Popcorn o Respirazione al microonde al gusto di burro

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DESCRIZIONE: Il diacetile aromatizzato al burro artificiale è stato collegato non solo alla morte dei lavoratori che manipolano la sostanza chimica , ma anche a gravi malattie polmonari nei consumatori di popcorn al microonde.

Il mio video precedente sull'argomento è Il sapore del burro artificiale è nocivo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-artificial-butter-flavor-harmful/)?

E i coloranti alimentari? I colori artificiali sono dannosi per te (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-artificial-colors-bad-for-you/)? Il prossimo video in uscita è Artificial Food Colors e ADHD (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/artificial-food-colors-and-adhd).<br/> Cos'altro possiamo fare per proteggere i nostri polmoni?

• Trattare la BPCO con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-copd-with-diet/)
• Prevenire la BPCO con la dieta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/preventing-copd- con-dieta/)
• Metastasi da cancro ai polmoni e broccoli (
http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/lung-cancer-metastases-and-broccoli/)
• Fumi di carne: fumo passivo dietetico (

La sicurezza della carne è un altro esempio di rottura normativa. Si veda, ad esempio, Residui di farmaci nella carne (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/drug-residues-in-meat/), Deadly But Not Illegal (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/salmonella-in-chicken-turkey-deadly -but-not-illegal/) e Past the Age of Miracles (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/past-the-age-of-miracles-facing-a-post-antibiotic-age).

Qualcuno ha qualche buona ricetta per preparare deliziosi popcorn saltati all'aria? Spruzzo con un po' di Bragg's e cospargo di clorella e lievito alimentare.

Hai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/butter-flavored-microwave-popcorn-or-breathing/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Jeffry B tramite flickr, e Hermann Rex e l'esercito degli Stati Uniti tramite Wikimedia.

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99 Risposte a “Popcorn o Respirazione al microonde al gusto di burro”

  1. wonder if a similar risk exists at the movie theater. We went to see Worlds End yesterday and got popcorn. Didnt occur to me that the stuff they waft into the parkinglot on purpose might not be any healthier than this 🙁

  2. A lot of people have chosen butterflavored popcorn over breathing. Stupid people? No. Lies from companies purely focused on making profit, and making a HUGE profit. Evil companies? No. Our society rewards companies for doing these things. We need to change our society and our value system.

  3. Recipe: Smear about a teaspoon or so of oil in a pan. Add about a handful of popcorn kernels. Cover pan. Heat up pan and let pop until the popping slows. Add a bit of Earth balance, salt and pepper. BOOM! Easy popcorn without lung disease- and in the same amount of time!

  4. I think we should complaun to the stores that are selling it. Young parents trustingly feed this to their children frequently. Complain to stores like "Safe" way (ha!), threaten to boycott if they don't remove all such unsafe products from their shelves.

  5. I got a great air popper from Amazon for about $12. I used to prefer corn popped in oil, but have learned to enjoy air-popped. I season it with a light drizzle of olive oil, a few spritzes of Bragg's Amino, and a tablespoon or so of Red Star Nutritional yeast. Delicious. Those who like spice can add a pinch of cayenne pepper or paparika.

  6. coconut oil over air puff corn, sprinkled with nutritional flakes or cayenne pepper… so much more affordable and healthy as far as snacks go.

  7. Yes, plain popcorn is a whole grain. Also, the type of seeds used for popcorn are non-gmo. They use a lot of pesticides so buy organic.

  8. that must explain why i'm practically wafer-thin. last i checked your brain is made primarily of fat & cholesterol. Anything that is extracted in concentrated doses and through a process that devoids the fat of its original composition is bad. But pure coldpressed coconut oil is fine.

  9. I knew that shit was poisonous, every time I walked down the Popcorn isle at the grocery store I held my breath or left quickly. it's better to use a saucepan and a little oil and a lid, tastes much better and is much less dry.

  10. So should you try to avoid microwave popcorn?

    Probably not over concerns over diacetyl since the biggest popcorn manufacturers banned the chemical nearly five years ago after lawsuits were filed against them by their factory workers. Orville Redenbacher, Act II, Pop Secret, and Jolly Time microwave popcorn no longer contain diacetyl.

  11. All backed by the FDA, damned straight.
    They are all in bed with the USDA as well, AND big pharma!
    Folks, the government could care LESS about your health.
    For they only PROFIT, when you get sick!
    Make the connection.

  12. I go vegan for ethical reasons first not health or because of what my body may or may not run off of. And coconuts and olives fall under the no sensory category so thats why i eat them. k man ur just draining my time… why do i even entertain you for an instant. The world is a vampire indeed. If god wont let me enjoy these things then i would rather die a rebel

  13. Your kidding. Everything in the world has side affects that led to something that can hurt you. Did you know breathing can give you cancer. Look it up folks.

  14. And Splenda made by using chlorine gas ,, and 5 of the peoples that's watched this vid now dead , and the Middle East is always in turmoil , lets all cry,,,

  15. Full Circle (price chopper) makes an organic microwave popcorn that is butter-flavored with organic butter (diacetyl free noted in ingredient list). It tastes better than other microwave popcorn!

  16. Why would anyone want to use microwave popcorn anyways? A spinning popcorn-popping tray with a piece of real, organic butter is ten times better for you, and in my opinion, tastier.

  17. People, those workers inhaled it because of poor working conditions.

    "The United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has suggested diacetyl, when used in artificial butter flavoring (as used in many consumer foods), may be hazardous when heated and inhaled over a long period."

    It's also found naturally in brewed beverages, including various Chardonnays where it is heated to concentrate diacetyl.

    Does that mean you should eat microwavable popcorn? Not at all.

  18. People who don't care about dying one way or another (whether they think they do or not). God forbid it come to them in the form of a lung disease rather than diabetes or a heart attack.

  19. This guy should have his medical licence called into question just like Linus Pauling lost most of his scientific credibility when he started spouting off his nonsense about megavitamins.

  20. The brain makes all of its own fat and cholesterol regardless of what type of diet you consume since lipoproteins can't cross the blood-brain barrier.

  21. Well its something i've been questioning myself actually. true herbivores need no fat. Plus I don't believe in being forced to survive so much, hell even breatharianism peaks my interest. But I see how food can help serve to help build the soul and consciousness of the individual to question what he does. We can snthesize so much. like how is it that animals can produce their own b12. whe shouldn't need b12 supplements. Veganism shouldn't be something that is only possible with modern means.

  22. I eat microwave buttered popcorn regularly. Most of it contains no Diacetyl because they stopped using that years ago. Even if it contained Diacetyl I don't think I would care because smelling a small bag of popcorn for one minute is FAR different than working in a popcorn factory smelling concentrated chemical fumes 8 hours a day.

  23. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Some of those peoples' health problems are scary. I threw out all my microwavable popcorn.

  24. Making pie is actually a huge hassle to make, and if you mess up, it's vital that you don't, you need to restart the entire pie. So… Making anything without a microwave is a massive hassle? Neato!

  25. I'd say that depends on the margarine. Butter also contains trans fats and the jury is still out on whether these are different enough from animal trans fats in terms of metabolism. (As in, whether both are as bad.)

    There are good margarines out there, with good omega 3:6 ratio (e.g. 1:2) and near zero trans fats. Of course, cold pressed oils tend to be better still.

    What is funny, that many of the "health" spreads are real junk, had to look very carefully at the labels to find the good ones.

  26. Why does this need this need to banned by Sam? Can't people just exercise common sense? And if they can't, I call it natural selection.

  27. First of all, diacetyl is not even an IUPAC defined carcinogen, it's classified as "irritating" with an NFPA health rating of 2 which is about as harmful as vodka which has an identical rating. Second of all, I am a rocket scientist- I don't even know why I comment on this shit anymore because nobody listens to reason.

  28. I am university student at the moment, looking to be time efficient. Going to be alot washing… and Would probably finish the bowl in 5 min..with my friends..lol you know?

  29. How can we remove the flavoring and just add our own natural butter? Recently, I just removed the sugar and flavoring from oatmeal packs, and the amount was insane. Mostly sugar, and hardly any oatmeal.

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