Il latte di cocco fa bene?

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DESCRIZIONE: L'impatto del latte di cocco e del cocco in scaglie sul rischio di malattie cardiovascolari. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherò di rispondere! E dai un'occhiata al prequel, “L'olio di cocco è buono per te?” ( Inoltre, ci sono 1 ,449 altri soggetti ( coperto nel resto dei miei video: sentiti libero di esplorarli anche tu!
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36 Risposte a “Il latte di cocco fa bene?”

  1. Hmm.. as we all need 24 grams of saturated fat per day, I guess getting that from whole coconuts or milk is okay. I also think based on one study we can't really conclude Coconut milk is bad.

  2. Even according to Ayurveda Coconut is a very healthy food including Coconut oil. I am from Sri Lanka and it has been our main fat source for over 2000 years. We cook with Coconut milk everyday. A study here found that the amount of Coconuts a person eats per year has gone down while the rate of heard disease has gone up implying that Coconut has nothing to do with heart disease.

  3. That study was actually looking at a dish called "nasi-lemak," which is white rice soaked in coconut milk. There's a possibility that the white rice or combination of white rice and coconut milk had something to do with the endothelial dysfunction. I'd prefer to see a study just testing coconut milk.

  4. Mates, the Coconut milk is good, and a resource with the benefits of the coconut milk is Corbandy coconut Crusher, search for more information about it in google, everyone lnow the coconut is good for the healt

  5. So which is worse , dairy whipped cream or whipped coconut milk? Is there a better substitute than either? Whipped egg white? For making creams for desserts.

  6. I think its funny when people think its a health food but i do enjoy me some coconut milk based ice cream from time to time.

  7. coconut milk is bad for you? really are we serious here maybe if you are one of this doc's patients the average vegan who exercises I don't think so!

  8. You cannot divide up a whole food into good and bad, as you eventually proved yourself after dividing it up into good and bad. It's one thing to refer to Coconut Oil when isolated and processed as bad and another to call the oil in a whole coconut bad while still part of the whole. There is nothing wrong with coconuts period!!!!

  9. I might’ve been late to comment in here, but, you can’t easily trust on that study from only Indonesia, it’s not the expert, also, i believe the coconut itself it doesn’t harm at all, people in Sumatra eats coconut milk in every dishes, such as every parts of cow/goat’s body. So it’s harmful.

  10. It is so wrong to not even show the study, because in another video you show the study and the study included anchovies, coconut milk and an EGG! Wtf!

  11. i believe him,i use only once in a while coconut oil and everytime i get allergy symptoms,burning in throught and break outs on skin,i do a plant based diet for more than a year and feeling super,blood tests are perfect,body tells me when i eat something that is not healthy,and coconut is one of them,maybe the parasites don't like it,but i just want to avoid symptoms,what can i say

  12. thats crazy coconut milk is very healthy all it is coconut flesh and water there is nothing evil about consuming it it is a type of fruit naturally grown he treats it has if it is a thing that can never be consumed or it will kill you if you consume people just need to use their head and reason well look at what people are eating of today burgers and french fries now you take somebody who eats very healthy lots of fruits and vegetables and the person adds a little bit of coconut milk into the dish is he going to die? will he die of course not! because coconut is a natural plant grown nothing harmful if enjoyed in moderation

  13. Oh wow. And I love coconut cream pies and cakes. Basically anything with coconut. How eating grated or shaved coconut?

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