Il dottor Greger in cucina: il mio nuovo dessert preferito (con filmati bonus!)

Dott. Greger prepara un gelato al matcha ispirato a una ricetta nel suo How Not to Die Cookbook – ora con filmati bonus!

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Sono così entusiasta del mio nuovo libro di cucina “Come non morire” di cibi integrali. Puoi ordinarlo qui ( Come per tutti i miei libri, DVD e impegni di conferenze, tutti i proventi che ricevo vanno in beneficenza.<br/>
Questo è il secondo video di cucina che faccio. Se ti sei perso il primo, puoi prenderlo da Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: My New Favorite Beverage ( la-cucina-la-mia-nuova-bevanda-preferita). Fammi sapere se vuoi che continui a fare questi o dovrei tornare indietro e attenermi alla scienza.

A proposito, ovviamente abbiamo aggiunto questa ricetta al sito in modo da poter preparare un sano dessert con semaforo verde oggi. Guardalo su

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100 Risposte a “Il dottor Greger in cucina: il mio nuovo dessert preferito (con filmati bonus!)”

  1. Great work Doc. Freee advise — Forget the second camera angle, it is distracting. If you want to use a B camera put it next to the A camera and use a tighter lens for a closer angle. Then cut to the closer angle when an important or exciting point is being made.

  2. What an absolutely kind person! How many doctors donate money from their work to charity and just do it to HELP PEOPLE??? That's unheard of in today's time! Thank you Dr.Greger! 👏💛

  3. That kid is a sharp dresser!
    I've got this cookbook, and I love it. It's not only about healthy and tasty recipes, but the photography is gorgeous! A friend called me today, lamenting how fat and unhealthy he has become. I told him to get this book and get started turning things around!

  4. Hi, I recently saw a movie call "The Perfect Human Diet by Gravitas Ventures" my question is "Do you know if this film was financed for any meet Industry?"

  5. Hi Dr. Greger. I purchased two of your … 'How not to die Cook Books'. We were loving the Date Syrup, and Cinnamon Cookies. But here in the UK, the dates seem to be covered in Sulfur Dioxide… even ORGANIC. This chemical makes my daughter and I ill. It makes me wheeze, and gives Melody chest pains. What would you suggest? I would like to buy Frozen Dates with no chemicals. Can you help make this happen? We need a Dr. Michael Greger SHOP!

  6. Hi, I’m new to your channel and I enjoy very much love, love. I enjoy very much learning so much, can’t wait for more video like this.

  7. Okay, Dr. Greger – WHERE do I get a copy of your beautiful graphic of the Daily Dozen? That's just beautiful!! By the way, I recently purchased a copy of your How Not to Die Cookbook, with the goal of 'having a new me by 60' (which I will be June 2018!). I am super impressed and pleased – the photography (which I am a photographer) is superb. You are a true gift to the world. Your generosity is beyond kind. You are loved, God Bless! And . . . not to forget . . . WHERE do I get a copy of the beautifully illustrated canvas? ; )

  8. I saw the how not to die in a health food shop and I really wanted to get it but I had way too many choices haha. Next time I’m definitely purchasing this book, it’s a gem!💕💕

  9. I eat carnivore, but used to be vegan/macro and retained some of the logical regimens from those ways of eating. I drink lots of macha tea. I add potassium, sea salt, and a torn up sheet of nori and it is wonderful. Very nutritious and uplifting.

  10. the importance of ruminants on the ecosystem
    Also I think it’s important to acknowledge the fact that there is studies that show both sides of the argument right.
    Meaning no one way of doing it is proven right.

    Everyone’s different and should follow what feels right for them and Brings them the best health.

    Nutrition science is known to be one of the hardest sciences to conduct studies on.

    There are so many variables to control for making the vast majority of conclusions weak.

    Hence the debate.

    If it were a clear cut answer there would be no debate

  11. I finally gave this a try (my Japanese friend sent me some matcha from Kyoto recently) and it really does taste really similar to normal matcha ice cream, but with a bit of a banana aftertaste. Super creamy and delicious

  12. What a scream! Awesome stuff, do you take requests? I want to buy your cookbook and request which ones I want you to demonstrate. No scratch that, just demonstrate them all on youtube. I want an apron lile yours. Where can I get one?

  13. Quelle déception !!! déjà avec les légumes avec les glaçons est choquant car trop d'écart entre la température de l'estomac et celle du breuvage, en plus, une paille !!! par conséquent cette nourriture liquide n'a que peu ou pas d'insalivation, pas de contact avec les différentes papilles de la langue et de la muqueuse buccale…
    Du coup je ferai l'économie du livre de recettes

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