Prevenire gli attacchi di gotta con la dieta

Se i cristalli di acido urico che scatenano la gotta provengono dalla scomposizione delle purine, i pazienti con gotta dovrebbero evitare anche cibi sani ricchi di purine come fagioli, funghi e cavolfiori?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

L'acido urico è un'arma a doppio taglio. Se i nostri livelli di acido urico sono troppo alti possiamo avere la gotta, ma se sono troppo bassi, può aumentare il rischio di malattie neurodegenerative come l'Alzheimer e il morbo di Parkinson (presumibilmente perché l'acido urico agisce come un potente antiossidante cerebrale, vedi Meteoriti del Miocene e acido urico Sia i livelli alti che quelli bassi sono associati a un aumento della mortalità. Restate sintonizzati entro la fine dell'anno per il mio video .<br/>
Che ne dici di curare la gotta con la dieta? Vedi:
• La vita antinfiammatoria è una ciotola di ciliegie ( -la-vita-è-una-ciotola-di-ciliegie)
• Trattamento per la gotta con ciliegina sulla torta (
• Trattare la gotta con il succo di ciliegia (

E per alcalinizzare l'urina, vedere Come trattare i calcoli renali con la dieta ( e testare la tua dieta con pipì e cavolo viola (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!

Immagine di credito: piper60 tramite Pixabay e Brian Gratwicke tramite Flickr.
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50 Risposte a “Prevenire gli attacchi di gotta con la dieta”

  1. Dr. Greger, is it reasonable to consider metabolic syndrome and its associated diseases mealy a symptom of eating animal products and processed food? This seems to be the hypothesis that gets confirmed over and over again the more I learn about nutrition.

  2. How do one find these trails of studies. One study showing something, researchers next step is now to do this other kind of study.

    Also I know Dr Greger have some videos on bad cholesterol studies, saturated fat studies and so on. How do we know which ones are good or bad?

  3. Thank you so much Dr. Greger! My dad has gout and I was wondering whether i could somehow add subtitles of my native language (lithuanian) to this video so he could understand?

  4. I love your videos Dr. Greger. I have a question regarding h.pylori infection. I have been taking medications(antibiotics) to kill the bacteria, but they keep coming back, and I always feel bloated. What do you think about this issue? Would you recommend the plant-based diet over the antibiotic treatment?

  5. My right baby toe sometimes looks like it has a gout-like symptom, but I quit all animal products more than a year ago. Sometimes the symptoms reduce after a foot bath of baking soda, who knows ingesting baking soda might work about as well as that medication you mentioned, since it's considered to alkalize the body too. Great video(s).

  6. thank you for this information.
    i've been completely plant based for over five years but this winter i've started having problems with gout when i eat beans but not mushrooms or other non-bean sources. i've got MCS and i was wondering if that would be a contributing factor. i'm sticking to my 'vegan' diet but i'll continue to avoid or limit legumes.

  7. Thank you, Dr. Gregor! My husband had gout since in his twenties and bad enough to be immobile for weeks or months from time to time. Now he's 38, vegan and didn't have any attacks at all for two whole years. However, this past year he started to have inflammation again and walking on crutches (not sure why, could be work stress, but still much better than years before where he couldn't even stand). Now, we are working on this by avoiding oil (we ate a lot of oily foods). He also has RA. Hopefully, a carefully designed vegan diet will help him rid of pain.

  8. I just love this guy.
    I am currently reading Dr Geger's book, 'How Not To Die'.
    He is a great writer. The book is as entertaining as it is informative.
    I just finished reading a segment about impatient oxygen molecules pouncing on electrons and turning them into free radicals…. lol
    it was awesome 🙂

  9. Further proof humans are herbivores as humans do not produce the enzyme uricase in our saliva like other carnivores do. Hence why lions don't get gout.

  10. here is how to get rid of gout: eat a shit load of pro-biotics, especially on those days at the beach when you just finished your 15th stout, and that plate of a dozen oysters… my father has been taking probiotics and coq10 ever since his second really bad out break and hasnt had one since.

  11. I got a nasty case of gout one winter in my mid twenties, as a slim and active person. At the time I was eating a diet of mostly beans and some rice. We had no stores nearby so rarely had anything else to eat. I cut back on the beans and it went away never to return even forty years later.

  12. Can't wait until everyone in my house is on board. I've been filling the cabinets and fridge with fruits, veggies and vegan alternatives so nothing else can fit. Haha.

  13. 4:35 Just cut out the alcohol and keep the meat, alcohol has many negative effects on the body(mainly pancreas and liver). My Dad had gout many years ago so he stopped drinking and it went away.

  14. I had gout at age 30. Went vegetarian shortly thereafter, made a determined effort to stay better hydrated and DID not take any gout preventative medications. I eat plenty of mushrooms, asparagus when in season and NEVER had a gout attack since my first one 21 years ago! I wondered if somehow the purine rich plant foods really did not precipitate a gout attack. This information you have presented in this video does not surprise me. I do eat dairy and raise my own free-ranging hens and roosters for our eggs. I do not eat shellfish but do eat the occasional fish. I do eat a very veggie and fruit rich diet and I run and workout almost daily. Stay away from the meds if you can people!

  15. I'm constantly surprised by the depth and breadth of health benefits a Vegan diet provides, but when you think about it from the other way it's not surprising at all that eating things our bodies are not well-adapted to eat would cause a wide array of maladies.

  16. I am right now at the tail end of a bad 2-week long gout attack. I am vegan. I was thinking maybe it was beans or oatmeal…? But I will confess. I am a drinker :/. And I'm now having to admit that my nightly cocktail may in fact be the culprit of me having 4 gout attacks in 2 years. Gout is the most painful thing I've EVER experienced….and I've had 4 children all natural. I would literally rather give birth than have a gout flare up. So…I guess I am now a non-drinker. Totally worth it. The pain is horrific!

  17. My dad never listens to me, now he has gout so bad that he can hardly stand up or walk, it hurts to watch 🙁

  18. I was limping around with gout in my left big toe for a few weeks, attempting several of the suggested remedies on the different sites. A superb technique is the gout treatment “Vοvοpαm Azb” (Google it). I took it 2 times a day for two weeks and there`s almost no pain any more. I`m presently on my quest to removing the gout completely, so I`ve lessened my intake to once a day.

  19. Within just 72 hours, the gout pain gone away due to this gout treatment method “Vοvοpαm Azb” (Google it). It really seems to function. For now, I`ll need to keep taking the product to see whether the signs and symptoms will go away or keep coming back. Best item for my gout! There is no need for drugs every day, also. I`m happy I discovered this simply because my body system has become capable of many every day tasks!

  20. In the 1990s, I was lucky to have a meeting with one of the world's leading researchers into gout, Byran Emmerson, a few years before he passed. We talked at length about gout. He was quite emphatic one of the greatest risks to crystal formation is hypertension. He was a product of his time though, and did not place much importance on dietary changes, apart from no more than light alcohol intake, and eating a 'balanced' diet.

  21. I've suffered from gout for 15 years and take allopurinol. I became vegan about 1 year ago and noticed a stark decline in gout attack frequency. I was having an attack about every 2-3 months prior to becoming vegan, now I've had just 1 in the past year. That one attack happened the day after I ate asparagus. It used to be my favorite vegetable but since having gout I can't eat it no matter if I'm on allopurinol, vegan diet, whatever…asparagus does it every time without fail for me. I have no problems with beans (I eat about 2 cups/day), mushrooms, spinach, or any other high purine vegetables just asparagus.

  22. fructose causes gout too. processed food is the real villain. sadly that is not mentioned here because that is not dr. greger's narrative.

  23. I have managed to not have a Gout attack for nearly 10 years. These things suggested Lemon Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar and Vit C to keep uric acid at bay- also if having an attack taking Bromelain (pineapple extract) tablets 2x500mg every 2 hours. Love to know more about research on these. Just "folk" remedies I picked up along the way.

  24. Dr Gregor's bias is leaking all over this. I have had gout for over a decade. Zero flares over a 5-year period during that time I was on a keto diet with an absolute ton of meat. I repeat zero flares. It's an individual thing. I found that cutting out refined carbohydrates and sugars was the track for me. I will not give up my bacon eggs grass-fed beef and fish for some vegan agenda. PS I do have a prescription for indomethacin and haven't taken a single pill in over 7 years. No need for it. If I get a minor twinge, I chase it out with some black cherry juice and celery juice. And continue to enjoy all of my meat.

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