La farina d'avena può invertire le malattie cardiache?

Meno del 3% degli americani soddisfa l'assunzione giornaliera di fibre raccomandata nonostante la ricerca suggerisca che cibi ricchi di fibre come i cereali integrali possono influenzare la progressione della malattia coronarica.

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Farina d'avena offre molto di più della fibra, però. Guarda i miei ultimi due video sull'avena Lozione all'avena per l'eruzione cutanea indotta dalla chemioterapia ( e la farina d'avena può aiutare la malattia del fegato grasso? (<br/>
Il lavoro di Trowell ha avuto una grande influenza sul dottor Denis Burkitt. Vedere F-Word Diet del Dr. Burkitt (

Questo mi ricorda altri interventi come il tè all'ibisco per la pressione alta (Tè all'ibisco vs. Diete vegetali per l'ipertensione o amla per il diabete ( Amla contro il diabete Meglio invertire completamente la malattia.

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Credito immagine: Caro Wallis via Flickr.
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65 Risposte a “La farina d'avena può invertire le malattie cardiache?”

  1. You keep harping on the good effects of simply adopting a whole-food plant-based diet. But for those of us who have been following this lifestyle for years, even decades, you need to assemble the finer points, and what we specifically as low-fat vegans should be looking out for in our diets, in the environment and in interacting with the established medical system to get optimal health.

  2. Cheers for the video content! Excuse me for chiming in, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you researched – Trentvorty Irreplaceable Doctor Theorem (probably on Google)? It is a smashing one off guide for curing heart disease minus the hard work. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my work buddy finally got great results with it.

  3. Excellent informative video!!  I have been following Dr. John McDougall's "Starch Solution" way of life for two months now, and have already seen great results.  The scientific, medical and empirical evidence is in about a vegan whole foods plant-based diet.  Documentaries like "Forks over Knives" and "The China Study" book, and also the "Starch Solution" are full of facts to support this, just to name a few.

  4. I'm dieabetic and having heart flutters and im scared as hell I have three kids wife and baby on the way I can't go yet I'm eating my oats everyday.

  5. Grains can be bad for many people. I avoid all grains except rice. UPDATE: I avoid rice like the plague. A year ago I was still thinking rice was okay.

  6. The British medical journal says statins are useless! Latest heart research shows clogged arteries are not the problem the body finds a way round that, heart attacks are caused by the parasympathetic nervous system!

  7. It seems all high fiber foods are also high carb:  beans, all whole grains, oatmeal, etc.   I could see how these could prevent diabetes, but once someone HAS type 2 diabetes should they stay away from high carb foods?

  8. Oatmeal is my foundation for breakfast. I LOVE it because I feel so good starting my day with the stuff!! 😀 I once ran out of oatmeal a few days before I could go grocery shopping and I was so sad.

  9. I love this guy and enjoyed his book. I really appreciated how he shows Oatmeal is anti-inflammatory and lowers cholesterol. So many stupid memes and fake guru's are spreading this myth that Oats and whole grains cause inflammation, this is insanity.

  10. Less than three percent of all Americans are meeting fiber intake recommendations and everyone is worried about protein. 🙁

  11. The production quality of this channel has increased a lot over the years. Speaking louder and more clearly. Better on-screen visuals. Better editing. Thank you for continuing to provide great (and accessible) content!

  12. Damaged arteries are the root cause of heart disease. Micro lesions in need of repair attract cholesterol which acts as a temporary patch. In time, the situation becomes more prevalent and the clogged arteries fail. Arteries need proper nutrition to heal. Plant based vitamin c is critical to tissue healing. Ascorbic acid won't so the trick, it needs to be the whole molicule.

  13. I have a damaged heart and have now decided to have daily intake of goat meal/banana/blueberries..I adopted 4 dogs and need to stay alive so I can take care of them.

  14. I eat at least 1/2 cup of oat bran with berries and walnuts every day for breakfast. 20 mg Lipitor, which I hate taking. Cholesterol is still a wreck.

  15. I dont have a PHD however this is what it does
    Stomach; attaches to all the old waste and causes it to be secreted.
    Blood; has these bad mother fuckers called FITO STEROLS. sounds stupid however what they do, is attach themselves to all the red blood cells NOT WHITE, and they literally eat the toxins out of the blood stream
    Liver; flushes out bilirubin better, cleans out gallbladder protects against gallstones may help heal liver if damaged, helps lower the alkaline phosphate enzyme production during the toxic waste breakdown
    Pancreas; has to do with Fito STEROLS. Helps regulate insulin, blood sugar levels, can help someone get rid of type 2 diabetes.

    Sounds great HOWEVER
    when you cook oatmeal your causing starch to turn to glucose which actually slows down the FITO STEROLS. I suggest eating it RAW. I have been eating raw, steel cut oatmeal, with brown sugar 2 times a day for like 5 years. I'm 33 eat whatever I want and I'm always on healthy weight. That also might be contributed by the fact I do not own a microwave. Do not eat fast food or frozen food. I eat 1 canned item which is b&m baked beans like once every 3 weeks. I buy all food fresh cook it myself and go to farmers markets.

    About REVERSING HEART DISEASE. Doubt it. However RAW garlic that can probably reverse heart disease because that literally takes plaque out of your arteries. I mean literally, you eat a whole head of raw garlic during the course of the day, the next morning your poop looks exactly like the plaque from your arteries in those pictures.

    Oooo one more thing. When you eat oats or fiber. Try to have them on their own, twice a day. Eat only that, til your full. IT WORKS. However some of my family members had heart attacks and NONE of them were prescribed oats. Main thing told was they need to lose weight. Weight seems to be the largest contributor of heart disease. Eating oats and fiber can help lower weight and maintain it but REVERSING heart disease I dont think so. Raw garlic is what this video should be about if your looking to REVERSE heart disease. Reverse means they have been diagnosed with heart disease bc of a myocardial event. Completely reversing it from oats???? Nah

  16. Not all oats are created equal! DO NOT believe the heart-healthy symbol on all oatmeal products, as it is a marketing tool to make the American Heart Association money, rather than to help consumer health. WHY? Just check all the sugary kids' cereals that have the symbol.

    There is much more research pointing to the positive benefits of groats and steel cut oats than the other processed forms–especially when considering that most of the quick-cooking varieties have heaps of sugar added to them. If interested in the heart-healthy benefits, go for oatmeal that takes 15+ minutes to matter what the label says. As seeing is believing, here are a few breadcrumbs for those who are interested (i.e., for those who want to denounce my opinions are not rooted in fact or research).

    Also, the processing form not only effects oats but other grains such as buckwheat (another healthy alternative):

  17. I have two stents in my heart. One in 2017 due to 100% blockage ( heart attack ) and second stent last few days due to narrowing (85%). My Ef reading now is at 35. Will oats help me boast up my Ef? I am a vegan for 15 years. I mean not whole food vegan but average junk food vegan. Can someone advise me how to make my heart stronger again. Thank you.

  18. We are just beginning to learn about our microbiome, yet everyone thinks diversity is our strength (sound familiar?) . There is no research to prove this theory. Tens of thousands of people are now on a no-fiber diet and are doing fine (the carnivore diet), I am one of them. You have been lied to and so have I. Plants are full of anti-nutrients, we don't need them. Do some research see for yourself.

  19. Unfortunately this video with test results on grains/fiber fails to include other substances/behaviors and focuses of fiber. This is not a guide on reversing heart disease – this is only one aspect which by itself has a marginal effect.

  20. Oatmeal and Heart disease it's a paradigma while Oatmeal(avena) raise G Index and therefore not Good for Diabetics, Diabetes cause High blood pressure and then if you eat it you will feel bad , Blood pressure will raise. Diabetics also will increase their BS so Once of the other no choice in my opinion

  21. Remember, the bars were just the MINIMUM.

    Adults should get at least 50-80 grams per day, depending on the size of the person.

  22. It is not hard to get 70+ grams of fiber per day on a legume-centric diet.
    Legumes are the answer. Nothing else, not even whole grains, has enough that you will realistically eat 70+ grams of fiber every day without really forcing yourself. Remember that vegetables are 85-90% water so vegetables alone won't do it either (although it certainly helps add to the total).

  23. Overnight soaked rolled oats with any fruit especially banana apple with soaked and chopped nuts like walnuts almonds etc sesame seeds roasted flaxseed powder eaten daily for breakfast is the answer for fiber consumption and heart health. And of course daily brisk walking is very essential.

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