La birra, le banane e le vitamine del gruppo B sono repellenti per zanzare?

Cosa succede quando le zanzare si mettono gli occhiali da birra?

Cosa puoi mangi per renderti più attraente per le persone? Vedi come trattare l'odore corporeo con la dieta:

Il video precedente era Mangiare aglio riduce le punture di zanzara? (, e altri miei video su repellenti sono DEET è il miglior repellente per zanzare? ( e alternative naturali al DEET Repellente per zanzare (

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38 Risposte a “La birra, le banane e le vitamine del gruppo B sono repellenti per zanzare?”

  1. When I'm out in my garden naked picking blueberries, figs, strawberries, etc I practice mind control by ignoring the mosquitos, kind of like pain reprocessing therapy, all up in the zen zone

  2. Первый раз слышу, что пивом спасаются от комаров, но знаю, что пиво рекомендовали как средство от скорпионов, ночуя в песках Казахстана. Хотя, скорее помогла бы традиционная шерстяная нить по периметру лагеря. Что скажете насчёт пива против скорпионов?😅 Или оно даёт только психологическую защиту?)

  3. The Dr. tells us all the time like he did many times in this video that these "studies" and I use the term very loosely are very poor, and not complete. These studies are Not conducting real science. They continually fail to present a validated cause and effect hypothesis. We really cannot trust any of them.

  4. In summary:

    Bananas increased biting:

    Beer increased biting: and

    B vitamins were ineffective….

    Stick to known mosquito repellents…..

  5. Plant based / "vegan" diets are the biggest scam of this century. The amount of misinformation regarding the ”ethical” brainwashing propaganda is criminal and utterly sickening. The "evidence based nutrition" is so corrupt at this point its diabolical. Resulting in you following these guidelines or current fabricated cherry picked and/or tampered studies regurgitated by these fake sarcopenic doctors that leech your trust in them. Within years of following such ridiculous diets you malnourish yourself, and by god, your children. Listen to your body, and research without content what our ancestors true diet and lifestyle was

    My story, I am a 25 year old male with multiple sclerosis & evidently went a biblical, no fault "Whole food vegan diet WITH supplementation" as it was "evidently" the healthiest diet for the disease and human health in general. How delusional i was. 3 years in suffering with a plethora of symptoms, constant inflammation restricting my body from working out as much as i wanted to and doing normal every day things, even though i was eating every single "anti-inflammatory" "Superfood" (biggest clown word used in this plant based culture, as most of them are loaded with toxins like saponins, goitrogens, lectins, oxalates, tannins, and phytates. Which they don't disclaim any harm. Wonder where kidney stones come from?) under the sun, neurological issues (depression, anxiety & hypochondriac mainly), never ending brain fog & bed ridden fatigue, DAILY bloating, constipation, 2-4 stools a day (from the indigestible fibre, practically consuming sawdust) and everything was getting worse by the week. I was giving up on life and eventually decided to add meat back into my diet as for these 3 years whole food vegan with supplementation, it was as if my body was instinctively telling me to eat some sort of meat, yet my ignorance and self righteous pride attached to this plant based diet neglected such efforts to consume it. So I thought at this point, I may as well give it a try as i have nothing else to lose right? Unbelievably within a couple days things started getting a little better. So i decided to see this out for a couple more weeks and everything got better and better. Now this is where i thought i should try the biggest transition of all. To the other side of the spectrum, as this plant based diet COULD be a complete joke. Essentially I went cold turkey & started going keto/carnivore/animal based (low carb <100g carbs per day). It was hard eliminating all these toxic carbs/sugars (only whole food plant based carbs and sugar is only from whole fruit sources) full of oxalates & anti nutrients, as well as carb/sugar withdrawals which have been closely linked to the same symptoms you could get from withdrawals on alcohol/cocaine and other hard drugs. The first month was bumpy but the most amazing thing for me was that my digestion was better than the entire 3 years on what seemed to be a joke of a diet at this point. From only drinking filtered water, eating salt (celtic or redmond real salt for least microplastics contamination), grass fed & finished beef/lamb (or any ruminant animal), raw dairy milk/cheese/butter, raw organic glyphosate free honey, 3x a week i would have a variety of organ meats from either beef/lamb (or any other ruminant), lastly some supplemented magnesium at night when needed after intense physical training sessions usually. All these terrible GI/neurological symptoms diminishing. Seeing most of my debilitating symptoms from the MS unnoticeable/minimal. I am now 2 years into this keto/carnivore/animal based diet/lifestyle and am stronger and healthier than ever, living my life to the full. No longer feeling like a sick animal, i feel like I'm THRIVING and living as nature intended. Still having minimal symptoms of MS but everything in every aspect of my life is amazing, even though I still wake up to this nightmare of a disease daily. This story is my own testament & only hope for others to see this story and try an animal based diet our for themselves before they get too malnourished and sick on plant based diets by your own ignorance and pride to make changes if things aren't working. Remember, any diet that requires any type of base line supplementation (Vitamin D, B12, DHA, IODINE) is NOT a proper human diet. I feel even closer to mother earth now as consuming an animal for its nutrients and vitality is as natural as it gets. For something to live, something must die. This is the cold hard truth of the cycle of life. Anyone still afflicted by these ideals please research into what has happened to our world since the agricultural revolution. And for those wanting to truly go down the rabbit hole to understand how all this came to fruition, research extensively into John Harvey Kellogg and the Adventist Church. What you will find is truly diabolical & disgusting. This plant based movement has been around for 160 years or so & it's corruption is beyond criminal when you look at our health guidelines changing over the decades & god forbid, the food pyramid…. So really think about that & research without content what our ancestors true diets were. The answers lie there if you need an abundance of information before you make any drastic changes to your health. Remember health is not only wealth, it is everything in this life we have. Do not let emotions, ignorance, pride & brainwashed ideals segregate your thirst for the truth

  6. There might be something to the cigarette butts soaked in alcohol. A friend used to go fishing with his father. He got bitten all the time when they were near the water but his dad had no problem with mosquitos as long as he was smoking a cigar.

  7. I only eat beans and oats, Mosquitos don't like biting me!
    Sorry Mosquitos, go find someone else who eats chickens, white /bread/sugars.

  8. I used to suffer badly from mosquito bites when young. My mum told me to take brewers yeast tablets, if I was camping then I would start taking them a few days before going out.
    Whether it was to do with any smell given off which repelled insects, or whether it was because any bites didn't flare up as badly I don't know, but it seemed to help.

  9. Dr. Gregor should check out the studies on lemon grass and lemon grass oil. It attracts bees and deters insects such as mosquitos. I have been getting bit by no-see-ums in my house. A little lemon grass oil in water in a spray bottle helps significantly.

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