Quanto dolcificante eritritolo è troppo?

Quali sono le dosi massime acute e giornaliere di eritritolo per adulti e bambini per evitare effetti gastrointestinali?

Resta sintonizzato per aggiornamenti sulla sicurezza del dolcificante eritritolo: ci sono effetti collaterali? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/update-on-erythritol-sweetener-safety-are-there-side-effects), il mio prossimo video, in cui descrivo in dettaglio uno studio recente che ha sollevato problemi di sicurezza. *AVVISO SPOILER: NON MANGIARE ERITRITOLO

I precedenti video sull'eritritolo che ho citato sono Eritritolo contro Xilitolo per prevenire la carie (

https://nutritionfacts.org/video/erythritol-vs-xylitol-for-preventing-cavities-tooth-decay) e l'eritritolo può essere un dolce antiossidante ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/erythritol-may-be-a-sweet-antioxidant/).<br/>
Il case report sull'effetto collaterale del sorbitolo dell'assistente di volo è in La gomma da masticare aiuta a perdere peso? (

Questo fa parte della mia nuova ricerca sui dolcificanti. Un paio di mesi fa ho pubblicato alcuni video sull'allulosio: il dolcificante allulosio ha effetti collaterali? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-the-sweetener-allulose-have-side-effects/) e l'allulosio è un dolcificante salutare? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-allulose-a-healthy-sweetener/).

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Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Clicca su Fonti citate su https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-erythritol-sweetener-is-too-much. Troverai anche una trascrizione e riconoscimenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche per lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, 000 argomenti di salute.

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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35 Risposte a “Quanto dolcificante eritritolo è troppo?”

  1. Dr Mitzvah, you're a blessing. Meanwhile, really want to see the rest of this info, says the woman with a three lb bag of monkfruit sweetener on the counter.

  2. Can't be worse than sugar. I eat erythritol and stevia instead of sugar, and this massively reduces my acne. I tested this many times, even sweet fruits increase my acne.

  3. Ugh that cliffhanger was not appreciated although I love your videos and the info you give out in general. Please don't do this.. sometimes I can't find the "part 2"

  4. I've found that the trend for what is healthy and what is not healthy is to base it off of how close the diet is to what we were originally designed to eat. God made Adam and Eve in a garden where they were not to eat animals, only whole foods. Erithrytol throws that paradigm for a loop though so I'll be eagerly waiting for the next video

  5. I rely on fruit and/or unsweetened apple sauce as sweeteners. I don't trust sugar alcohols in my food. The human race did not evolve to ingest large amounts of these sugar alcohols. Human biology didn't evolve to properly metabolize large amounts of them.

    In my opinion, erythritol, xylitol, and other sugar alcohols are best used in toothpastes, mouthwashes, breath mints, and nasal sprays. These applications involve just small amounts, and the sugar alcohols go to where they're actually needed. Only negligible traces of these sugar alcohols are ingested.

  6. What are the artificial sugar effects on your brain, liver, kidneys and hormones ?
    Sure seems like many people that drink "diet" cola have big bellies.

  7. Please stay tuned for the follow-up video, coming out on Monday. (Spoiler alert: due to a new study that came out recently, Dr. Greger does not recommend consuming erythritol)

  8. Never had a problem with Erythritol, but I have had huge problems with Stevia. Stevia put me into Tachycardia 3x’s last year, and had me in the ER. I investigated Stevia and I found out it works as a Diuretic & a Vasodilator. It certainly did this to me.

  9. I'm sticking to honey and dates……..as a sweetener as needed……all these processes sweeteners just simply can't be good for you….

  10. A lot of sweeteners can hurt your gut microbiome. For example sucralose kills some healthy gut bacteria. I was using stevia but then studies showed it pauses healthy bacterial growth in the gut; it doesn't kill the bacteria but it pauses the growth until the stevia gets out of your system. I keep coming back to small amounts of natural sugars like maple syrup. I used xylitol for a couple of years but it gave me weird muscle cramps

  11. Given that it came out on 27th February that New Cleveland Clinic research showed that erythritol is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, you should not have posted this video and rather than put a spoiler alert in a comment not to consume erythritol you should remove the video.

  12. Given the most recent 2023 studies that show that Erythritol can cause clotting and strokes or heart attacks this video should be taken down or modified up front immediately!

  13. It will be hard to adjust to sweets without erythritol, especially chocolate, but I had to throw it all out after seeing the recent study. I always got a weird numb feeling and slight pain in my legs for hours to days after eating a lot of it but ignored it because all sources seemed to say it was harmless. Stupid, I know.

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