Il microbioma: la storia interna

La rivoluzione del microbioma in medicina sta cominciando a svelare il ruolo sottovalutato che i nostri batteri intestinali sani svolgono nella nutrizione e nella salute.

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Questo è il primo di una lunga serie di video di approfondimento sul microbioma, anche se ho già accennato alla flora amica:
• Come ridurre la produzione di acidi biliari cancerogeni ( /)
• Proteine ​​putrefatte ed enzimi “tossificanti” ( /proteine-in-putrefazione-enzimi-tossificanti/)<br/> • Perché le diete a base vegetale aiutano l'artrite reumatoide? (
• Guerre intestinali: acido solfidrico vs. butirrato ( vs-butirrato/)
• Prevenire la colite ulcerosa con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/preventing-ulcerative-colitis-with-diet/)
• Trattamento della colite ulcerosa con la dieta (

Come fa l'organismo a mantenere il giusto equilibrio di batteri? Aspetta fino al prossimo video: rimarrai stupito (lo so!): Prebiotics: Tending Our Inner Garden ( /video/prebiotics-tending-our-inner-garden).

Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video ? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

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30 Risposte a “Il microbioma: la storia interna”

  1. Dr. Greger a.k.a as "Captain Confirmation Bias" is at it again. Always attacking animal sources of nutrition by pointing out potential drawbacks without ever mentioning their benefits. As in all things, including plant sources of nutrition, their are pros and cons. There are no perfect foods that come without potential drawbacks. I love the way the good doctor uses terms like "experimentally associated" to attack milk fat. "Association" of course, does not equal "Causation" unless you are a vegan trying to convince everybody that you are always right. Then the good doctor has the gall to attack choline without mentioning that it's deficiency is extremely detrimental to things like liver and brain health. I wish to make it clear that I am not against fruits and vegetables. They are essential to our health, however, I am annoyed by the propaganda of the "Vegan Cult" and it's very biased position.

  2. oh no.. I had the rotten bacteria IBS as a child that had hydrogen sulfide anal and mouth gas. Now I know why I had it and constipation! grandma didn't like to eat veggies thus I didn't eat veggies… until now! I told my grandma to eat better by showing her these videos but she seems to be happy getting surgery for her stones. I ate some red organic grapes while she eats ice cream and her red wine to balance it off :).

    the amount of veggies and fruit I eat in a day is compared to what she eats in… dare I say a whole month? subsequently she gets a bowel movement every other week. one thing that is a positive that she noted was that she uses less toilet paper.

  3. Please convey to your video editor that some of us would actually like to follow up on the points you are making, by obtaining and reading the studies you are quickly displaying in sync with the text. More often than not, the viewer has no time to grasp the title, and the authors, and certainly not the publication they appeared in. Please slow down your presentations of the studies?  Even using the pause, frequently you cannot get the necessary information. Thanks

  4. I have done so well with avoiding antibiotics and doing great for a long time… Well, recently I got a staph infection… The only thing I could do that I knew of at the time was to let the hospital put me on IV antibiotics for 3 days solid, followed by oral antibiotics. My microbiomes have been fucked. ……….. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  5. We even have bacteria inside our cells. Mitochondria do not have human DNA.
    This is also how compost works. The bacteria prepare the compost for retuning nutrients to the soil.
    We should all be composting to save important nutrients like selenium from being lost.

  6. Glyphosate in foods damages the microbiome. Eat organic to avoid it and take spore based probiotics. Look at Kiran Krishnan's work on this.

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