 hours. Quality of that sleep also matters.

  6. My body started only needing about six hours sometime in my mid-20's. I can't sleep longer if I wanted to, and also don't feel any lack of energy or alertness. It's one of those things where I'm not going to try to fight my body to make some studies happy, I will just listen to it.

  7. Of course there is a detrimental effect to sleeping too much. Every hour of sleep that you didn't need is an hour of your very finite life you don't get to experience.

  8. Do the 7 hours of sleep have to be together, all in one go, to be effective? What if I have broken up sleep for a combined total of 7 hours…is that just as good? Thanks.

  9. I'm so glad that there's no direct mechanism for longer sleep causing lower lifespans because I sleep 9-10 hours most nights and if I sleep less than that I have rebounds of 11-14 hours. I was worried that I was oversleeping and hurting my body somehow but at the same time I'm guessing it's good to let your body sleep as long as it wants to? Because my body REALLY wants it's 9+ hours lol

  10. I personally need 10 hours of sleep per day to be completely revitalized. I'm 21 and have IBS as well as eczema and is currently still under treatment. So I guess it's true that chronic illnesses make you need more sleep.

  11. To think they tortured animals to death by keeping them awake 🙁 What kind of monster is capable of doing such a thing 🙁

  12. I have to wonder if there are sleep cycles based on time of year.

    We have food cycles. I tend to eat heartier (more starches) in the cooler months and have more desire for green and fresh in the warmer months.

    I would imagine that in summer, based on more light duration people would require less sleep in part because of productivity of prepping for cooler months.

    Granted we live in a different world where our work is different and more consistent in a good majority of employment but that's derived from a technology change.

    In agricultural professions, the shift in productive hours hasn't changed much.

    Just a thought.

  13. I thought memory is stored long term , testosterone was made, and emotions are burned off between the 7th and 8 hours of sleep..Those are kinda important things..Good reason to sleep 8 hours..

  14. Wonder what aging does to that recommendation? Some elderly people swear they only need 4 or 5 hours daily. I suspect they may not be counting "naps" in their recliners. 😊

  15. A sleep tracking device is needed to truly understand the quantity and quality of your sleep. Apple watches are the most accurate available according to the TheQuantifiedScientist…

  16. Sleep trackers like the Apple Watch or the Oura Ring do a good job of tracking sleep duration and sleep levels.
    It would be interesting to get a hold of their data and see how it compares with reported data. Reported data is less reliable.

  17. Since I gone vegan, I can get full rest in 4 hours, given I don't oveat and behave well. Many other vegans observe decrease dneed for sleep too

  18. I guess age (teenagers needing more sleep because they are growing) and weight (the heavier a person is requires more sleep to recover from carrying the extra weight) have the most influence on # of Hours sleeping.

  19. i'd say obviously your body know more than anyone or anything else.
    It seems to make sense that the only thing we cant get too much is sleep because once we are really rested, it is impossible to sleep if not using drugs.
    I regularly need 9-10hrs of sleep and occasionally 12hrs.
    No alarm, dark room and silence and no stimulant like caffeine is the key to know how much we need.

  20. Thank you for making this video, I have kinda been killing myself slowly by sleeping 5-6 hours a night for the past year with 8-10 hrs on weekends. The cognitive impairment is very noticeable, weight gain is faster, and general mood is affected. There are periods of the day where it is a challenge to stay awake and closing my eyes for more than a few seconds may induce sleep. This obviously makes driving more dangerous but thankfully I haven’t had any accidents. The longer you go with improper sleep the harder it is to set a regular sleep schedule as you feel like you want more time to do things because the time you already have feels less enjoyable. But I know I have to face it and this video helped give me the confidence to put my foot down and turn this around before I develop any severe complications. Eating well has kept me from impairing my health too much but sleep is equally if not more important. Learn from my inadvertent experiment and get those extra hours of sleep if you feel like you need them!

  21. TL;DR – sleep quality is far more important than sleep quantity.

    The question is wrong. Six hours of "sleep" it says. But what is the definition of "sleep"? Is six hours of sleep, while the neighbors are making noise enough? Surely not. Is six hours in a completely quiet and comfortable environment enough? Probably yes. So….the right question is, "how do environmental factors influence our sleep, and how do we compensate for it with sleep duration?"

    I've had experiences during Mardis Gras in New Orleans, where I had "9 hours of sleep" while the city was vibrating from the music, and I felt like crap the next day. And likewise, I've also had "only" 5 hours of sleep at my sister's country home, miles away from the nearest neighbor, and I felt GREAT. So, I think the environment matters a WHOLE lot more than the time spent sleeping. Because, no matter how much you sleep, if your bedroom is contaminated with noise and lights, you're still got getting the sleep you need.

  22. Kids get 9 hours of sleep, and they don't get diabetes (or other health problems) as a consequence. Also, athletes who get more than 7 hours sleep perform better than those who get only 7 hours.

  23. I hate people that act like they sleep like 4hours because they are too serious about their grind set. If I get the chance, I will instantly choose 10hours of sleep. 10hours is when I feel best anything less or more makes me feel like crap.

  24. In the heat of Summer I prefer five hours at night and two hours in the afternoon. But this requires AC and also the freedom to choose one's own hours of activity. 5am-10 is good to beat the heat outdoors, get the nap and do afternoon stuff, then back outside at 4-dark and sleep a short night, start near daylight the next day.

  25. I think quality of Sleep is important and that probably declined. We have to much stuff going on while we sleep. To much light everywhere and stress many have during the day. Wifi signals all night (not sure why people can't turn it off while sleeping). Phone Signals. Electricity etc.

  26. The sleep videos always fail to address the effect of a Whole Food plant-based vegan diet. For example, if vegans are less likely to develop amyloid plaques maybe less sleep is required. Some of the oldest people I know that are sharp as a tack and eating healthiest whole plant Foods almost if not entirely raw tend to get 5 hours of sleep. Of course that's only anecdotal but it's an intriguing theory that amyloid plaques may be more of an issue for people eating animals. It just seems incredibly insufficient to neglect factoring in diet here.

  27. I am getting 3-5 hours of sleep Monday through Thursday and weekends I sleep 8 or 9 hours a night. 7 to 9 hours is ideal for me. Below 5 hours is pretty miserable

  28. And what about lactating mothers who wake up to feed their babies? Are they also having brain damaging effects that can lead to dementia? That doesn’t make sense, because feeding a baby during the night is a natural process and I believe if you following the natural process you shouldn’t get sick. But it’s just my assumption…

  29. 90 minutes is enough but most people eat the wrong foods and live in artificial environments = more stress so most people are still far from a purified/perfect health state so need more hours. I find when I am fasting and eating fruit in the mountains, I sleep 2 – 4 hours a day. In the city more dense foods, more stress I need 4 – 6 hours. Everyone is different.

  30. "Indeed, cringe-worthy experiments have shown that keeping animals awake long enough is fatal within 11 to 32 days."

    I'm laughing out loud at the choice of the word "cringe-worthy". Is killing animals in the equivalent of the Russian sleep experiment in the ballpark of talking too much about your love of My Little Pony with your co-workers or is it more like a botched proposal at someone else's wedding? Will I see it in one of those tiktok cringe compilations?

  31. Was hearing from Matthew Walker that getting more than 8hrs sleep was shown to be seemingly unhealthy because people with chronic issues sleep longer. Is it unhealthy or are unhealthy people requiring more sleep?

  32. I tend to get between 6 and 7 hours a night on average and find I function better and feel less sleepy than if I get more or less than that. I have arvo siestas occasionally even if I'm not feeling tired because I've heard it's good for the heart and I don't care if that's true or not cuz I like siestas! lol

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