Il tipo più sano di patate

Le patate a polpa gialla sono più sane di quelle bianche? E che dire delle tossine glicoalcaloidi?

Questo è l'ultimo di una serie di cinque video sulle patate. Se ti sei perso qualcuno degli altri, vedi:

• Le patate aumentano il rischio di diabete? (
• Le patate aumentano il rischio di ipertensione e morte? (
• Indice glicemico delle patate: perché dovresti raffreddarle e riscaldarle ( indice-delle-patate-perché-dovresti-raffreddarle-e-riscaldarle)
• Come ridurre l'impatto glicemico delle patate (

La registrazione originale del webinar sulla patata è ora disponibile per la visualizzazione. Questa registrazione include tutti i video di patate, con brevi introduzioni del Dr. Greger, oltre a domande e risposte. Visualizzalo qui: .

In precedenza ho evidenziato le patate viola in Effetti antinfiammatori delle patate viola (https://

Potrebbe interessarti anche Il modo migliore per cucinare le patate dolci (https://

Il video sulle bacche di cui ho parlato è Getting Starch to Take the Path of Most Resistance (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “Il tipo più sano di patate”

  1. Damn I'm never this fast to watch videos on any other channel. 🤣😂🤣

    Big potato fan here. I always thought purple potatoes were GM lol. Good to know I was wrong.

  2. All potatoes are healthy. There is no such thing as "over stimulating" your pancreas or "over exposing" cells to insulin. Dr Gregor appears to be adopting the nonsense of low carb zealots. Health is not impacted by temporary effects like this. It is CHRONIC conditions that cause health problems. Your body can easily handle temporary glucose spikes, temporary insulin spikes, temporary oxidation and temporary inflammation from eating a meal. No one eats constantly all day long day after day.

  3. Purple Potatoes sound great. But I've never seen a Purple Potato in my local small town supermarket, and no doubt if they did show up, they would be drastically more expensive than bulk normal potatoes. But we do have yellow and it's good to know those are a bit better than white.

  4. i never buy white potato, taste like nothing and i known for a while they are the worst type of potato. and now more people know this also 🙂

  5. i would like to see a study of potato water. i chop and boil potatoes, and the sweet potato makes for a nice tasting drink from the water you boiled them in 🙂 purple potato really color the water so fun to see 🙂

  6. Hey Dr. Greger, I wonder whether eating white potatoes combined with cooked carrots is any better… Do you know anything about that? I love to eat just plain cooked white potatoes and carrots togehter in my instantpot and mesh them.. quick and easy

  7. I eat a whole food plant based diet and I do not worry about what type of potato I eat, if I did worry about that I would question my own sanity.

  8. I was a "no excuse vegan" (which I can explain if needed) for a year and I also consumed 900% the RDA of sugar (processed at that) for a year. Got my physical before and after, and my blood sugar was perfect. I wonder if vegans can handle carbs better, as carbs are out primary fuel source.

  9. Purple potatoes are truly one of my favorite foods. They taste just like a white potato but have health benefits like berries. Much easier to incorporate than sweet potatoes for me too

  10. Problem, these purple flesh potaotes have a very different taste and i dont like them like many people especially when you eat a lot.

  11. Thought all of the nutrition were in the skin of the potato. Is there a way to remove the toxin and still get all the benefits? Please and thank you. 🙂

  12. Dr Greger, please stop this nonsense in going after potatoes. You know darn well the work of the likes of Dr McDougall, the population studies of potato eating dominant populations and their health, and case examples such Andrew Taylor (Spudfit) who documented his recovery of health off living off potatoes only for a year.

    This is clickbait from a biased slant towards the literature now, and it's infuriating. The man truly has lost the wood for the trees at this point.

  13. This channel is so obsessed with antioxidants when there's no real scientific proof that they are even good for you. In reality, increased antioxidant intake is associated with increased mortality. Fruits and vegetables are good for you not because of antioxidants, but in spite of them. There's no need to seek out the ones with the highest antioxidant content.

  14. Wait, white potatoes wasn't a joke, they're actually an alternative to yellow potatoes that people eat? My mum used to tell me how disgusting her mother-in-law's potatoes were and one property of them was that they were white

  15. Purple potatoes are unfortunately hard to find here and tend to be fairly expensive compared to white or yellow, which can be had at well under a Euro per kilogram. For most of us tripling or quadrupling our food expenses isn't really an option

  16. My favorite potatoes are the purple skin white flesh ones. I’ve been enjoying them with mashed banana and berries on top. It sounds weird but would highly recommend. I find the frozen (defrosted of course) are better than fresh berries.

  17. Gregor is just regurgitating the limited information that his team collects for him. Though some of his information is informative, this reductionist slant that he is having to place on new topics is getting old. Definitely loses credibility, if you want well rounded, in depth research on potatoes, seek out the work by Dr John McDougall. He even has posted several in depth responses to Gregors recent rants on potatoes.

  18. Here’s a great mash potato cooking hack. Per volume of white spuds, add a quarter of sweet potato, half a teaspoon of turmeric and mustard. Voila, super smooth, tasty antioxidant rich mash!

  19. Like I said in a comment to a previous video in this series:
    The most healthy potato is the McDougall potato.
    You eat a lot of it (or sub it with whole grain pasta or rice) you don't add any fat.
    And you're good. You're healthy. There you go – the McDougall potato.

  20. Purple potatoes suck to grow in the garden. Susceptible to many things and they don’t grow well in all environments as regular potatoes. Just something to keep in mind, tried many times in my garden and theyre always poor compared to my other potatoes.

  21. I want purple potatoes so much ! They aren't sold here at all but gonna get the seeds to grow them 💚👏🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

  22. I eat potatoes mostly in soups which include other vegetables and never worried about it. Blood sugar levels still fine at age 60.

  23. According to nutritionist researcher William Li MD of Harvard and Tufts, purple potatoes also killed cancer stem cells so the cancer tumors didn't come back.

  24. Purples potatoes are about $4.00/lb white potatoes as little as $0.40. At 1/10 of the price I'll just stick with the cooling hack I've been doing for years along with eating my potatoes with whole grains, different colored beans, vegetables and avocado and after lots of fruit.

  25. Bizarre, only minutes ago finished my first meal with purple potatoes I grew – and here's this video. They didn't taste anything special but with other food and spices they were fine. I suspect they're expensive as they, or at least the variety I ate, grow quite small. They do look amazing when you cut them open.

  26. I like the striking colour purple coloured potatoes, I would get some if they stocked them at my local supermarket. That said there are plenty of other sources of vegetables or fruit with anthocyanins (blueberries, black grapes, raisins, blackberries, plums, red cabbage) which are widely available in supermarkets. Even if I can't get the best type of potato from a nutritional point of view at least I can get the second best type — that is sweet potato 😐

  27. If you're going to cool mash until say the next day, maybe add a few porridge oats, psyllium or konji fibre. Personally, I add as much non starchy veg as I reasonably can, peas being a cheap, fibre containing option.
    Also referring to the other suggestion of adding fruit to the mix, isn't that really deleterious to digestion, with fruit ideally consumed on an empty stomach? Is this more responsible for the slower gastric emptying than the pigments themselves?

  28. Does Dr Greger do response videos? Because it would be great to hear a response to this video:

    I know that years ago he did a video about protein and how you have to practically starve yourself to not get enough protein, and more important was to get fibre. The above video claims 103 developed countries don't get enough protein because they mainly get plant based protein, which is "poor " category of protein.

  29. Bro, comparing isolated potato starch to a full purple potato… white potatoes have fibre, water and vitamin A and C. Pretty disingenuous to compare just the isolated starch to a whole food. People are almost pre-diabetic, after a few days eating a lot of whole food starches they will be able to handle it and enjoy the benefits of the water rich meals, fibre and antioxidants. No need to fear monger about white potatoes.

  30. I noticed this with purple potatoes. Finding them is hard. Melissa brand they seem to go bad fast. The little potato company…there was just something wrong with them, probably due to how they were grown, threw bags out.

  31. Oh, so isn't the 80% of just any carbs the greatest diet there is? I thought all whole food carb rich fat free plants are great, just because they are high in carbs. All off a sudden it appears that the compounds that reduce the carbs digestion and absorption are beneficial on the one and only high carb diets👍🎉

  32. Purple fleshed sweet potatoes are delicious, but difficult to get and expensive. In central Pennsylvania I’ve found Frieda’s organics purple sweet potatoes at Wegman’s. If you get the chance, and can afford it, give them a try!

  33. Love purples!! We always keep any potatoes that start sprouting stored overwinter to plant each spring to offset having to always buy potatoes – yes you can plant store potatoes that sprout you don’t need to buy special seed potatoes.

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