Il sistema immunitario e il trattamento del COVID-19

Ci sono alimenti che potenziano il sistema immunitario che dovremmo mangiare per curare il COVID-19?

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Siamo a metà di questo 000-serie di video sul COVID-000. Se te ne sei perso qualcuno, inizia con:

· Da dove vengono i coronavirus mortali come MERS-CoV? (
· Il SARS Coronavirus e Wet Markets (
· Dov'è finito il COVID-19 Da dove viene il coronavirus? (<br/> · The Last La pandemia di coronavirus potrebbe essere stata causata dal bestiame ( -bestiame)
· R0 e periodi di incubazione: come sono stati fermati altri focolai di coronavirus (http ://
· Distanziamento sociale , Lockdown e test: come rallentare il COVID-19 Pandemia (
· COVID-19 Sintomi vs. influenza, raffreddore o allergie ('influenza-raffreddore-o-allergie)
· Fattori di rischio e comorbidità modificabili per COVID- Infezione ( fattori-di-rischio-e-comorbilità-per-covid-grave-19-infezione)

Ancora in arrivo:
· Le pastiglie di zinco potrebbero aiutare con COVID-000? (
· Come evitare il COVID-580 (
· Lavaggio e igienizzazione delle mani per disattivare COVID-19 Coronavirus (
· Cosa fare se vieni con il COVID-000 ( covid-19)
· La migliore maschera o copertura facciale fai-da-te per COVID-19 ( t-mask-o-fai-da-te-face-covering-for-covid-19)
· Come COVID-19 Fine: vaccinazione, mutazioni e immunità di gregge (–fine-vaccinazione-mutazioni-e-immunità-di-mandria)
· Il COVID-19 La pandemia potrebbe essere solo una prova generale (ò-essere-solo-una-prova-vestita)
· Come prevenire la prossima pandemia ( prevenire-la-prossima-pandemia)

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89 Risposte a “Il sistema immunitario e il trattamento del COVID-19”

  1. Человек ,делающий русские субтитры, спасибо тебе большое! Дай бог тебе здоровья!

  2. Lol it's gonna take some evidence that broccoli sprouts are bad for me to stop eating those lovelies 😏😏💙✌️☮️ amazing work as always! That was a lot to take in. I'll have to revisit the infectious disease section of How Not To Die now, I bet that will be very interesting with the current backdrop. blessings everyone! stay safe, stay healthy ^-^ 🙌💓

  3. Correction – The body does NOT "attack" itself. The only cells your body/immune system is getting rid of are dead or damaged cells. The immune system is nothing but a giant sanitation system of cellular wastes. Viruses REACT and the immune system ASSISTS to get rid of the waste matter. To understand how your body works and what the true role of viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus are after just an hour watch on YouYube "The True Cause of Diseases".

  4. Did anybody participated at Dr Greger webinar couple day ago? I don't see any info update in how much B12 we need.
    If anyone have the answer please?

  5. Has someone info? Why do we need a vaccine if 80-90% of positive tested people have none to mild symptoms? Doesn’t that mean that most have sufficient immune response already? Is the fear rational and appropriate? And why did Barcelona recently find the exact same corona strain in a sewage sample from march 2019?

  6. A couple lived together, the husband got the virus bad. The wife was not affected….why? She said because she made the concoction of lemon ,garlic,ginger,onion in the extractor and added honey and took a bit of it before every meal. She kept the concoction in a glass jar in the fridge. The husband did not take any and previous to his infection he was very healthy and not old.

  7. But,when you have the whole world working on a vaccine, perhaps the timeline will be shortened. Can only hope. Yes! Don't get infected in the first place. I live in Florida, and my husband and I are being extra careful.

  8. Dr. Gregor, as a physician, can you please address the adverse health consequences and deaths caused by a lockdown and social distancing? I’ve been so disappointed in you, who claim to care about people’s health. What about the elderly dying alone with no family members by their side or the nursing home residents deteriorating rapidly from lack of social contact. Also delay of treatment for other diseases, mental health decline leading to suicide and overdoses. Depression and anxiety that lead to negative physical health consequences. Increased alcoholism, domestic abuse, and violence. What is your real agenda here?

  9. Dr Greger one question if the older generation may have been exposed to a previous or similar strain, then can the flu vaccine be the culprit? It is pushed on the older generations and some that have most chronic diseases

  10. Corona much more harmless. Its only the propaganda ans lost of civil rights which makes Corona dangerous. In fact its only a stronger flue not more.

  11. The cytoquine storm is due to lower fever with antipyretics and lack of vitamine D, so the inmune system of that man was no intact as you said

  12. People can eat fruits and vegetables and still not consume vitamin C because they eat everything cooked. And vitamine C is important to keeps inmune system strong enough

  13. in my opinion, the theory that RNA/DNA fragments that reside on the cell, damage, alter and stimulate the production of more of these fragments is a major scientific error that contains some contradictions. where does a so-called virus "mutate"? since it is itself only a DNA/RNA fragment that has no organelles, mitochondria or metabolism, and is therefore not capable of reproduction and movement and therefore not a living being, a "mutation" will always begin in a cell. what if "viruses" are always and exclusively produced in the cell, if there is no viral infection but if "viruses" are actually exosomes that look exactly like "viruses", to which no active change of a cell is attributed (which cannot be observed, so it is a hypothesis) but to which it is legally ascribed to be a waste product of a sick cell, which of course only gets sick because the orthomolecular biochemical cell metabolism is disturbed due to a nutritional imbalance?

  14. Summary — Science does not currently know much about how to stop Covid, there currently no proven treatments, a vaccine could take up to 10 years to develop, and the best way to protect yourself is to not get Covid. Right!!! Just don't get Covid. Simple. But not easy.

  15. There has not been any scientific papers showing that 6 ft separation will minimize exposure to the virus. In a closed space, due to brownian motion the aerosol virus particles will inhabit all the volume of the room, albeit at less virus/ cubic ft

  16. HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE WITH ZINC: The head of the FDA has said ANY Doctor is free to prescribe it. (The earlier, the better). The Lancet report stating it was dangerous had to be retracted as well as the VA Hospital report. Hundreds of doctors prescribing the combination with ZiNC report they have remarkably fast and 100% to near 100% success in all ranges of ages. Seems likely this is not being reported properly.

  17. I don't have the best diet. I don't eat my fruits and veggies like I should, I still eat some meat and eat a lot of processed foods. I smoke cigarettes too. My wife had what they said was Covid-19, she was in the hospital on a ventilator for 30 days and almost died twice. I never had any symptoms at all and we make out, make love etc all the time. It seems I am immune but it wasn't my diet that did it and i'm sure my immune system is compromised. I believe there is much more to all this than any of us will ever know.

  18. What are broccoli "sprouts?" Lol. Is that the stem part? I know the crown is the top, bushy part. Anyone know? I heard lemons every day helps. I have a cup of hot tea every day with 2-3 lemon slices and haven't gotten sick (knock on wood). Don't know if there is any science in that tho

  19. Here in Mexico doctors have been successfully treating covid19 with a drug called ivermectina. A cheap drug used to treat malaria and head lice. Symptoms gone within 48 hours. It's still not officially recognized by the government as a "treatment" for the disease but it seems to be working so far. Do you have any information on that? Cheers.

  20. You have confused us once again,so now eating healthy and have a strong immune system is not good? Pleas help clear this up,should we not go so far out of our way to be healthy,very contradictory dr Gregor

  21. How are there so many antivax and Covid-skeptical eejits in these comments? I would have thought this would be the last Youtube channel for them.

  22. What about the theories being circulated about Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Chloroquin? 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

  23. 1. No such thing as immune "boosting." There is only immune optimization. More is not better. For example, healthy eating may mean more optimal number of T or B cells, but more importantly better regulated activity. Continue optimising with healthy eating, Vit. D, water, rest, lose weight, etc.
    2. CDC is very clear that the immune suppressed have NO benefits here and are high risk. I know what Greger is suggesting with the lucky cancer patient, but its way off.

  24. Well Dr G missed the mark again. Some 94% of patients in ICUs have an underlying vitamin-D deficiency. And those with higher vitamin D levels seem to fare better. In addition Zinc is documented to help against the common cold, which is a coronavirus. So I am taking 5000IU and 30mg Zinc daily. I expected Dr G to mention zinc, and vitamin E/D rich foods.

  25. I want to add that if the chance of successful vaccine is low (nobody really knows) and if there is another option we should take it. Herd immunity of young people. They are kind of doing it anyway, but if we can reach 65% positivity, we can be done with this. You've seen the economic chaos which will only get worse. I just see no way around this. Yes, people will die..either way, but its going to be way less. Too many people are dying as collateral now from heart attacks, burst infections, cancer, meds adjustment, and on and on and on..

  26. What about an increased Cathelicin + Defensin virus blockers activity, the prevention of the production of Angiotensin-1, reduced infections in the lungs, reduced stress reactions of the body.. I mean, what about vitamin D3?

  27. To not die of covid-19 don't get infected of it. Not getting infected seems to be not so easy. Hence conclusion we're screwd anyway.

  28. You just lost me as a fan and follower. I find it shockingly irresponsible of you to influence people to not do everything they can to optimize their immune system. Good riddance.

  29. I read the Hong Kong flu had a vaccine in 4 months. I don’t know how well it worked but it seemed that the flu was over in about a year. Was this an anomaly to have a vaccine so soon? If the outlook of having a vaccine may be years out shouldn’t we go back to business as usual and develop herd immunity? I can’t imagine living like we are now for a decade.

  30. Is he saying that we shouldn't be boosting our immune system in artificial ways? Because I feel like healthy eating for optimized immune function can never be a bad thing.

  31. It’s hypocritical for our majors and governors to claim that the increase Covid-19 cases was due to opening the states when it’s obvious the the current increase in cases is due to the protests of millions of people in 100s of cities in close proximity with and without masks shouting and spreading the virus to those crammed next to them. Stay at home and stay 6 ft away from everybody but it’s ok to crowd together in protest yelling and shouting for hours on end. Jeez! We are ruled by dummy politicians and fake news organizations.

  32. Off topic question. What if I steep a hibiscus tea bag all day because I add water and ice all day to it. Is there any problem from leaving the tea bags in too long? Green tea?

  33. Love your stuff but isn't quoting a Lancet article from March 21 a little out of date in this regard? Is there not much better sites for vaccine trials now?

  34. Could Dr. Greger please give us information about the safety of COVID vaccines as they become available? There is some crazy-sounding objections to COVID vaccines. I am hearing that the COVID vaccines will change our DNA, give us heavy metals, and some really crazy-sound conspiracy theories about making it possible to control people through a vaccine! Can Dr. Greger please cut through the garbage and tell us what is actually known scientifically about the emerging COVID vaccine? Thank you!

  35. Could the lack of an appendix (thought to store our history of immunity) effect the severity of symptom reaction to COVID-19?

  36. I got covid back in December, it was terrible, but thankfully I survived without having to go to the hospital, I am still dealing with post-traumatic stress and IBS but I am overall better than I was 4 months ago, I think I'm getting back into normality because during this whole ordeal I was treating my symptoms with fermented garlic with honey, and green tea and ginger and other natural remedides.

  37. It is not a disease, it is not an infection, it is a virus! The most intelligent thing to do is fast! Micheal greger should talk about how it's all the companies who just got sued over opiods for 28 billion are making your vaccine you cannot sue for

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