Il mito della combinazione di proteine

Il mito secondo cui le proteine ​​vegetali sono incomplete, che richiedono la combinazione di proteine, è stato sfatato dalla comunità scientifica della nutrizione per decenni ago.

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I vegetariani assumono abbastanza proteine? ( è il video in cui Copro la quantità di proteine.

Proteine ​​vegetali Preferibile ( non solo perché il cibo è un pacchetto affare, ma a causa della minore attivazione dell'enzima di invecchiamento (Caloric Restriction vs. Animal Protein Restriction -restriction/), meno aminoacidi contenenti zolfo (Bowel Wars: Hydrogen Sulfide vs. Butirrato http://nutritionfacts .org/video/Bowel-Wars-Hydrogen-Sulfide-vs-Butyrate) come la metionina (Methionine Restriction as a Life Extension Strategy, minore capacità di formazione di acido nei reni (Fonte proteica: un test acido per la funzione renale -funzione), minore putrefazione nel colon (Proteine ​​Putrefatte ed Enzimi “Tossificanti” e nessuna risposta infiammatoria (quale tipo di proteina è migliore per i nostri reni? Anche le proteine ​​vegetali non hanno lo stesso effetto sull'ormone della crescita IGF-1 che promuove il cancro di cui parlo nella sezione sul cancro del mio Food as Medicine ( presentazione.<br/>
Avere una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Mark Pouley, Steven Zolneczko e PSC1121-Vai via Flickr.
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100 Risposte a “Il mito della combinazione di proteine”

  1. It's a disgrace that most doctors lack the level of knowledge on nutrition to adequately prevent disease formation and any further metastasis. But, again, the industry of pharmaceuticals won't flourish on competent citizens.

  2. I have a family member who really wants to build muscle and follows body builders, and tries to eat like them. I'm vegan and trying to show them that they really don't need animal protein. These body builders talk about how animal protein is more easily absorbed into the body than plant protein. I'm trying to find some evidence of this. Does anyone know if this is true or have any resources on this in particular?

  3. My RD from KP told me "you cannot eat only plant protein" you must eat animals to get all your nutrition….she sat there with all her fake meat for display>barf and I had to pay 20.00 for that consult. Ohhh and only 2 fruits a day because it has carbs and natural sugar.

  4. Hi, I'm trying to construct/understand, fully, the argument to refute/debunk the food combining myth. Directly and with scientific sources. However, many materials, even the video above, use slightly roundabout ways to present the case, and oftern do not directly address it. I have a friend who recently did a training where they were specifically taught this theory and her being straight out of training, my unresearched arguments are weaker. "This is not true" is not an argument, that is a claim. An argument would contain proof and sources. The video above, which I found whilst searching for material, both scientific and popular, does not present the full argument. The articles flashed on the screen look scientific but the titles do not direclty address the quesion (I will nevertheless try and look them up, to see, if their bodies do). It can be seen as using roundabout pointers. In myth debunking this leaves too much room for potential other fallacies. So can someone help me with either constructing the argument or at least point out scientific evidence to counter the claims of food combining? I'm confortable with dwelling into scientific papers, but one needs to dive in from the right end of the pool, with right keywords to avoid wasting time. And by looking at both sides, independently of what one believes or wants to believe. I might end up with the construction of convincing opposite arguments as well. Whatever the data.

  5. The sad thing is that even Vegans seems to still be as obsessed with "proteins" as the average carnist.
    In reality we don't need to be thinking about trying to get enough protein.
    You can completely throw out the beans, lentils, nuts and seeds and still be perfectly fine.
    Eating fruits and greens exclusively will give about the same amount of proteins/aminos per calorie as mothers milk.
    Plenty enough to build strength and perfect health.

  6. Key concept is "typical american diet". Which produces an overweight to obese population. But why? A look at the "requirement index" shows that milk and eggs are both in the high 90 % range and are called complete foods because of this. Whole grains are in the 76 to 82% range and peanuts are 67%. Meats, not listed, are higher than grains but lower then say, eggs. Now what does this mean? To me, if you only eat uncombined foods, you need 50% more peanuts(67% plus 50 % of 67% , or 33% equal 100%, no?) to get enough essential amino acids to supply enough for the body to have the the100% complete protein needed to live. Where does the remainder protein go? Some can be used by the body as energy, but some is also stored until the body gets the missing amino acids needed to make it useful for the body. This is called by normal language, fat. That is one reason why the "typical american diet" is so high in calories. Look at nations where excessive calories in the diet are either not available or too expensive and see what they eat. Cuba for example. There is a Cuban joke the goes:- In Cuba we eat beans and rice for breakfast, rice and beans for lunch and Moros and Chritianos for dinner (read:- beans and rice). There are not many fat Cubans but there are many healthy ones! India and African, same thing. No, you do not have to combein foods to get a better protein complex, unless you do not want the typical american diet.

  7. Thank you so much, that is such a great information for me …. I´ve spent hours of searching for "good" combinations from vegan sources.

  8. Jesus, i was in nutrition class and hearing my teacher telling all the jokes i mean jocks about protein combining just made me wanna flip a table, i have many regrets

  9. I knew about the fact that it is not necessary to combine food at each meal.

    But still i'm confused about something, according to the video i don't need to worry about combining my food like… AT ALL? Like let's say that for a week, i don't feel like eating any whole grain food… It's okay to just eat lentils, beans, vegetables without worrying about that 'combine whole grain and beans' argument?

    Hope i'm clear enough, i'm not english native, it is not even my second language.

  10. for a bodybuilder or athletes, its known that plant protein is inferior. theyve lost muscle mass, stregth ect.

  11. Isn't lysine typically hard to get enough of if you don't eat beans? So, then, minus beans, it seems fairly easy to design a diet that is deficient. I mean, if you eat less lysine than is needed every day, the "pools" of amino acids that the body has access to is going to be deficient in lysine. Isn't this true? If the RDAs are correct that is?

  12. Oh wow. I have been vegan for a year and I didn't know up until now that the protein combining was a myth. So many misinformed vegan advocates out there that don't even give the right advice. Thank you dr Greger!!!!!

  13. If you want to prove your point, help a vegan cyclist race at the Tour de France. Then we can discuss whether complete protein is a myth.

  14. Phenylalanine was found exclusively in animal products prior to the agricultural era. Had it not been for thousands of years of cultivation and trade allowing people from all over the world to eat man-made nutritional 'powerhouses', most of humanity would have died eradicating meat from their diet.

    You can live off of plants NOW, but even then you run into problems sourcing your amino acids from specific foods (estrogenic properties, raw veganism being a myth (soy is poisonous raw), consumption of phytic acid, and still tons of vitamin deficiencies). We didn't get our B12 from water; Veganism is still bullshit.

  15. I just took an online course, allegedly supported by Stanford university, and it had that protein myth about combining proteins in it! I guess I knew the course was a low quality one when they preached healthy eating and then proceeded to promote recipes full of eggs, diary and oils….
    Thanks Dr. Greger and Team

  16. The other day somebody asked me to show the evidence, since Harvard “proved” this and no science has proven otherwise.
    I feel like that seagull at the very end when I hear the word “protein” 😑
    /plantbased for 15 yrs and counting

  17. This video is a complete joke. You know people can READ right? Especially at 2:50 and 3:07 The bullshit you're saying doesn't match the science papers you're showing. Especially at 3:07 you say with condescension "no need to combine" .. when the fucking statement clearly reads "as long as sources are — VARIED"

    The response from AHA is NOT that any single plant has complete protein, as it doesn't, but infact that IF you're eating rich DIET of varied vegan based foods, then you'll end up with enough protein.

    That CONFIRMS protein combining.

  18. Isn't the idea behind incomplete proteins the ratio of certain amino acids to others or even absence of some amino acids? (like essentials vs non-essential)
    So saying they are incomplete may technically be wrong, but if you take incomplete to mean not optimal human use or not containing all of our essential and semi-essential amino acids, would that also be a myth, or does that interpretation actually have some validity?
    It could very well be the case that proteins from meat are more optimized for say muscle growth, because it's already a muscle, whereas plant-bodies are very different from our bodies in terms of structure. I haven't looked into the research on this, but if anyone who has cares to comment on this, I would be very interested to know if what I just said holds any truth.

  19. So i don't have to combine meats? Any meat will give me all the proteins my body needs?
    Great, because eating meat has been a tradition in my family for millions of years.

  20. Sun, cholesterol and a series of skin interactions that can be easily interrupted by washing / water / sun-blocker provides vitamin D to the body. Let's hear it for cholesterol, which if we have too little actually shortens our lives or even kills us. Our body actually produces a lot of cholesterol, unlike vitamin C (which almost every other creature out there does make). We can survive without much vitamin C, but apparently we cannot survive without cholesterol. Perhaps we can fix the gene that is supposed to make vitamin C, but I have not heard anyone propose that.

  21. I would drink rat milk, who cares, its just your mind getting in the way to eat this but not that. the fact of the matter is most vegans went vegan then learned how to defend it as yhe superior way of eating, not the other way around. its all a superiority complex, they like to look down at others who arent vegan as less than and gonna die a miserable death while vegans fart rainblows and pee pure mango juice.

  22. where can i find more info about plants producing amoni acids while humans and animals just recycle them.
    all i find is info about humans and animals producing non essential amino acids themselves

  23. What foods should you eat to cure nocturia/frequent urination? I want to eat plant-based and am under the impression that amino acids can heal the bladder/these problems. I remember drinking bone broth with plenty of gelatin and was able to sleep without waking up at all that night. I haven't been able to do that for years.

  24. Real gotcha moment when you caught AHA saying "you need to eat multiple plant protein sources" and then correcting it with "you need to eat multiple plant protein sources"

    If you're going to misrepresent what sources actually say, don't quote them.

  25. While you don’t need to combine your proteins in your meal, but you do need to make sure you are getting a variety of amino acids at sometime for your body to consume them. If you are deficit from eating them, your body can’t store and allocate them.

  26. 1:30 “The concept that plant protein was inferior to animal protein arose from studies performed on rodents more than a century ago. Scientists found that infant rats don’t grow as well on plants. But infant rats don’t grow as well on human breast milk either…”

  27. If plant proteins are complete then why do my muscles take longer to recover then?

    Wait a minute… so if the body has an amino acid pool… the pool needs to be filled doesn't it? With essential amino acids which the body can not produce on its own. So yeah at some point you will need to eat to complete the incomplete protein…

  28. Wow the people who follow this channel and don't do any fact checking are fucking brain dead. You are so self absorbed in your vegan bullshit lifestyle you have no idea this guy is full of shit.

  29. Wait…he said the body strips and recycles protein from itself. Isn't it bad when the body strips off protein? When it does this with calcium with pregnant mothers it causes bone loss and bad teeth, How is the protein thing different?

  30. Can you do a video on strength resistance training with weights. This video suggests that protein isn't as necessary for that as well.

  31. Science without common sense has always resulted in dietary fallacy. You can even question for recommending the direct consumption of plant reproductive material . Not only are beans, seeds, whole grains, ,rice etc protected by Anti-nutrients and damage the gut. The benefits they are touting are bio-unavailable until sprouting and germination takes place. Remember if you can't consume something raw without some form of process like cooking, chances are nature never intended it to be a dietary staple.

  32. Then, could you make a video explaining which are the health issues a 100% plan based protein could bring, such as SiBO and so? please. Love your videos

  33. I agree with the basic idea that vegans overthink protein. For instance, I just tallied up what I ate today, which I don't usually do. I got about 44% of my protein from legumes, 32% from vegetables, 12% from nuts and seeds, 10% from grains, with the remaining points being fruit and me being lazy with rounding. Despite getting about 75% of my protein from food with the same limiting acid, I'm still definitely fine. And so are most vegans.

    That said, you DO need to have a varied diet. If you get a lot of vegetable protein at dinner, and have some grains or nuts in the evening, you're groovy. It doesn't have to be the same meal. Or even every day, our body can compensate for shortfalls by recycling protein. But if you CHRONICALLY get all your protein from a single source like grain, you'll eventually have protein problems. But eating such a stupidly one-dimensional diet is inherently unhealthy, whether you're vegan or a traditional omnivore, and protein is just one facet of the unhealthiness.

    So basically, yes, limiting amino acids are real, and most plant proteins are "incomplete". But a vegan with a healthy and varied diet doesn't need to consciously think about it at all. Which is really the take-away.

  34. This is good evidence that plants can offer sufficient protein with no meat. But this is poor evidence that a single-source plant can offer sufficient protein.

    The very quote you cite says that plant proteins are sufficient "as long as sources of dietary protein are varied." Of course meat isn't needed. But varied plants evidently are.

    The gelatin study only looked at 15 different protein sources, it was on RATS, and it is from 1964.

    Good job herding the sheeple.

  35. At 3:07 the pop-up includes ONE PHRASE that leaves out. When talking about combining proteins, the recommendation in the pop-up says there is no need to worry about combining proteins WITHIN A GIVEN MEAL. It is still a good idea to know your protein sources and to make sure that you include a variety of protein-rich food in your diet (so you'll get all your amino acids). So, don't forget to add a handful of nuts, or to have beans, grains, etc. every day. You can't just eat one source of most proteins (such as processed faux-meats) and hope to be okay.

    Also – just a pet-peeve, but we are lucky to live in a time when we have research data. In the past, we didn't know a lot about a lot of things (we hadn't invented the instruments of measure that would allow for the precise sorts of information that we have now). In the past, we were ignorant. That is different from being intentionally misleading. Now that we know better … we can do better.

  36. 中文(繁體) time 1:14 . The translation is wrong. (average about twice the average daily requirement for protein. 應該是:平均攝取到的蛋白質的量,是身體需求的兩倍。因為在另一篇 Do vegetarians get enough protein 提到 :The average requirement is 42 grams of protein a day. Non-vegetarians get way more than they need, and so does everyone else. On average, vegetarians and vegans get 70% more protein than they need every day。)

  37. This is the one video you have I think every single human on the planet should watch. How can such stupidity still be the main argument against veganism?

  38. But they do studies all the time depleting certain things like serotonin in the brain through using high levels of BCAA's… how does that work?

  39. It's still okay to eat beans & rice together because they taste great together though, I mean especially with a little salsa & maybe some guacamole.

  40. With science being pushed into biased social and political wants. I am slightly skeptical, while I do enjoy a balanced diet. I see this as just a ploy to convince people that vegan is the only way. Hyperbolic, maybe. But at times we must think ahead of right now.

  41. Thanks. This is one of those things I kind of worry about but not enough to actually do the research. I figure that my plant based diet is so much better than what millions or billions of other people eat around the planet that it really has to be relatively good at keeping me alive.

  42. Yeah Diet for a small planet. Protein combining. I got the book when it came out and used to bang that drum for years. I note that with this protein THEORY there is no harm done by being over zealous with protein combining, now we are told it just is not necessary to be that strict, we do not have to be so rigid with the timing of legumes and grains. However after barely being able to be a vegan for a few years whilst doing protein combining, and now that I am older and can no longer be a vegan successfully, I have realized that there is something in meat that I have to have daily. I assume it is animal protein, but do not know for sure if it is that ingredient. I have to eat 1.5 cubic inches of meat a day, that is the limit of how far I can 'dial down to' to maintain my weight and maintain my energy. The missing ingredient is not missing Vit B12 or Iron or missing saturated fat as I can supplement with that while being a vegan and my health still starts taking a plunge. In conclusion, this is not my preference but I do have to eat a small amount of meat each day and there must be others that also cannot successfully be a vegan. Back to the 1.5 cubic inches of meat a day, that is 1/8 the amount of meat eaten a day by a typical adult in the USA according to the USDA. I am including in that fish consumption. I note that many people can be vegans and thrive, several of my friends are vegans.

  43. EAAs are essential, obviously, it's right there in the name. The amount of each is important, not merely the existence of them.

    Plants are low in lysine, for example. If you're doing the vegan thing, you'll either need to supplement what you're not getting in your food, or you'll just be kinda sickly. I don't actually know what the symptoms of lysine deficiency are, but lysine helps to make use of other AAs. I think these deficiencies come into sharper contrast when one is trying to get stronger at the gym.

    That's going to be a shallow pool if you ain't eating much of it.

  44. I'll take the message on board, but having a mixture of soaked/fermented nuts, seeds and grains makes for an exponentially more satisfying meal.
    Beans on toast alone is an invitation into how to actively embrace the softness of the beans in question, contrasted against the lightly charred crispness of the bread's exterior.
    Done well, if it's good enough for Delia Smith, it's surely good enough for me.

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