Il pepe nero fa male?

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DESCRIZIONE: Il pepe macinato ha effetti infiammatori o antinfiammatori nell'organismo? Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherò di rispondere! E dai un'occhiata agli altri video “HHH” (Nocivo, Innocuo o Utile?) ( al latte di soia/). Inoltre, ci sono oltre mille argomenti ( trattati nel resto dei miei video- -sentiti libero di esplorarli anche tu!
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16 Risposte a “Il pepe nero fa male?”

  1. Sorry, I have never eaten black pepper in my entire life (53). I have always known it is a clogger and does not break down well in the body. It clogs intestines regardless of what it can do for you, health wise, it does not come in the right chemical packaging to do the job without risks.

  2. I have a terrible black and white pepper sensitivity. Never mind milk and dairy, although, they are also bad, black and white pepper produce the same wheezy effect with me. Not even an inhaler can relieve the symptoms and that black pepper is in everything. I try to avoid it as much as I do sulphites in food.

  3. Watched this after relishing the aftertaste of a large salad doused with plenty of fresh ground pepper. Onion, garlic, peppercorns, are really a must for every salad.

  4. A HALF CUP of anything into the vanes of a little mouse would kill it. What a senseless test! I wonder if our tax dollars paid for the useless testing. I'm not even sure if you are for pepper or against it.

  5. I was using Hedrbamare (salt replacement, but it has added sea salt and herbs). Decided to cut it out as I have had two colds in the space of one month. Now using black pepper on my Almond MILK MASH (organic potatoes). I know potatoes have no nutrition. Maybe I will try Cauliflower like Dr. Greger uses.

  6. What's up with that study? First. Who shoots up black pepper into their veins? Second. Who uses 1/2 cup? In any recipe? Those idiots should have their doctorates revoked.

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