Il formaggio fa davvero male?

E i recenti studi che dimostrano che il formaggio ha effetti sulla salute neutri o positivi?

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Solo perché lo studio è finanziato dall'industria non significa necessariamente che sia una cattiva scienza, però. Resta sintonizzato per Il formaggio è sano? Rispetto a cosa? ( and How the Dairy Industry Designs Studi fuorvianti (

Ecco la serie che ho citato nel video
• The Saturated Fat Studies: Set Up to Fail (
• The Saturated Fat Studies: Buttering Up the Public ( -public/)

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100 Risposte a “Il formaggio fa davvero male?”

  1. But it – the video – still doesn't answer it's own question – is cheese bad for us! The information in the video is good, but I really dislike these videos with a interesting title that then doesn't answer the question it asks. Sorry for being negative, on balance I find the videos very informative, eye-opening and helpful, but this does come up not so rarely on this channel.

  2. I think for dairy it has a lot to do with genetics with how your body reacts. I'm half Japanese and can barely digest dairy at all and feel drained all day if I eat a slice, but everyone was eating and drinking dairy for every meal when I went to italy was fine

  3. you are not addressing the arguments in the articles themselves, you just flat-out disregard the articles because their authors have an interest in promoting dairy. isn't your philosophy about looking at the facts and drawing conclusions for yourself? facts, statistics, logic, common sense? well you didn't look at any facts but did draw a conclusion.
    i'm not defending dairy and i like how you pointed out how sneaky these people are when hiding their ties to dairy. they clearly wouldn't threaten their own livelihoods, so these articles should be read with great attention to detail. but isn't it superficial to stop reading an article after first confirming that the authors benefit from painting a positive picture of their article's subject matter?
    wouldn't the videos of a person leading a plant and mushroom based, whole food diet be suspicious if they dealt with the health benefits of vegetables, fruit, beans, legumes etc. and the detrimental effects of meat and dairy? with your logic they would, but this suspicion would be unjustified and the videos would turn out to be very instructional.
    so please tell me — or someone else who is reading this — what in particular these articles misinterpreted.
    thank you.

  4. So…. is cheese good for you or not? Answer the fooking question!!! If you don’t want to answer the fooking question change the title to: is the government giving your money to the dairy industry?

  5. American Dairy and European dairy are not the same! I don't advocate eating dairy, but if you do, only chose european dairy from A2 cows that were pastured year round, and where the product was produced using traditional methods. To add, cheeses in Europe were traditionally not heated but eaten fresh with breads or fruit.

  6. Im lactose intolerant but I thought with lactase pills I could eat pizza like once a month because…Pizza. But since the start of puberty I have really bad acne and its 100% caused by dairy. After I stopped eating dairy my skin cleared up so much. I thought it was caused by the milksugar that my body can't digest so it flushes it out trough the pores but even when I take these pills that have the enzymes my body is lacking, to digest the dairy, I get breakouts. So its caused by the hormones in the milk (was proven by studies that where not fundet by the dairy industrie lmao). Conclusion: Don't drink cows milk. Its made for baby cows and not for the human body

  7. This video did nothing to prove whether or not cheese is bad for you, just that big companies will do studies trying to promote their products.

  8. The way I see it and The way I am going to live my life is…….. Anything is healthy in Moderation, as long as you dont sit on your lazy a** all day doing nothing & Actually get up and exercise, go for a walk, go to the gym, etc. For 45 Minutes to an Hour each day….. I aint depriving myself of anything to make my life miserable just to live a few weeks longer

  9. The US government is one of the most corrupt in the world. No government agency is to be trusted as they are all controlled by big business. Whether its the FDA, the FAA, the USDA, the EPA, etc, etc. The sooner you learn not to trust US products and the recommendations of US agencies, the sooner you'll live longer.

  10. So, if candy and dairy are consumed in quantity by rich Europeans, and rich Europeans enjoy relatively good health, who is to say that candy and cheese really are bad for you? Greger laughs at the idea, but it seems like an obvious obstacle to his conclusion.

  11. What you call "cheese" in the US has nothing to do with actual cheese. Your cheese is some sort of processed rainbowish thing that melts.

  12. This video didn't answer its own title. It should be titled: Conflicts of Interest in Government Funded Research (or, Cheese Conspiracy).

  13. I legit just wonder how cheese is healthy. I know it is but like how. I didn’t want a whole political study of the evil corporations and the nasty rich people.

  14. The same argument could be used against Plant diets, more so. It's lible to be middle-class people who are vegan. The healthy meat and cheese eaters have the poor people affecting the statistics against them.

  15. I do eat cheese now and then. I like the richness of the taste. Especially the french and italian cheeses. I dont think it is healthy for my body. Certainly not for the red wine I like to drink with it. But it sure is great for my mind and spirit💃

  16. As long as the axis of evil between those industries and governmental institutions is intact, the American people will keep getting fatter and sicker.

  17. I like cheese but if you take some and put it in a hot pan and see what it turns into it’s no wonder it’s bad for the heart. I rarely eat it anymore.

  18. We live we die
    We eat we live
    Food is good
    Eat to be happy
    Skinny or fat
    Were all gonna die anyway
    Food is god! And liquids water soda etc etc.

  19. I had acne for 20 years until I gave up dairy 100%. My joint pain also went away. My conclusion is dairy is very unhealthy to me and I will avoid it the rest of my life.

  20. What do vegans lack? Calcium, B12, iodine, leucine. What does dairy have lots of? Calcium, B12, iodine, leucine.

    If you don’t want to take supplements, dairy isn’t a bad choice. Just pick a nonfat option if you can.

  21. Dairy and meat industry it's an evil field and for the ones whose love milk you are drinking Pus and urine from the cows and you are putting milk from a mammals!! Would you drink other animals milk??

  22. Note: he did not find a study that shows it is bad for you. Nor did he explain why they were not controlling for the other factors he mentioned – a thing you do when conducting a meta-analysis.

    I do not eat dairy, but we need to hold ourselves to a more rigorous intellectual standard than our opponents. This ep seems like a bit of a "I have to find something for content" video

  23. Dairies are not necessary or good in all the cases. But I think the freshness is the most important quality when you wanna eat them. I mean, here in Colombia and in Peru and Mexico there are fresh cheeses called panela, campesino and costeño. They have been eaten for years by old pp, they still do it n they r healthy.

  24. The plant based industry (Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts) is much larger than the meat diary and egg industry. Why don't they have lobbyists to get subsidy hand-out like the meat, diary and egg industries do ? Why don't they dispute these anti-scientific based studies designed to fool and kill innocent people ? Why are they Mute ? They have an ethical, moral and for-profit motive to stand up for their consumers and their own plant-based industries growth. The less meat, diary and eggs sales mean more sales for plant based foods. Human stomach is limited in size so it's a zero sum game.

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