I telefoni cellulari influiscono sul sonno?

Gli effetti delle radiazioni dei telefoni cellulari sulla quantità e qualità del sonno.

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Questo fa parte della mia serie estesa di video sui telefoni cellulari. A volte il mio gruppo di ricerca si occupa di argomenti non nutrizionali per i quali sembrano esserci controversie e potenti interessi monetari che cercano di far pendere la bilancia. Ecco il resto della serie:
• Le radiazioni dei telefoni cellulari causano il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-Cell-Phone-Radiation-Cause-Cancer)
• Rischio di tumore al cervello del cellulare? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Cell-Phone-Brain-Tumor-Risk)<br/> • I telefoni cellulari causano il cancro? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-cell-phones-cause-cancer)
• I telefoni cellulari influiscono sulla funzione cerebrale? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-mobile-phones-affect-brain-function)
• Gli effetti dei telefoni cellulari e del Bluetooth sulla funzione nervosa (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The-Effects-of-Cell- Telefoni e Bluetooth sul nervo)
• L'ipersensibilità elettromagnetica è reale? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-electromagnetic-hypersensitivity-real)
• I telefoni cellulari causano tumori alle ghiandole salivari ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-cell-phones-cause-salivary-gland -tumors)

Alcuni dei miei video sul sonno (con altri in arrivo!):
• Crostata di ciliegie per l'insonnia (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/tart-cherries-for-insomnia/)
• Kiwifruit for Insomnia (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/kiwifruit-for-insomnia /)
• Come trattare il jet lag con la luce (https ://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-treat-jet-lag-with-light/)
• Gli integratori di melatonina sono sicuri? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-melatonin-supplements-safe/)
• Come trattare il jet lag con cibi ricchi di melatonina (https://nutritionfacts.org /video/come-trattare-il-jet-lag-con-cibo-ricco-di-melatonina/)

domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-mobile-phones-affect-sleep e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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61 Risposte a “I telefoni cellulari influiscono sul sonno?”

  1. I used to drink alcohol most nights. I didn't think it affected my sleep at all because I slept fine and woke up feeling fine. But once I stopped, I actually got tired at night instead of bored and restless and wanting to drink alcohol to settle down. Being on the computer/my phone at night has never seemed to do anything near as interrupting as drinking alcohol

  2. I put my phone in airplane mode at night so I can still have it right by my head for the alarm. Even if it doesn't help much I sleep better not worrying about it.

  3. Interesting. I’ll see how I go then. It’s past midnight here and I listened to your video just before about to get some sleep. I usually fall asleep quite quickly, even though I have my phone on my bedside table. I’ve always worried about radiation more than it keeping me awake. Thanks and goodnight 💤

  4. Wait why are exposure levels NINE TIMES higher when talking than just listening?? How could you just rattle that off without explaining it? lol

  5. I was turned airplane mode ON on my phone and my brother..
    Aftert First night- woke up way too late, and felt like is was too early.. was a good sleep…
    Second night- I did it to all phones we have at home, this time including WiFi,
    Response- I wake up with a dream in my head😴 is was the first time in years I dreamed.. (is was scary though😝😝😝)

  6. Fun fact, just a night of sleep deprivation actually makes you resistant to insulin, which goes away once you've cleared that sleep debt, which in turn, many people can't do because they're on their phones because they can't sleep & the resultant bluelight exposure messes up your circadian rythym even more thus fueling this vicious cycle.

    If this cycle is allowed to continue, and combined with poor dietary choices, can result in nocturnal hypoglycemia which will then raise your adrenaline in order to compensate & restore blood sugar levels to normal thus leading to poor quality of sleep. This is also referred to as adrenal fatigue & if you remember, one of it's symptoms is unable to get a refreshing night's sleep and waking up with a headache instead of refreshed & full of energy.

  7. The title of this video is just like and sat test question. Do cell phones affect sleep? Really, if you were writing an essay about the situation, you would start by saying, "Cellphones affect sleep"

  8. Dr Greger..the issue is RF energy from cell phone towers. The american cancer society and FCC use guidelines from 1996 which claim minimal risk!! Its old and outdated. Please make a video about cell phone towers and antennae's with the current research. Thanks.

  9. Do you have any tips for making my hemoglobin higher. I have had low hemoglobin for many years and I have been 2 years vegan. I was been between 120-128 for years now. I eat a really healthy diet. I don't eat wheat, food with added sugar and oil etc. I am long distance runner and for us hemoglobin is really importan. I don´´ drink coffee, choclate etc. I eat a lot fruits, greens molasesses etc.

  10. Just lost a follower. Some of your info is not correct in some of your videos. To say emf barely is a factor in sleep is laughable. You probably are ok with 5g as well

  11. I am really confused , what is "talk mode" and what is listen mode" I've never heard of a listen mode. I wish I knew whether was referring to having the phone in aeroplane mode.

  12. Faraday bag will shutdown everything and buy blue light blocking glasses and wear them when the sun goes down to mimic nature. Phones have applications but they don't work nowhere near as good as specialized glasses that block out blue light which tricks and stimulates the brain to thinking its daytime.

  13. You know the main cause of insufficient sleep? "NIGHTMARES"👿. I have this a lot and trying to get less sleep. I hate it. I don't want nightmares.

  14. I watched Max0r on mt tv in bed just before sleep… it hyped me up so much I could not sleep and when I closed my eyes it was all hyper wild elden ring intensity!

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