Risultati della dieta cheto per dimagrire

Diete chetogeniche e $ -miliardi di espedienti dietetici.
La teoria sottostante che le diete chetogeniche hanno una sorta di vantaggio metabolico, è stata falsificata sperimentalmente. Gli studi dei sostenitori della dieta chetogenica hanno mostrato l'esatto opposto: le diete chetogeniche in realtà ti mettono in uno svantaggio metabolico e rallentano la perdita di grasso corporeo. Quanto rallenta la perdita di grasso con una dieta a basso contenuto di carboidrati?

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Questa è la terza puntata della mia serie cheto. Nel caso in cui ti sei perso i primi due, vedi Keto è una dieta efficace per combattere il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Keto-an-Effective-Cancer-Fighting-Diet) e teoria della dieta chetogenica Metti alla prova (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/keto-diet-theory-put-to-the-test). <br/>
In arrivo ci sono:
• La perdita di peso durante la chetosi è sostenibile? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-Weight-Loss-on-Ketosis-Sustainable)
• Le diete chetologiche sono sicure? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-keto-diets-safe)
• Diete chetologiche: crescita muscolare e densità ossea (
• Una dieta chetogenica aiuta il diabete o lo peggiora? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-a-ketogenic-diet-help-diabetes-or-make-it-worse)

Questa ricerca sulla chetoterapia è nata dalla mia ricerca per il mio prossimo nuovo libro How Not to Diet. (Tutti i proventi che ricevo dai miei libri sono devoluti in beneficenza.) Puoi preordinare How Not to Diet qui (https://nutritionfacts.org/how- not-to-diet/), ma nel frattempo non esitare a dare un'occhiata ad alcuni dei miei popolari video sulla perdita di peso:
• Mangiare di più per pesare di meno (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/eating-more-to-weigh-less)
• Come prevenire il prediabete nei bambini (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-prevent- prediabete-nei-bambini/)
• Approccio denso di nutrienti alla gestione del peso (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/nutrient-dense-approach-to-weight-management/)
• Quanto esercizio fisico sostenere Perdita di peso (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-exercise-to-sustain-weight-loss/)
• Mantieni la circonferenza della vita a meno della metà della tua altezza (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/keep-yo circonferenza-vita-a-meno-della-metà-altezza/)
• L'aceto di mele aiuta a dimagrire? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/apple-cider-vinegar-help-weight-loss/)
• L'obesità patologica può essere invertita attraverso la dieta? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-morbid-obesity-be-reversed-through-diet)
• Il programma dimagrante che è migliorato con il tempo (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-weight-loss-program-that-got-better-with-time/)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/keto-diet-results-for -perdita di peso
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100 Risposte a “Risultati della dieta cheto per dimagrire”

  1. All I know is going on a keto diet makes it easier for me to eat less and not feel hungry. No other diet has ever helped me do that. 1500 calories a day, fasting long periods, not feeling terrible after eating tons of carbs. the study needs to measure the human component not just the theory of increased fat loss based on calories on vs calories out.

  2. I wonder if this has something to do with it being "low carb" and not "0 carb". Pretty much only fat, non statchy vegetables and low protein. Combined with fasting and refeeding days. I wonder if that would have different results

  3. I never regret for doing Keto diet. I eat ones a day for healthy food most what I enjoy. I am a witness for Keto that I became a very healthy and energetic when I quit all sugar and sugary good. It’s not about losing fat it’s about getting rid of all the pain and inflammation and the toxics that caused the unhealthy food we eat. Keto is clean and healthy if we understand not to eat everything that you hear about doctors or social media. Listen to your body and you will know what you body needs. Thank you

  4. I'm mostly vegan. Please do a video on oxalates, and the symptoms they can cause BESIDES kidney stones. I don't get kidney stones, but I find when I stay away from high oxalates foods (nuts, most grains, potatoes, spinach, chocolate etc), get my carbs from fruit meals (like banana smoothies), and make sure to get plenty of greens like romaine lettuce, bok choy, and bell peppers, my skin gets so clear and smooth and my energy is so much better. Also my urine starts to smell "rich" when I eat too many oxalates. Another thing I keep in mind is calcium to phosphorous ratios and try and eat 10 whole oranges as a meal most days (not juiced), that along with the greens, makes sure I get ideal calcium to phosphorus ratios 1:1 or better. Can you please talk about this also? From what I understand, too many peoples diets are way too high in phosphorous compared to calcium… which inhibits calcium absorption.

  5. Natural bodybuilders (even vegan bodybuilders) cut down on carbs when they're trying to cut, and eat more carbs when they're trying to bulk. Natural bodybuilders who are in a cutting phase before a contest will substantially lower their carb intake. And they can get down to 1 digit body fat percentage only by cutting their carb intake. You could never reach sub-10 percent bodyfat in a high carb diet. So it's not true that a low carb diet make you lose only the water weight.

  6. You can say this, but i see alot of YouTubers talking about a bad experience with Veganism(just keep that in mind). Plant based diet consumers have the same morbidity and mortality rates as regular diet consumers with regards to cancer and Alzheimer's you actually have a video on this…but this only happens if they do it wrongly, & in that video you actually highlight the importance of Vitamin B12 supplementation and ground flaxseed in a plant based diet. In the same way, Keto diet consumers will get negative results if they do Keto the wrong way. I'd be more glad if you did another video on how to do Keto the right way, rather than criticizing it in video after video yet there are countless testimonies of people who've been on it for years and are healthy. Thank you.

  7. After years of researching nutrition it is both obvious and logical to me that a whole food plant based diet is the optimal if following the daily dozen provided by Dr. Greger. I also believe that fasting is an amazing health promoting lifestyle and i would love to see Dr. Greger cover these many studies and bring us his professional insight

  8. I find it faszinating how everyone is happy that "the plant diet wins", while the term "ketogenic diet" doesn't mean that it can't be a WFPB diet… it just means almost no carbs. (And yes, that's possible with just plants.)

  9. Bravo!!! Here's your "ah-ha! … Gotcha!!!" moment! Very well done! 👏 👏 Bask in the warmth of this moment! As the comedian Bill Engvall used to say "Here's your sign". Meanwhile people are switching to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle (a.k.a. keto) and reversing their insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, lowering their inflammation, lowering their blood pressure, bringing back mental clarity, among many other things that's life changing for the better ( https://www.virtahealth.com/research ). Enjoy your moment! 😉

  10. Fat will kill your heart muscle. After 4 grandparents two parents 1 stepparent have died or are continuing down the heart attack path that is all it took for me to be a low fat vegan. Thank you Dr. Greger

  11. Looks like the Keto diet is getting free rent in Dr G’s head. For many people (myself included) Keto simply works. I lost over 40 lbs in 6 months and feel so much better. Keto diet industry??? What are you talking about? One simply cuts out highly refined sources of carbs and sugar. There is nothing I buy that’s marketed for Keto. Just healthier food including more vegan choices. On the other hand, there all kinds of junk marketed for low fat diets like Weight Watchers etc.

  12. Sorry, Doctor but the research you've shown in the video ISN'T KETO.. it might NOT even be qualified as low-carb. The test subjects so-called reduced carbohydrate (RC) diet still has 29% of the macros as carbs (140g) whereas in true keto, it's 5% (20g).

    At least find an article with true keto to make your claim more believable.

    Full Research Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4603544/
    Diet plan of Test Subjects: https://imgur.com/a/SfudrgS

  13. My colleagues said to me the other day “if I ate as many carbs as you do I’d be as big as a house and asleep at my desk”. I retorted, “I used to believe that too”. While they gain weight every year, I stay slim and fit. While they drink coffee all day to stay awake, I ride my bike to and from work. 10 miles round trip daily.

  14. I know some people who have lost a ton of weight but they cut out tons of processed food and restricted calories. I try to tell them to cut calories with whole plant based foods but they are so convinced it was the Keto and continue on their path of destruction.

  15. Losing more doesn't mean it's works better … people who is on keto diet lost weight slowly but surly and they didn't feel dissatisfied

  16. just finished 5 weeks on keto and i maintained strength lowered body fat and retained muscle mass….hmmm good luck with that lol

  17. You're missing the point. Keto isn't wildly popular because of the initial water-weight drop. It's because people don't feel hungry on keto. Many, many people fail on low fat diets because they're always hungry. There's also the restaurant problem. It's very hard to find anything low-fat at a restaurant, and almost impossible to find something WFPB compliant. But keto? Easy – steak and salad, bunless burger, chicken wings, chicken caesar salad….etc.

  18. Amazing how many people in these comment sections have so much of their ego/identity wrapped up in their dietary choice. "WE'LL SHOW THOSE BAD KETO PEOPLE!!!" Humans. It's always "Us vs. Them."

  19. It's very misleading to claim that you can only lose water weight on keto. You do lose substantial water weight on keto, but that's just at the initial adaptation phase that could be up to several weeks. But once you're fully adapted to using ketone bodies as the primary energy, you do start burning fat.

    Here's a woman who's been on keto years and her body fat is around 10%.

  20. I don't see any mention of actually maintaining KETOSIS, only that of a "reduced fat" vs "reduce carbohydrate" diet which is not necessarily a KETO DIET.

  21. These studies are funded by companies that support non ketogenic diets because all of their products would be obsolete. I have seen the results of keto on my self in one and half month I lost 6.5 kg and other health benefits without doing any exercise. I don’t have sugar craving nor hunger and full of energy and have lots of focus and all my friends are telling me that I am younger than I was before. This channel is working for the companies that infect our bodies with useless food. All those studies are done and research are funded by the same companies that infect our bodies with diseases. Don’t believe in it.

  22. if you use low carb/keto or low fat it works in both ways but fat is used for more than energy in the body so i rather eat fat than empty calories in form of carbs

  23. LOL at all of the vegtards praising this walking corpse. Gregor completely misrepresented the paper he referenced. Even the lead author of that study, Kevin Hall, blasted him on Twitter for doing this. But hey, keep putting this white walker on a pedestal you nutrient deficient plant worshippers.

  24. I just don't understand what these videos are hoping to achieve. You may lose more weight on a low fat diet but carbs make me hungry, they make me snack. I'm looking for food an hour after a bowl of rice. It's not a like for like comparison because I'd be really hungry on the one option. As for water weight, it's not a gimmick if you feel better without it, and you consider your natural state to be without it. Same goes for not shitting and farting all day. If I'm choosing to not be bloated, hungry, full of water then fat burning numbers are meaningless.

  25. Dr Michael Greger, I don't know how to thank you enough for ALL that you have done without corporate $$$. When I discovered your site two months ago ( Hubby diagnosed with diabetes) I finally felt safe! Safe to believe in what you are teaching. Safe that the facts are indeed facts. Real Facts vs 'paid facts' paid for by misleading corps. This WFPD diet is a doable/thrive-able HEALTHY way to live life to the fullest without worry of hangover damage from all the other "diets" out there! I Feel Safe in what you teach. I only wish more doctors would learn these truths so I could go to MY doctor and not have to nod politely (because he will not even listen to what I have to say) as he tells me it will not work…despite the weightloss and the dropping numbers (insert Faceplant here). Thank you Thank you Thank you! PS: I have shared your website Many times over the past 2 months. As my husband beats his diabetes and I loss weigh more people will ask us how we did it…and we will send them to you. We will be living proof that facts Do Not Lie nor do you!! Can't wait until your new books comes out!

  26. I live on a low fat low sugar but high carb diet since i got in apartment the diet is not by choice tho its because i just like most students am short an cash and grain based foods like pasta (high carb) are the cheapest available and its been 7 years now
    7 years ago my pants were 30 inch by 36 inch but today i wear pants of 40 inch by 36 inch thats how much bigger from fat i gained now i even have a double chin and fatty fingers and thats on your crap high carb low fat diet STOP LYING YOU PIECE OF CRAP you are lucky we are not face to face

  27. Whats funny is on your add you mostly compare high carb foods:
    pizza, fries, breaded chicken and burgers which are all foods you are not allowed in a keto diet
    with low carb foods:
    Apple, blue berry, kale, brocoli, chou and letuce and surprisingly all of those are actually low carb and excluding the apple and blue berries you can eat all of those in a keto diet
    So really in this video you are contradicting yourself YOU LITTLE LIAR

  28. I have tried virtually every diet / way of eating – I was always left craving food and feeling hungry all the time. The keto diet (vegan) is the first time in my adult life that I literally don't even think about food until I get real hunger pains. For normal people, I see your point – but for food addicted, obese people the low carb / high fat way of eating will keep them satisfied.

  29. Study cited: Calorie for calorie, dietary fat restriction results in more body fat loss than carbohydrate restriction in people with obesity

    The carbohydrate restricted group had 29% of energy intake coming from carbs. I don't know how you could possibly compare that with the generally accepted maximum of 5% in a ketogenic diet. They already consumed more sugar than would be allowed as total carb intake on keto… This evidence literally teaches us nothing about keto, all this implies is that higher fat is not favorable in diets with moderate carb intake.
    Also, a DEXA scan couldn't detect statistically significant changes in body fat between the the diet groups, so maybe the difference in daily lost body fat is not as big as one might think.

  30. Let me say I love Dr. Greger's work on plant based eating and he has had much to do with my going fully vegan about 6 years ago.

    However, I have lost more weight, lowered blood sugar and have more energy as a keto vegan. My weight loss alone seems to contradict the 17 man study. This video assumes that by eating more fats, one would increase total calories and negate the fats burned which hasn't been the case for me. There is a loss of craving to eat carbs and I actually eat far less calories. So the number of reduced calories by eating far less carbs has been much greater than the extra good fat calories.

    I used to be low fat vegan but plateaued in insulin resistance improvement. I went to vegan keto because the fat burning vs glucose burning made allot of sense to me. The only difference between keto vegan and what Dr Greger and the Forks Over Knives group of Doctors espouse is keto vegan increases the good fats such as coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds instead of starchy veges such as potatoes, rice, corn, wheat etc. I am still a vegan and I get the benefits of no animal products. So we're no that far apart. I also stay away from most fruits other than limes and do several low glycemic berries such as blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.

    The other thing that drew me to keto vegan is that of the three macros, carbs is the only macro that humans do not need at all. It doesn't make sense to me to up the starchy plant carbs in the face of that fact and the blood sugar spikes I get from them.

    Additionally the fat caused cell insulin resistance concept does not explain why so many diabetics have dramatic A1C drops on keto (vegan or not).

  31. By the way. Keto is not Atkins with only minor tweaks and should not be confused with it. Atkins increased protein to make up for less carbs. Keto keeps protein to about 15-20% which is a major macro difference. I do agree that animal products are unhealthy in any percentage. But a vegan can also be keto by staying away from starchy plants. This is what has worked for me and I'm not disagreeing with Dr. Greger on most of his work.

  32. My own study: N=1 Well formulated Keto Diet for 12 month:
    -105 pounds in 12 months. 
    -Significantly high resting blood pressure went down to 125/80,
    -fasting glucose down from weekly average of 140 to 98,
    -triglycerides, LDL and HDL within normal parameters (improvement over baseline values).
    -Improvement of Liver values
    Psychologically: Never Hungry, fell energetic and motivated enough to hit the gym after 10 years.

    So perhaps there is a significant disconnect between academia and real life. My story above has been reproduced by thousand others.
    Or is there something else at play here? Perhaps a conspiracy? If we are all healthy all of a sudden, big Pharma would lose big bucks, and doctor office would have to shut down… maybe artificially sick people are an industry that needs to be kept alive? Cherry-picked and misinterpreted data to fool the public?
    And perhaps the secret of the Keto diet is much more simple: Unless most "recommended" diets, the Keto diet is not calorie restrictive. People are not hungry. They don't feel constantly starved, cranky, and miserable. Hence, compliance is often high, and people stick with it.
    At least that was the situation in my case. N=1
    N=1 is not that statistically relevant, I hear you say? True. Yet, between 2003 and 2018 there were 62 RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED Trials, and ALL showed that a low carb, high fat diets are more successful in achieving weight loss, than high carb, low fat diets. You failed to bring this up in you "factual" video.
    Finally, you do not look at the action of Insulin and its influence on weight gain and how reducing insulin can promote weight loss. How do you achieve reduced insulin levels? You guessed it: Low carb diet! Perhaps look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRHir1k9jmE

  33. Totally disagree as an ex vegan now ketovore. Feel amazing doing it the old way as our ancestors ate. Everyone is different, find what works for you. Some thrive on a vegan or plant based diet others do better low carb higher fat with animal protien. We all need to find our own mojo and change things up every now and then so body does not stagnate into same food routine. I.F. has been proven to help with autophagy as Dr J Fung has mentioned in his videos.

  34. This is nonsense. If you eat the same number of calories you won't lose weight unless more of your calories come from fiber. Calories in- calories out, that's all that matters to weight loss. If you want to lose body fat over weight, you have to keep insulin to a minimum, and the only way to do that is to reduce carbohydrate intake.

  35. Loads of friends on keto, look pretty good to me, comment section filled with a load of failures that don't quit get you have to stick to a plan, and this post is a shining light! IT WASNT ME! ITS THE DIET THATS WRONG! NOT MY POOR SELF DISCIPLINE. Atle

  36. The problem with low-carb diets is that are unsustainable during long periods, however I discovered they carb-based diet feels very nice at autum-einter, but one I tried Keto diet, my body asked for it once hot days approached to spring. Also a lot of low-fat diets are together followed with exercising recommendation. And I can tell I loss a lot of muscle/lean-mass at my first time at Keto diet. But when I started on exercising while on it, I kept the most of my body lean-mass while my waist was reducing 1/2 size a week, achieving 8 sizes loss in 16 weeks, rebooting my blood pressure, keeping away high blood pressure migraines, saying away to any kind of digestive disorders, and recovering my circadian rhythm in a few weeks. Also numbness and chronic fatigue dissapeared like magic. Only by keeping a 1000 calories a day diet. Also important is to discover the upper limit of carbs you can eat without going out of Keto, and eat 5 grams less, this on the same meal as far and protein being ingested, this way lean-mass loss will be reduced even further, As I could notice. Yoga excersice, as long as any dynamic-tension excersice, or anaerobic-non explosive exercises, or static resistance exersices will improve lea-mass preservation against fat loss, again in my experience this tricks will work. Further I will test intermittent fasting making the meal at morning instead of 24 hours fasting eating by 10pm to midnight. Thanks for the tip Bay the way. I think Keto diet need further studing, not for result, but investigations that lead the know-how of fat loss over lean-mass loss. On winter I usually switch to vegetarian diet. Gain tons of muscle but double-tons of fat. I'll test evening fastings your research suggest, for sure obtaining notorious improvement.

  37. I think maybe the benefits are in the ketones though too, people with schizophrenia in clinical trials have gone in remission on the keto diet. It seems to be a lot healthier for your brain or people with insulin resistance.

  38. This is BS, I've never felt better while on the Keto diet. When I eat carbs I feel disgusting and bloated. The sugar industry probably paid for this.

  39. but Greger, you never mention INSULIN. It's Insulin spikes that prevent weight loss and fat spikes insulin less.

  40. Well I went on a vegan diet for 12 months and lost 18 lbs 218/200. I quit the diet and went back on the SAD diet for a year and a half & I got up to 224. Then I went on a carnivore diet 70/80% of my calories from animal fats and the rest protein with no carbs & in 4 months I lost 59 lbs 224/165! I have all my muscle tone and a slight 6 pack and I feel amazing! I went from a 38” waist to a 31” waist. I did not exercise on either diet and I saw results on both even though I personally saw amazing results on the carnivore diet. I think it’s like the doctors always tell you, “everyone is different”! 👍
    Just try things out and do what works best for you! What could it hurt to try both? At least in both diets your off the SAD way of eating which is the real culprit!😁

  41. I tried WFPB. I tried Keto. Now I'm somewhere in the middle. Humans are omnivores I think. You can probably find research to debunk anything.

  42. a keto diet helps you to lower your calories intake without feeling miserable by keeping the insulting level low which is one of the hunger triggering hormones and that's what makes it sustainable we all know keto doesn't keep water and the first week of weight loss doesn't count

  43. Kaiser did a study of all their patients diets, illnesses chronic conditions etc… After the study concluded the doctor started suggesting to patients more of a vegetarian diet and less meat.

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