Raggiungere la remissione della malattia di Crohn

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DESCRIZIONE: L'assunzione di carne (incluso pesce), formaggio e proteine ​​animali in generale è stata associata ad un aumentato rischio di malattie infiammatorie intestinali (IBD ). Nel frattempo, le diete a base vegetale possono non solo aiutare a prevenire tali condizioni, ma anche curarle, determinando i tassi di remissione più lunghi registrati per il morbo di Crohn. Questo è il video finale di una serie in tre parti sulle ultime scoperte sulla lotta alle infiammazioni con i cibi vegetali. Guarda il video del giorno di NutritionFacts.org di ieri, Fighting Inflammation in a Nut Shell ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fighting-inflammation-in-a-nut -shell/) e il video di venerdì, Effetti anti-infiammatori delle patate viola (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/anti- effetti-infiammatori-della-patata-viola). Il rischio di malattie infiammatorie intestinali è anche legato all'acido arachidonico, che potrebbe spiegare in parte la connessione proteica animale dati i livelli nel pollo e nelle uova. Per ulteriori ricerche sull'invertire la malattia cronica attraverso la dieta, vedere Eliminazione della causa di morte n. 1 ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eliminating-the-1-cause- della morte/), Inversione del cancro attraverso la dieta? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-reversal-through-diet/), Come trattare il diabete (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-treat-diabetes/) e la ricerca sull'inversione dell'invecchiamento (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/research-into-reversing-aging/). Ci sono almeno 93 altri video sull'infiammazione (http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/inflammation/) e centinaia di altri video su più di mille argomenti se desideri maggiori informazioni su http://nutritionfacts.org/topics/.<br/>
Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/achieving-remission-of-crohns-disease/ e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: RachelHermosillo tramite flickr, Rick Abbot tramite Blogger e Theron Price tramite Wikimedia Commons.
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46 Risposte a “Raggiungere la remissione della malattia di Crohn”

  1. When I went vegetarian 1982 my IBS became worse – more diarrhoea – and even more when I became vegan 2007. 3 months ago I took clindamycin 3 x 600 mg for 7 days because of hordoleum. Only now my IBS vanished.

  2. Free article: Mitsuro Chiba, Toru Abe, Hidehiko Tsuda, Takeshi Sugawara, Satoko Tsuda, Haruhiko Tozawa, Katsuhiko Fujiwara, and Hideo Imai, Lifestyle-related disease in Crohn's disease: relapse prevention by a semi-vegetarian diet, World J Gastroenterol. 2010 May 28; 16(20): 2484–95. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2877178/

  3. There are many diseases that don't really exist if we eat what we're designed to eat. IBS for one is a symtom of eating meat and dairy. Go vegan!!!

  4. I dont have Crohn's Disease, but I do have IBS, you all need to know Crohn's Disease is FAR FAR WORSE than any IBS! IBS does not eat your own body or damage your colon/body. Crohn's Disease is so hard on anyone but there is hope with Low Dose Naltrexone… search facebook for IBD LDN great group of IBDer using LDN for their illness.

  5. Someone explain to me how northern American natives survived for tens of thousands of years on diets based almost exclusively on animal meat and fat?? Their life expectancy was great until the advent of western culture (poptarts and alcohol…) I totally agree that plant foods are great for you, and I used to like these videos for their content, Unfortunately they seem to have degenerated into purely anti-animal product propaganda, by cherry picking what is being reported.

  6. Going after doctors is a cheap and childish shot. That's akin to saying that teachers don't want kids to learn because then they won't have any students to teach. Do you think that vegans or vegetarians don't ever get sick or hurt and need a doctor. Have you been to India? By the way, there are vegetarian and even vegan doctors in some of the top hospitals in the country. And there are doctors who smoke, ride motorcycles and suntan, but they're not promoting such behaviors to their patients.

  7. "Among 67,581 participants… we validated 77 incident IBD cases. High total protein intake, specifically animal protein, was associated with a significantly increased risk of IBD, Among sources of animal protein, high consumption of meat or fish but not of eggs or dairy products was associated with IBD risk.". This is from the actual study… notice these: only 77 cases in 67 thousand, and no eggs or dairy association (which IS animal protein). Thanks Doc for your objective information!

  8. About the Japanese study… it's funny really… Doc here uses pretty graphs and big numbers but in the study, there were a grand total of 16 (sixteen) people on the semi-vegetarian diet (which included eggs and milk, and yogurt daily), and a gigantic total of 6 (six) on the omnivore diet (which was not controlled, the subjects ate whatever they wanted outside supervision!!). Thanks again Doc for your amazing research!

  9. The Japanese study is fascinating, and the results are surprising to none of us on the veg end of the dietary spectrum, I'm sure. Thanks for your usual coherent analysis, Doc! 🙂

  10. I'm vegan and I raised all of my children as vegetarians. My oldest was diagnosed with Crohn's at 24, changed to an omni diet (Breaking the Vicious Cycle) and she's been symptom and drug free for 7 years. Now my 16 year old has just been diagnosed with Crohn's and I am encouraging my oldest to teach him how she eats. As a vegan, it hurts, but he means more to me than any animal. 🙁

  11. Exactly! Profits would drastically be reduced. Im working on my issues with ulcerative colitis. I had a HORRIBLE flare up- worst ever. I had to eat meat after being veggie because all the good veggies were tearing me up. I am feeling much better and have gone back to a more veggie lifestyle. its helping. I cant do any more intense meds- gave me intense joint pain 🙁

  12. If you raised your children vegan- how did they develop Crohns (if meat is the culprit) in the first place – AND at such young ages? Doesn't make sense. And, you so believe in your diet, that you won't even learn the omni diet – you are making the 24 year old teach the 16 year old. Pitiful.

  13. Anyone benefits from eating more veggies. I think details are lacking a little bit in this study. What did the 50% relapse free group of the non vegetarian half do similair or better than the SVD half? Eat less processed foods perhaps? Eat grass-fed beef? Less GMO?

    Veganism is great for a few months. Then the B12 deficiency sets in. Study shows that vegan kids have impaired brain function. Google it. Grass fed beef dont hurt anyone.

  14. nothing is better then the vegan diet  (that is as organic and or wild as possible, low fat and is 100% or mostly RAW)….!!

  15. Actually, starches are the worst possible food for people with Crohn's. Grass-fed beef on the other hand, is very healthy. People with Crohn's are having an immune reaction to the bacteria that feed on resistant starch, this is why the Paleo/SCD diet has such success. Has nothing to do with being "vegetarian" or "semi-vegetarian" or "plants = win" nonsense. This is all just Monsanto-driven vegetarian movement propaganda. People with Crohn's need the right vegetables, cooked or prepared the right way (stews, vegetable juices), as well as a steady intake of healthy organic beef. Best of luck to anyone else with Crohn's from a 21 year old with Crohn's and Ankylosing Spondylitis, Also look up the Neanderthal connection. These conditions are the result of the very different immune system and optimal diet that we have inherited. That alone should be enough to point you in the right direction, trust your gut!

  16.  Michael Greger seems to me to an honest and thorough investigator however there are a few problems I have with this video. Firstly some may misunderstand it and assume that a vegan diet will put them in remission as apposed to helping them to remain in remission. Secondly they may not  understand that other measures were taken to help with gastrointestinal health. like the recommended consumption of yoghurt miso and other fermented products on what appeared to be a daily basis. I will post the address of the study at the bottom, I am not denying that a plant based diet and the prebiotic fiber intake associated with it can be helpful to gut flora or that doctor Greger is dishonest but the study is here and I suggest that you read it.(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2877178/)

  17. I have been a vegetarian for about 7 years now. I tried being vegan for a year and raw vegan for 3 months, I love them both but i lost way to much weight, it was my own fault for not making sure I took in enough calories. I have just been to the doctors and was told I have either Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis, I read everywhere that people with these disorders can not eat raw veggies because they are to hard to digest… Is this true?

  18. I'd love if any of this works, but I can't tolerate most vegetables. Triggers include most lentils and legumes, most grains and rices except plain white rices, most seasonings, herbs and spices, teas, apples, pears, tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, most nuts. Meanwhile I've had my greatest extents of remission and healing on ice cream and steak diets. Clearly there's some missing parts of this puzzle.

  19. This information is almost no help to me because I have been a holistic vegan for 3 years and just got diagnosed with Crohn's this week. So if the diet doesn't prevent it or send it into remission what then?

  20. Some experts dont know or forget to mention that many plants ALSO cause leaky gut and inflammation! Avoid tomato, all grains containing lectins (gluten, WGA), peppers, legumes (beans, peas, soy), peanuts, etc. Also in those studies they use the worst meat, diary and eggs possible – no wonder proccessed crap causes inflammation all over our body. I suggest you this – TRY it yourself and see what works best for you. 100 experts will have 100 opinions nowadays, the only person you can trust is YOURSELF. Wish all of you best of luck and stay healthy!

  21. The more I follow dr Greger the more I realize how he is biased toward vegan diet, even though all the trial he presents in support. I was searching for a evidence based nutrition expert to enrich my recently started activity as a general practitioner and I'm afraid but I can't stop here.

  22. what if you get crohn's disease while being on a vegan diet already? just keep on eating the way you do?

  23. my partner has crohns and has since she was her early 20s…. regularly had awful bouts of flare ups … then followed me to an only plant based diet over 6 years ago and is in remission. .. her specialist has basically now taken her off her medications which she'd been taking since her diagnoses … she's now 45 and thriving.

  24. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease about ten years ago but have always been symptom free. Now I know why! I eat a largely plant based diet with copious amounts of greens. My MD believes diet has no effect on Crohns, but I don't care where or what he studied, I knew he was wrong. Just. Plain. Wrong.

  25. i dont think it works i cant eat most of the vegs they cause extreme discomfort n relapse almost instantly, i dont know what to eat anymore other than papaya n banana

  26. Is plant cellulose harder to digest than organic chicken or turkey protein? Anybody with crohn's disease knows that cellulose is extremely difficult to digest with a desbiotic stomach and intestinal tract. eating raw with chew up a person with crohn's and give them horrible stomach aches. The only thing Raw plant cellulose does is act as a Prebiotic which you can get in a powdered supplement. Even if you blend up raw vegetables it's still very difficult to digest. Anybody with crohn's disease should look up listentoyourgut.com and check for jini Patel Thompson's drug-free guide to improving Crohn's and IBS.

  27. Is plant cellulose harder to digest than organic chicken or turkey protein? Anybody with crohn's disease knows that cellulose is extremely difficult to digest with a desbiotic stomach and intestinal tract. eating raw with chew up a person with crohn's and give them horrible stomach aches. The only thing Raw plant cellulose does is act as a Prebiotic which you can get in a powdered supplement. Even if you blend up raw vegetables it's still very difficult to digest. Anybody with crohn's disease should look up listentoyourgut.com and check for jini Patel Thompson's drug-free guide to improving Crohn's and IBS.

  28. Is plant cellulose harder to digest than organic chicken or turkey protein? Anybody with crohn's disease knows that cellulose is extremely difficult to digest with a desbiotic stomach and intestinal tract. eating raw with chew up a person with crohn's and give them horrible stomach aches. The only thing Raw plant cellulose does is act as a Prebiotic which you can get in a powdered supplement. Even if you blend up raw vegetables it's still very difficult to digest. Anybody with crohn's disease should look up listentoyourgut.com and check for jini Patel Thompson's drug-free guide to improving Crohn's and IBS.

  29. Dr Greger, are there any more studies like this with a larger amount of people, the people on my IBD group says that its a silly study since its only 22 people who were already on remision and they cannot eat veggies. I greatly benifited from this video and found remission in 6 months and stayed in remission. It is so sad that the people in my group wont even give it a try and they are suffering so much. Is there any study that is bigger that could convince them?

  30. However, it seems the SVD in the video makes no mention of dairy products. It would be good to be clear about that, or, can one conclude that simply limiting meat this way gives these positive results regardless of how much milk and cheese are consumed. Wheat/gluten could well be looked at too. Even so I shall share this video with a Crohn's patient in my family. Thanks for the video.

  31. I've have IBS for years, and have terrible flare ups when I eat grains and beans. That's why being a pure vegan has been impossible for me 🙁 I've tweaked my diet to include a little fish, organic eggs, and organic hard cheeses, lots of veg and some potatoes. Leaning on the SCD Diet. Finally I feel like things are in balance 😉 We're all so different, and sometime this perfect vegan diet just doesn't fit everyone. My journey took courage to admit that I had to still keep with some animal products but we shouldn't cause harm to ourselves either. What's important I think is that the animal products you do choose to eat have happy lives, are ethically raised , and you don't eat too much of them either.

  32. While I'm sure a vegetarian or vegan diet may help some people with Crohns or IBD/colitis, in my case it was the direct opposite. Fruits and vegetables dramatically exacerbated the Crohns condition I had until I had to stop being vegan all together. That was in 2004, I put the disease in remission while on an omnivore diet. There is no one solution for every body.

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