La farina d'avena fa bene alle persone con diabete?

Prima che ci fosse l'insulina, c'era la “cura della farina d'avena”. I benefici della farina d'avena per i diabetici.

Questo è solo il primo video di una serie in tre parti, quindi rimanete sintonizzati per In che modo la farina d'avena aiuta con gli zuccheri nel sangue? ( e La dieta della farina d'avena messa a frutto Test per il trattamento del diabete (

Il mio video Cosa causa la resistenza all'insulina? ( include una bella immagine su come esattamente l'insulina lavora per regolare la glicemia.<br/>
Ho dozzine di video sul diabete. Ecco una buona panoramica: Come non morire di diabete (

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80 Risposte a “La farina d'avena fa bene alle persone con diabete?”

  1. Oatmeal with cinnamon , chia seeds, goji berries , dried yeast , blue berries , walnut and pecan nuts …. Kaboom … Thank me later

  2. oat banana blueberry ! (and let flax seed get wet on it +bonus plant based tip)
    i eat it almost everydya xD

  3. Oatmeal goes great with so many other foods
    Great with a hot smashed sweet potato and a spoonful of nut butter, add a sprinkle of cinnamon.
    Have been eating oats for over 65 years. I never tire of them.
    Dr. G is the best. Love all your research.

  4. I eat my oats hot I microwave them, does anyone know if you can microwave your berries and other fruit and flaxseeds/peanutbutter or do they lose nutrition when microwaved?

  5. I am not fond of oatmeal, but I saw a video testimonial of a man who said it really helped him with reactive hypoglycemia, which I have. I decided to try it since I had nothing to lose and it was cheap. Starting my day with oatmeal has profoundly affected my life. I no longer have the midmorning crash and if I got sleepy in the afternoon, I no longer had the paralysis where your mind wakes up before your body (feels like you're in a coma and can't even open your eyes). I tried experimenting with not doing it every now and then, but I felt so terrible and it would take me a few days of staying on it to feel right again, I now am terrified to go a day without it. That was over a year ago. About 3 months ago, I started incorporating one avocado into my lunch, and now I do not even get sleepy in the afternoon. I feel like I finally have the combination I need to not crash anytime during the day. I still don't like oatmeal, but I eat it every day because I love how it stabilizes my blood sugar.

  6. The "oatmeal" should be banned because people don't understand it correctly, instead we must use "oats" only or "plain oats" meal, the commercial products are using the "oatmeal" as a sugary and sweet meal, and that's the disaster. When normal people hear "oatmeal" they may buy those commercial products oatmeals and sadly those oatmeals products are full of junk additives.

  7. That's so fascinating 😀 thank you for sharing – yet another reason (aside from the deliciousness) to continue enjoying my oats (although I generally prefer the whole oats, though I assume they should be just as good if not even more so ^^)

  8. Overnight oats with soy milk and a small amount of psyllium husk berries banana flax and cinnamon it is like eating a thick custard-like pudding because of the psyllium husk every day for breakfast.

  9. Watched this as I was polishing off my daily half cup of “oatmeal gruel.” Hint to @ingagoodwin394: I mush up a banana for sweetness and add a sprinkle of ground cloves and Ceylon cinnamon, and stir it all together. It’s very tasty, and all plant-based. (I don’t eat bananas otherwise, as one a day does it for me.)

  10. The first recipe I found when I started losing weight two years ago was in the book The Starch Solution. It was for overnight oats with cinnamon and used a whole cup of dried oats for one serving! I never thought it would be possibly to eat that much and lose weight, but that’s still my main breakfast two years later. I put frozen mixed berries and flax seed on it. Yum.

  11. this was very interesting..- I'm excited to learn why oatmeal works particularly well! ..thank you for sharing all this information – you're literally helping so many people make healthier choices and increase life span… god bless <3

  12. I have eaten so much oatmeal in my lifetime that I am really having a hard time eating it very often anymore even with fruit etc. Especially since even though I like fruit, I don’t like it in oatmeal. … The struggle continues… 😳😭 😂

  13. There are many ways to eat oatmeal. I eat old-fashioned oats but I don't cook them. 1/3 cut if oats, berries (I put quite a bit in and either almond milk or soy milk. Usually almond.

  14. I have been loving oatmeal since as long as I can remember but these days I love my groat oata more than anyting and my steel cut when I'm in a rush or out of groats. Sometimes I will cook the oats with dates. And I almost always use about a cup of blueberries, a tablespoon of flax, Ceylon cinnamon, clove, cardamom, a little ginger, and some cocoa powder and it is SOOO GOOD

  15. I wish this was the case for me. I became pre diabetic after many years on a low fat high carb diet. Oatmeal immediately elicits a sugar response. I’m currently doing a three month experiment with my doctor to see if a low carb diet will help me. And all the videos reporting the benefits of a low fat, high carb diet. There’s always that small percentage of people who it doesn’t help, and I afraid I am in that percentage. Always vegan 🌱

  16. Questions, it says that even vegan amino acids will cause insulin resistance does this mean people that work out which take vegan amino acids or vegan protein powder are increasing their risks of insulin resistance?

  17. I eat porridge every day – usually an US cup – with berries every day.

    I put it on a low heat (along with my coffee) whilst I am doing yoga and when I am finished I have breakfast and my coffee ready.

  18. I love oats! I’ve been having them more than ever recently. I make overnight oats in bulk for the week and add frozen berries, finely chopped apple, tablespoon of flaxseed meal, tablespoon of chia seeds, tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, coconut yoghurt, soy milk, cinnamon, lemon juice and maple syrup. It’s so delicious, and so many nutrients packed in!

  19. Vegan bodybuilder here , i have eaten oatmeal for breakfast everyday for years ! I want to point out that its fantastic for the skin as well, you can grind them up to make colloidal oatmeal and add it to baths or use it as a face mask. I have eczema and it has worked better for me than anything else.

  20. This is a great video. As someone of Scottish ancestry, I have always eaten oatmeal, though lately not everyday. I did not know, however, that eating just any animal products had such an effect on insulin uptake. Since I have been trying to get my blood sugars down, I am going to revise my meal plan for this week and see what happens without meat or dairy. Question: does fish have the same effects?

  21. As awesome as oatmeal is, I just don’t enjoy them as much as stone ground corn grits. I suppose it has similar insulin sensitivity effects so long as it is whole grain grits, but my amateur lookups lead me to assume corn grits are overall bad. Are they really?

  22. As another example, Dr. Walter Kempner during the 1930's and into the 40's, treated obese diabetic patients with a rice and fruit diet. He was very successful obtain great results, and this is before insulin injections were available. Why the Keto diet is often touted as a cure for all kinds of ailments is beyond me.

  23. I'm looking up the Noorden's oatmeal diet and everything that I'm seeing says that, along with 250 grams of oats, he also gave patients 250 to 300 grams of butter per day. I'm curious why you're not reporting that.

  24. This is good to hear as I love oatmeal but I’m confused because I watch videos like Beat Diabetes and other low carb channels that even are carnivore and eat sticks of butter, and somehow they have glucose spikes from oatmeal. I don’t know what’s healthy anymore. Right now I’m eating starch solution vegan and enjoying it.

  25. Oatmeal is a big no-no for my diabetic mother. I'm a WFPB vegan dietitian, and I prepare all her food. Trust me we do everything right (it's like she has her own Dr. Greger if I do say so myself…) but oatmeal will give her a glucose of >400mg/dL. Oat groats however…..her postprandial glucose never goes above 140. The difference that processing of the oats can make is STARTLING!

  26. Why are they doctors and health related website that claims that oats can induce an insulin spike ?
    I'm very confused with all the contradictory health information I that I received.

  27. He has another video going over the research on millet for diabetes prevention, millet seems like a better option based on what I heard in this video.

  28. The original Oatmeal Diet also consisted of large amounts of butter and 100g of vegetables (only 100g?!). Then came the modified Oatmeal Diet, which removed the butter. That creates a much larger caloric restriction which gets me thinking about Roy Taylor and his work with reversing diabetes with massive caloric restriction so that patients lose weight very quickly until they get to a weight where their blood sugar and insulin stabilize. His theory is that each person has a weight range their body likes to be in and the minute you go above your range, boom, pre-diabetes followed by diabetes. His patients ate mostly WFPB but his conclusions are that it doesn’t matter how you split the macros, weight loss back to your body’s ideal range fixes glucose and insulin issues in patients who have been diabetic for 10 years or less. Those who had been diabetic for longer had caused too much damage to reverse, though it did improve

  29. Love the taste and cost and convenience of oats but for some reason I get intestinal pain from them 😢 not really gas, just pain for a few hours

  30. This is so important. My daughter has blood glucose levels over 400! She is desperate to get this under control with diet and heal herself. Thank you so much Doctor Greger. You're a saint!

  31. But doesn't a large bowl of even Steel-Cut oats soaked in water have a high total Glycemic Load, due to the large serving size?

  32. If I eat tons of carbs and no fat, and if I’m not active enough, then doesn’t glucose in the blood turn to fat, which then is the same as eating actual fat?

  33. You have some good information but you don't realize that plant based has become your religion. You are a super cherry picker.

  34. When I eat cooked oatmeal my blodd sugar sky rockets. Much more than if I eat sugary candy. If I eat non cooked and not soaked more than a minute with soymilk, then blood sugar is OK. So no oavernight oatmeal for me.

  35. Serious question: does anyone else find it odd how old Dr Greger looks @50, compared to say, ken berry who is actually older than Greger? Even my dad who is 20 years older than Greger, and eats plenty of meat, looks younger than Greger does. (I'm a vegan myself but I try to pay attention to different diet influencers/opinions)

  36. BS study. The participants were put on 1100 calories a day which will reduce anyone's insulin. An animal protein-based/low-carb diet would've had better results as shown in several studies.

  37. When I eat beans, lentils, and oatmeal, my blood sugar spikes. When I eat meat, my blood sugar stays stable. I can refrigerate some beans overnight in order to increase their resistant starches. Then I am able to tolerate them. I tried this with lentils and oatmeal without success. What would you suggest for a person that already has insulin resistance that gets blood sugar spikes from high carb foods?

  38. I'm going to have to disagree with some of the statements you've made about animal protein. I did the Dukan diet for 9 months, lost 40 lbs and felt terrific.

  39. I was a happy vegetarian when I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes with a reading of 201. Following recommendations I eventually had a reading around 420. Wad on max dose of Metformin for over 10 years. Quit cold turkey in December 2016 and went Keto. Now mostly LCHF with A1C's in upper 4's. This is the diet that works for me.

  40. This is just untrue. I've had stomach problems in the past and have gone for days only eating oatmeal and a few strawberries or blueberries. I'm prediabetic so I have some insulin resistance and IT DID NOT GET BETTER! In fact it got worse and worse and worse. When I eat a bowl of oatmeal my blood sugar skyrockets from mid 90's to 190. So no just no.

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