Per i benefici dei flavonoidi, non sbucciare le mele

Le mele sbucciate vengono snocciolate testa a testa contro mele e spinaci non sbucciati in un test di funzionalità delle arterie.

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Ecco i miei ultimi video sulla mela:
• Bucce di mela alla prova per il dolore articolare cronico ( -pain)
• Una mela al giorno allontana davvero il dottore? (<br/> • Le mele sono il miglior cibo per una migliore vita sessuale nelle donne? (

E le mele essiccate? Vedi Mele essiccate contro colesterolo (

E l'aceto di mele? Check out: L'aceto di mele aiuta a perdere peso? (

E che dire del testa a testa contro le bacche di açai? Vedere Gli effetti antiossidanti di Açai vs. mele ( ).

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100 Risposte a “Per i benefici dei flavonoidi, non sbucciare le mele”

  1. I really love the new format, it's easier to pick the important info with it, with the important text being so magnified and graphics being shown like that too. Please, keep it!
    I always ate apples with the peel on, but then I never understood peeling stuff, same for carrots, unless the peel is inedible. I was always tought that the peel has the best nutrients, and I'm glad to see it's true (at least for apples, though I'm curious about the rest too).

  2. Not feeling this new format 😕 though I love seeing more Dr Greger, it's hard to focus on the papers, especially on mobile. Plus he's already working so much, having to shoot video for every topic has gotta be time consuming.

  3. I've been following the keto way of eating and I've cut out carbs and am eating only whole foods and never go out to eat anymore, BUT I just couldn't give up an apple a day, so now my guilt has been evaporated! Thanks for this info!

  4. You will get the most benefit by peeling the apple and eating both separately. The reason being is that by eating the peel separately you will masticate the peel more completely allowing for better absorbstion. It isn't what you eat its what you absorb that counts.

  5. Splendid news about my most consumed fruit. It gives me a wide smile to know the apple is somewhat special amongst the fruit population.

    I also want to comment on the new video format and respectfully dissent with those that dislike it. I love it and enjoy it very much, so if anyone from your team is watching to gauge the reception of the overhauled presentation, my vote is a resounding yes!

  6. Neat! I take quercetin for its antihistamine effect. Good to know that it (and the apples I eat) will also be boosting my CV health.

  7. An apple a day… It's been a saying for a long time. I guess our ancestors really weren't so dumb after all. Kind of like soaking beans overnight, or soaking corn in lime. There's reasons for them doing the things they did.

  8. What about the wax on every store bought apple, isn't that a bit dodgy? That's put me off apples for awhile. And I'm not at washing them in cider vinegar level… yet!

  9. Omg, I'm going to live forever! Eating about a kilo of whole apples a day…😂
    Thank you Dr. Greger! 💜

  10. If you don't buy organic, wash the outside to remove the waxy stuff they put on them to make them shine. It can harbor pesticide residue and probably isn't all that healthy to begin with.

  11. Flavonoids, pesticides, fiber… skin on, skin off. Eat more, eat less, avoid it, eat it every day… Nutritional science is a baffling minefield for the layperson.

  12. I soak in salt water or scrub with salt under water a whole bag of apples then put them back into the fridge. It's piece of mind that they have less/no surface pesticides and are ready to eat. Doing the soak with cherries cured my ultra fast digestive system eating them.

  13. Scientific work in pure chemistry is much more exact, with much less room for speculation … Even when funded, the funding party wants exact results … However, in medicine or nutrition, this is not the case … The food industry, I believe, has its own interests. And I, personally, have the view that such an industry should not even exist, and that everyone should grow their own food, with their own hands … This gives them great control over what they eat. And if he uses the old varieties and does not buy hybrid seeds, he gets complete control. In addition, the cultivation process, the benefit is in itself … Relaxation, psychological satisfaction, and moderate physical work in the garden, something invaluable … Even there is the benefit of exposure to the sun and fresh air, extended time outside instead of indoor apartments or houses … And on top of that, there is also a benefit to microflora because it comes in contact with soil, and with compost …

    And as for the food and nutrition studies … they are out of control … You can't control the study unless you keep people quarantined and strictly control their diet, which is impossible, except for a short time … this is then irrelevant from the point of view of long-term health and length of life … Then, studies often refer to the predominant consumption of one or the other food group … For example, respondents are often omnivorous, with preference for plant foods or food of animal origin. .. They are people who also eat sugar, drink some alcoholic beverages here and there, use overcooked cereals, here and there, or white sugar … They use vegetable oils to some extent … Or, if they eat meat, they use and processed meat products …

    When examining the effects of a particular diet, we should have a clean diet, such as a carnivore that eats only meat, but pure, organic meat, and other animal products … Or an entity that eats a keto diet, with organic meat, with eventual use olive oil and butter, no other vegetable oils … And it eats a pure keto diet, with a strict 5% UH … There are no such pure studies, at least not credible enough for purity … In fact, there are not many studies on the ketogenic diet in general, much less about carnivore diets …

    From some of my research, which by studying scientific studies and literature, and personal experience, I have concluded that a combination of different types of foods, such as fats and carbohydrates, is what promotes inflammation … while eating without extra fats (except those in the whole food), rich in carbohydrates, suppresses inflammation. But it is the same with a diet rich in fats (of animal origin, but those that are an integral part of the food, not extra, with the possible addition of olive oil or butter). Even in my personal case, the latter is superior in terms of suppressing inflammation. I achieved decalcification of the arteries, medical nanalysis followed, more efficiently on a ketogenic diet with a minimal amount of vegetables, with over 10 eggs almost every other day, and plenty of meat … even conventionally grown. As for me personally … I suffer from two chronic serious illnesses, and that's why I'm experimenting on myself. I do not want to spend the rest of my life on medication (corticosteroids and NSAIDs), and for over 6 months this has been a success. It's amazing that my symptoms are much smaller now than when I was on medication … And if I never had problems with my gut, I tried to break out gluten, and after only one week, I had visual relief … I never doubted that my gluten bothers … Previously I was on a pure WFPB diet for 1.5 years … This diet reduced my symptoms but disturbed my digestion. The legumes bothered me a lot, I felt discomfort in my gut, even right after being consumed in the stomach itself … I had pain, gas and contipation (sticky stool), although stool counts were common (2-3 days). I also tried raw food, no legumes, and I ate cereal, soaked oats overnight … That was a lot more perfect than WFPB. My digestion was perfect then and the feces were normal … But my strength began to decline … This diet is best in terms of suppressing inflammation … However, to boost the calories I tried to eat seeds and nuts by eating soaking them in water overnight … But I found that my seeds and nuts exacerbated the symptoms … Tomatoes, peppers and potatoes also had effects on my symptoms, but the effects were mild … so I still did used.

    Then I tried the keto diet, with seeds, nuts, oils, vegetables with low sugar content, and got good effects … Although some syptoms were completely extinguished, others, although subdued, were still present … I went back to WFPB, and both symptoms came in minimal dose …

  14. Best thing I ever did I was stop eating apples. Not great for the teeth and they bloat me. Don't forget they're selected to be unatturally sweet.

  15. I never liked apples unless I was starving or it was in between pie crust. But now I will eat more — Organic apples.

  16. I love this video! It’s great how you do all this, whilst working a job as a doctor. You truly have helped me and others. Thank you so much for your hard work!

  17. So the key is "skin". Eat the skin for lowering blood pressure and heart disease risk. Got it. Thanks Dr. Greger now imma go tell the world.

  18. A comparison between red and green apples would be nice. I Bet it was the quercetin in the red apple peels that caused the health benefits.

  19. That research also doesn’t point out the lifestyle choices of that individual. A person that eats an apple-a-day is obviously the type person that eats relatively clean/well. Obviously that an assumption…

    To start the video as the apple being the end all be all to their health and the cause of these people and their longevity has more to do with their habits than their consumption of these apples.

    People that don’t eat apples are people that probably don’t eat fruit in general. Or veggies. Or a myriad of other things that go into a healthy way of eating/living. Just sayin

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