Il vero motivo per cui dovresti mangiare il fegato (mutazione del gene MTHFR)

Scopri i benefici del fegato e perché hai davvero bisogno di iniziare a consumarlo.

0: Introduzione: I benefici del fegato e perché ne hai bisogno nella tua dieta
0: 35 Sostanze nutritive nel fegato
1: 14 Il fegato è tossico?
2: 40 Perché dovresti consumare il fegato
8 : 38 Passaggi dell'azione
00: 11 Scopri di più sulla disintossicazione!

Parliamo del perché dovresti iniziare a consumare il fegato. Il fegato è l'alimento più nutriente sulla terra.

Molte persone non vogliono consumare il fegato perché pensano che sia pieno di tossine. Ma, mentre il fegato ti aiuta a sbarazzarti delle tossine, non immagazzina le tossine.

Un altro malinteso è che si otterrà un sovraccarico di alcuni nutrienti se si consuma regolarmente il fegato. Ciò può accadere se si consumano vitamine sintetiche in quantità elevate, ma il fegato non contiene vitamine sintetiche. <br/>
Esiste un problema genetico molto comune che può portare a una cascata di effetti nell'organismo, tra cui:
• Un accumulo di ferro (che può causare sintomi sia di ferro alto che basso)
• Una mancanza di neurotrasmettitori (che porta ad ansia o depressione)
• Una mancanza di riparazione del DNA (può aumentare il rischio di alcuni tipi di cancro)
• Un aumento del rischio di cancro al colon
• Infiammazione
• Stanchezza
• Scarsa funzione cognitiva (che porta a una diminuzione della memoria, della concentrazione e della concentrazione)
• Predominanza di estrogeni (può aumentare il rischio di alcuni tumori)
• Basso livello di testosterone
• Meno protezione contro le malattie autoimmuni
• Meno protezione contro le reazioni avverse che possono verificarsi dopo i vaccini

Per aiutare con questo problema , hai bisogno di un sacco di folato e B11. Ma le versioni sintetiche di queste vitamine possono peggiorare le cose.

Tuttavia, il fegato è il miglior cibo che puoi mangiare per questo problema. Ha mega quantità di folati e vitamina B 11, così come altri nutrienti associati di cui hai bisogno questa condizione.

Se non ti piace consumare il fegato, puoi assumere un integratore che abbia elevate quantità delle forme corrette di vitamina B12, vitamina B6 e folati.

Passaggi dell'azione:
1. Consumare più folati e B11
2. Evitare cibi sintetici arricchiti con folati e B12
3. Ridurre al minimo il consumo di alcol
4. Interrompere l'assunzione di vitamine sintetiche


97 Risposte a “Il vero motivo per cui dovresti mangiare il fegato (mutazione del gene MTHFR)”

  1. Big Note that Dr.Berg didn't mention

    MTHFR is also involved in making HEMOGLOBIN which carries oxygen and this gene causes Thalassemia , unfortunately i have this and its really bad, fatigue short breath , weak muscle , bad memory, cognitive functions and in my case i should never eat Liver because its loaded with Iron or Spirulina and i didn't improve until i started taking
    Methyl Folate 400 MCG
    Methyl Colabamin
    Zinc + copper 15 : 1 balance
    D3 + K2 10.000 a day
    OMEGA 3 1.200 a day

  2. I have both of the MTHFR mutations. But I also have Hemochromatosis in which
    I was told we can't eat liver because of the high iron it contains. I love liver especially chicken liver. What's your thoughts on that Dr. Berg?

  3. My wife when young she almost die while pregnant because she had the craving for " this" fast street food, and she got infected with thyfoid so she was told by doctors she had no hope, and for her last meal she wanted saute liver and plenty of onions, and that saved here with the help of God because how she had this ocurrence?

  4. On your Thumbnail you are promoting the Liver King. He is clearly a steroid abuser, he eats raw food, he hasn't washed his teeth in 10 years. Dr really have let yourself down here.

  5. A big and warm THANK to you, dear, Dr. Eric Berg for giving us so many good facts and advice for more health and longevity of our lives! God bless you and your whole family! Greetings from Sweden!

  6. Thanks dr. Berg, master Lesson. Do you have a list with the names of the synthetic vitamins? Thanks and be blessed

  7. Dr. Berg. How are you? I have a question I hope you or a viewer can help with. I have had 23 and me done and with the raw data, I have many of my mutations and dna/gene info. What type of doctor can help me with this info? I live in New Jersey and I am a register nurse but have had no luck finding a doctor who understands this info and can help me nutritionally. Appreciate you❤

  8. Beef liver taste ugly u have to cook them, lamb liver goes great even raw with some honey.. since u get used to raw taste youll never go back, nails hair skin mental health will thank you

  9. That is 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮!!!

    That said, can you make a video explaining what happens after ingesting human flesh? 🤔
    I know it sounds odd, however…recently, I realized that "civilizations" and communities throughout the world during the stone age (and then some) actually ATE HUMANS…body parts, brains…blood everything, because of the whole "tree of life" concept later described in multiple "creation" versions, apparently introduced to the Assyrians by "higher beings" "deities" etc allegedly "elevating the common human being to the level of the gods" intellectually speaking…aka "evolution by self consumption" WTF!!! 😳…
    A common practice everywhere in the world prior to the beginning of the "Ur" civilizations…human sacrifice for human consumption 🤢💩

  10. I just heard a great tip from Steak and Butter Gal to make it easier to eat liver. Cut it up into small pieces and freeze it raw. It just takes one or two bites to get it down and it has virtually no taste. She eats about 1 oz of these "liver pills" every other day.

  11. Liver is great, just be careful of hypervitaminosis, my stomach can no longer absorb B12 due to using omeprazole so I take b12 injections every 2 months. It works. sorry 4 my english.

  12. Liver wasn't eaten by humans in nature often and was split between more people. You always risk eating toxins and heavy metals with it. Meat was base of diet, organs were a small desert. You can easily overdose vitamin A in it.
    Super food with super side effects.

  13. Don’t have any of those medical conditions, but liver is full of cholesterol, and tastes awful no matter how are you prepare it. I have not had a piece of liver since 1971, when I learned to get myself invited to somebody else’s house on nites my mother cooked it.

  14. Thank you Dr Berg I loved Liver need to know how to cook it you can makecold liver cut it up in bite sizes like nuggets with egg wash almond flour dip it in flour then egg wash kids will love it also…I enjoy liver with lots of onions on top of stove fry the liver its delicious I use 2 large onions and lots of fresh garlic…Appreciate you DR.Berg you are the best doctor.

  15. Hello Dr Berg, my homocysteine level is high and supplementing with pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), folic acid (B9) and cyanocobalamim (B12) hasn’t helped to bring the levels down significantly. Is it possible I have MTHFR mutation? I am a vegetarian so I cannot eat liver. Which forms of B vitamins would be most suitable to supplement with?

  16. So interesting. I was thinking about my b12 and folat-levels for like to weeks ago and came to the conclusion that i have to eat liver. I have the symptoms in the video. I hope i can eat at least 400gr/week and see if it can help me.

    Take care all!

  17. showing someone eating raw liver is just going to disgust some people and make them less likely to eat liver or even watch your video. I watched it any way but it sort of made me sick to my stomach seeing that

  18. In France, we eat the "foie gras", it is a cooked one, it is delicious ans still loaded in B9 and B12.Don't tell Dr. Berg but i love to eat it with a little toasted bread!

  19. Man…wtf, you talk about processed foods as a bad think because they are easy to be assimilated by our sistem. What about "supercharged" organs? Aren't they the same? After all, there is one liver/sacrificed animal…

  20. ok i can eat cooked liver.. but i am not imitating the liver king.. he can eat all the raw meat as much as he wants, not my cup of tea/liver.

  21. Liver is a filtering organ and is thus full of toxins just like shell fish. I don't believe that it's a good thing to eat filtering systems. Don't eat liver

  22. The motherfucker gene (Mthfr) is also known for not allowing the the body to detox by not producing its own glutathione.
    Glutathione can be supplemented.

  23. Don't need study just sit and eat it…you will find your body has a limit. Great as a pick me up meal.
    I coat mine in garlic and pepper corns salt olive oil…let sit for 3 hours then grill on iron pan

  24. I have the MTHFR mutation and I tried all supliments and they just made me worse. The naturopath tried so hard with me but having borderline personality disorder as well as many mutated genes I just kept getting worse. I even find kimchi and natto made me worse and I really liked them. I'll try the liver I haven't had it for years now.

  25. Please please please do more videos on MTHFR! I discovered that I have the homozygous c677t MTHFR mutation after struggling my whole life with anxiety, adhd, estrogen dominance/pcos, and most recently in the last few years poor stress tolerance, extreme weight gain, dysautonomia symptoms, debilitating fatigue and now pain issues. I was experiencing nerve, joint and muscle pain and was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I started taking methy-b12 and methyl-folate and my nerve pain disappeared overnight. My cognitive function significantly improved and my overall pain is way less. My mood is way better and my adhd has improved. I’m trying to learn as much as I can about this genetic mutation because it seems to be the key to a lot of functions that impact daily life!

  26. Ok liver is so disgusting some of us can't even be in a house that's cooking it. Furthermore, for people who have MTHFR (& I'm compound heterozygous), we need METHYFOLATE or better yet, L-MTHF-5. Folate is NOT good enough. We need methylated forms of folate, hence methylfolate.

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