Il ferro eme causa il cancro?

Modelli di laboratorio suggeriscono che dosi estreme di ferro eme possono essere dannose, ma che dire degli effetti delle dosi nutrizionali nell'uomo?

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Questo fa parte di una serie di nove video sulle carni vegetali. Se ti sei perso una delle altre puntate precedenti, dai un'occhiata a:
• Gli impatti ambientali dei sostituti della carne di origine vegetale ( /video/l'impatto-ambientale-dei-sostituti-della-carne-vegetali)
• Oltre la carne e l'hamburger impossibile sono salutari? (<br/> • Gli isolati proteici di piselli e soia sono nocivi? (
• Sostituti vegetali della carne messi alla prova ( -to-the-test)
• Gli effetti sulla salute dei prodotti a base di micoproteine ​​(Quorn) rispetto ai BCAA nella carne (
• E l'eme in Impossible Burgers? (

I prossimi due video della serie sono in arrivo. Vedi:
• Composti N-nitroso indotti da eme e ossidazione dei grassi ( -composti-n-nitroso-indotti-e-ossidazione-dei-grassi)
• L'eme è il motivo per cui la carne è cancerogena? (

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42 Risposte a “Il ferro eme causa il cancro?”

  1. I love how you present everything matter of factly and consider every possible angle. I wish more people approached health and nutrition that way.

  2. I consume so much of leafy greens that my haemoglobin at times reaches 18 mg/dl and that's just why I need to keep donating my blood.

    Luckily my Ferritin and Iron levels are not that high.

  3. OMG the double episode teaser/cliffhanger 😄

    This sure is a lot of work to determine if a certain junk food is "good" for us.

  4. It's annoying to be continually told to tune in next time. Maybe 4 minutes is too short and our tiny brains can handle 10 minutes. Although it is sometimes difficult to listen when he speed-mumbles his way through the studies that he's reciting.

  5. I never thought those burgers were good for a person anyway as I always felt bad after eating them, so this is just confirming what I already believed. Plus Bill Gates…. I mean come on!

  6. Give me a slab of liver, give me a huge t-bone steak, give me a whole chicken to fry. I will forever be a meat eater. As well as eggs and cheese. Absolutely delicious. Good for my hormones as well. It's so scary how deathly looking vegans are. Keep at it, it's okay your race will die out. Having trouble getting pregnant? Having hormonal issues? Severe acne? Mood swings? Better question your diet… Special if you're a vegan

  7. I don't understand why people think that vegans eat like Impossible meat every single day for every meal or something like that. Most of the vegans I know eat them sparingly, or when they feel generous to themselves. Most of us still consume veggies and legumes and tofu/tempe in the end.

  8. check out the channel 'the real truth about health'. top dr's on nutrition and other disciplines sit on a panel and discuss all matters of health. best channel ive ever seen

  9. I like Beyond meat products, I don't care for the genuine flesh appearance &taste, as long as there's a tasty, savory flavor and good texture, im happy.

  10. This cliffhanger approach to your information delivery is making it unnecessarily confusing and difficult to follow.

  11. Please quit the cliffhangers. The "which we will explore next" stuff is often hard to find on some devices, and frankly extremely annoying.
    Otherwise, thank you for all the great content.

  12. Who would listen to this man for health advice? He's bald, needs 1 inch thick glasses, and does not look like a man who enjoys physical activities… -BUT SCIENCE SAYS!!! 😉

  13. I still don't get why they do trials with rodents with such big amounts of X. In many cases, the clinical studies show different results. It feels like the labs need to do all those trials just because they have the resources, it makes no sense to me. Anyway, great video like always doc!

  14. 1.53 The quoted article says "Meat heated at a high temperature contain HAAs." It is not specified what is meant by "high temperature", but you say that this means "high, dry heat" which you elaborate as "Basically, anything except steaming or stewing." Two questions: 1. does this article specify that or is this your interpretation? 2. what about high temperature cooking, but moist heat, as in using the pressure cooker?

  15. So, do i have to take the 3mg of heme x my bodyweight in kg ( = 210mg) to see what is a dangerous amount of heme to take per day?
    I an anaemic, so I started heme iron.

  16. Why didn't you just start talking about the clinical trials in the 1st place instead of babbling on about studies done on mice?

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