La dieta migliore per un invecchiamento sano

Cibo per un invecchiamento sano: lo scambio di appena l'1% delle proteine ​​vegetali al posto delle proteine ​​animali è stato associato a un accumulo di deficit correlato all'età significativamente inferiore.

L'invecchiamento è l'argomento del mio prossimo libro, How Not to Age, in . Non vedo l'ora di condividere tutto ciò che ho trovato!

Alcuni dei miei altri video popolari sull'invecchiamento e la longevità includono:
• Come contrastare l'infiammazione dell'invecchiamento (
• Frutta, verdura e longevità: quanti minuti per boccone? (<br/> • I Flexitarian vivono più a lungo? (
• Restrizione alla metionina come strategia di estensione della vita (
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni ( come-rallentare-l'invecchiamento-cerebrale-di-due-anni/)
• Portare indietro l'orologio 12 Anni (https://
• Vita più lunga raggiungibile a piedi (https: //
• Telomeri: finisci tutto con la dieta (
• La dieta di Okinawa: vivere fino a 100 (https ://
• Restrizione calorica vs. restrizione proteine ​​animali (
• Durata della vita aumentata da Fagioli (
• I benefici della restrizione calorica per la longevità ( -benefici-della-restrizione-calorica-per-la-longevità/)
• Il digiuno intermittente aumenta l'aspettativa di vita umana? (
• Come aumentare l'aspettativa di vita 12 a 14 Anni ( 12-a-14-anni/)
• Come aumentare l'FGF21 con Dieta per Longevità (à)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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67 Risposte a “La dieta migliore per un invecchiamento sano”

  1. This is so silly! There are medical doctors on YouTube that have studies that show meat is good for you. Then there's medical doctors on YouTube that shows meat is bad for you. I wish you guys would get your act together and stop confusing the public. Most of what you preach doesn't make sense. Man has been eating meat for almost 2 million years, that's how we evolved. Now, all of a sudden meat is bad. This is so silly.
    And what about plant toxins? What about the fact that people have allergy and terrible reactions to plants nuts and seeds. Are plants still good for them? Of course not. The reality is, and I don't need to be a doctor to know this, everybody reacts differently to different types of food. Some people do better in meat some people do better on plants.
    When I was a kid, medical doctor said eggs were bad for you. Now medical doctors say eggs are good for you. When I was a kid, my mother bought margarine because doctor said butter it was bad. But now butter is good. You doctors keep changing your mind and confusing not only yourself but other people.

  2. You know what the issue is doc? Those who eat plant based foods are on average more health conscious, so it's expected for them to live longer. Correlation doesn't mean causation.

  3. Charlatan, Liar, misinformant. No human being on this earth can exist by just eating plants and no supplements. Plant based diets are the biggest lie purport rated on the human race. PLANTS ARE NOT FOOD.

  4. This is completely anecdotal but my rosacea is in remission for the first time ever after starting to eat a mixed whole grain porridge in the morning. It’s delicious too!

  5. When I changed my SAD diet to a WFPB diet 7 years ago at age 66, one of the most surprising effects (among others) at the 10-day mark was the lifting of brain fog! I'll never go back. Anxiously awaiting your new publication.

  6. Plants and Whole Foods are definitely the way to go. At least make it most of your servings. The less processed the food the better including plant-based foods. Eating plant based doesn’t necessarily mean the healthiest if all you eat is processed plant based food.

  7. Well, not sure how much evidence and research can be THROWN into the public before people start to understand they are essentially KILLING themselves if they continue to eat animal protein and avoid fruits and veggies…..let alone also eating high salt processed foods……I mean, when I go out into the public and look at people in general, I do wonder what exactly some of these people eat on a daily basis…..its maddening, and also the incredible resistance to consider changing……with the mindset of…well, I only live once so I want to enjoy the taste of my food and what I enjoy eating…..even if it means I am slowly killing myself and will be left brain dead if I manage to live into my 80s…….as opposed to being kinder to the environment and sentient life forms…..this has to be one of life's great mysteries???? So, I can understand those who are un-informed but I feel NO pity for those who are informed and refuse to even attempt to change for themselves and mankind……

  8. Bananas are considered a "berry" and I eat a lot of them, but wondering if they're as good or not so good as say, blueberries? Just wondering if they have too much sugar? I eat a lot of blueberries and strawberries as well, but I eat at least 2 bananas per day (usually with peanut butter), so just curious. Thank you! Can't wait for your new book!

  9. One day before the year 3000 the doc will provide a study that deals with other than high fat processed meats and the unhealthy fatties who eat them. How about a study doc on the health effects of occasional very low fat meat consumption. while ur at it add an actual study on the effects on healthy people instead of unhealthy (as every one of ur studies seem to), and please omit the studies by Neal Barnard who–what would we expect that person to report as a "study". The doc would do well for his credibility by pointing out the obvious weaknesses and obvious misinformation in many of the studies he headlines.

  10. Kiwis are not usually thought of as berries, but they are in fact berries.
    How do they compare with other berries (including blueberries) in healthfulness?

  11. A 2014 paper in JAMA studying the Adventist stated that pesco-vegetarian had lower mortality rate than vegan among the Adventists. This findings did not contradict with the plant dominant but omnivorous diets found at other Blue Zones groups around the world.

  12. WFPB now for two years…beat Prostate Cancer ! Just turned 70 and feeling better with each day! I wish I followed this lifestyle decades ago…but never knew any better. I thought I was staying mean and lean by eating chicken, fish and rice. At age 68 I found my body beginning to fall apart. Lost hearing in one ear, found out that I had glaucoma, teeth/jaw problems, discovered and beat prostate cancer…and damn, started to lose my memory and demonstrating senior moments! Back into the gym and eating well now. I decided to demonstrate a physical/mental renewal.

  13. Was the egg whites in this study from typical hormone injected oversized chicken farms or healthy pastured raised chicken farms?

  14. 1. Vegetarians actually have higher levels of AGE in their system than do omnivores. "Advanced glycation end products and nutrition" by Krajcovicová-Kudlácková et al.
    2. Dr. Greger is smart enough to know that epidemiological studies vilifying meat are meaningless if done in a society where meat consumption is strongly associated with eating processed foods.
    3. Healthspan comes down to four things: a) avoiding nutritional deficiencies, b) avoiding toxins, both natural (e.g. oxalates) and manmade, c) moderate protein intake, and d) healthy body composition (narrow waist, decent musculature), all of which are possible to accomplish on a whole-food vegan diet, but which are much, much easier to accomplish on a whole-food omnivorous diet.

  15. I'm 50 years old. I've eaten lots of fruit and veg my whole life and went WFPB about 3 years ago. Recently, I had to show my driving licence to a work colleague in her 20's because she wouldn't believe I was 50, she thought I was in my mid-30's. Compared to all my meat and processed food eating colleagues of all ages, I have more energy, better concentration and I haven';t had a day off sick in 23 years. Eat healthy, be healthy. It's that simple. Looking forward to the new book.

  16. When I changed to plant based whole food, I no longer had headaches, arthritis, tooth cavities, or illnesses in general. It’s was eye opening.

  17. Since proteins are broken down into amino acids by protease enzymes, why would there be a difference in vegetable vs. animal protein? More specifically, how do animal proteins cause pathology?

  18. 💚 We keep telling people this. Many don’t listen, but some do. We are traveling around the country, in our converted van, spreading whole food, plant based vegan diet.

  19. I’ve had to eliminate 90% of the foods in the thumbnail as I’ve gotten older. Started causing more harm than good. No one size fits all.

  20. The Best Diet for Healthy Aging, in summary: Eat a plant-based whole-food diet.

    The Best Diet for Treating Atrial Fibrillation, in summary: Eat a plant-based whole-food diet.


    I'd like to see more specifics in these videos. "Eat a plant-based whole-food diet" can support a YouTube channel for only so long before it becomes redundant.

  21. Mom 102 1/2 next month. Offered her plant based meals when she had a heart attack at 81. She is thriving and we don't expect her to go away anytime soon. Longevity definitely NOT in her genes….

  22. Wrong conclusions !! These are epidemiological studies and not experimental….he knows nothing about pasture raised meat and animal products…he is comparing grain fed red meat with plant food

  23. I am 67 and became a vegan 8 years ago to reverse coronary artery disease. I follow a strick healthy vegan diet but I still miss the double meat cheese and bacon burgers along with the cigars and ice cream. I don't miss the extra 50 pounds and the angina.

  24. Hi, I would love if you could make a video on Interstitial cystitis? I've recently been diagnosed and would love to hear any thoughts or studies you may have. Thanks for your amazing videos!

  25. How Not To Diet is at times laugh out loud funny. If How Not To Age is written in a similar style it will be a cracker. Entertaining and informative at the same time.

  26. So excited for the new book. Huge fan of the doctor and his work, when put into practice it's changed my life. We need to boost awareness of these topics, it has the power to transform the human race.

  27. I would like to see less correlations through population self reporting studies and more directly controlled studies. Particularly having a separate study for aging/longevity and one for athletic performance and recovery. The controlled studies I have seen plant based diets are blown away by whole foods animal based when it comes to performance and recovery. Also several of the studies you listed did not control for other lifestyle factors in an era where if you are vegan or vegetarian you are most likely to have several other healthy lifestyle habits and if you were eating meat you were just population norm and may have several unhealthy lifestyle habits.

  28. Nonsense. Absolute rubbish. No one can recommend a dietary regime to someone they’ve never even met. We all need some of the same nutrients and water, but we also have our own peculiar and individual needs and wants. Everybody is different, and every body is different. Please respect our individuality. I have been vegetarian, macrobiotic and vegan for over ten years. That was in the past. Now I survive mostly on a high quality animal food diet and I’ve never been healthier.

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