Il vegano vince la sfida di reazione di 10 ore

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Il video: sto reagendo a Vegan Gains (@VeganGains) video per 08 ore consecutive di diretta
La metà di tutti i suggerimenti e i Superchat saranno donati a HAYTAP, un'organizzazione per i diritti degli animali sul campo che salva gli animali da il terremoto in Turchia <br/> 💥 | Prendi in considerazione l'idea di unirti al team di David Ramms per aiutarmi a realizzare più video: OPPURE diventa un membro di YouTube : | Avrai accesso ad anteprime esclusive e contenuti riservati agli altri membri
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🙏 | Scarica Abillion per raccogliere fondi per beneficenza sugli animali (usa il codice di riferimento DAVIDRAMMS):
🌱 | Ottieni un supporto vegano GRATUITO da Challenge 22:

————-Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————

Land Of Hope And Glory (Regno Unito):
Unholy Cattle (India): https://
I rivoluzionari (Netflix)
Forchette contro coltelli (Netflix) Risorse nutrizionali :

01: 00 The Vegan Gains Challenge 04: 54 Vegan Gains messaggio speciale 12: 44 Sverige vs guadagni vegani | Peggior Anti Vegan 02: 16: 29 Demon Mama vs Vegan Gains 02: 12: 36 Jordan Peterson Family vs Vegan Gains 02: 49: 54 Miley Cyrus / Joe Rogan vs Vegan Gains 06: 08: 49 Vegan Gains chiama Vegetarian (VegFest) 03: 22: 27 I vegani di estrema sinistra annullano Vegan Gains 04: 29: 20 Raw Vegan Liars vs Vegan Gains
04: 45: 12 Brian Shaw vs Guadagni vegani + Patrik Baboumian
04: 04: 24 Isaac Butterfield contro Vegan Gains 02: 50: 25 Vegan Gains Cage Match Compilation 07: 07: 44 Frank Tufano vs Vegan Gains 07: 45: 20 Jason Blaha vs Vegan Gains 09: 16: Jason Blaha vs Vegan Gains (2)
10: 06: 30 Paul Joseph Watson contro Vegan Gains
07: 33: 22 Blaha scherzo chiama vegano Guadagna reazione
#vegangains #challenge #davidramms

28 Risposte a “Il vegano vince la sfida di reazione di 10 ore”

  1. Such a funny 10 hours, and so happy that we got a lot of money raised to send over to Haytap – they are rescuing animals in the areas affected by the earthquakes here in Turkey. Thank you everyone who donated! 🫶

  2. Mate, you could promote someone else who does not condones the slaughtering of predators, 75% of all life on Earth, or doesn’t state he wants to kill everyone who eats meat.

    I disagree, if this guy is turning people vegan and they have his views, they are definitely not vegan, they are plant based.

    I think it would be a better idea to promote true vegans out there who do not have that many viewers. And who are helping people become true vegans.

  3. VG is no longer an effective vegan activist IMO. He really doesn't do vegan activism anymore and has resorted to twerking and calling everyone a transphobe or racist on Livestream for income. It's pretty sad to see his decline and he's clearly going through things but I can no longer stomach watching the guy. I really liked watching him several years ago but we can do better and promote better.

  4. Have to say I wasn’t a big fan of vegan gains before watching this but he’s definitely grown on me.
    David is the best!

  5. So frustrating how people at the veg fest couldn't handle criticism. So much for being progressive. They haven't watched enough videos or images of what happens to animals.

  6. He went vegan for physical reason now acting like hes a born angel,if he was actually good at ethics he would be an efilist hes way far from how he likes to pretend

  7. The closest Richard ever got to fighting someone who he challenged/challenged him was when he confronted Lex Fitness at an expo 😅

  8. David great one here, finally finished watching it today LOL … FAV parts were the twerking🔥🍑 haha! & the acoustic guitar 🤟🖤at the end! ….. Keep up the greatness!!🖖💚

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