Keto è una dieta efficace per combattere il cancro?

L'uso clinico delle diete chetogeniche per l'epilessia e il cancro: cosa dice la scienza?

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“Keto” è stata per mesi la parola chiave più cercata su e non avevo molto di specifico da offrire …finora.

Questo è il primo di una serie di 7 video. Ecco cosa accadrà:
• Teoria della dieta cheto messa alla prova ( messo-alla-prova)<br/> • Risultati della dieta cheto per la perdita di peso (http://
• La perdita di peso con la chetosi è sostenibile? (
• Le diete cheto sono sicure? (
• Diete Keto: crescita muscolare e densità ossea (
• Una dieta chetogenica aiuta il diabete o lo peggiora? (

Per una panoramica del mio lavoro sul cancro, guarda Come non morire di cancro (

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100 Risposte a “Keto è una dieta efficace per combattere il cancro?”

  1. I am in nursing school and I have been having trouble figuring out why my professors think that we “need” to eat protein before our exams. One of my professors always states, “It’s been proven.” Then the go and teach us that our brain runs on glucose…why do they think that we need protein to get good grades???

  2. I wonder if we should not compare keto and carbohydrates based diets, instead of keto vs plantbased because who says that keto means inevitably animals… To be more clear if needed : your argumentation against keto seems to be based of the unhealthy effects of meat, but not on keto itself… doesn't it? Looking forward for a comparison of what is comparable, without any preference a priori. Greetings from France

  3. This was misguided. Less propaganda, cherry-picking, hyperboles… avoid the argumentum ad passiones… more science and rationality please. When you try to produce a review of existing literature on the effects of the ketogenic diet on health, try to eliminate confounding factors and concentrate on the ketogenic part, not the animal part (or the part where you draw conclusions from studies on saturated fat in diets other than the ketogenic). One can follow a ketogenic diet that is also a vegan diet you know.

  4. I think its unfair when people make the absolute worst assumptions
    concerning a diet they don't prefer while assuming the best scenario
    of a diet that they do choose.
    the anti-keto people assume that this is all about meat, cheese
    fried foods, etc etc etc.
    I eat keto and my daily diet is FULL of veggies. Its devoid of sugar
    processed anything, wheat flour and potatoes but massively full of
    zucchini, eggplant, onions, peppers, garlic, broccoli, brussel sprouts
    cauliflower, among others, and all sorts of green leafys, tree nuts.
    I don't drink milk or eat milk products
    I make my own sauerkraut and fermented onions and garlic
    I also make my own natto
    I get my protein from pea protein, from eggs and fish
    lots of avocado and olives and olive oil based dressings.
    The results from switching from my vegan diet of 3 years to keto as
    described above….i reversed my pre-diabetes, and my HDL increased by
    about 6 points, my LDL dropped by 43 points.
    so the cholesterol and pre-diabetes improved when switching from
    a vegan diet (with admittedly too much sugar in retrospect) to a
    "clean keto" diet
    I'm also eating in a time restricted manner (eat during a 6 hour window)
    The point is….if you define keto as meat meat meat meat meat then
    you're not being completely honest when discussing the topic

  5. Man, people would like to believe what they want. I mean for example, i found out that my best friend's boyfriend was having sex with another woman, i provided the evidence and my bf still didnt want to believe it when it was in front of her eyes. In that case, you have people that are severely gluttonous, would literally prefer to die instead of cutting down meat consumption, they literally prefer a burger over oxygen. So even when you have a video like this full of evidence and 0% anecdotes people are still gonna do whatever they want because they dont give a fck about themselves, the rest of the world and basically anything or anyone, they just want to believe what they want. This is the reason the we are deadenders.

  6. I love the comments from half-wit "keto" trolls who don't understand that atherosclerosis takes years to build up – so a calcium score a few months after they start eating grease isn't a sign that grease is healthy.

  7. Keto is a deathwhish, before going wfpb i tried it… I did it for 7 days and never felt so sick before. And trust me i did it 'right', fasted 3 days before starting the diet, drinking coffee with mct oil, eating lots of fat and low glycemic foods… at day 7 i was a walking zombie. And obstipated like a brick in my gut.

  8. I'm 71 y.o. and on keto for two years. My last three HsCRP have been 0.07, 0.06, 0.09. Very low levels of systemic inflamation. All blood markers excellent. I feel 20 years younger. Google Dr. Marry Newport to see the power of ketones to reverse some alzhiemers. Google Dr. Jason Fung to see the power of keto to reverse T2D. and obesity. It works for me and I am spreading the word. If veganism works for you, God bless. You do a diservice to patients by your vegan biased video. How about all those young women vegan YouTubers who have lost their periods and dropped veganism?

  9. you know if people on social media start talking about a "diet" 99% of the time its a fad

    thats why you cant beat beans rice greens and healthy plant based carbohydrates and fat.

  10. Litterally just finished talking with a keto maniac. Said carbs are not necessary. Also said the UN IPCC report 2019 wasn't correct either. This is what we are up against.

  11. Thank you for the video. Animal foods have a remarkable glamour and positive health associations. Keto is like a craze, so this article is timely. You must have seen this about choline:-
    Vegan footsoldier has put out a video debunking it
    I'm sure you would be aware of these. Perhaps you could consider making a video on the subject? If you think that's a good idea.


  12. Michael Gregor, you are a liar and a charlatan. You cherrypick these shit studies like Kaiser Sosa in an interrogation room.

    1. You posit (falsely) that a ketogenic diet is expensive and requires supplementation. Bullshit. I eat a traditional seasonal agrarian diet that relies on zero cereal grains, beans or tubers of any kind. My diet consists mostly of meats (some raised, some hunted by me) poultry, eggs, and whole raw dairy with some fragrant herbs thrown in for good measure. I eat a little bit of Alaskan game and halibut that I trade with a cousin by weight for dressed chickens. I consume an average of 30 lbs of meat and 3 to 5 pounds of fresh raw butter and cream a month, butcher my own livestock annually (every week or so in the case of chickens). I use zero supplements, and I spend less than $100 in any given months on “food.” In point of fact, most of my actual spending is on sea salts, peppercorns, cloves, heirloom plants and tree shoots for my orchard. Almost everything consumed in this house is grown and raised within ten miles of my front door. But even in the city, I could source the same easily and cheaply, and have done so in the past. So do others.

    2. You claim that ketones and a ketogenic diet and the consumption of saturated fats exacerbate and proliferate metastatic cancers…and leave out that nice little nugget about phytoestrogens in the proliferation of breast and ovarian cancer diagnoses…you and I both know that this is absolute horseshit. In 1900 when the U.S. had more than twice as many dairy cattle as we do today, the average American consumed 18 to 20 lbs of butter every year, almost as much meat as we do today, commodity cereal grains did not exist, yet, nor did seed oils for cheap “food” (we have USDA Secretary Rusty Butz, circa 1972, to thank for that ever-profitable sham), and still, somehow, cancers and CVDs combined accounted for only a whopping 10% of all cause mortality. That’s not my statistic. Oh, no. That belongs to the US Census, the US Department of Commerce, and the USDA, along with a bored researcher at Chapel Hill…. You lie.

    3. “Why do keto when you can just do chemo?” Are you for real??? Jesus Fing Christ, man, just how stupid do you take people for??? Why eat a diet that results in a smaller carbon footprint, less waste and far less expense ((in actual fact, the average adult eating a carnivore-based ketogenic diet consumes less than 1,000 lbs of nutrient dense food every year, whilst the average vegan consumes well over a full ton – more than 2,000 pounds – of food in the same period [I shudder at the waste])) when you can just destroy yourself eating the same damned inflammatory commodity diet that CAFOs use to fatten up livestock and get them to slaughter weight within two years instead of four to six on pasture??? Why eat a diet that, by your own admission, has been used at least the since the days of Hippocrates to prevent and cure disease when you can instead spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to cut, poison and burn an inflammatory disease that results from shitty food and lifestyle choices, and spent what might remain of your life – if you survive the chemo – limping towards an early death, exhausted, maimed, immune-impaired??? Oh, yeah, that sounds like a brilliant plan, you sadistic, inhumane hack. But, kudos! Morons will take your advise, no matter what it costs them, even their health.

    You’re a liar. You keep skewing reality to fit your sick agenda, and it’s made you very popular amongst a certain subset of the SMI populace, but your misinformation is a crime, and you should be ashamed. Just look in the mirror, Michael, your own health is suffering greatly for the bullshit lunacy you’ve adopted as a life plan. You’re younger than I am, for crying out loud, and you actually manage to look and act more aged than my 73 year old active mountain man father.

    Catch a clue, people! This man is a con artist. An “MD” who has never treated a patient in his life because he’s so contrarian to logic and truth that he was expulsed from his residency programme before he even began a career. He preys on your fears and ignorance. You follow him to an early grave.

  13. I'd like to ask Dr. Greger about autophagy and the nobel prize it got…. if he can share with us his opinion. I'm really curious about that…

  14. Сделайте русский перевод, пожалуйста) потому что отчасти здесь может быть и русская аудитория, которая интересуется вот такими вот исследованиями

  15. Nobody proved yet that ketones can feed cancer cells. There's still small amount of glucose even if you're in ketosis state. That's explain why cancer cells not fully die or not die at all in some cases.

  16. I though Dr.Khan (a vegan doctor), said on Joe Rogans podcast that he ate a vegan ketogenic diet. Wouldn't that solve the problem with animal intake?
    Also, Dr.Valter Longo (One of the leading fasting scientist) has studies ( one of them: of patiens lowering breast cancer effectively with the combination of fasting (ketogenic state) and chemo. We should not be so fast writing off a powerful tool. I expected more from you..

  17. KETO info P.S. I did Keto counted every gram of carb -All food was whole food as I call it my diet only contained "GOD made" not man made. Never lost weight!!! I did for many months casual Keto and several wks extreme Keto. Did not feel healthier and did not lose weight. KETO is not the diet for my body type / my metabolism.

  18. I'm a big fan of your work Dr. and I'm not a keto fanatic at all, but I would happily try it (just not for cancer and with significantly less or zero meat, if that's possible?)…anyway I don't understand some of your reasoning in this video, it doesn't make sense to suggest people might want to try surgery as much as alter their diet, or equate the diet to just another medical procedure… that just seems like a bizarre notion, particularly from someone who advocates diet first. It's very different to saying – 'there's little evidence the diet does anything for cancer (or _ _ _ _ illness)', that's what you are good at, and that's what I'm expecting when I click… suggesting people try much more invasive options before/instead of a diet though, it just feels like you've been having the same sensationalist inducing breakfast the advertisers and the frauds have had today, all be it, well intentioned in your case, it's just utterly nonsensical / weird.. to this viewer at least.. It wouldn't be the first time I've misinterpreted and it won't be the last, so hopefully that is the case here! you've not lost a fan, but you're better than this Dr. Greger!

  19. The tone of your voice is really off putting.. there's a snark to it that seems completely unnecessary.. if you want to share information that's great.. but what is up with your voice dripping in attitude?

  20. Any diet high in fat and protein Will stress out the heart, arteries, brain and kidney. I would never go on a keto diet, I have one kidney. And the kidney will have a difficult time processing all that protein, leading possibly to its own self destruction,!,!💔 Not to mention clogging of the arteries with fat leading to a very quick heart attack.💔

  21. Gerson diet , Budwig diet and macrobiotic diet already have statistical efficacy , no need to re invent the wheel – Always knew about KD for Schizophrenia and epilepsy its also useful for
    Ketone bodies as a therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease

  22. Thank you, Dr. Gregger, for this information!
    When I first started researching plant based nutrition, I wanted to know if it would work for my daughter with epilepsy, since we had already tried and failed the modified Atkins diet (with daily ketone urine testing).
    Almost two years later, I am happy to say a whole-foods, plant based diet has been a blessing for all in our family, especially for me, aging and aching everywhere, now healthy and happy!! My daughter still has a few seizures a month, but is doing better and loves the food.

  23. His "science" is cherry picked. for example, he stated that "cancer cells eat sugar, but all cells eat sugar". What wasnt mentioned is cancer cells can ONLY metabolize glycogen. Cancer cells CANNOT however metabolize Ketones, meaning a diet deprived of carbohydrates will starve out cancer BUT regular cells can process Ketones. Btw I lost 85 lbs and stabilized diabetes and High blood pressure with this diet. I no longer require any medication and have no signs of insulin resistance.

    Doctor I'm living proof you're full of shit. If you're going to spout off facts, at least tell the whole story.

    Even the studies you're showing here are 1) not truly healthy Keto plant based diets with healthy monounsaturated plant oils like olive oil and wild caught fish. And often the studies you use here are from people eating animal products from CAFOs (confined animal factory operations) and are very high in inflammatory omega 6s and CAFO animals are fed genetically modified grains and often never even see the light of day thier entire life.. It's no wonder these people have negative results, they're eating crap, not food.

    If you're looking to do Ketogenic diet you have to obtain your fats and protein sources from grass fed and grass finished meats and wild caught fish to maintain proper omega 3 to 6 ratios with lots of vegetables.

    Your channel is pure bullshit let's see how long it takes you to delete this comment 🤔

  24. Hey man have you tried that starvation diet? It is so hip and popular. Don't mine the brain fog that is just the ketardation setting in

  25. at 4:20, a very good point is made that I've never thought of before. Thank you for uploading the documentation–as always! I'm so grateful for your website where we can see the science instead of just believing what people are saying.

  26. Not sure what I believe anymore.. I have Sibo and nearly all plant based foods cause me severe gut issues and on top of that Im intolerant to all gluten free foods. Ive tried to go vegan over and over again because I do believe in plant based nutrition but it's not as simple as that for a lot people.

    A lot of people's microbime has likely changed through evolution and poor modem west diets. A recent Ted talk showed evidence that a lot of people can eat processed foods such as ice cream and it has less effect on there blood glucose than foods such as rice.. hight intensity health Mike mutzel and his wife (both keto) just had MRI scans and it showed they had so little body fat and there organs where in really good shape and there red bone marrow was that of a 18 year old or even better. I think there's a lot of science on both sides but it doesn't take into account each individual's microbine.

  27. Bs plain and simple, you are a charlatan. Animal products are health. Bart Kay destroyed this vid. If you think fiberous plants are health than I have some beach front property in AZ I would like to sell you. You preach malnutrition. You look 65 for a mid 40 ish dude. Shame

  28. Every person I’ve seen on keto looks and feels fantastic, including myself vs carbs/soy/and all other horrible ingredients that people eat who call out from work, are over weight and function like a sloth. I personally have never felt better in my life and I’m 38. All my ailments have disappeared. Something good must be happening. Check your “scientific study’s” again… I bet these studies will change over time as we learn even more about keto and the human body.

  29. Research shows fasted mice get better even on a SAD diet. But let's not look at those since it doesn't fit our beliefs. Ketosis is healing. The fasted route is much better than keto diet. Just like how people went vegan and realized a whole lot of good experiences, same has happened with keto. Why do you find it hard to accept.

  30. Im no expert at anything but as someone with Diagnosed Early onset Parkinson's at the age of 38 and taking Sinemet every 5 hours going. Vegan has made me feel better walk better talk better and has made my medicine work better I'm not full blown vegan I still have Salmon once in a while but hey no one is perfect Thanks Dr Greger for making my life better and it didn't cost me a dime 😆

  31. I don't know what to think. Keto. Not keto. Saturated fat. No saturated fat. Eliminate grains. Don't eliminate them. There never has been such a divide in the complementary health community as there is today. The problem is that many older individuals ( 50 +) don't have time to play around with their health.

  32. Thanks for the info. and sharing what you've found thus far. I'd love to hear a discussion between you and Dr. Thomas Seyfried (geneticist, Boston College) on the metabolism of cancer. I recently saw Harvard Med. School do a series on the metabolic theory of cancer as well, and was very intrigued. Thanks and God bless as we all pursue abundant life, which starts from a well-fed soul, in love for our fellow man, to find the truth in the pursuit of one another's well-being👍🙏⚕🙂

  33. Its balls ketones are good for the body they change cellar pathways . dont produce a waste produce like glucose does are anti inflammatory and cancer cells cant use them they go to michondria of the cell. He does not take about this

  34. "Why go Keto when you can just go Chemo" ??? As someone who actually went through chemo and lived in a literal hell for two years, can I just say: WTAF?! If I had known about keto I would have been doing it. I am doing it now to heal the damage I STILL HAVE from the Chemo, TEN YEARS LATER. And it's also currently holding off a tumor. So, just consider the patient a tiny bit, man. *Why are doctors so determined to support Big Pharma?

  35. Just had a friend die from breast cancer. She went keto a few years prior to her diagnosis and stuck to it during her treatments. She did holistic treatments with Hope4Cancer and when that didn’t work she did low dose chemo! So sad! Makes me angry! My little town is full of keto and a local retired chiropractor has been leading the charge!! He has her death on his hands as far as I’m concerned.

  36. The ketogenic diet probably creates an unfavorable metabolic environment for cancer cells and thus can be regarded as a promising adjuvant as a patient-specific multifactorial therapy. The majority of preclinical and several clinical studies argue for the use of the ketogenic diet in combination with standard therapies based on its potential to enhance the antitumor effects of classic chemo- and radiotherapy, its overall good safety and tolerability and increase in quality of life. However, to further elucidate the mechanisms of the ketogenic diet as a therapy and evaluate its application in clinical practice, more molecular studies as well as uniformly controlled clinical trials are needed.

  37. I did keto and the chronic inflammation I had went away. I also dropped my body fat % to 12%. I now do keto 3 months a year. I dont claim to be 100% sure that it's all due to the keto diet. Maybe being more aware in what I eat and counting macros. I do a very clean keto, with no junk food (bacon etc) and exercise 5 days a week. After my body adjusted to keto, I actually feel a tonne better in ketosis than when I'm not. Don't knock it before you try it! If doctors were always right, we'd not be still dying from viruses, heart disease and cancer! Keto also helped my friend who was pre-diabetic as carbs spikes his blood sugar levels.

  38. This is why keto isn't for everybody. But if you do have extreme epilepsy (if I'm not taking my prescriptions I can have up to 100 seizures a day and even WITH the drugs I'm still having issues with seizures) I've had undiagnosed epilepsy at least since the age of 2 in the left frontal lobe. The first seizure I ever had was in my mother's arms after falling backwards off a ride on toy standing up on it. My mom told the doctor and he just dismissed it. I had spells during my teen years that I can't explain to you other than it was SEIZURE. I'm on the keto diet to HELP my brain and some doctors nowadays particularly in the neurological department are first rate ASSHOLES. Meaning your really only in it for the money not really caring for the patient. But that aside I do get sick of seeing people just use it to crash diet to loose weight then just go back to eating carbs and then they wonder why the weight comes back. The keto diet isn't a fun diet to be on nor was it ever meant for weight loss but brain health. Oh and I finally got diagnosed in my early 20s with epilepsy after not knowing what was wrong with me. This diet along with the drugs has helped with my seizures and I care more about being able to function in every day life right now.

  39. This man is so intelligent!!! I wish there were more doctors like him… I fallow the not to die diet for 5 years now, and never felt better my entire life!!!

  40. I have to go back what we formally know .. any and every animal product raises your igf1 level . Once you raise your igf1 cancers raise . If you are drinking milk and eating eggs and meat that is putting gas on fire . I would suggest to EVERY ONE please watch the china study from dr campbell .. i think he is pretty spot on . Youtube has his documentary

  41. Thanks Dr Greger. The scientific evidence should bring keto gurus into the category of criminals. They promote health damaging diets and still today they get away with it. It is time to criminalize those keto / carnivore/ lowcarb etc charlatans who poison us because of their personal financial greed.

  42. Dr Greger "Why go keto when you can just go chemo?" Because Kato has many benefitial side effects, whereas chemo is a toxin that almost kills you!

  43. This makes so much sense. Dr. Greger has such strong analytical skills. Makes me feel a little silly for not realizing some of these things before…but glad to know!

  44. There is grey area on this subject. I am Vegan/Vegetarian and so I understand how you may be biased towards not supporting ketosis. Progressive cancer is not a normal life sustaining function. It uses normal life sustaining functions to spread and proliferate, that is why it is a tough disease.

    We can look at ketosis as a temporary/intermittent state to be in to reduce cancer. The majority of cancers use glucose, This is the first step to address. Next we would have to look at ketone usage and glutamine metabolism, but these are the more rare cancers. Obviously we haven't figured out how to combat it all or else we would have the cure for cancer.

    Diet can and is used as an adjunct. The targetting and elimination of the cancer should be part of the therapy. Apoptosis can go only so far and as we age it's ability appears to wane. Fasting has been shown to increase autophagy and apoptosis.

    What it boils down to is that maybe we will have to cut all normal food consumption and proceed with synthetic supply of energy that is counter to what the current cancer needs. Of course it would be difficult in cases of cancers that use multiple types of fuel but maybe manual removal of those is the way to go.

    Overall, there is room for ketosis within Veganism. In the far future perhaps all we will need is synthetic forms of energy and no longer consume potentially contaminated fuel sources.

  45. Hmm. Always liked tour work but there is a lot of good research that keto helps cancer. Very good doctors who use this with amazing results on their patients.

  46. Just remember one thing everyone: The positive effects of keto are arguable, and many highly qualified and respected doctors warn against consuming so much staturated fat, but not a single respectable doctor has come forward to say plants are bad for us, quite the opposite. Why take a risk with keto when we know plant based is not only harmless, it's excellent for us? The weight you might lose on keto could be having disastrous long term health consequences. Also, if you have been watching Eric Berg's channel, he still can't reply to my question (I have asked him several times) – if carbs are so bad for us, then why is life expectancy the highest in Japan, Italy and Spain – all 3 countries known to consume plenty carbs and less animal fat!!! Thin is not healthy. Fat is not healthy. A healthy appropriate weight is.

  47. What a disingenuous presentation. No wonder vegans have difficulty to get out of their cult despite all the evidence against it.

  48. Some cancer can use ketones as fuel. This is true – even cancers that couldn't previously use ketones can adapt. As someone who was given 6-8 months with conventional treatment and has been 3+ years cancer free with plant-based keto + conventional cancer treatment, I'm well aware that diet doesn't cure cancer and I will likely die from this disease (if not something else first). That doesn't mean I'm not grateful for every extra day of health that keto has added to my life in this grace period before my cancer switches to ketones. These other thrivers agree:

  49. "Why keto when you can chemo?" Because

    – chemo isn't an available treatment for many advanced cancers

    – chemo is devastating for healthy cells and keto is not

    – keto has been shown to reduce chemo and radiation side effects

    – keto has been shown to stop an possibly prevent cachexia

    – chemo is AGONIZING and keto is merely difficult

    I agree that keto is not optimal for everyone but, given the choice, I think most people would rather suffer a day of eating avocados, chia seed pudding and veg cooked in coconut oil than get a chemo infusion – seems safer to me.

  50. I've only watched two videos so far, but it looks like this channel is primarily promoting the vegetarian lifestyle, am I right? I was wondering what you think of keto that mostly relies on plant fats, or vegan keto – which is entirely animal free? The villain here appears to be the carnivorous aspect of this diet. I have seen a lot of positive studies on the use of a ketogenic diet to help cancer. You seem to cherry pick the ones that are negative. Also, seem to be speaking on ketogenic diets in terms of a long term dietary method, but oftentimes people need to do a temporary diet change – such as, when they have cancer – so the issues that could come from years of following this wouldn't even come into play. I think chemo is great for cancer, but it's really hard on the body long term and most people don't do it for the rest of their lives.

  51. This video is probably financed by the sugar lobby. The Keto diet has saved my life and I feel fantastic, healthy, fit! I eat a lot of vegetables, some fish and organic grass feed meat, fermented food and berries and always very high quality organic oil. I don't need sugar anymore and the good thing is I can switch between sugar and fat metabolism.

  52. I’m low carb if not strict keto. I feel great and have lost weight. There are many benefits from low carb including insulin sensitivity. There are quite a few things that are considered the bedrock of cancer such as inflation which low carb helps with.

    However, I’m all about the evidence and videos like this are important because they do contradict what many in the keto space have claimed.

    We always have to remember there are so many things that go into the mix of our lives which may prevent or encourage cancer. For instance, on low carb I no longer drink alcohol as it just doesn’t sit well with me now. I used to drink a couple bottles of wine a week, one bottle in a sitting. Drinking like that isn’t good, I always knew that but now I don’t do it. Ok that’s a by product of keto and not keto itself but as I say there are so many things it’s hard to point to something and say for certain it’s good or bad.

  53. How about some common sense. We know your body stores extra calories as fat. So why in the world would you think that the body's main fuel source is blood sugar? Your information is causing a worldwide problem. While people are gorging on carbohydrates they never have a chance to burn any of their fat and they're getting fatter and fatter and fatter.

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