Ragazzo che mangia kebab davanti ai vegani (NUOVO FILMATO NON VISTO)

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Il video:

VIDEO COMPLETO: Vegan DISTRUGGE l'uomo che ha mangiato carne durante la protesta ( NUOVO FILMATO NON VISTO) https://youtu.be/vq_YTHeAAcw
Filmato inedito dell'idiota virale che mangia carne di fronte ai vegani, guardalo mentre viene istruito da un attivista vegano.
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—- ———Video e risorse per conoscere il veganismo————-

Dominio: https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko
Terra di speranza e gloria (Regno Unito):
https://youtu.be/dvtVkNofcq8 Unholy Cattle (India): https://youtu.be/22bCIsh3oh8
https://youtu.be/dSjE8xw_-Dg The Game Changers (Netflix) Forks Over Knives (Netflix) Risorse nutrizionali: https://nutritionfacts.org/

#eatingmeatvegans #veganactivist #davidramms

98 Risposte a “Ragazzo che mangia kebab davanti ai vegani (NUOVO FILMATO NON VISTO)”

  1. Help me roast more meat eating numpties by joining the David Ramms team: https://www.patreon.com/davidramms or become a YouTube Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBhciyIVI2SzjXjIEPN4txg/join | You'll get access to exclusive content and you'll be helping me make more videos

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  2. holy fuck you guys are delusional. incredibly insensitive and disrespectful to compare rape to literally eating meat. this is why vegas are clowned upon. instead of rationally advocating for your beliefs you just shove garbage and nonsense down peoples throats. ill do a burger mukbang tonight in your name.

  3. Don't worry about what the next man or person is doing. For being vegan people they are not as woke as they say they are. A truly woke person would of let that fool eat his meat in silence as he was before anyone told him anything. You are giving him the attention he wants and i think it's funny that you vegans dont see that

  4. Take some responsibility and stop being a dumbass acting like rape is the same as eating dead animals … the guy was just eating his food getting harassed and said the first thing that came to mind and you’re acting like he was in a well thought out debate. This is why no one likes vegan-tards

  5. 'he thinks rape is okay when it's legal'. Nope, he never said that. Stop putting words in people's moths simp. Pissing off vegans is a duty. You are not the voice of reason that you think you are boi.

  6. Fuck vegans

    In fact just because you made this video of yourself crying like a little bitch I’m going to find every kind of meat available in my country and combine them into the best burger I’ve ever had

  7. Isn't being vegan also pretty detrimental to sustainable farming practices? If everyone in the world suddenly went vegan the only way to keep up with the demand would be to raze the forests. Also you'd have to kill most insects and small game to protect the crops throwing off the ecosystems. You can't just say, "Go vegan" and not have a solution.

  8. 🤣 now vegans have to compare eating meat to rape lmfao, how sad, I will be passing out racks of ribs and 1/2 pound burgers if one of these protests happen where I live… But ppl are sane here so of course it won't

  9. Imagine having such little value in your life that you feel the need to troll activists. In a few decades he'll be shamed and ridiculed, hope he doesn't have kids cause people will never give them a normal life

  10. It's a separate discussion for a different time & place but it was pretty artless & cringe of the Indian guy. A bit like misuing the word slavery applied to meat production, the use of word rape should really only be applied to the sexually invasive elements of meat production & it should be used with caution & precision due to its potentially triggering effect of real world victims. 

    Bear in mind the number of women who have been the victim of rape is anything up to 1 in 6, it's bad strategy for males to toss the term about so liberally.

    I'm not just not sure such a strategy doesn't work, I'm sure it does not, especially in way in which he approached it.

  11. Explain how throwing white paint on UK monuments is justified. He is just eating meat and you get worked up! Comparing meat eating to Rape? OMG Please keep saying that.

  12. Vegans murder more animals that weren't already a staple in human consumption for the last 1000 or more years. And even more so it kills off animals that can be used for consumption that rarely are. Yeah they can still eat grass. But certain breeds of animals have been hunted before humans knew how to cultivate crops

  13. Different between eat and r*** are different seriously who gonna eat and r*** person in fact end video said " Go vegan" after blaming this guy just eating kebab Sorry buddy won't go vegan about the animals

  14. This is why vegans are dissed so much making really shitty comparisons like comparing an animal to a human like bruh humans can use animals however the fuck they want

  15. The world has to actually look towards adopting a more vegetarian lifestyle…..Now you all may ask WHY???😱😱

    According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report:

    – Almost 40% of the total fields/arable land are used for growing fodder/ animal feed/ chaara for livestock like cows, buffaloes, sheep, hen etc.
    This land could have been used to solve the issues of world hunger!!

    – Next point is that growing fodder requires much more water, pesticides and fertilizers than normal crops!!
    So, the world's water problem could also be solved!!

    – Another fact is that almost 30% of world's transportation is for transporting meat so these vehicles cause a lot of pollution….. Also, the meat processing factories cause pollution and of course Butcher shops also cause pollution because the meat needs to be washed and cleansed!!

    – Also, doctors all over the world are acknowledging the role of meat eating in cancer and various other ailments/diseases!!

    And all of these problems are happening on a world level!!

    So please think about this sometime!!

  16. So vegans make up 270 million people out of 8.2 billion people… the veterinarians are the professionals who AI the dairy cows and some of the sows in pork production… the next time you get a physical at your doctor’s office scream “rape”!!!

  17. the vegan trend is deficient in 5 essential nutrients. vitamins b12 and d, iron, zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids. comparing eating meat to r*pe is disgusting. ppl only say they vegan to feel self-righteous.

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