La dieta di Okinawa: vivere fino a 100 anni

La dieta tradizionale di Okinawa è incentrata sulle verdure, il gruppo alimentare più ricco di nutrienti. Cosa accadrebbe se la tua dieta seguisse la stessa cosa?

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Perché quelli che mangiano diete a base vegetale vivono più a lungo, però? Ci sono tutti i tipi di meccanismi che trovo affascinanti:
• La limitazione della metionina come strategia di estensione della vita ( restrizione-come-strategia-di-estensione-della-vita/)
• Perché invecchiamo? (<br/> • Restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteica animale (
• Tornare indietro l'orologio Anni (
• Vita più lunga a poca distanza a piedi (
• Impedisci al cancro di andare avanti TOR ( -TOR/)
• La meditazione influisce sull'invecchiamento cellulare? (
• Telomeri: finisci tutto con la dieta ( -tutto-fuori-con-la-dieta/)
• Le noci possono aiutare a prevenire la morte (
• Maggiore durata della vita dai fagioli (
• Frutta e longevità: quanti minuti per boccone? ( )

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100 Risposte a “La dieta di Okinawa: vivere fino a 100 anni”

  1. I do not to live to 100 in this society. I'll take my red meat and bacon thanks. Modern Western culture is torture, might as well live high, enjoying whatever you can and get it over with quickly! Sweet potatoes and vegetables taste like wood.

  2. This video leaves out one important detail at the end: Okinawan's life expectancy has INCREASED in the past generation, since they stopped eating their perfect near vegan diet.

    What a surprise…

  3. I eat a wfpb, low-fat (only overt fat is from 1 tbsp flax, and not everyday) but not until 80% full. When I eat. I eat.

  4. One mistake: At the 3:40 minute mark, Dr. Greger refers to the Adventists that outlive Okinawans as “vegetarians.” They are not. They are vegan, which is a very different eating approach than vegetarians’. Vegetarians eat unhealthy cow’s milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, and other dairy products. They also eat eggs. Vegans do not eat any of these fat-laden, hormone-filled foods. Even the most unprocessed milk is filled with estrogen, by its very nature, being produced by pregnant cows to feed their calves.

  5. I'm screaming.. even the Okinawans have said that they base their diet around pork and fish and y'all are saying it's because of their plant based diet.

  6. the okanawans USED to have the highest life expectancy in the world, but their diets have changed significantly since the 60s (more Meat, more fat, more protein) the diet used to consist of 95% plant based and more then 80% carbs when it had the highest life expectancy, now their life expectancy is lower then the average Japanese.

  7. Pork fat is the secret to longevity. Pork fat is similar to olive oil and all the blue zones eat pork fat. As for Okinawans only eating a small amount of animal foods bahaha 😂.

  8. I heard that it's yams not sweet potatoes, that the Okinawans eat as their staple (and I mean real yams, not what's called "yams" in the supermarket).

  9. This really just proves that a small amount of animal products is good for you. The Okinawans are able to absorb the fat soluble vitamins from the plants they eat through dietary fat from pork and some fish.

  10. Both of my Great Grandmothers outlived everyone in including the Jay the Juiceman and Atkins and all these young 80 year olds dying too soon. She worked outside on a farm ate fried chicken and drank whole milk ate bacon at breakfast .So Blah Blah Blah Enjoy your Carrot and Kelp Tofu salad

  11. This is a biased and close minded analysis. Everyone knows the American diet is shit. You should at least be comparing blue zones with blue zones. Also no one talks about how they grow and prepare their food. Vegetables are not the most nutrient dense food because you can’t just live on them. There are so many other factors besides what you eat that determine lifespan.

  12. Actually every organism on the planet can increase their longevity if they decrease their total calory intake. As they did. They also eat meat. Everyone can increase their lifespan with a lower calory diet. It's just that people don't want to do it. Also comparing people of the east and the west is is kinda meh, because we have different physiological responses to many foods. Most Asians have problems with milk products. you didn't mention the probiotic bacteria which is a major factor on every diet. Why vegan diet gives longevity? Because it's harder to cheat with crap food than it is on omnivore.

  13. can someone please help explain something… if their diet was 60-70% sweet potatoes… based on a 2,000 calorie diet, wouldn't they be eating like 14 potatoes a day!?!?!?

  14. SWEET POTATOES 😀 Purple sweet potatoes are SO filling. I know when I eat 2-3 a day I lose weight (because it's so filling)

  15. Have you been there? They always ate massive amounts of seafood and as do all bluezones who eat more animal foods than USA besides the 7th days who are vegetarian. The Adventist vegans have high cancer rates.. This channel should be called Nutrition Lies. People go visit Okinawa. Don't listen to this dweeb of a man.

  16. This information is from a 1949 study after WW2. It lasted for about 8 years because the pig population was decimated during the war. Their traditional diet has always been pork based.

  17. But then the meat heads argument is that the meat consumption was so low because the pigs that they ate a lot of "apparently" were killed because of the war so they were eating not as much meat when this was recorded, but then everyone says they are huge fish eaters, though this actually says they eat not as much fish as you would think.

  18. in reality, the okinawan diet is far from plant based. Pork is central in okinawan cuisine and It's eaten nose to tail. Okinawans even go as far to claim their pork consumption is responsible for their longevity and health. The vegetable dishes of Okinawa aren't even exclusively vegan cus they more often than not includes bits of pork and veggie dishes are always traditionally fried in Lard. Okinawans are also fond of raw goat meat

  19. Dr. Mcgregor isn't being 100% honest. If you look at the studies on Adventists, the longest living were the pesco-vegetarians, they out lived both the vegans and vegetarians. Pesco-vegetarian diet is 100% no meat, but it does obviously include fish.

  20. Dr. Michael Greger shows some dishonesty in this video.

    In the Adventist study, the pesceterian group (fish, dairy, eggs but no meat) had the lowest risk for all-cause mortailty (hazard ratio 0.81). The vegans adventists came out only second (hazard ratio 0.85):

    The same dishonesty pattern also appears in this article on the Adventist diet:
    The article says that vegans had the lowest chance of getting diabetes (true) but didn't mention at all the superiorty of pesceterians in all-casue mortality.

  21. I will personally burn down every God Damn fast food and soft drink company in the world! They can't keep getting away with hurting and killing people!

  22. Thank you! I'm so tired of being told we're supposed to eat other animals. I've been eating a plant based diet for 5 years and I feel amazing. I went vegan entirely after experiencing a change of heart after watching a documentary called 'Earthlings.' I'm 99% convinced that there was a time that civilizations that had been influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism (many eastern countries) were vegetarian/vegan a long time ago-that spiritual enlightenment would have brought them to that path.

  23. Most people I think would live to 100 if they all followed a healthy diet from the beginning of their lives. But if you start late in life, no diet will boost you to live to 100. My doc told me by 50, it's too late. Said we can improve the rest of what life we have left, but won't be able to prolong it because too much damage is done. I have an elderly friend who is 95 and been a SDA since he married an Adventist at age 27 and stopped eating meat , he tested positive for CV19 and you'd never guess this 95 y/o man had it!!! Amazing.

  24. in Okinawa they fast about 150 days a year, for religious reasons….
    almost true Alternate day fasting…
    in rodents has shown life increase,
    of diet

  25. So they’re still considered vegetarians if they eat a little meat or fish ? Because they still eat meat very low consume. They eat it as a treat. So you can still be called a vegetarian if you eat a small amount of meat sometimes?

  26. The problem in western countries is one of political correctness, old people are not respected as they used to be, our riches keep us alive but at a deeper level none of us want to become old, as old is seen as a waste of time and space, in Sardinia, Okinawa and other places that have not been bastardised by modern PC culture and hold on to their traditions, they still do well or have done well, in our western countries as soon as a father is old and sick then its off to the care home, and the old person deteriorates and becomes more and more sick and useless, its really sad how we treat our elderly in the west, we are a youth centric society, beauty, strength are pushed on all of us, and if you don't fit this model then you don't fit in and are discarded, if we didnt haver the riches we have to keep us alive via medical care, care homes our life expectancy would plummet.

  27. I became vegan, and switched to this diet this year, and in 9 months, I've lost 52 pounds (I plateaued for two months, then started to lose again). I got a blood test, and so much improved. I'm very happy with the Okinawan diet, and will continue to eat it the rest of my life.

  28. Those average life span for Okinawan men are not accurate! At their peak it was 89 for women and 85 for men not 77! Loma Linda they eat Dairy just like India! And some eat fish and eggs! Hong Kong is the highest Life Expectancy in the world at 88 women and 82 for men. Japan is 88 women and 81 for men. Spain is 3rd with 86 women and 81 men. So if you use life expectancy then give the full picture!

  29. My Father is 89 and eats absolute garbage. He will literally drive from one fast food place to another to gorge on that trash

  30. I am half Okinawan and there are several American fast food restaurants there. Probably due to the many American military that are stationed in Okinawa. And I’ve noticed that the younger Okinawan generations are getting bigger & the middle age are getting sicker. The older generations are eating the Okinawan foods. They are thin and strong ! But sadly they may outlive the next generations.

  31. This diet was for a short time in 1949 after the war. If traditional Okinawa had no access to vitamins, supplements or fortified foods then where did they get enough proper absorbable Vitamin A1, K2, B3, B12, Lysine, Selenium, Iodine, Heme and Choline to live so long? The answer is minimum 15% animal products and no junk food.

  32. We are all spoilt rotten. Taste trumps everything today. We need to get the balance right between good nutrition and taste. If our diet is not tasty, it will be hard to sustain, especially in our modern, abundant but stressful environment. But if it is not nutritious, our long term health will suffer. Big business seduces us with tasty, but unhealthy food. They are our surreptitious drug pushers, and we are their junkies.

  33. Okinawans eat tinned pork almost daily, famous for their pork. Also fish stock and eggs liberally. Lots of vegetables too, just a balanced diet low in processed foods. Sourced: I lived in Okinawa for many years.

  34. Perhaps the reason why some vegans and plant based people get malnourished is because they experiment with different styles of their diet. Maybe the solution is to use what other people have used and get meal plans from these people

  35. Hello – this interesting- for Japanese in California that are 100% vegetarian and longest living in world. Any data on percentages that might not get these 4 items that found can be lacking for vegetarians- vitamin B-12, iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and essential amino acids? Or study does show definitively that with there diet nearly100% of people here do get these items in diet? Or study says all these not really needed. Please anyone have data other then just a hunch? Thanks

  36. only 83 on average? my grandpa on my mom's side was literally an alchoholic and ate crappy and he lived to his 80s. my grandpa on my dad's side ate tons of salt and he lived to his 80s too. I don't know about their fat intake, but they were definitely both eating lots of meat.

  37. Data based on US National Archives from…………..1947?
    Data based on US National Archives from………….2,279 people?
    Yeah never mind that in 1947 the Okinawans main source of protein (PORK) was decimated from the effect of the war.
    Lying, manipulative, cherry picking, never treated one patient Michael Gregor.

  38. Where can I find their recipes? The ones online do not have any sweet potato, and usually has a lot of meat, which is supposed to be rare.

  39. The pyramid at 1:05 is still inaccurate. It looks like it was readjusted according the height of each of the sections without taking into account the way the area changes. The width of the triangle gets smaller as you go up, so you need more height to get the same area as the section below. The height of the vegetables and fruit section in the readjusted picture appears to be about 70% of the height of the pyramid, but that would make it about 90% of the area. To make it 72% of the area, it would only need to be about 48% of the height. This is my attempt to readjust the image taking that into account using the data from table 1 at 1:50. (I used mspaint and assumed 1% figures for each of the meat and sweets sections so it is still probably not perfect) : Can I also say that it seems a bit misleading to group fruits and vegetables together when that tables says that fruit was less than 1% of their calories. I'm not anti fruit or anything but like come on.

  40. Can you speak about why Hong Kong folks live longest as per latest statistics? Also please explain hong kong diet?

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