Podcast: Serie COVID-19: come evitare COVID-19?

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Questo episodio presenta l'audio di Come evitare COVID-580: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-avoid-covid-/. Visita la pagina del video per tutte le fonti e le note del medico relative a questo podcast.

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75 Risposte a “Podcast: Serie COVID-19: come evitare COVID-19?”

  1. I dont understand how so many of these commenters still seem to have a bad scientific understanding.
    Arguing for zinc and sunlight against Covid 19?! I guess this channels scientific advocation for a healthy lifestyle through food regulation can still be use unscientificly
    by not listening to the facts, but only hearing the confimation of their belief ("a scientists said plants are good, so all my thoughts about plants are correct").
    For (maybe) this reason, this channel seems to draw in a lot of nutjobs. The sad thing is, I dont even know what one could do to educate these people further, because you already always try to make sure its clear that the data you review is only valid, because it is scientifically proven and you already go for lenghts into how it is proven in the first place.
    I for one think your series on Corona is highly informative and important. Thanks for the great work!

  2. Dear doctor Greger,how about you start talking about how to boost immunity based on scientific studies in the last century. Have you heard about hydrotherapy,effects of being in a wooded area,vitaminD effects on white bloodcells,quercetin,zink…? What food can help with that?
    Please stop talking about lockdowns and cowering in one's house.

  3. Underwear and pants don't stop farts, so why would a tiny cloth mask stop 20 nanometer size viruses flying in the air? it's impossible.

  4. One useless propaganda video, that you could have skipped.
    Basically, you forget all that you told people before abous increasing their immunity through a healthy life style.

  5. I have a bad outbreak of psoriasis on my hands that is resulting in open wounds. What is the data on open would transmission? If I “have” to go anywhere, I have been wearing disposable gloves and go through a crazy disinfecting process when I actually remove them. I have searched for answers and asked my local health professionals directly only to get the answer, “I’ll get back to to you.” in which they never do. When I ask again I get the same response. I would appreciate any information you can share on this matter.

  6. Did you know we have a podcast? We are experimenting with posting them to YouTube every week, but you can also subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. -NF Team

  7. Excellent! We are an active couple in our 80's and are all about healthy aging. We still strive for a healthy body, a calm mind, and a positive outlook. And we feel better than ever! We are doing research for our new YouTube channel and hope to inspire others. Learned a lot here. Thank you!

  8. Any reaction to the WHO's recent remarks on lockdowns? I know several families where the parents have lost their jobs… would hate to think of how it could affect a single mom that is a waitress.

    “The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”

    “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,”

  9. Stay safe, wear a mask, keep social distance, wash your hands. Don't take needless chances.
    Take personal responsibility for your health and the health of your family and friends.
    Wearing a mask is like having insurance. If you get in an accident or get the virus you will wish you had it.
    The GOP and the con man in chief have lied to the American people. Show up and vote them out.

  10. If a surgeon were sick, especially with a viral infection, they would
    not perform surgery as they know the virus would NOT be stopped by
    their surgical mask.

    Surgical and cloth masks do nothing to prevent viral transmission.

    We should all realize by now that face masks have never been shown to
    prevent or protect against viral transmission.


  11. I’ll take dangerous freedom over protected shutdown anytime. Haha just assume the virus is everywhere is such a sad way to live.

  12. Many cities are over the worst of it. It's important to pay attention to hospitalizations and deaths and not so much to new cases as the testing is inaccurate up to 60 % and many don't even differentiate between new coronavirus infection and remnants of past coronavirus (common cold) infections.

  13. Why do dont say thats a harmless flue. Check the statistics the death rates, nothing has changed in comparison to the last years. Its a plandemie, created in the news to build a new dictatorship.

  14. Dr., what I interpret to be your hunch about the virus living as long as a month on surfaces has indeed been demonstrated in an Australian study of SARS Cov2. Better to be safe than sorry.

  15. Those things might be true, but we need to focus on the REAL/MOST important problemS and find the solution to those. We might start by acknowledging that we are being manipulated AND NOT being told the whole truth.
    Dr. Greger, these partial truths are diminishing the trust we have on you!
    I’ll go to your website, maybe you are posting a more complete truth there.

  16. Ask a physicist about the pressure generated in a closed toilet and if that pressure does not increase the spread of the aerosol which escapes the seams of the closed lid. Thomas C(K)rapper recommended against flushing with a closed lid because of the pressure. Refer to Flushed Wirh Pride by Mr Crapper.

  17. I had been transitioning to a complete plant-based vegan diet for the past year; that is, until I watched the latest videos from Dr. Greger, Dr. McDougall, and That Vegan Teacher. The sagging skin, yellow teeth, baldness, dementia (Dr. McDougall), and the tiny, sunken eyes (glittering with narcissistic hatefulness, in the case of That Vegan Teacher), have led me to conclude that the plant-based diet is 100% WRONG. Hair, skin, eyes, and teeth are significators of internal health, and 100% of the vegans I have encountered on YouTube are obviously deathly ill. After watching all of these vegan doctors, I am determined to avoid eating plants altogether.

  18. T Cell -> Interferon gamma -> Cytotoxic response which kills virus and is seen in mild and asymptomatic COVID19 cases is dependent on what common prehormone? Hint: Same as in better TB outcomes.

  19. Is this the way we respond to the seasonal flu? The mortality rates are equivalent. Why the change? What part of "an uncontainable virus" don't we understand? The only sanity comes from Sweden where there are no extreme measures taken, and their society is back to the old normal. Why don't we copy their plan?

  20. So many anti science hippies in the comments. This is a science channel. Go somewhere else for your woowoo

  21. So be interesting to see if you could put to the test the virus. Well, the germ/virus theory to the test. I did. Here is the test. Terrain Theory by Antoine Béchamp The Blood and its 3rd Element. Also Louis Pasteur being a fraud and cheat back in the 1890's. Antoine Béchamp was plagiarized and his finding Suppressed. More than likely this will be ignored 🙃

  22. You gotta be pretty damn screwed-up for the China plague to do it's damage, case in point, our President the fast food eater 75 lbs overweight 70 yrs old has to be a prime candidate for Death yet it basically did nothing to our fearless leader.

  23. Remember this? “CNN and 11 states acknowledge mixing results of viral and antibody tests,” CNN reported in May. “The CDC says it’s planning to separate those numbers in the coming weeks, but experts say the current method is unhelpful and potentially misleading. That’s because antibody tests aren’t used to diagnose current infection or determine whether someone is potentially contagious. Instead, they indicate whether someone has been exposed to the virus in the past.”

    Which changes the numbers.

    Which skews the counts. 

    Which makes the numbers untrustworthy.

    And that’s the whole issue with this coronavirus chaos that’s shutting down the country, killing the economy, closing schools, keeping church congregations from gathering and singing in worship, and face-masking an entire nation of free citizens: The numbers aren’t accurate. They haven’t been from the get-go. They aren’t now.

    The numbers and statistics and percentages just can’t be trusted.

    Hospitals report cases one way; governors report cases another way; federal health bureaucrats interpret numbers yet another way; computer models and best-guesses and what-ifs guide the numbers yet even another way.

    This Florida story just adds another question mark to the scores of question marks that hover over the entire COVID-19 madness.

    And no doubt, like all the other questions, this is one that won’t be answered until well after the coronavirus has moved on — until well after America has been reshaped, repackaged and repurposed into something that’s not very American at all — until well after our individual, civil and God-given rights have been refashioned into a “new normal” of collectivism.

    Then we’ll learn: It was all, oops, a simple mistake

  24. How many have actually died "with" covid19, not how many "false positives" there are or cases as they call them?

  25. The absolute only update and/or conversation (other than exercise and dietary nutrition) should be about protecting the very small subset population of the most vulnerable, susceptible people who should take necessary precautions and allowing the virus to run its natural course. Allowing the infection to pass through the general healthy population, that effectively have almost a zero percent chance of serious infection, is the Only way to completely neutralize the viral virulence. Prolonged isolation of the elderly or people in care homes is nothing less than inhumane and should be considered crimes against humanity.

    Naturally acquired Herd immunity is not an objective opinion or hypothesis a theory a strategy or a debate, it is biological law that exists and occurs like gravity or the laws of thermodynamics whether anyone believes in it or not.

    The strangest phenomenon to be witnessed in this century at such a colossal scale, is "Science Denialisim". (refusal even at top levels to accept and ultimately deny, established fundamental, empirical science and facts.) causing mass irrational fear, fueled primarily by the hyper hysteria of the internet era.

    There has never in history been an effective Cor/virus vaccine, caused by two fundamental factors, antigenic shift (mutation) and virulence dilution. In other words any vaccines that are being developed right now as we speak, are already dated and ineffective.

    The high case counts with low casualty numbers are a normal predictable pattern of all Corona viral outbreaks. The virus has drastically weakened virulence from T-Cell antibody immune response to massive population infection spread and saturation, to the extent it becomes, to the vast majority, nothing more than another common cold like annoyance.

    Because the SARS-COV-2 virus is now at the epidemiological low level virulence classification, what is known in epidemiology as the pathogen endemic equilibrium phase. (viral stasis) All future focus should be towards (MPIE) mass population immunization by exposure, (herd immunity) from the healthy population, as rapidly as possible in order to protect the most vulnerable health population.

    Everyone must take the time to listen to this interview (and others) with prominent top scientists, with over 3,500 virologist, epidemiologist, scientists and infectious disease experts signing onto a Sweden approach, Barrington declaration. This many scientists signing on, is not surprising however considering it was the exact worldwide infectious disease policy that has been implemented for every pandemic for the past century. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz_Z7Gf1aRE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC8NH1BNGz8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTBIcGyR4lI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6LB2Rp44zA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vbB1IGDm3Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=013L9J7WhuU

  26. 1) "Covid 19" has never been isolated nor purified. Never been scientifically proven to exist.
    2) PCr test was never meant for diagnoses. It also doesnt test for "covid". It tests for RNA.
    3) "Covid" deaths are simply flu, pnuemonia, and respiratory deaths rediagnosed.

  27. I follow a lot of plant-based doctors and researchers, and Dr. Greger is one of my absolute favorites, but I always "trust, buy verify". I have to say that I am very disappointed that most of your assertions when it comes to Covid19 seem to come from the propagandists, rather than from science.

    We know for instance that there is no significant difference in the rate of infections or deaths between countries or states that did not enact shutdowns or mask mandates, and countries and states that did. We also have know since the 1970's that masks do not protect against viruses, which just this year has been confirmed twice by the CDC in one review of 14 RCTs, and another original study. It has also been confirmed by many other studies this year. The same goes for hand washing.

    Here are some links to check out:

    "Here, we review the evidence base on the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical personal protective measures and environmental hygiene measures in nonhealthcare settings and discuss their potential inclusion in pandemic plans. Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning. We identified several major knowledge gaps requiring further research, most fundamentally an improved characterization of the modes of person-to-person transmission."


    "Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles."


    "As for the scientific support for the use of face masks, a recent careful examination of the literature, in which 17 of the best studies were analyzed, concluded that, “None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”[R] Keep in mind, no studies have been done to demonstrate that either a cloth mask or the N95 mask has any effect on transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Any recommendations, therefore, have to be based on studies of influenza virus transmission. The fact is, there is no conclusive evidence of their efficiency in controlling flu virus transmission. – Russell Blaylock, MD"


    There are many more. That's just what was open in my browser.

  28. Lockdown ignores the death rate from economic lockdown, which IS NOT ZERO. Actuaries know many "life-years" have been lost by the economic shutdown. But Dr. Greger is half-right, and half-wrong.

  29. It’s November 4… we still don’t have ample testing… we still don’t have ample reliable rapid response testing to safely open our economy, the schools and to safely protect seniors… and apparently stupid is just as contagious as the virus, maybe even more contagious! The one person that we’ve given the power to coordinate and fix this problem… doesn’t want to fix the problem!

  30. Thank you so much for all your info and presentation manner. I also am giving thanks to your Grandma.
    You are a treasure, Doctor.

  31. My english is so bed to understand all. But is so importnat to know what Dr. M. Greger think about Vaccacine. Give it enough study the shows is not dangerous?

  32. I just watched this great vaccine debate on Valuetainment between Robert Kennedy Jr. and Alan Dershowitz. At the end moderator, Patrick Bet-David invites any physician to come on and debate the vaccine. I would love to hear Dr. Greger's debate on this show.

  33. Dr G – for years you've been telling us how corrupt the government and medical industry are, but you've not mentioned the fraud that's been happening for the past year. PCR experts are telling us they have no doubts that the tests are intentionally being used to increase the Covid19 case numbers. The tests aren't fit for purpose, and running them at 45 cycles produces a huge false positive rate. Doctors have been given a financial incentive to diagnose people with Covid19, and using the faulty PCR test makes that really easy. The PCR testing of healthy people is pushing the numbers even higher, with at least an 80% false positive rate! And diagnosing people with Covid19 when they're already about to die of an existing condition is further increasing the numbers, as Covid19 is always marked as the cause of death if the person dies within a month of testing positive, which they usually do because they're tested daily. We've also got DNR forms being forced onto patients families, another great way to get the death toll up. And now, here in the UK, as numbers start to fall, they're planning on testing school kids 3 times weekly when the schools open back up in March, and twice weekly at home. This will obviously push case numbers back up, and keep us locked down even longer. The fraud is obvious to me, so it should be blindingly obvious to yourself. It seems like they want as many people vaccinated as possible for their own financial gain, and with your track record of calling out the medical industry, I'm wondering why you haven't commented on this?

  34. In a New Zealand quarantine facility covid has been found to infect a person who opened their hotel door at the same time as an infected person opened their door directly opposite. So yes the air is able to infect if the droplets are in the air at the same time as the uninflected person breathes them in.

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