Il miglior integratore per la fibromialgia

Gli integratori di vitamina D sono messi alla prova per la fibromialgia.

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31 Risposte a “Il miglior integratore per la fibromialgia”

  1. Dr. Rhonda Patrick also spoke of this, but what I find particularly interesting is that the Vit D seems to be one of the most variable essential nutrients in terms of RDI/RDA. In fact, one can be supplementing with 3x the officially RDI, but still remain deficient. This seems to happen more often in older people. "Hitting the sweet spot" with Vit. D seems to be when it starts affecting the symptoms and getting true relief. Lower or higher doses don't really seem to do the job nearly as well.

  2. I still think if we give people the opportunity to complain about simple pain, they will take advantage. And then their children could be negative beneficiaries of poor conditioned thought. Your body is not meant for stasis. It is an ever changing cluster of bacteria wrapped in a nice meat suit. Take the ride, ride high, mile high club high.

  3. Dear Dr. Gregor
    Thank you for consistently pumping out up-to-date information about health and nutrition. I often look to your website and videos first when I have questions about health and nutrition. I am 26 weeks pregnant and eat a whole grains plant based diet. Will you consider doing a video/post regarding vegan (pre)gestational diabetes?
    Thank you!

  4. I dealt with a very specific health issue for 2 years, trying everything until I got a hold of a vitamin d supplement that was actually good quality and everything vanished. I stopped taking the vitamin d now because it's almost summer now and my symptoms haven't returned. It's worth a shot if you're desperate, no matter what you're dealing with.

  5. Just wanted to say thanks for providing all this free information about low cost approaches to healthy living. After a recent health scare I am focusing on my health and diet and have found it easy, enjoyable, and affordable to be eating fresh, clean and vegan and am beginning to reap the rewards. The integrity of your work and your dedication is commendable and rare so again, thankyou so much! I will continue to share these videos with friends and family.

  6. Tick diseases cause chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Tick diseases can be cured, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue can’t be cured. So get tested for Lyme, bebesia, bartonella, mycoplasma and other tick borne co-infections from a infectious disease specialist or

  7. I have fibro and was taking 5000units of D a day. My levels were still low so I'm now on 10,000. The whole month of April I was in a bad flare and barely went outside so I know I definitely wasn't getting any Vit D from the sun.

  8. Dr Greger, do you recommend certain blood tests (beyond the typical blood sugar & cholesterol tests). I realize most tests are given when we have specific or unknown health issues, but what tests would help me better understand my body’s response to my food choices? Does it help to get a baseline of certain vitamin levels or other components/contents of my blood? The impact of food choices feels so detached from understanding/awareness. Does my body feel good/bad because food A changed my blood chemistry? Would food B actually make me feel better? Maybe food C actually makes a difference only after eating it for 3 weeks. If people could actually see the impact on their bodies/in their blood after eating certain foods, it may help us make better choices. I’ve gone WFPB for almost a year. I feel noticeably better, but there is no hard science that says why. Others can shrug it off and say, “You’ve just got good genes.” My goal is not to convince others, but I would like to help them live and feel better, just because I care.

  9. My Vit D on my blood test is in the good range and still have awful musculoskeletal pain. My blood test for D was great but had no bearing on my pain unfortunately. Wish it did.

  10. I took several cycles of vitamin D hormone for years. 15k to 5k IU a day I recall. Did not notice much difference in FIbromyalgia symptoms. It barely budged my blood tests. Stopped going to the doctor and stopped taking vitamin D and my levels came up to near normal. Not sure why except that I stopped eating animal products and started walking about 10 am most every day. I suspect that animal oils / fat interfere with the vitamin D conversion. Vitamin D3 ( Cholecalciferol ) is a rodentcide so people should not be taking it anyway.

  11. Finally, something that makes sense. I started ICU nursing nights 11 yrs ago and was very active but since working night prevented me from seeing the sun, I developed fibro. Now I can really understand this and I appreciate the knowledge you shared. Thank you very much, Dr.

  12. My herpes virus was eliminated with the help of DR AJAKAJA powerful natural herbal remedies .you can visit his YouTube channel for any type of treatment.treatment like HPV HIV Fibromyalgia.

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