Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro?

I motivi per cui digiunare più a lungo di 24 ore, e in particolare tre o più giorni, dovrebbero essere svolte solo sotto la supervisione di un operatore sanitario e preferibilmente in una clinica convivente.

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Il digiuno per una o due settimane può effettivamente interferire con la perdita di grasso corporeo? Se te lo sei perso, dai un'occhiata al mio ultimo video Il digiuno fa bene alla perdita di peso? ( e per ulteriori informazioni, Vantaggi del digiuno per la perdita di peso messo alla prova ( test).<br/>
Qual è il modo migliore per perdere peso? Ci ho scritto un intero libro! Preordina How Not to Diet (

Poi mi concentro sul digiuno intermittente—rimanete sintonizzati:
• Digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni messo alla prova (
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni è sicuro? (
• Il digiuno intermittente aumenta l'aspettativa di vita umana? (
• La dieta 5:2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messe alla prova ( /video/la-dieta-5-2-e-la-dieta-mima-digiuno-messa-alla-prova)
• Tempo- Restricted Eating messo alla prova (
• I vantaggi di mangiare a orari limitati (http://

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100 Risposte a “Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro?”

  1. Thanks for this Doc. There’s nothing magical about fasting, and if there’s dangers, people really should be informed. If benefits can be attained with safer means- why would you take the risk?

  2. All of your examples were people who were too stupid to do an extended fasting properly, or were deathly ill to begin with.

    If you fast for extended periods and take electrolytes and supplement with vitamins you will be fine.

    Refer to the fasting fat man channel. He did a 150 fast with no problem this year. And is now about 30 days into another fast. No issue.

    Finally , using papers on starving have no relation to obese people fasting. Obese people do not starve when fasting. They have ample fuel storage to sustain them.

  3. This seems like some questionable science. I have done many water only 2 week fasts over the years. Most Americans are severely malnourished, so it makes sense that fasting would rapidly exacerbate that condition for such people. Also, the usual advice is to rest while fasting which is just bad advice. Lying around for extended periods of time will lead to muscle loss whether you are eating or not. Obviously, you should not engage in activities that result in sweating as the loss of electrolytes could certainly be problematic. I wouldn't advise fasting for more than 2 weeks at a time. There are too many horror stories about that to be worth the risk. For me the benefits have been the slight loss of 10-15 #'s of body fat and to easily reset my diet after the fast. During the course of the year, my habits get corrupted by those around me and I end up over eating and not being nearly active enough. Right now, I am doing less than 20 miles of running a week which is pretty sad.

  4. This is classic Dr Greger… Cherry pick a few studies that don't represent the majority of the small community of individuals who fast for health reasons. Using satire to passive-aggressively suggests that people who fast are going to die. Most people who attempt intermittent fasting are healthy individuals who are very health conscious and striving to restrict calories in a reasonable way for longevity. Caloric restriction and longevity are very closely correlated. Vegan or not.

    I eat OMA plant based food with ocasionaly very small quantity of fish in 4-5 hours window and have no problems.

  6. It is not advised by the experts in this field (Fuhrman, Godhaamer, Klaper, et al) to fast for weight loss. Water only fasting is done for health and healing. Please address those benefits about fasting (of which there are not many studies, but people have been doing it for a millennia). Thanks

  7. As medical supervision during WOF is a must, what testing should we make sure is performed? Is urine analysts enough? mAre blood tests necessary? How soon or often should testing be done? Comas are bad!!

    I know there’s is a center near Montréal (Val Santé) that supervises fasts but it isn’t clear what testing is performed.

  8. One meal a day is very sustainable. These 7 day starvation people think they've accomplished something but it's really short term. It's not a dick measuring contest.

  9. This is great! However, I would really love videos on intermittent fasting (16 – 20 hours a day) for weight loss/health/cells etc vs long term fasts for days. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  10. The reasons why fasting longer than 24 hours, and particularly three or more days, should only be done under the supervision of a health professional and preferably in a live-in clinic.

  11. I don’t think you should conflate deaths from fasting in ghettos, wars, and case studies of fasting deaths from decades ago before people understood electrolyte supplementation and modern day therapeutic fasting. More recent fasting studies have shown adverse events but rarely anything life threatening as you covered in this video. I would like to see fasting compared with gastric bypass for obese patients- I think fasting is likely safer and more effective. Also- a low calorie diet is great but many people find eating very low calorie to make them much hungrier than fasting- the latter is more effective. While I generally appreciate the balance of your videos, the first one was fairly positive, this one was pretty negative and purposefully scary.

  12. I have been a fan of Dr. Greger for years, but this is probably the worst video I have ever seen.
    Dr. Greger is trying to discredit fasting by confusing the subject with prolonged "starvation".
    Quoting decades old literature on "starvation" and then serving it as the side effects of fasting is absurd.
    Fasting is not starvation !!!
    Very disappointed !!!

  13. I heard that liver and kidney functions change during fasting. I wonder how this impacts multivitamin consumption during the process? Does the RDI change? Also, I’ve heard that ingesting sodium to taste is recommended in longer fasts, but what about potassium and magnesium?

  14. Dr. Greger's videos on Fasting are very disappointing and not to the level of thoroughness that his videos normally provide. Giving minutes to a subject that has been exercised for decades and even centuries was poorly reviewed. His videos are based on fear and risks of "catastrophic" failures of fasting versus the successes which far outweigh the failures. I would suggest that those interested in therapeutic fasting study the subject by reading the books on how to water fast safely and successfully rather than watch Dr. Greger's poorly done videos. Dr. Greger would have been better served by simply saying in 5 seconds, "The(re are) reasons why fasting longer than 24 hours, and particularly three or more days, should only be done under the supervision of a health professional and preferably in a live-in clinic."

  15. To everyone asking about IF Intermittent Fasting – check the video's description! it's coming up soon

  16. I somewhat agree, but I think a 3 day fast is nothing to worry about either. I'm certainly not going to pay a doctor for something that simple. As usual, it has to do with overall health. Get exercise, eat healthy, and a fast won't be a problem. You can get a wrist bp checker and have a good idea of your overall health. Mine cost 20 dollars and talks. For weight loss, I think a one day fast per week, with a healthy diet has been the most effective for me. I didn't try a longer one, but I didn't need to either. That's the fastest I've ever lost weight.

  17. Thank you so much for this information Dr. I have been considering fasting as a 'safe' method and followed several people on YouTube who have documented their fasts, so it seemed at first glance to be an acceptable and effective method for weight loss. I have now been educated.

  18. Dr. Guido Kroemer on Autophagy, Caloric Restriction Mimetics, Fasting & Protein Acetylation — Dr. Guido Kroemer is a professor at the University of Paris Descartes and an expert in immunology, cancer biology, aging, and autophagy. He is one of the most highly cited authors in the field of cell biology and was the most highly cited cell biologist for the period between 2007 and 2013. Especially notable among his contributions: he was the first to discover that the permeabilization of mitochondrial membranes is a concrete step towards apoptotic cell death. This episode is decidedly focused on autophagy, an important cellular program that is inducible by dietary fasting and has broad implications for aging and cancer. series of interviews on the same topic: Dr. Satchin Panda on Time-Restricted Feeding and Its Effects on Obesity, Muscle Mass & Heart Health

  19. so, ive been doing this thing where i fast 1 weekend a month for a couple days to help control my micro biome. its been helping because ive lost most of my cravings for junk food and have no problem eating whatever i should be eating. im a little confused based on what he said. in most of the studies they talk about 5+ days, but in one section specifically any fasts over 24 hours should be monitored. should i be concerned about fasting once a month? does anyone have an extra info on this?

  20. This is the first NutritionalFacts vid that made me suspicious. Too many death threat-type case studies for my comfort.

    Still love ya, NF. Just feel like the deep research is where I'll find better answers on fasting, intermittent or otherwise.

  21. You are talking about extended fasting lasting several days to weeks.  Agreed that should be done under medical supervision and supplements taken.  I fast one day per week (36 hour period) and have been doing this for 5 years now.  I have no ill effects and in fact can only attest to increased health.  Improved bloods, improved immune system (Ive had two colds in the last 5 years and have recovered very quickly once I caught the colds).  You need to have a serious discussion with Valter Longo regards the aging process, longevity etc. and fasting.  For all your good work I get the distinct impression you cherry pick most of your science articles to suit the agenda you wish to push.  That's not good scientific practice.

  22. Hey Doc, but what was the body mass of these patients who died? It makes no sense for lean individual to fast for more than 2 days probably, but if they were big fellas with a lot of fat mass would it still be an issue?

  23. For about a year, in my 20s, I pretty much starved myself to lose weight. Ate very little when I did eat- and I did lose weight, but much of it was muscle tissue. I can attest to the fact that starving yourself is no good. I think very limited fasting can be beneficial, maybe a day or two, max- but long term is not healthy.

  24. So long fasts = bad.

    Makes sense, starving yourself for extended periods of time never sounded like a good idea in the first place.

    What about short fasts, half a day, a day, 48 hours?

  25. Hi Dr. Greger. Whats your opinion on the 16/8 method for belly fat loss. I'm a 45 year old female. Other channels prove that it's effective. What about you. Thanks.

  26. Has Dr. Greger supervised fasting patients? Dr. Jason Fung has, and continues to with minimal problems. Even in elderly patients. I'll stick with Fung on this one.

  27. Cannot wait to see intermittent fasting videos :).
    And how about doing exercise in the morning on an empty stomach? I've heard it's good, however, I'd rather to hear this from Dr Greger.

  28. Oh boy. This one fired up all the right people… 🙂
    All he said was: Take vitamins, when you fast.
    (for more than three days)
    What the morons heard: fasting will kill you for sure.

  29. Thank you for the video. Can you do one about the fast mimicking diet please ? It’s currently touted by longevity expert Valter Longo as a very effective way to extend healthspan and rejuvenate the body as well as maintaining a healthy weight. The science looks solid but I’m no expert. Thanks!

  30. This is poorly researched and misleading. I've followed this site for 5 years but I don't think Dr G knows much about fasting. Fasting is not Starvation for one thing. The vid mentions True North, well you should speak with Dr Goldhammer from there, he does fantastic work. Fasting can be a great adjunct to a Whole Food Plant Based diet, particularly for overcomming long term health issues of many kinds. This video does a disservice to a fantastic natural curative and wellness modality.

  31. Seems a little biased when you're relying on only the decades old research to make your points. There is a lot of Fasting research from even just the last decade running contrary to many of these ideas and none of it was mentioned at all to give a balanced picture. The truth is that we still don't have a lot of definitive answers to these questions and anyone truly committed to scientific truth should admit that.

  32. I think the big problem is the refeeding process and not enough vitamins/minerals. I did a 5 day water fast- very weak, couldn't leave the bed, brain fog, and fainted on day 5. I then ate 2 fries leftover from my husband and threw it all up. I had to go to the hospital. A year later I tried again. 21-day water fast- vitamins, liquid minerals, and electrolyte drink. I felt euphoric, almost high even. It is hard to describe but I never felt that good in my life. I ended the fast with a small piece of watermelon, and continued to eat that for 2 days, then started adding in other soft fruits, soups etc. Lost 36lbs, acne cleared, my hair is shiny and thick and my bowels are now regular. I only gained 5 pounds and I did this fast 5 months ago.

  33. Wow. "It was working really well… until the patient died." Errm… they really need to re-examine their definition of "working." A definition that comes out as essentially "The patient died, but at least his corpse was less obese" reveals a horrific set of values and biases.

  34. So confused. Hella fit people do intermittent fasting, 16 – 8 splits is the most popular, or sometime 24 – 1… But not sustained starvation for days/weeks. So it's kinda, really freakin' confusing. Is it good or is it not? I highly doubt you can starve yourself for a long time without eating unless you're a prisoner .. soo

  35. Interesting, the Seven Day Adventist’s do a 30 day juice fast here in Australia for people with diabetes type 2. They have really good success rates with all sorts of chronic diseases . It is known as the Diabetic Health Clinic. I also did the fast out of interest. However this is not the type of fasting u are referring to I am guessing. Although it was tough to do, nothing but about 4 or more litres of fruit & vegetable juice per day for 30 days.

  36. If a little is good, a lot is better, right? Wrong. Fasting has diminishing returns, so once ketosis is reached, and the euphoria wares off, the benefits are over and you need to start eating again.

  37. Summary:
    Gregor doesn't like fasting so he think nobody should like it.
    To prove his point he brings up irrelevant WWII concentration camp starvation deaths.
    Poor science.

  38. He doesn't even mention autophagy in the process of this either. Autophagy seems to come on faster with a full on water fast, vs small meals.

  39. Thank you so very much for taking the time to do research and make these videos. It may take me hours to watch multiple short videos but I am sure that it takes you longer to gather this information.

  40. Only in Western Society do we have the luxury of depriving ourselves of food. I also would like info on Intermittent Fasting Doctor Greger if you have it. I can go 12 hours w/o eating with 0 problems but when I exceed that, I get hungrier and tend to over eat. I am older and according to my doctor have 0 metabolism any longer.

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