Il miglior dado

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DESCRIZIONE: Quale tipo di frutta a guscio ha il più alto contenuto di antiossidanti? Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione dei commenti su e ci proverò per rispondere! Non esitate a postare qui nella sezione dei commenti qualsiasi domanda del tipo da chiedere al dottore e sarei felice di provare a rispondere. E guarda gli altri video sulle noci ( Inoltre, ci sono 1,449 altri soggetti (http://nutritionfacts .org/topics/) trattati nel resto dei miei video–sentiti libero di esplorarli anche tu!
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62 Risposte a “Il miglior dado”

  1. This is lame. There are many other important factors to consider besides antioxidant content when evaluating the healthfulness of nuts…such as acidity vs. alkalinity. Also, all peanuts contain 26 different mycotoxin-producing fungi, including recognized carcinogens. Contrary to this video, the healthiest nuts are almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, and macadamias, as well as fresh, seasonal pecans and walnuts and raw almond butter.
    ~ quoted and paraphrased from "The pH MIracle" by Robert O. Young, PhD

  2. Love your work for the info. But please please please please please please work on your style.

    You dont even have to do anything more, just STOP with the naming off of all the nuts …. it is not needed … just cut to the chase …. name the worst nut.PERIOD. Forget the friggin cliff hangers – they are beyond annoying.

  3. I was like please don't be pistachios, please don't be pistachios haha
    Disappointed with Cashews though. At least Almonds made it.

  4. I buy walnuts in 5kg/11lbs bulk, a fist in my morning oatmeal and a fist in my salad. They are soooo good, nice to know they are heavy hitters too!

  5. yeah bitches, pistachios are the best nuts to eat by far, i once ate a bag of 300 grams without even realising (probably not that healthy) so glad to see they rate highly on the scale.

  6. Why are people even complaining?? Want the facts? Why don't you do your own fucking research? First thank him for all the effort he has put so your lazy asses can have a ranking of nuts. The rest of the info is up to you.

  7. what's wrong with the nuts (unless they are rancid)? Loving my pinenuts. I always thought they are at least top 3, not the least healthy! Living in Russia and here no pecans, phistachios, cashews, macadamias, Brazil nuts here growing naturally. only imported. Only walnuts, pinenuts, peanuts and hazelnuts (with some almonds in the south).
    Damn, just ordered organic brazil nuts from iherb!

  8. I just watched a video of Dr Greger on Live with Kelly and he told them walnuts was the most healthy?  Has new info come in over the last 7 years?

  9. weird, I recently read a study that said almonds were literaly the most nutrient dense food from quite a huge list including plenty of animal products and other nuts. I'm trying to find it…

  10. This is a terrible way at measuring how healthy a nut is, it disregards vitamin, minerals, fiber content and type, omega 6:3 ratio, phytosterols, phytoestrogens, lectins, phytic acid, protein content and quality. Very dissappointed with you Michael.

  11. It's not quite in iceberg lettuce land, but should be embarrassed to call itself a nut!! Hilarious and witty! It was my first laugh in the morning! 💕

  12. Pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachio, almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamia, Brazil, pine nuts. So basically all those cashew cheese sauces are crap. Worse than peanut butter.

  13. Throw back to this!!! This was fun to watch, if it was all together. Still blows me away on how different they are nutritionally.

  14. After some questionable(!) scientific research, I found Almonds to the healthiest nut. I stand by my findings, see my channel for the definitive list of the healthiest nuts.

  15. Funnily enough, this is my order of preference too! (With the exception of pine nuts which I’d put right before Almonds — being Italian and loving basil pesto)

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