I pericoli dei broccoli?

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DESCRIZIONE: Caso clinico di una donna dopo un intervento chirurgico di bypass gastrico Roux-en-Y che cerca di mangiare bene. Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/videos/the-dangers-of-broccoli/ e ci proverò per rispondere! Mi ricorda la storia di quel farmaco dimagrante con effetti collaterali imbarazzanti (nel mio video Proteine ​​del latte vs. Proteine ​​della soia – http://nutritionfacts.org/video/milk- proteine-vs-proteine-di-soia/). Se i rischi della chirurgia superano i rischi dell'obesità potrebbe non essere rilevante, poiché esiste una terza opzione, l'adesione per tutta la vita a una dieta sana. Guarda i miei 25 video sull'obesità (http://nutritionfacts. org/topics/obesity/) e centinaia di altri video su più di mille argomenti (http://nutritionfacts.org/ topic/).
Inoltre, controlla il mio post sul blog associato:
http://nutritionfacts.org/blog/2012/04/12/il- best-detox/!

Immagine di credito: Michael Pollan, e ad Andrzej 22 ed Evan-Amos tramite Wikimedia Commons.

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26 Risposte a “I pericoli dei broccoli?”

  1. Dr. Greger's conclusion demonstrates pre-judgements (prejudice) about large body size. It is assumed that anyone who weighs 316 must be a glutton. The fact is, some very large people dieted their way up to higher weights, some eat healthy, & some eat unhealthily. YOU CANNOT TELL A PERSON'S LIFESTYLE BY LOOKING AT THEIR BODY SIZE. This prejudice is part of what causes people to choose stomach mutilation as a last resort. To help, end size-prejudice & begin a focus on health, at every size.

  2. kellybliss, the doctor is highlighting the ridiculousness of gastric bypass surgery, especially this extreme type of gastric bypass surgery.

    There's nothing wrong with broccoli. It's an absolutely brilliant vegetable!

  3. Watch "80/10/10/ Proof" here on YT. You'll find that many of those people are formerly overweight to obese, and now they are all lean and mean.

    What you put into your body is directly related to your eventual physique. "Gluttony" is a bad term, because humans need to eat a lot—we just do. You can eat all the fruits and veggies you want and not become obese—it just won't happen.

  4. I thought about this when my ex girlfriend's mom got by pass surgery. Wouldn't the surgery keep them from eating healthy? How would they get enough calories out of plants when their stomach had been altered?

  5. +FormerOmnivore
     I wouldn't say Michael Pollan is an idiot (one rarely becomes professor of ANYTHING at Berkeley with a deficiency of brain cells y'know); I think that, just like the rest of us… he's simply not perfect.
    Just a thought.

  6. HELL To the YES!!!!! Our dear Dr. Klaper has so many great youtubes about CHEWING up our foods…so very important for ALL of us! our teeth are our "blenders" and "juicers" as he so succinctly puts it!

  7. Thanks for showing the illustration for gastric bypass. I find it insane that anyone would allow a doctor to do that to them, or that a doctor would do that to someone. Wouldn't it be so much safer, and saner, to put that food addicted person into a rehab where they would not be able to eat anything they should not be eating? If they are large enough to even consider gastric bypass, they are most likely so large that they aren't very mobile, and therefore keeping them in such a facility and keeping food away from them should be relatively easy. Of course they would have to consent to this, and friends/family (enablers) coming to visit would have to be watched as if they were trying to smuggle a file into a prison, but certainly it would be safer, and saner.

  8. I am a veterinarian and once removed a piece of a rubber broccoli toy from a small dog's small intestine. So, I guess broccoli can kill after all! Oh, the dog is going fine, thanks for askin'.

  9. "Eat mostly plants." Anyone care to explain how you could possibly eat enough calories (2500) if your diet is mainly plants?

  10. What I like about these clips of information Dr. Gregor posts is that they usually aren’t more than ten minutes long. And they’re quite interesting.

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