I danni metabolici dei turni notturni e dei pasti irregolari

Cosa possono fare i turnisti per moderare gli effetti negativi dell'interruzione del ritmo circadiano.

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Stiamo chiudendo questa serie sulla cronobiologia. Solo due video rimasti in questa serie: Shedding Light on Shedding Weight (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/shedding-light-on-shedding-weight) e Perché le persone aumentano di peso in autunno ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/why-people-gain-weight-in-the-fall) .

Se ti sei perso qualcuno dei primi, vedi:
• La colazione è il Il pasto più importante per dimagrire? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-breakfast-the-most-important-meal-for-weight-loss)
• Saltare la colazione è meglio per dimagrire? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-skipping-breakfast-better-for-weight-loss)
• Cronobiologia – Come i ritmi circadiani possono controllare la tua salute e il tuo peso ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/chronobiology-how-circadian -i-ritmi-possono-controllare-la-tua-salute-e-il-peso)
• Mangia più calorie al mattino per perdere peso (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eat-more-calories-in-the-morning-to-lose-weight)
• Colazione da re, pranzo da principe, cena da povero (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/breakfast -come-un-pranzo-da-re-come-un-principe-cena-come-un-povero)
• Mangia più calorie al mattino del Sera (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eat-more-calories-in-the-morning-than-the-evening)
• In che modo i ritmi circadiani influenzano i livelli di zucchero nel sangue ( http://nutritionfacts. org/video/how-circadian-rhythms-affect-blood-su gar-levels)
• Come sincronizzare l'orologio circadiano centrale con gli orologi periferici (

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100 Risposte a “I danni metabolici dei turni notturni e dei pasti irregolari”

  1. I've been working nights and overnights for over 20 years. I've been mostly vegetarian for most of that time and vegan for over 5 years now. My sleep patterns and eating patterns have always been irregular but I've never had a problem with my weight. It's been easiest on my body when I stick to sleeping during the day and staying up all night even if I have a day off. As I've gotten older I find it impossible to sleep more than 4 hours at a time but I've learned to nap and sleep in when I can. I'm sure it's not as healthy for my heart but with proper eating habits I've managed to avoid weight gain in my 50's. The tests simulate shift workers. I wonder how people like me would actually test.

  2. I'm a nurse and worked night shift for almost 3 years. I was so sick and didn't even know it until I went to day shift and got actual sunshine on a regular basis.

  3. Just realized that WFPB without SOS is not enough. I have to get up and eat early, go to bed early and not eat late at night. Time to make a change. Thank you, Dr. Greger❤

  4. Well i been working graveyard shifts for about 7-8 years and i feel perfectly normal. I do eat a plant based diet and i engage in lots of resistance exercise. maybe thay offsets it but idk. In your defense though im nowhere near as lean as i want to be haha. Good video btw! Very informative

  5. Good think I, sacrificing my health in order to be able to save people’s life. No but honestly, if I have to hurt myself for a couple years and save people in the long run of heart disease I’ll do it. I’ll try to not eat at night too

  6. All circumstantial based on people. With bad habits . If I move 12 hours away.. to a different country. Then you are telling me my body will be aware I moved and I'll be ravaged by the effects of a night shift/life. If it was based on sunlight, why are we told to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen?

  7. What about people who wake up super early to work? I sleep early 7pm or 8pm and I wake up at 2:15 am to teach online. I try to wait as long as I can till I eat, but I end up eating by 4 or 4:30 (sometimes 3:30am) -Would my body see this as waking up and eating in the morning or the middle of the night?

  8. So hard to have a regular eating schedule when you work 11pm to 07:00 am, m-F as a security guard.My first meal I have at work,a few hours after I get there …but no matter what I eat"Always plant based &vegan",I feel bloated after and miserable.Maybe like Dr Gregor says,eating at night is not good for your body truly.🤦I love my night job though.Eating habits maybe I have to change.

  9. People who work nights already realise that eating at night is far from optimal and tend to avoid it, at least where I've worked – do you really have nothing else to justify your statement 'What shift workers can do to moderate the adverse effects of circadian rhythm disruption.'?

  10. I can do night shift without eating at night I know lots of nurses that does this…if they eat it’s just a small snack!

  11. stressing so much about health and diet has got me living at night and sleeping all day so its funny you mention it, wish you would stick to the more important vegan related topics as there is still alot of confusion going on there

  12. I love Dr. Gregor, but man, some of this information is just not helpful. In fact, it adds additional stress on folks who don't have a choice. Not everyone can quit their jobs because eating at night is not good for them. Are people just suppose to stop eating? Can't eat before you go to sleep, so the only time then is to slam in thousands of calories before work … now that is healthy, not!

  13. If eating in the morning has these benefits, would you please give the range of time of what is considered "morning" hours. Is it 5am to 10am? Or? Etc. Thanks!

  14. So if I understand re: nightshift, I should aim to have a wholesome meal incl vegetable soup before 7pm, and stave off food during nightshift and choose a healthy breakfast after nightshift

  15. Some people can’t help this. They have to work what they get. So great to know I’ll die soon too. You’ve obviously never worked a night shift if you can so easily say not to eat at night. Then you won’t be eating at all because you are ASLEEP during the day.

  16. This video, like others from Dr Gregor, lacks recommendations for a "path forward". In this video, he presents peer-reviewed evidence that irregularly timed eating causes all kinds of serious problems but then doesn't tell you what to do about it. Maybe he'll let us know in his next book.

  17. would love to see more videos on night shift workers. i just started a new job as a nurse working three 12 hour shifts per week (not always consecutive)

  18. I work on the railroad and it’s pretty tough. I can get to bed at 2 am one day and the next I have to get up at 3 am. I’m trying hard to keep my meals consistent though. I’m not sure I can keep this going for 30 more years but I’m glad I have a job that it’s interesting.
    Many of my colleagues keeps putting in the pounds even though our job is fairly active.

  19. Thanks for the info. I have never worked a night shift but know humans who have, it really messed up their lives. They were
    very happy when they went to a day shift, but it took them three months to get used to it again. I am a night eater, but feel and sleep much better when I have an early dinner.


  21. Doctor yo solo se que el cuerpo se adapta yo puedo controlar mi metabolismo a mi antojo y no requiere comer a cada rato se puede dejar de comer y no sentir hambre, solo tomar líquidos, es suficiente.

  22. Bjzjdjo ad jsdjdjjdjfjeh# uh fh df jfhhxhxhxhd ggggf Gyvcc. Zab n.g. fhr jjfkfkfjrhfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjffifjfi jfjifj ggggf j cf jfhffffmkrfhicbjgmjvj ggggf yguyþ

  23. Las comidas irregulares no producen ningún daño mientras sean nutritivas , ya que el cuerpo está perfectamente adaptado a comer en periodos irregulares , así lo ha hecho por 200 mil años y eso d e los horarios es de ayer por la mañana

  24. Ojalá hubiera visto este video hace tres años…los cuales trabaje de noche…solo hacia una comida al día bastante cuantiosa y aún así subí 10 kilos…empecé a desorientarme y a tener insomnio y ataques de pánico…aunque ya trabajo de dia aún tengo secuelas pero todo va mejorando

  25. I had received job offer as a night auditor position , but I do not work at night by this kind of risks , I Lost the job offer I felt sad but I happy because inside of me I did not to do this

  26. Uds. Los greengos inventaron esos horarios, pues lógico lo q importa es la producción no el trabajador. Este es solo un elemento del capitalismo. Gachos nos explotan, nos enferman, nos acaban la vida y luego nos escupen. Son una bola de gachos explotadores. Y nos mandan y acostumbran para comer solo golosinas son valor nutriciónal. Acabaron con la comida natural del mexicano. Pero lógico nos hicieron consumidores de sus productos. Gracias por ser tan gachos y ojetes.

  27. I work 27 yr working 3 on 3 off 12 shift. work night half time. I never had any problem. I don't what hell this guys talking about. Now 60 retired.

  28. This is why everyone in Thailand said that Bangkok is the center of the world. The city is just in the middle of this circle.

  29. Ok so what does night shifters do in this case? I'm an nurse that works in ER, no intentions on going to day shift anytime soon. It's not like ER can go without night time nurses, it's a must…..so meanwhile , how do we handle this delicately without causing so much disruptions in our diet/health???? You provide us with evidence but we need guidance??

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