Il modo migliore per cucinare le patate dolci

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DESCRIZIONE: In che modo la patata dolce si confronta con l'ebollizione e la cottura a vapore e dovremmo mangiare la buccia?

Le patate dolci sono delle centrali energetiche economiche, sane e nutrienti: guarda il mio ultimo video: Potenziale anti-cancro delle proteine ​​della patata dolce ( <br/> E i metodi di cottura per le altre verdure? Guarda il mio video Miglior metodo di cottura (

Vuoi maggiori informazioni sull'acrilammide, il potenziale cancerogeno dei carboidrati croccanti? Guarda il mio video Cancer Risk from French Fries ( E sul motivo per cui la frittura profonda in generale potrebbe non essere buona, Deep Frying Toxins ( e agenti cancerogeni nell'odore della pancetta fritta ( frying-bacon/).

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Crediti immagine: Jim Hickcox e Alpha via Flickr.
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100 Risposte a “Il modo migliore per cucinare le patate dolci”

  1. Es una gran contribución para todas las personas de habla hispana contar con esta página, hemos leído varios artículos y libros del Dr. Michael Greger y realmente son un valiosisimo aporte, tanto para los Profesionales de la Salud coma para el público en general. Muchas bendiciones con esta hermosa Misión. GRACIAS

  2. are you kidding me i could eat like 9 sweet potatoes a day with huge loads of butter salt and herbs adn thats oK??????????? really? come on come on

  3. This makes no sense… How could boiling be better than steaming… If you boil and drink the water like soup do they mean??? What's the actual method of boiling??? What temp how long??? This doesn't tell us squat… Details matter

  4. So scientific of you to tell us how much makes people turn yellow. May do this, might do that. Just in love with the sound of your own voice.

  5. Did you talk like this as a child, on into schooling and adulthood, or is it just contrived since you've put on a white coat?

  6. I chop into wedges, massage with a little coconut oil and herbs n spices and bake until crisp at 200'C 25 mins done. Its the tastiest way atleast for me. Its probably healthier at lower temps but takes 2-3x as long. I also like steam them mash 🙂

    Pressure cooker is said to retain nutrients better than other cooking methods. Although i think raw is best because you can eat sweet potatoes raw. I blend them up in smoothies to replace carrots sometimes never had a problem.

  7. I always refrained from boiling for fear of the nutrients leaching into and being tossed out with the water. Is this really something to be concerned about or does the increased bioavailability of these nutrients out-weigh it? Thanks!

  8. I wish I didnt have to get this bang on my head every time I open a greger video. TrrrrBOOMtingtingting/ Ruings my health.

  9. Here in Hawaii we usually eat the purple ones. I haven't had an orange one in years and I don't think I've ever had yellow. Also if you're from Hawaii and you are craving laulau and you don't mind having salt from time to time, I've found that they are delicious when used in place of the meat.

  10. I put the sweet potatoes in the😇😇 oven covered with aluminum foil.when l see that the potatoe is not very hard or very soft list l put a little olive oil or coconut l put spi y and cinnamon is delicious

  11. I’d love to know what the times were in the study. Like can I boil them and finish them off in my air fryer for 5 mins??

  12. I would like to know how microwaved sweet potatoes compare nutritionally and with respect to spiking compared to boiled or baked? Thank you for the good work you do.

  13. Orange ones I prefer sliced 1/2” thick and chargrilled, purple ones are best in Dr Greger’s baked recipe with balsamic date sauce and peas.. less nutrients? Just eat more of the stuff 😜

  14. My sister bought me a microwave last Christmas and I just got around to taking it out of the box a few days ago…I'm terrible I know but what great timing because I will be buying some sweet potatoes this weekend

  15. So raw chopped up with skins attached in a smoothy is the very healthiest way to ingest them according to the data, yet no mention of that in your talk.

  16. I have been eating them all winter and spring and noticed I got a lot more tanned that usual when out in the sun this summer, without even sunbathing at all, could that have anything to do with it? Like, favouring the pigmentation or something?

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