Informi il medico se mangi pompelmo

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DESCRIZIONE: Il ruolo del pompelmo bianco e rosa (rosso) nella perdita di peso e nel controllo del colesterolo , così come la soppressione degli enzimi di eliminazione dei farmaci all'interno del corpo.

Un altro vantaggio di non assumere farmaci? Non devi preoccuparti del consumo di pompelmo! Vedi Say No to Drugs Saying Yes to More Plants ( -impianti/). <br/> Non vogliamo assumere farmaci per abbassare il colesterolo a meno che non sia necessario. Vedere Statin Muscle Toxicity ( Per abbassare il colesterolo in modo naturale, vedere:

• Infarti e colesterolo: puramente una questione di dieta (
• Nuovo colesterolo target (
• Grassi trans, grassi saturi e colesterolo: assunzione superiore tollerabile pari a zero ( -assunzione-superiore-tollerabile-di-zero-grassi-saturi-e-colesterolo/)
• Eliminazione della causa di morte n. 1 (

Un altro video sui rischi associati all'assunzione di estrogeni: Ormoni bioidentici a base vegetale (http ://

Altri video sugli agrumi includono:
• Reduci ng Affaticamento muscolare con agrumi (
• Tenere le mani al caldo con gli agrumi ( /tenere-le-mani-calde-con-gli-agrumi/)
• Quale frutto combatte meglio il cancro? (
• Anti-angiogenesi: tagliare le linee di alimentazione del tumore ( /video/anti-angiogenesi-cuting-off-tumor-supply-lines/)
• Potenziamento del controllo del nervo cardiaco (

Non riesci a mangiare il pompelmo senza cospargere di zucchero? Prova invece l'eritritolo solo per evitare le calorie vuote: l'eritritolo può essere un dolce antiossidante ( l'eritritolo-può-essere-un-antiossidante-dolce/).

Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su -mangia-pompelmo/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: Dan Zen, Mtsofan , gálibo e sewm tramite flickr e Lokal_Profil tramite Wikimedia.
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25 Risposte a “Informi il medico se mangi pompelmo”

  1. Bad things can happen to good people too (illnesses, even with good immune system; cancers) and you can have some previous damage to be fixed immediately, rather than waiting for the diet to kick in. (e.g. statins, blood pressure reduction)
    That said, many of the drugs are prescribed frivolously, especially antibiotics and NSAIDs.

  2. …So if taking certain prescribed drugs it is best not to prolong their time in the body inadvertently and uncontrolled by taking half a grapefruit every day or indeed drinking pure grapefruit juice. I get it, but has anyone thought it worth mentioning that goes for a week or so before going in to hospital for scheduled clinical or medical procedures such as perhaps a Barium meal or a general anaesthetic! One's body is stuffed full on drugs intravenously with a g.a. and I who am not prone to a weakness with medication was 'floored' by a reaction between a G.A. and a well known upsetting anti-biotic too close together; Amoxiclav / Augmentin, I was 'sick at both ends' and so weak. Of course I supplemented my salts with Dyralyte drink hydrating regularly but back to the grapefruit… I thought it useful to draw folks attention to a g.a. being drugs too. 'The grapefruit effect' good make one ill in that situation without realising why and after surgery is the very last moment you want to be made ill and weak and stay off the Poppy seeds at the same time! 😉

  3. Thanks – system that encourages doctors who are usually all about the money on a par with helping people, or who might only be actors in white coats to convey useful information to the general public. It's been swell – but that's an ailment for another day. 😉 I'd like to say you're good enough to eat, but hey!… Bite me! You might want to lay off the facial hair growth supplements there Doc, 'clean shaveness' is next to… Hygeine-ness buddy… In fact I don't think I've ever seen a doctor with a beard, in the flesh!

  4. In another video Dr. Greger recommends eating water cress which also inhibits cytochrome P450 CYP2E1, just saying…

  5. There are two people in my family with high blood pressure and take meds. Not only does grapefruit effect their medicine levels, but pomegranite juice, ginger and chia seeds do it also. It results in huge drops in their pressure.

  6. I contacted herpes' i was told there is no Herpes cure except treatment to control it. I totally lost hope all i could think was losing my life because it was so embarrassing to have this virus. A few weeks ago I read about a possible natural cure which was guaranteed. And I ordered the treatment after some weeks I got 100% cure. Now I'm so excited to share this testimony to every article for others living with herpes there is possible natural treatment to eliminate this virus email Dr Abumere his clinic email address; whatsapp +2349021975055 . he also have the following treatment …….hpv….Als…..cancer..

  7. Fun iand very informative info. Love these videos as an inspiration and a pep talk for a whole food low salt, low fat plant based diet for optimal energy and health

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