Il sorgo è un cereale sano?

Come si confronta il sorgo con altri cereali in termini di proteine, antiossidanti e micronutrienti?

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Resta sintonizzato per i benefici per la salute del sorgo ( -di-sorgo).

Dovremmo cercare tutti cereali senza glutine? Vedi:
• La sensibilità al glutine è reale? (
• Diete senza glutine: separare il grano dalla chat ( the-chat/)
• Come diagnosticare l'intolleranza al glutine (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/how-to-diagnose-gluten-intolerance/)

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96 Risposte a “Il sorgo è un cereale sano?”

  1. It's a staple of the people of my state Maharashtra's (India) and consumed by almost all the village crowd.
    It was considered as a grain that was seen by the city people as "food of the poor" until reports of it reducing diabetes levels, lately and now everyone wants to consume it.

    I make roti out of it, since it doesn't have gluten, it's tough to make a dough, but villagers pour boiled water while kneading it in the proportion of 1 part boiled water to 2 parts sorghum dough and knead it immediately to make big balls, and you can find many tutorials on it over YouTube.

    All the village food is healthy right from Ragi flour, millet flour, sorghum flour, buckwheat flour. Sadly, us city dwellers don't see them equivalent to our foods until some medical research blasts us for being fools instead.

  2. Omgodddd yesss I've been eating them for months now bcs it's kinda a cheaper alternative to other healthier carbs here in my country ❤ the texture is great

  3. Fantastic video! It seems like us humans should be eating these “whole grains” instead of other animals raised for their meat.

  4. My 85 year old mother tells me stories of making Sorghum syrup on the farm, and that was their main sweetener. How about a video on sorghum as a sweetener.

  5. Sorghum raised in a field with 15 other grains, grasses and flowers would make an excellent pasture. Mixing 16 crops in one field opens up Quorum Sensing amongst microbes. (See videos from Christine Jones) It grows topsoil and makes the forage more nutritious. Good to know red and black sorghum are better.

  6. I love these videos about specific foods. I’ve had sorghum before and enjoyed it. I had no idea it came in other colors, I’d like to try them.

  7. Oh wow. I was brought red & black sorghum by my house assistent aka maids from their family crop harvest. I can also find them online here in Indonesia

  8. Dr. Greger, i’m looking forward to the mext video so i can conduct my own study of 1. I had tongue cancer and the treatments. I’m now cancer free for 5 yrs but only eat wfpb for 4 yrs. I prefer to eat mixed grain rice where i mix white rice w/ other grains such as barley, red sorghum & black/brown rice. Your work had turned me to wfpb eating minimum oil since i watched my first video of how not to die presentation.

  9. Dear doctor Greger, could you speak about the benefits of kamut, please? . I love creating bread and pasta with it and I find my body likes it much more than the so industrialised wheat. Thank you so much for your videos and valuable information. I love watching you! Much love from Liverpool 💜🤗

  10. Sorghum is delicious guys. We eat it a lot here in Tunisia. Here's an easy recepe : 3 tbsp of sorghum flour, 2 cups of coconut milk, heat it on low and stir until it becomes thick, about the same consistency as pudding. Add a few dates and sesame or pumpkin seeds, 1 tsp of geranium water and your favorite sweetener (I use honey) then tell me thank you 😁

  11. I can't seem to find sorghum anywhere in my area- Millet is more widely available I wonder how it compares..

  12. I’m Tswana and fermented sorghum known as Tieng is a cultural staple. Many traditional beer recipes across African cultures use sorghum as a base carb/sugar

  13. Great info. Am going to follow up on your search for the red or black sorghum. Would love to incorporate it as an alternative to my oatmeal. Thanks again Doc! Very exciting info.😬

  14. Come to Africa, I’m harvesting black sorghum. We love it. It’s cultural so I’m happy to hear this. A lot of African researchers have some insight into this!

  15. In Australia, gluten free Weet-Bix is made from sorghum and they taste amazing – I would say better than the original Weet-Bix which are made from wheat.

  16. I tried to find red and black sorghum about a year ago. Red is widely available as a pet food (birds) and black is apparently patented by a Texas University and available in bulk to commercial users.

  17. Dr Greger, I love ya and I will continue to buy your "How not to X" books that aren't cookbooks but I got to level with you:

    1) Stop putting yourself in front of the camera. I wouldn't care except your hand gestures are so jarring and irritating which completely takes away from the vital information you talk about
    2) Stop talking with such weird inflections; or just dial it back. It is really hard to follow what you are saying; and I am an native English speaker. I can only imagine someone who is ESL.

    You didn't used to talk so "randomly" so I know its for brand recognition (same for the gestures/being in front of camera) but im telling you ive stopped watching your videos for these two irritating reasons. I used to just go to comments and skip the video but have since just stopped watching…. until now (lol). Im sure your diehard fans are gonna eat me alive but whatever as my goal is to get my message out to you (I won't be responding to anyone). If things don't change then I personally will probably just unsub and stop watching for good (ill still keep an eye out for your books) since its not worth the trouble.

    I only speak out since I like you and I really want to see this channel really blow up and think those two reasons could really hurt the channel growth, but if you think im full of it and don't want to change, so be it I just wanted to add my 2 cents.

  18. "Sorghum gets its but kicked compared to fruits and vegetables" – While showing a chart with Sorghum being better than 8 out of 12 fruits/vegetables

  19. Sorghum takes forever to cook. I think I did like 40 minutes in the instant pot, and it was still hard. Smells weird too. Now millet, I like millet. Sorghum? ehhh

  20. This is very interesting. I am now not really certain I would want to eat much sorghum since it is not what I am looking for. If you can, could you do this type of analysis for buckwheat? Or, if this has been done already, can someone link the video(s)? Thanks!

  21. I remember as a young lad , growing up in Virginia, some farmers growing sorghum and processing it to make a thick liquid sweetener for the church fund raiser !

  22. Sir please get enough sleep. Ur eyes look red and tired. U r doing a wonderful job educating people. Please do video on carnivore diet Long term effects. Is it beneficial.

  23. Thank you! This is very helpful. I recently started eating sorghum and I feel pretty good with it. I had already decided to use it as a rice substitute before I found your videos on arsenic levels in rice. Glad you're covering this!

  24. I just ordered a bunch of red sorghum seeds to grow, come on down to the farm buddy, I'll take care of ya. And some amaranth. Ever grown that? It is beautiful when it begins to seed, a fiery red sea of grain. Kinda just weedy til then, my friend noted.Could we see more videos about obscure seeds. Like Evening Primrose? I have read it is great for women especially. Also I was reading about pokeweed the other day to see about how to cook the poison out of it, and found something that said it "cures" HIV and HSV. Where did that idea come from? Pole weed of all things.

  25. I live in China and I just purchased (on an online app called Taobao) red sorghum along with a bunch of other grains. I didn't see purple, at least not under 500grams, everything was sold a kg or more. Possibly trying Alibaba or international suppliers will get you the grain, if it's allowed to be shipped to the US. 🙂

  26. Kind of insane that such a healthy grain is not available for Americans. I just read that Bill Gates is either the biggest or one of the biggest farmland owners in America now. Maybe someone needs to talk to him?

  27. I'm in Germany and here I get red sorghum called Milo Korn in an online shop that sells seeds for pet birds. Several of those feed shops offer a wide variety of otherwise unattainable millets, seeds, nuts etcpp.
    White sorghum is called Dari.

  28. I used to eat all grains for breakfast. I would alternate farro, sorghum, wheat berries, millet and others.
    Since covid, whole foods and sprouts stopped selling them. All I find now is oats.

  29. Nothing against you personally, as you've helped me become vegan, and I even bought four of your books, but this new format I can't read with you gesticulating all over the documents, prime example at @1:25. Try to read, good luck!

    I don't see why you need to be in the video if we're trying to read the facts. Salman Khan of Khan academy was told by a niece that the videos worked well because he wasn't in them. Khan recognized it as a backhanded compliment but the main reason for Khan Academy's success and why people can just focus on the material without distractions.

    If you want to be in them now as technology has advanced, I'd suggest a smaller overlay in the corner so we can read the docs, but it's overall not needed, as your other videos attest.

  30. Where i grew up we also have Golden Sorghum – slightly richer in carotenoids than the white sorghum. The red and black probably use the anthocyanin pathways and not lycopene or gamma carotene .

  31. so weird, ten minutes ago i just put some sorghum in some water to soak overnight to cook tomorrow and i come up to watch youtube and this is recommended lol
    and yes…..i watch michael gregor videos and soak sorghum on Saturday nights… "that guy" lol regular old party over here

  32. In Africa we normally give animals , old people who has gastric and also proken person is very very good it takes 2weeks to recover but people don't eat mostly . Thank you so much 💓💗💛

  33. I'm cooking sorghum pancakes (oil-free) right now. It's really hearty and filling and makes you go longer before feeling hungry.

    I mixed in a banana and pumpkin seeds and chia seeds and blueberries into the batter.

  34. The only special thing about this grain is that it helps you grow a beard faster, apart from that it's just as unhealthy as any other grain out there

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