Il dosaggio ottimale di vitamina B12 per adulti

Perché l'attuale dose giornaliera raccomandata di vitamina B12 potrebbe essere insufficiente e qual è il dosaggio ottimale.

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Questo è il secondo di una serie di 5 video su B. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Fonti alimentari più sane di vitamina B12 (
• La vitamina B ottimale12 Dosaggio per bambini, gravidanza e anziani ( -vitamina-B12-dosaggio-per-bambini-gravidanza-e-anziani)<br/> • Il miglior tipo di vitamina B: cianocobalamina o metilcobalamina? (

Se si perso il primo video, guarda I sintomi della carenza di vitamina B000 (

Puoi trovare tutti questi video in un download digitale qui (https://drgreger. org/collections/downloads/products/b000-recommendations-digital), insieme a due video aggiuntivi che usciranno tra qualche mese.

Le mie nuove raccomandazioni sono aggiornate sulle mie Raccomandazioni di nutrizione ottimale ( /580/12/12/dr-gregers-580-optimum-nutrition-recommendations/) page.

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100 Risposte a “Il dosaggio ottimale di vitamina B12 per adulti”

  1. Can someone explain why the recommended frequency always seems to be either daily or once weekly? Is that just random or does it matter in terms of absorption? Like is 1000 mcg twice a week just as fine?

  2. You're not talking about the active & passive way to absorb B12 any reason therefor? As far as I know Niko Rittenau mentioned that to remain normal levels 2×10 mykrogramm per day with at least 4 hours in between would already be optimal

  3. Haha I was taking about 1250mcg a day. The suggested serving was actually 2500mcg per day. I guess I can cut back a little. I thought I could just rely on fortified milk but it doesn't seem it was cutting it. I was getting brain fog and had low energy. Felt like passing out. I'm not sure if it was related though.

  4. Thank you. I am having a question though. One of your earlier statements concerning those of us over 65 needing to take extra B12, how does the new recommendation fit in for us long term vegans over 65??

  5. But the utilitization of cyano and methyl b12 is diffrent. 250 what? Cyano?

    My current knowledge still suggest either 250cyano or 500methyl a day. Or 1500cyano and 2000methyl a week

  6. PLEASE HELP ME! My supplements have 2.4 mcg of B12 and it says it represents 100% of our needs. Can you help me understand? How on Earth could I reach 50mcg? I don't understand anything… Thank you so much

  7. What Mr. Greger does not explain is that small daily doses of B12 are much better absorbed than a weekly large dose. Google the study at 5:08. This is why a daily dose of 50 mcg is as effective as a singly weekly dose of 2000 mcg. The numbers did not add up, and this is why.

  8. Are you aware that your white background fullscreen graphics are not 100%
    opaque? Your shadowy arm movements are still discernible.

  9. Can you do the same for DHA and EPA omega-3 fats, meaning considering the conversion rate is it enough to eat certain amount of flax/chia/etc. or to get enough DHA can be done via supplementation only?

  10. A bucket full of day should do the trick. I load of bollocks. Grandma lived to 98. She didn't supplement anything. And I know you will come back to me and say anecdotal evidence doesn't Count. Well that is my evidence and it does count.

  11. Thank you, Dr . Greger! Could you please recommend how often I should have B12 injections and what dosage? I cannot find good quality B12 supplements. Thank you in advance.

  12. Since my uncle gets itchy spots scarring him after taking cobalamin and excluding other food triggers the fortified nutritional yeast has helped but he gets Sneezy after yeast hope it's just coincidence. He is whole food plant based hope he'll be ok

  13. Dr. Dre probably had an aneurysm because he doesn't eat meat and wasn't supplementing his diet with B12. Family, please, take your B12 if on plant based diet.

  14. I would love to see a video on the proposed upper limit of B-12 and dangers of taking too much. I've been taking a daily dose of 500ug, and the level of B-12 in my blood was way too high (well above the upper range). My doctor actually recommended I stop taking it for awhile and lower my dose. I'm vegan and this is the only reliable source of B-12 I consume.

  15. This is so scary not knowing what the long-term affects would be until I’m older! Since all the supplements are in the thousands I guess it would make the most sense to go the once a week route.

  16. Maybe u should start eating meat and the carnivore diet instead of jumping all the time during the entire video and maybe ur eyes would get normal too so u wont need glasses anymore DOC 😀 How about that ?

  17. What’s that one spray if b12 supplement per week?
    Dr g – vested interests?
    Coz I’m starting to find out supplements can be harmful for health, it sucks that vegans are targeted & fall for it

  18. Now I am confused. My multi-vitamin says it contains 6 mcg in each pill which equals 250% of RDA. He recommends 250mcg a day. I think the measurement units are the same so why the massive difference? Anyone?

  19. The units are confusing me. Sometimes the recommendation is referred to in single digits and other times it is in thousands. Which is it?

  20. I’m so confused and all this doesn’t even apply to me a >60 average female.
    I’m sure I’m not the only one.
    Please, how much of what should I take per day?

  21. A vial of 9ug costs me one Swiss Franc. So 50 would cost me nearly six francs a day. I simply can`t afford 2000 francs a year for a supplement.

  22. It is quite interesting that cyanocobalamin is listed in the government's toxicity database as generally known or suspected to cause serious health problems. Cyanocobalamin is also on the list of toxins that the EPA must regulate, set a standard for, and try to reduce or eliminate.
    Methylcobalamin is the preferred choice.

  23. I became vegan and went whole-food plant based 15 months ago. I've lost nearly 80 lbs. I went in to have my homocysteine levels checked today and the result was 15. I'm told this is the high end of normal and I need to reduce it. My Vit B12 level was normal. What should I do? I run a 10k everyday. I'm only 15 lbs overweight (still losing weight daily), and I eat a ton of beans and leafy vegetables. My folate levels were >20 (normal) too. Help me please.

  24. Why does Dr. Greger (and other WFPB docs) say supplements are trash, and then occasionally talk about the importance of taking supplements?

  25. I love how you are a true scientist and a doctor. Using most recent and legit scientific literacy, research, and data to UPDATE the recommend dose instead of clinging stubbornly to old scientific data like so many other doctors. Mad respect to you sir!

  26. I'm a little confused. I have one supplement that says 1000 mcg that I take occasionally. Another daily multi says 15 mg. It SAYS the 15 mg is 882%. Is that correct? Is it enough? The 1000 mcg says it is almost 17,000%.

  27. Even this video has me confused. I'm a 62 yo Male vegan. I was taking 1,000 mcg 1 daily in a supplement. When I reduced to 2,000 mcg weekly I was very fatigued and went back to 1,000 mcg daily. Problem solved. Additional study shows you can take too much B-12 and the excess isn't simply eliminated. Yup, every now and again I'll have fortified nutritional yeast as a flavoring and I love a Miramite sandwich. What's a boy to do?

  28. No living creature ever took any vitamins or supplements. 102 year old Dr. Fred Kummerow Ph.D in food chemistry and Professor of food science never took any vitamins or supplements for evidence based reasons which were based on his 450 published scientific food research reports. He said that unless you have a bad diet or a specific medical condition then those unregulated vitamins and supplements can do more harm than good. The ones they put in fortified foods are a safer option only if needed.

  29. Gracias doctor., por sus recomendaciones para tomar vitaminas B12 su video esta muy bien detallado.
    Porfabor recomiendeme algo para fortalecer mi cerebro no estoy reteniendo información en mi cerebro .
    Saludos desde tijuana b.c México

  30. Slow down! Vitamins B12, choline, and folate can partly accommodate a deficiency of each other right? They all address elevated homocysteine for instance. So taking more B12 could mask a folate or choline deficiency right?

  31. In my country Cyanocobalamin is not available. My b12 test shows the level less than 159pg/mL. What should be my dosage (of Methylcobalamin) and for what duration?

  32. Hi! I can't find B12 in 50 nor 2000 mcg dosages anywhere in my area. I can only find cyanocobalamin in a 250mcg dosage. Can somebody please help me figure out how often I should supplement per week with this dose? I didn't quite understand the formula shared in the video…

    edit: If I did the calculation right, a 250mcg dose should give me an uptake of 8.6 mcg of B12 in a day. Would taking this much from a supplement, plus eating some fortified foods on top of that be too much? In that case, should I supplement 250mcg every other day and have my fortified foods daily?

  33. Thank God I saw this!!! I hadn’t yet, but was thinking the 2000mcg dose was an every day does. Holy Crap! Thank you!!!!

  34. We need to know what supplements and what vitamin companies do not cheat their customers. Since the FDA does not regulate vitamins at least, the vita companies can just put what ever they want in them. You might get ZERO of the vitamin in question, if any in the bottle you purchased. And it is hard, if not impossible to get B12 "naturally" without resulting to eating meat or dairy.

  35. so about the 2000 mcg per week, does that mean the 2000 mcg must be taken all at once or can I instead take a 1000 mcg tablet TWICE a week instead?

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