La fonte naturale più salutare di iodio

La migliore fonte vegetale di iodio. Quanto nori, dulse o arame approssimano la dose giornaliera raccomandata di iodio?

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Questo è il secondo di una serie di quattro video sulla funzione tiroidea. Se ti sei perso il precedente, dai un'occhiata ai vegani a rischio di carenza di iodio? (

In arrivo c'è la dieta migliore per l'ipotiroidismo e l'ipertiroidismo ( Dieta per l'ipotiroidismo e l'ipertiroidismo) e Dieta per l'ipotiroidismo: un trattamento naturale per la malattia di Hashimoto (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/diet-for-hypotiroidism-a-natural-treatment-for-hashimotos-disease).<br/>
Cos'altro possono fare le alghe? Vedi:
• Quale alga è più protettiva contro il cancro al seno? (
• L'insalata di alghe Wakame può abbassare la pressione sanguigna ( may-lower-blood-pression)
• Come potenziare il sistema immunitario con l'alga Wakame (

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100 Risposte a “La fonte naturale più salutare di iodio”

  1. that cringe moment when u realize u r not eating irish seamoss (of which u can technically eat almost 300g without hitting iodine max) but instead eating some other random chinese sea moss that looks exactly the same but possibly has way more iodine 🙄 (come on give me a break, it was less than half price of "other" irish mosses online 🙄😂)

  2. Hopefully the Trader Joe's seaweed snacks have enough iodine in them, that's what I have everyday…

  3. I’m hypothyroidal and don’t use iodized salt. I’ve been concerned about my iodine status for a long time and asked my PCP about supplements and a test, she told me that that today we all get enough. I’m my readings I’ve seen recommendations to take supplemental iodine for hypothyroidism, but also warnings against it. I’ve considered putting an occasional drop of Betadine in my food but haven’t because of potential overdose. I’m not vegan and eat dairy, and I was unaware that dairy was a significant source of iodine, so I am somewhat reassured by this video.

    I think I will revisit this issue with my doc and try and get a test, though I’m not sure which would be more useful, serum or urine. If she still won’t order it for me I might pay out-of-pocket and go to LabCorp. And in the meanwhile start eating small amounts of sea vegetables.

  4. A doctor checked my urinary iodine concentration a few years ago and it was so low that the lab couldn't detect any. Since then I have emptied many bottles of nascent iodine. I take about 2000 mcg a day.
    I recommend the book "The Iodine Crisis" by Lynne Farrow.

  5. The fact that salty processed foods don't use iodized salt should be noted. I wonder if that includes fast foods.

    It's important to know what foods have it so if you are supplementing, you don't get too much! Baked potatoes with peel have 40% !

    I just take a kelp pill Iodine supplement with the us RDA level listed, ~100%.

  6. 02:52 How is it still legal to put different measures in one table? Ounces, cups, medium-sized fruits, grams, pieces…
    Good thing that they don't put micrograms and bucketfuls in one row…

  7. I've been taking the vegan society's veg1 supplement which has 150 ug but with all the kale, broccoli, tofu etc I think I need more so I've just started a kelp supplement. Anyone else have a similar experience?

  8. This life is nothing short of an awakening flow of archetypal power. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is learning. The multiverse is aglow with supercharged electrons.

  9. Since they stopped using iodine in the dairy industry here, diabetes has skyrocketed.
    The FGA here has banned the import for sale of konbu seaweed…

  10. Regarding the bonobo, humans please don't forage for lake/pond veggies without being sure the water does not have toxic blue or red already growth

  11. 2:49 Why is there so much in canned fruit cocktail, more than in some of the seafood on the list? Is that amount found natively in the fruits (in which case fresh fruit would be a good source), or is it somehow coming from the fruit canning process?

  12. I use Maine Coast Sea Vegetables organic Sea Seasonings Triple Blend Flakes. You can get a small shaker or buy it in 1 pound bulk bags. One teaspoon gives 113% of the RDA for iodine, along with dozens of vitamins and minerals. Been using it for years and a bag lasts close to a year.

  13. i love the video length, but i presume we dont need seaweed in nature because we dont all live near the ocean and i feel like its probably soil practices eg using chemicals that wipe out iodine mining soil microbes that is the real cause of the lack of it in our food, any info on that?

  14. I understand that kelp has way more than the daily recommendation of iodine in a serving but I add the tiniest dash to my instant pot meals each day. Would you say this is problematic? This little kelp shaker I bought from Whole Foods lasts me about a year.

  15. So, in addition to the 2 gallons of other vegetables we should intake daily to get all the other micro nutrients this doc touts we should now also ingest a cup of kelp, or, maybe just take an idodine tablet and save Ms. digestive system the trouble.

  16. Someone needs some help with logic. Excessive salt is causing a lot of death, therefore ideally no one would consume any salt, is a great syllogism fail.

  17. This was interesting. Is there any good science about how fluoride and iodine interact? For example if you drink tea with fluoride, does that inhibit iodine?

  18. The average Japanese consumes 500mcg a day, I've read other doctors say even 1mg per day of Iodine is safe. I'm old school and still drink cows milk and add 1/4tsp Iodized salt to whatever I'm cooking. 1/4tsp has 650mg of sodium and 47% RDA of Iodine.

  19. I was eating handfuls of dulse with brazil nuts every day for a couple years. I still do a few times a week. No issues. Sure i getting way more iodine than recommended, but i did look it up and i read where asians had high intakes of iodine but were fine.

  20. Is there any research, if algae (that have B12 so-called analogues – they have a similar chemical structure, but the body cannot use them) intake could hinder the absorption of potent cobalamins(B12)? And do you suggest any specific origin of the nori sheets (korea, japan…) or quality (green, gold) to make sure there is no unhealthy contamination?
    Thanks for your fantastic work ❤

  21. But why do I still need levothyroxine if I'm eating so much iodine? Probably too much? But they still tell me to take the synthroid when I am having all of those symptoms of iodine overdose.

  22. Well doc nice video, tho I wouldn't swim with my mouth open down the river to grab some herbs, anyway not right now in a pollutant world… maybe 200 years back

  23. Do people eating a well balanced whole food plant based diet ever really have "empty" stomachs with all the fiber in their system? I mean I always feel full.

  24. You can always take an iodine supplement too. They have the drops kind and they are usually lab tested for purity whereas things like kelp supplements are not.

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