Il miglior cibo per contrastare gli effetti dell'inquinamento atmosferico

C'è un alimento che offre il meglio di entrambi i mondi, migliorando significativamente la nostra capacità di disintossicare gli agenti cancerogeni come i fumi del diesel e diminuendo l'infiammazione nelle nostre vie aeree migliorando nel contempo le nostre difese respiratorie contro le infezioni.

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Amo questo video! Leggo da molto tempo dei terribili effetti dell'inquinamento atmosferico, ma finalmente c'è almeno qualcosa che possiamo fare che non comporti lo sradicamento della famiglia e il trasferimento in campagna.

Miglioramento della funzione epatica prolungata dai broccoli ( è il video precedente a cui mi riferivo. <br/>
Altre crocifero qui:
• Metastasi da cancro ai polmoni e broccoli (http:/ /
• Miglioramento prolungato della funzione epatica da broccoli (
• Sopravvivenza al cancro al seno Vegetale (

Ma c'è un segreto per massimizzare i benefici. Vedi Seconda strategia per cucinare i broccoli (

E le pillole di germogli di broccoli? vedi Broccoli: germogli e integratori (

Parlando di infiammazione respiratoria, che dire degli approcci dietetici all'asma? Vedi:
• Prevenire l'asma con frutta e verdura ( frutta e verdura/)
• Trattamento dell'asma con frutta e verdura (
• Trattare l'asma con piante e integratori? (
• Trattare l'asma e l'eczema con diete a base vegetale ( trattamento-asma-ed-eczema-con-diete-vegetali/)
• Vitamina D per l'asma (
• Come Trattare l'asma con una dieta a basso contenuto di sale ( -Dieta a basso contenuto di sale)

Ci sono anche fonti di inquinamento indoor, vedi Buttare via i prodotti per la casa dall'odore (

C'è un modo in cui ciò che mangiamo può avere un impatto diretto sull'inquinamento atmosferico al di là della semplice protezione personale. Dai un'occhiata a Dieta e cambiamenti climatici: cucinare una tempesta ( -change-cooking-up-a-storm/).

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81 Risposte a “Il miglior cibo per contrastare gli effetti dell'inquinamento atmosferico”

  1. I'm an asthmatic myself though I haven't had a single bout of it after incorporating intense workouts on a daily basis + increased my vitamin A and E from natural sources. I was aware of broccoli efficacy to helping prevent prostate cancer and lower estrogen levels but after watching this video, I'll be eating it every single day from now on and spreading the news!

  2. Worth mentioning freezing and/or heating sprouts will increase sulforaphane (The potent compound) about 3-fold, avoid cooking over 100C as you won't get the sulforaphane. Dr. Rhonda Patrick has gathered lots of research on sulforaphane so check it out (:

  3. Every measure is futile, if your country is located next to China. Polluted air as well as sands constantly are blown to your country, even if you live in a rural area.

  4. Hey Dr. Greger, what is your opinion to the theory that cancer is just a deficiency disease caused by too little laetril-intake?

  5. Awesome. I encourage everyone to sprout their own broccoli seeds at home. Has a much stronger positive effect than broccoli which is already really strong. Also broccoli sprouts in grocery stores are very susceptible to Ecoli unfortunately so definetly sprout them yourself at home. Dr Rhonda Patrick has a lot of great information on this.

  6. Spirulina/Chlorella, Pine Pollen, Hemp and other superfoods ect… Also about Broccoli, consume it ASAP as it loses nutrients faster than most other vegetables.

  7. I eat about 4 cups of broccoli and cauliflower a day with my potatoes or rice and beans. The only problem is cooking it at work. It makes people crazy with the smell. Oh well!

  8. Which works better Doc …. cooked or raw broccoli. I double dare you to answer and confound all these Trumpsters who think cooked broccoli is more powerful than raw.

  9. Hey, everyone! I need your help, nutrition facts geeks !! Unfortunately, I am not a particularly savvy plant-based eater. I do eat a lot of plants and I make green smoothies, but I'd like to make sure I am not missing out on any "MUST-HAVE" plants.So…what are the top nutrient-dense health-promoting plant foods one absolutely has to have as staples on a weekly basis for optimal health and performance? I would love to know your top picks!

  10. Can I freeze Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables in the fridge without losing it's beneficial properties? I usually don't consume all of it at once (single household).

  11. While I'd prefer not to live in a large city, I'm lucky in that the city I currently live in has fairly good public transportation as well as bike lanes, keeping traffic in check. Also traffic is mostly kept to larger streets, making the smaller side streets a lot calmer, with less air and noise pollution. The pollution that does happen can also disperse fairly well, so it doesn't concentrate too much in the city area.
    The city is currently investing a lot into expanding and renovating the subway system, which is the fastest and most used of the public transport options, so I only expect it to get better. Though I won't stay around long enough to see the recently announced new subway line come into service while I still live here.

  12. Are brussel sprouts the same as Broccoli sprouts? I don't think I've ever seen a package in the grocery store labeled "Broccoli sprouts".?

  13. I tried eating it regularly but I can't stomach it. I get stomach pain and diarrhea from it every or every second time. Why? I thought it's so healthy.

  14. I love broccoli, but eating it makes me sick! Any advice/suggestions on what to eat with broccoli would be appreciated. As always, thank your Dr Greger for the great video.

  15. Can someone explain to me how broccoli suppresses inflammatory response but at the same time lets our body effectively fight off infections? And wouldnt inflammation be our body's defence against air pollution? Is it that our inflammatory response is usually overactive?

  16. Grow my own broccoli sprouts and add to my Kale/Parsley/Apple shake, but they taste horrible, so have found adding 4-6 Strawberries to the shake does wonders. And the Liver likes Strawberries.

  17. I use a cheese grater and grate my broccoli, let it sit for 45 minutes. And then I'll basically add it to my meal for dinner if I can work it in, or I will cook it or out it in a smoothie

  18. I never liked broccoli very much but it grew on me when my mom started preparing it almost every day. Now it feels like something is missing if I sit down for lunch without broccoli. Just goes to show food tastes are learned and not necessarily inherent

  19. If you eat broccoli instead of broccoli sprouts to get the sulforaphane, there are a few things you need to know. Cooking the broccoli significantly reduces the positive results. However, if you add mustard powder to the cooked broccoli then you bring back the positive results. So grow broccoli sprouts, freeze them, and then eat them in a salad or smoothie. And/or, eat broccoli raw or cooked with mustard powder. I have not found an expert answer to the question of: Can we just use mustard instead of mustard powder?

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