Impedisci al cancro di andare su TOR

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DESCRIZIONE: La soppressione dell'enzima motore dell'invecchiamento TOR (bersaglio della rapamicina) riducendo l'assunzione di prodotti animali ricchi di leucina come il latte può ridurre il rischio di cancro.

Cos'è TOR? Dai un'occhiata a questi due video di sfondo: cose affascinanti:
• Perché invecchiamo? (
• Restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteica animale (

Maggiori informazioni sui prodotti lattiero-caseari e sul cancro alla prostata nel cancro alla prostata e nel latte biologico rispetto al latte di mandorla (

Questa storia continua nel mio prossimo video: Salvare vite trattando l'acne con la dieta ( salvare-vite-trattando-l'acne-con-la-dieta/).

Fai una domanda per il dott Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: Krissy Venosdale via Flickr e Herndon, LA, Altun, ZF e Hall, DH 2009. Glossario A. In WormAtlas. doi: 10.2009/wormatlas.6.1.
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17 Risposte a “Impedisci al cancro di andare su TOR”

  1. Aaaand as expected, a total disregard for the evidence supporting amino-acid rich diet (particularly whey protein) intake to STIMULATE mTOR to promote muscle accretion, performance, etc. This floor has been swept with Occam's Broom.

  2. mTOR is potently blocked by metformin.   I did some research on mTOR and I am not of the opinion that the Medical embrace of everything that weakness us is going in the proper direction and in fact I believe it will someday be found as ludicrous as mud on the bank of the river being the source of flies via biogenisis or the unnecessary blood letting of days gone by.   In many diseases or illness the Medical Community practices medicine that weakens and not enhances our natural strengths.  Reducing mTOR that is out of balance, but maintaing mTOR when it is in balance helps all people….WHY…the skeletal muscle protein synthesis helps us maintain muscle mass and strength…when we are actually physically OUT OF BALANCE and about to fall….mTOR to the rescue.  Why rush to a weak and frail 30 years of elderly sickness instead of concentrating on maintain optimum vigor in childhood though early aging ?

  3. Very informative but this does concern me as a fitness enthusiast who takes BCAAs (not certified vegan) as part of my supplementation for building muscle. As we all know leucine is crucial in activating the mTOR pathway for protein synthesis but …now it appears also harmful in large amounts leading to cancer? This seems like a weird irony to me since traditionally more muscle mass is favored and associated with less cancer risk. Is there an optimal amount of leucine that should be taken by those working out to build muscle? I have recently made the switch from whey/casein protein to brown/pea protein (but event these do contain high levels of Leucine). I am very health conscious and currently am making my transition from lacto-vegetarianism to veganism. Greatly appreciate feedback on this crucial subject.

  4. I'm interested in muscle building. What's about the leucin from plant protein like in beans, soy etc?? and second: are bcaa- supplements or pure leucin derived from plant sources save??

  5. If one has symptoms of excess estrogen and suspects dairy as a contributing factor, could one take sirolimus and continue to consume dairy without ill effect?

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