Il consenso scientifico su una dieta sana

Il principale fattore di rischio di morte negli Stati Uniti è la dieta americana. L'importanza di una sana alimentazione nella prevenzione sanitaria.

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Il consenso scientifico su una dieta sana”

  1. I disagree with you on climate. Not saying that its not a problem but it sure is a sales job at the detriment to primary industries that we can't live without for quite some time. Solar and electric cars are not the solution. Spend money on R&D. Gov't clearly know diet is an issue and do nothing (what's in it for them) but they are bullish on climate fear… what's in it for them.

  2. The term "scientific consensus" is anti-science propaganda. It seems that scientists, and especially medical doctors have forgotten that science is tentative, not dogmatic. Yet we are all now expected to dutifully obey whatever the experts believe is the "scientific consensus" at the current moment. "Trust the (government approved) science" all criticism of "the science" is racist, right-wing fanaticism. "The scientific consensus" = technocratic dictatorship. Whatever the UN says is the "sustainable diet" will soon be the only diet you will be allowed to eat, coz "trust the science". "This is hauntingly similar to what happened in Germany 80 odd years ago

  3. Why don't you just release a small simple guide of what to eat and simplify healthy eating? Then maybe we will start consuming healthy food. But if there is no information as to how to cook and prepare these kinds of foods in a simple straightforward manner and with simple ingredients that are available in every country, then it would be very difficult for the average person to begin to eat this way. If we had such information only then will it be much easier to start this journey and go plant-based.

  4. I started reading some of the articles over at the True Health Initiative, and for some reason I hear them with Dr. Greger's voice in my head. 😁

  5. The "True health initiative" site seemed to be just a bunch of links to articles. I expected an authoratative single source. Kind of a letdown.

  6. THI… Just another international organization that will get overcome or overwhelmed by government powers for the purpose of propaganda media and control over the minds of the people.

    I’ll stick with I trust Dr Greger and his team far more.

  7. And meanwhile Joe Rogan has the biggest podcast in the world and share his huge platform with people that advocates all meat diets, or diets high in animal products.

    And people online – especially on youtube – claim that the rise in obesity, diabetes and premature death in the Western world is because of an increase in carbs. (And of course they forget to distinguish between carbs from things like oatmeal and carbs from soda)

    What they seem to miss in the equation is that the number of consumed calories has gone up, not down, and that the increase in (processed) carbs is added to the already high consumption of animal products. This doesn't mean that processed carbs are not to blame for the poor public health. But it also doesn't mean that animal products, especially red and processed meat and processed dairy are not to blame either.

    In summation: Whole plant foods are not what is keeping people in poor health, it's the opposite!
    So folks, base your diet on whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices and you'll be healthy and well!

  8. 0:30 0:51 1:02 This is what happens when you're not clear with your message and tell the population to "avoid red meat and focus on healthy sources of protein like lean meat, low-fat dairy and fish", instead of saying "ADOPT A FREAKING WHOLE FOODS PLANT-BASED DIET, DAMMIT".

  9. Started eating a strictly plant based diet 3,5 years ago at the age of 20. I’m working out more consistently since a few months ago and I already gained 4kg of lean muscle and I feel fantastic.

    I haven’t been sick for almost 2 years straight, not even a runny nose! That’s a big plus with all this fear surrounding Covid.

    And the only supplements I use are B12 once to a few times a week and vitamin D3 in the wintertimes.

    Stay healthy 🙏🏽🌱

  10. I’m a teacher. My classes often revolve around diet. I bring all kinds of interesting materials to class, including some of Dr. Gregor’s videos, hoping someone will take it to heart, so to speak. No one is listening.

  11. While plant-based eating has been legitimately proven to be the healthiest, man-made climate change is based on a scientific consensus stemming from the desire for money (ie, political funding). Sticking to pure science rather than any 'expert' consensus is the only way to find what actually works.and what doesn't.

  12. Checked out that website they talk about eggs and certain fish being healthy choices …. I guess for those who cannot do the entire whole food … kind of disappointing but I am sure it is a great place to start the journey (changing some not all )

  13. This is absurd. I do not, would not, and wouldn't recommend getting dietary advice from "government experts" nor a patchwork consensus panel of "experts". It is disappointing to see Dr. Greger fumble the ball on credibility.

  14. Well, despite US spending trillions of $ on healthcare, no one ever said it's any good. If anything, it's horrible for the general population. In addition, you can't even solely rely on healthcare and doctors. Each individual should also take responsibility of their health. It's just common sense. But some apparently lack that.

  15. I really appreciate Dr. Greger's research on nutrition, but his comment on "climate change deniers" is just not factual. The notion that those who do not concur with the so-called greenhouse effect being equivalent to "critics, diet books, industry interest and misguided information" is disconnected from reality. Dr. Greger mentions the field of nutrition needs something similar to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Firstly, the problem with Dr. Greger's statement is it ignores (or is not aware) of the fact that not all scientists agree about the greenhouse effect. Secondly, any information that contradicts "global warming" is usually ignored by major & well-funded media networks. Thirdly, established scientists who criticize climate change assumptions have not been invited to participate in official IPCC meetings. Fourthly, scientists who question human-caused global warming are censored from most journals for no other reason than opposition to consensus. If Dr. Greger wants something like this in the field of nutrition then count me out. There is no integrity in such a controlling industry. All sides of a debate should be heard. We do not need some ruling elite controlling the conversation. People need to be able think for themselves without a paternalistic "know-it-all" group deciding what people are allowed to think or what information we can and cannot have access to (this would be tyranny). I agree with Dr. Greger about nutrition because of the evidence and I'm glad he has had the freedom to share his views. Imagine if an official agency was in place and censored him so none of us had access to this information because they already determined what we are allowed to believe? Remember the golden rule…. 🙂

  16. The misinformation about nutrition even affects JAMA. A recent paper argued that a person had severe B12 deficiency (affecting walking, etc.) after only about two weeks on a vegetarian diet.

  17. problem with plant diets is calories. am also beginning to understand that all the phytonutrient benefits are likely being grossly exaggerated because 1. u're unable no matter how many gallons of plant matter u stuff into urself to get beneficial doses of more than a very few, and 2. there's growing evidence that the actual benefits of phytos are simply not there–e.g. that's its healthy to consume anti-oxidents. anyone e.g. know the mechanism of the so call cancer protective effects of broccoli–or is that believed beccause someone once said it or because a broccoli compound killed something in a petri dish?

  18. That’s great info, but the world still needs to know about the extreme health benefits of hydrogen. The science is clear and I’ve seen it do things that doctors have deemed impossible. I’m up to working with any doctor to share the data. Would love to chat with you Dr Gregor about it. I highly respect your channel and love what you do, but if we can add to it, to help people, it could potentially be even better for helping people live healthier lives.

  19. I have hear that a high protein diet is also not considered to be that healthy, but what does high protein actually mean? I have working out for several years so I am eating more protein than your everyday guy in an attempt to build or maintain muscle. But how much is too much to the point where I am sacrificing my health?

  20. this video needs to be played a million times, just had two family members pass away from colon cancer. It's what you eat people! it catches up to you and will hurt you

  21. Dr. Greiger, I am 100 lbs overweight and I have been vegan for over 6 mos. I have not achieved any weight loss. Is it better to go back to ideal protein diet and lose weight on their vegetarian plan..which I have done and lost weight thinking is maybe iI should lose the weight and then return to a vegan diet. I'm worried that carrying this much weight is such a danger to my health, maybe it's better to lose it on a less healthier plan since I know it worked for me and then maintain a healthy weight with a vegan diet afterwards? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm torn on how to go forward. Dont come for me people. I just need advice.

  22. Only shows that people know what to do but aren't doing it. The other day an ER doctor told me they expect nutrition to start playing a larger part in health care in the next 5-10 years. I'm not holding my breath.

  23. I hate when people say "lower mortality rates". The mortality rate is 100%. It's life expectancy, that can be improved.

  24. Those lower GDP countries have lower mortality rates than the US, not because they have more vegans, but because they don't have enough money to buy as many animal products and processed junk foods as Americans. Most importantly, they don't eat as much as Americans.

  25. The last quote reads

    "A diet comprised mostly of minimally processed,
    generally plant-predominant foods in
    timehonored, balanced combinations (e.g.,
    traditional diets of certain Mediterranean
    populations, certain Asian populations, etc.).
    The preferred beverage for satisfying thirst in
    almost all situations is water"

    So, that includes meat, just in "balanced" combinations.

  26. This true health initiative isn’t offering much nutrition information on their website and it sounds like a step backward from what Dr Greger recommends. Not a great video.

  27. So, there is a good chance you won't read or reply to this, but I think you are adding to the misinformation campaign as you advocate only for a plant based food intake. The real answer should be: This is an option that may be good for your body, DEPENDING ON YOUR UNDERLYING CONDITIONS!!!!!!
    Every bodies nutritional intake is different, every reaction to different food groups needs to be understood prior to deciding on a correct lifestyle. Plant is not the right option for some as meat only is not the right option for others.
    I wish you would stress that more.

  28. “ a variety of nutritional experts” are there any LCHF experts on board? Who are they, and how was there input placed in the guidelines?

  29. The biggest misconception that I hear people saying: Everything in moderation. Sadly, it ends up being vegetables in moderation while the bad stuff dominates. I had bloodwork done in March…A1C is 5.0, everything else was bang on except for HDL. What did my doctor say to do? Go low carb.

  30. After switching to a whole food, vegan diet, I started feeling awful and learned that I have a severe FODMAP sensitivity. Almost all plants contain FODMAPS. The more plants I eat, the more FODMAPS I get.

  31. If it were illegal for parents to have overweight children (which I deem to be child neglect), it would make a dramatic difference in these numbers

  32. I was vegan for 2 years and my cholesterol numbers continued their slow creep up and my pre-diabetes continued.
    My doctor told me that he wanted to prescribe something for me for the impending diabetes.
    I begged him off for 6 months….
    I spent months reading through NiH articles……
    I started intermittent fasting (eating lunch and dinner with no snacking and stop ingesting anything 4 hours before going to bed)
    I starting eating very low carb (cutting out potatoes, rice, flour) and eating plenty of high fiber, low carb green leafy type of veges and onions/garlic etc…. things like asparagus.
    And eating fish at least 3 times per week and eating grass fed beef, and pasture raised eggs… processed sugar or anything containing that or hfcs, no vegetable oils or any oils other than oils naturally occurring in things like olives, avocados, nuts, coconut. I eat olive oil cold such as on a salad and I cook on medium heat or lower with coconut oil.
    So no highly processed and refined oils or carbs….. or anything with preservatives….(yes, I make my own salsa from tomatillos/peppers etc from my own garden)… no alcohol

    The result… my HDL increased, my total cholesterol lowered, my small dense particle count lowered, I lost about 30lbs.
    My doctor told me that I am the single only patient that he's had in 40 years as a general practitioner who reversed my own pre-diabetes without medication. My blood sugar is now on the good end of the range for my age.
    and it was not on a vegan diet…. I ate a vegan diet with all the numbers continuing to worsen.
    Ask yourself this…. do you believe that humans evolved over thousands of years…and they were vegan? Or… mostly near bodies of fresh or salt water… did they consume animal products?
    My point is that veganism is not required to be healthy. You can be strictly vegan and unhealthy, and you can also be non-vegan and be healthy.
    The devil is in the details.
    Now…. enjoy your massive mental gymnastics to pretend human evolution involved veganism.
    good day.

  33. Given the terrible suffering that the meat and dairy industries causes, there's no choice IMO but to adopt a diet that is least harmful (to others) in expectation. The fact that it can be health promoting is a bonus (even if a huge one 🙂 ).

  34. Healthy diet means beef, and saying no to veg. Oil, sugar, and wheat, which are made from plants.

  35. Basing your diet on science is nothing but pure stupidity.
    The problem with that is that scientific conclusions can be altered to fit any existing paradigm you believe to be true.
    There is this concept that most people don't understand, it's called evolution. Humans evolved as animals to become what we are today.
    Most people lack the curiosity and critical thinking skills to understand that instinct, which we evolved has kept us alive and thriving for millions of years, is the best way to understand what to eat and do to survive.
    The truth is that people are so brainwashed to believe that science has all of the answers, and are too stupid to see the evolutionary aspect of health and survival.
    The key to learning how to thrive is to use instinct, common sense and accurate science to know what to do, not just blindly follow what some doctor says…their are plenty of doctors with different opinions…some of them must be wrong…

  36. At 1.45- Surely it is not a case of '…EVEN THOUGH we spent trillions of dollars more on health care than…" but rather "… THEREFORE we spent trillions of dollars more than…" I think we all know that the unhealthier a population, such as the US, the more health care they're going to need. Nothing enriches all those private medical suppliers in the USA more than bad health. I'm sure they like things exactly as they are. I'm surprised you didn't factor this in.

  37. Americans cut the fat and increased the grains to 6-10 servings a day. That's the problem. We used to feed grains to the cows and pigs 30 days before slaughter to fatten them up. Worked like a charm.

  38. McDonald’s, kfc, Burger King domino’s pizza Pizza Hut etc .. all U.S franchise companies.. all blight poor regional cities across the world fast food/ fast death from …heart attacks, stokes type 2 diabetes liver and kidney failure etc.., live long and active …eat fresh natural.. eat food that arrived from the ground , not sealed plastic wrappers 😄

  39. “The True Health Initiative”. Any time I see a title like this I’m skeptical at best. It sounds like another self aggrandizing organization that want to tell people what to do and how to do it. I’m not even arguing with their message but every person is different with different nutritional needs. Let’s say for a minute every person on the planet went vegan. Do you really think there is enough land to sustain the vegetation needed to feed the entire planet? Think about all the water it will take. Meat is a perfectly acceptable part of person’s diet. I know of some people who eat only beef (seriously…only beef, no carbs, veggies, no fruit. nothing except beef) and it’s cured their debilitating auto immune disease. It’s not a one size fits all.

  40. You would need addiction experts as well… and probably politicians that can’t be bought to change policies etc

    I bet the ex smokers are now addicted to junk 🥴

  41. It is interesting that you mention South Korea in this presentation. The following reference is found in the reputable journal Nature. 12.8 million adults studied over a period 2001 to 2004. "Total cholesterol and all-cause mortality by sex and age: a prospective cohort study among 12.8 million adults"
    The cholesterol level with the lowest all cause mortality was 225.
    Maybe we should be aiming for that target? As you said, South Korea is doing far better than the US of A.

  42. First: Science is NOT done by consensus. Second: Climate has been reducing since 2013, AND will continue to reduce temperature for the next 100 years or more, because of the solar cycle, , , SO, If you don't agree with that, , , then YOU are a climate denier. Third: We have a coalition in the US, and we know what it has done to us, so you propose another one? On a GLOBAL scale? Are you trying to KILL everyone ? ? You F$%#Muppet

  43. Regarding misinformation, I have been eating ground flax seed every morning in cereal based on advice in your books and videos. A few days ago I watched a Youtube video by another popular American doctor that discusses nutrition and he said a food not to eat is flax. I am someone who is trying to correct years of poor diet and I personally would love to see doctors agreeing on something as simple as flax is good or flax is bad. p.s. I will continue eating ground flax seed, but I can't understand how a health professional could say that it must not be part of anyone's diet while another says it is essential.

  44. Remember, the majority has NEVER, not even once, moved hypothesis forward.

    The historical track record of scientific consensus is nothing but dismal. Science is about evidence, not consensus

    Generally speaking, the majority have always been wrong.

    There is no such thing as "Scientific Consensus" in science. Michael Crichton wrote in 2003:

    *"I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

    Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.

    In addition, let me remind you that the track record of the consensus is nothing to be proud of. Let’s review a few cases.In past centuries, the greatest killer of women was fever following childbirth. One woman in six died of this fever. In 1795, Alexander Gordon of Aberdeen suggested that the fevers were infectious processes, and he was able to cure them. The consensus said no.

    In 1843, Oliver Wendell Holmes claimed puerperal fever was contagious, and presented compelling evidence. The consensus said no.

    In 1849, Semmelweiss demonstrated that sanitary techniques virtually eliminated puerperal fever in hospitals under his management. The consensus said he was a Jew, ignored him, and dismissed him from his post. There was in fact no agreement on puerperal fever until the start of the twentieth century. Thus the consensus took one hundred and twenty five years to arrive at the right conclusion despite the efforts of the prominent “skeptics” around the world, skeptics who were demeaned and ignored. And despite the constant ongoing deaths of women."*

    Here is the link to the rest of the article:

  45. Tyrants like you made havoc with stupid dietary guidelines on the 70s
    Now you popped up with this infamous initiative to mess with our individuality in the name of your superstitions about climate
    Are you pretending to be the owners of the truth? Are you gods?

  46. This whole video punches down on the american public for having a "lack of personal responsibilities" and says nothing abt what to do of food deserts, THE FOOD LOBBY to include predatory companies that purposefully put additives in their food to make it more addictive and warp the taste receptors people have.

    Also lmaooo 3Trillion in supposed US spending on healthcare?? Which went to what specifically?? Most americans are poor and cannot afford a hospital visit. They can barely afford the ambulance costs to even get to the hospital… socializing healthcare would mitigate a lot of these supposed costs that are just lining the pockets of private enterprise anyway.

    How disappointing.

  47. An IPCC for Nutrition? I'd tell you, don't be stupid, but; too late! :-p You folks need a warning label on your level of most plant intelligence! :-p

  48. Just about all plant food is GMO food supplied by Monsanto and the likes. No thanks to frakenWheat and frankenSoy. My CACS score of 0 (and I'm in my 60's) says this type of diet is not maintainable. PS I'm not vegan, but i do eat nothing but real food.

  49. I watched a couple of your videos on the difference in the SAD and aboriginal peoples and our great ape cousins. In any of those videos discussing the apes, I hear you discussing their fruit, nut, vegetable intake, but never their insect consumption, which equals roughly 4% of their diet.

    According to a nutritional breakdown, insects are just as – if not more – nutritious than commonly consumed meats. With lots of EFAs Insects are also "rich in trace elements such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, as well as vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and folic acid in some cases."

    If we eat, on average, 4 pounds of food per day, that is a little more than 2 oz of protein and nutrient rich food per day. Which could be why other great apes don't need to take a B12 supplement; the way the "natural diet" sapien branch of the great apes do. Crickets, for instance, are packed full of B12. One brand name organic cricket….? has "approximately 12x more Vitamin B12 than beef & salmon, 20x more than eggs, 50x more than pork & milk, and 100x more than chicken."

    I realize you have made 3 or 4 videos (out of the hundreds) that specifically address insect consumption. But without any linkage to a diet we are historically and genetically predisposed to.

    Repeatedly implying that the best course is a return to a diet we've been eating for millions of years, but failing to include sources that would fill the requirement of an aboriginal diet AND complete our nutritional needs, seems…. remiss. Barring cruelty concerns by the consumer, full disclosure of ancestral dietary patterns in every video where the idea is discussed would be the most scientifically consistent and ethical approach.

  50. I don't appreciate when someone calls somebody a climate change denier just because they do not agree with Marxist policies, which to say the very least, cause mass destruction on more levels than just the Environment.

  51. This diet would blow my blood sugar out of the water, plus having eaten this way, I had so many health problems. Going from vegan to lowcarb/carnivore got rid of my health issues. Thank goodness. No one should be allowed to force people to eat a certain way. Healthy to one may be unhealthy to another.

  52. It's mind blowing to me that there is still argument on this. I've been called some pretty nasty things and accused of starving myself nutritionally due to not eating meat products, despite my doctor's complete adoration of my diet, and overwhelming compliments on my blood markers and nutrition levels.

  53. I seriously have no idea why people find healthy eating so confusing, even with industry misinfo. It's so extremely common sense. As a whole foods plant based vegan that only eats foods they cook and bake themselves. I stay 10% body fat year around with zero effort or hunger. I'm stuffed a majority of the time.

  54. Isn't it interesting that since the 70's we've cut down meat intake, potatoes, and beef. Increased chicken consumption which is generally lower in fat. Yes, despite what might be considered improvements in diet disease related to diet has increased.

  55. I want to appreciate Dr.Aluda for giving me back my life again, I was diagnose of HPV for 2 years, after using Dr Aluda herbal medicine, I got cured….All thanks to Dr. Aluda I will be forever grateful to you sir..reach him via YouTube,  God bless you all..

  56. And here I was thinking scientific consensus means the studies (and science) point at the same "facts". Thank you for correcting me in understanding it is consensus of people's (scientists & influencers) opinions.

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