L'assunzione giornaliera raccomandata di zucchero aggiunto

Le autorità sanitarie pubbliche continuano ad abbassare il limite massimo tollerabile di assunzione giornaliera di zucchero aggiunto.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Di recente ho parlato a un'audizione del Comitato delle linee guida dietetiche. Guarda i punti salienti e il mio intervento qui: Punti salienti dell'udienza delle linee guida dietetiche 2020 (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/highlights-from-the-000-linee-guida-alimentari-audizione/).

L'industria dello zucchero è piuttosto impegnata, come vedrai dai miei video recenti: I cereali per la colazione dei bambini fortificati sono sani o solo caramelle? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Are-Fortified-Kids-Breakfast-Cereals-Healthy-or-Just-Candy) e l'industria dello zucchero tenta di manipolare la scienza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/sugar-industry-attempts-to-manipulate-the-science).<br/>
I miei altri video popolari sullo zucchero sono:
· Se il fruttosio è cattivo, che dire della frutta? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/if-frutctose-is-bad-what-about-fruit)
· Quanta frutta è troppa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much)
· Quanto zucchero aggiunto è troppo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-added-sugar-is-too-much/)
· Big Sugar affronta l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/big-sugar -prende-sul-mondo-organizzazione-sanitaria/)
· La bibita dietetica aumenta il rischio di ictus tanto quanto la bibita normale? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-diet-soda-increase-stroke-risk-as-much-as-regular-soda )
· Come fermare la carie dentaria (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/how-to-stop-tooth-decay)
· Lo zucchero fa aumentare di peso? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-sugar-lead-to-weight-gain)

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-recommended-daily-added-sugar-intake e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi avere un elenco di link a tutti i fonti utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-recommended-daily-added-sugar-intake. Troverai anche una trascrizione e ringraziamenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze, e un modo semplice per cercare (anche nella lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2,000 argomenti di salute.

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100 Risposte a “L'assunzione giornaliera raccomandata di zucchero aggiunto”

  1. I go for all extreme Ayurvedic bitters right from
    Andrographis (for cancer prevention),
    Indian Kino (for Glycation Anti aging prevention),
    Boswellia Serrata (for anti-inflammatory properties),
    Brahmi and Gotu Kola (for nootropic effects),
    Tulsi (for adaptogenic properties),
    Ashwagandha (for anti cancer properties),
    Triphala (for antioxidant activity),
    Moringa, Spinach (for superfood intake)
    Nut powder mix (for healthy fat and vitamin boost),
    Daily consumption of Flax seed and Sesame seed (for Lignan intake),
    My own stack of tea and garam masala (since Indian spices have very high ORAC values)
    Sumac and Hibiscus cold steeped tea (for tang and antioxidant boost),
    Black and Green teas for anticancer properties.
    Grow and consume Mediterranean herbs like Marjoram, Thyme,Oregano, Sage, Basil, Parsley and Celery for that kick of anticancer agents.
    I'm just 29 and I decided I won't live my life like my friends do after seeing my mom pass away right before me with no signs of heart attack.

    Don't have no time for sugar. Went from around 100 grams of Sugar to Zero added sugar.
    I do get some fructose from healthy anticancer fruits but I have them right before a workout to burn em' as fast as I can blink.

    Thanks to Doc Greger for introducing me how wealthy/healthy Indian spices and Vegetables are !

    I look 24 and I feel the same now.

  2. these 87 grams. What the hell. and that was back in 2010. I mean now that EVERYONE is drinking energy drinks all day long what is this number like today? How are we not extinct yet??

  3. The WHO's policy making process is "partially" protected? They're certainly not protected from pharma's influence when they list anti-vaxers as one of the biggest threats to world health.

  4. Your mannerism of speaking seems contrived for the purpose of deeper listening engagement. It would be spectacular if this is how you actually speak.

  5. I’m still very curious, are added sugars with fiber as good as normal sugars from like fruit with its own fiber? Because I understand that added sugars aren’t the healthiest option when it comes to choosing foods, but in the situation I’m in, in order to get the proper amount of calories within a day at my chow hall [with a plant based diet]- I have to eat foods like bagels that have a good protein profile, lots of calories, lots of sugar (being added sugar), and fiber- so my question is, do added sugars have a different negative effect on the body thank regular sugar from fruits and veggies, or could the fiber content of a bagel cancel or at least make the negative effects of sugars healthier?

  6. Just eat raw food and forget all guidelines and you will attain superior health. We have been raw for for over 20 years and at 70 we are experiencing radiant health.

  7. This is great information! As a practitioner, I think it is wonderful that there are others out there that utilize a team that goes through all the data that comes out on a daily basis. I will say, as a single person, it is virtually impossible to do even if it was your full time job! This is great!

  8. metformin to reduce insulin resistance, Diamicron to increase insulin production by pancreas. for out of control sugar type 2 diabetes. Diet only solution can only go so far for type2 diabetics.

  9. that is why anything we make that calls for sugar we make our own date syrup for sweetness from you guessed it Dr Greger's how not to die cookbook

  10. WHO is still a political a organization… otherwise they wouldn’t bow to China’s demands in restricting Taiwan’s participation in WHO meetings and conferences. Taiwan can’t even observe these meetings. So, if WHO cares about the health of the 23 million people living in the openly-democratic country of Taiwan, let them observe these meetings.

  11. Big Sugar was supposed to bring down the levels of chemicals in the water in the Everglades in ten years, but when their time was up they had a private meeting with government officials…

  12. While I agree with the WHO on this one, they are no longer a reliable source for anything to do with health in light of the recent coronavirus corruption.

  13. Trying to convince my unhealthy Mom to eat less sugar. I need more about what extra sugar does negatively to the body, than simply guidelines are lower….

  14. I'm surprised the sugar industry didn't us Dr. Kempners Rice diet findings. Does are system have a hard time digesting greens? Can I go out and eat free grass?

  15. um….the last sentence might not be the whole story…. why does WHO say China is doing a GREAT job with coronavirus??!

  16. its inferior calories that will feed retard bacteria (even worse once than those fueled by starch…yea i know…how is that even possible LOL) and will make u want to vote left because u weeeeak

  17. I don't understand… I shouldn't add sugar to my green and fruit smoothies? wouldn't it be like sweet fruit?

  18. This is about addiction and behavioral control. It is very scary. Early this year and as much as possible I completely cut out added sugar. I could not find some things without sugar in them, like bread. Every whole grain bread I looked at had sugar, and more than their tricked out labels would admit. I feel very good when I eat no sugar, but my body is saying … where is all the sweet sensuous food you used to give me … it is an addiction.

  19. Sugar and salt is added to almost all processed foods.
    The only way to avoid it is to eat a whole food plant based diet that you cook yourself.
    People need to speak up and let these food corporations know they want less sugar and salt added to their products. Email, tweet or call their customer service departments and let them know you want to eat healthier.
    They do respond to customers over time.

  20. When you hear politicians defending corporate behavior and corporation profits at all cost, run the other way and vote them out of office. It is immoral to put corporations ahead of the well being of the citizens. People are more important period!

  21. The WHO are all about health? Umm, how's the handling of the Coronavirus situation in China? Wait just ask the WHO. Usually you're on point with your research, but the WHO keeps showing ties to corruption based on money and government influence. The US of A unfortunately is not their money lords like China' Communist Party. The WHO is not that innocently objective.

  22. Instead of telling us the politics of sugar and the anecdotal "sugar is bad for you". Why don't you present the science of why to much sugar is bad for you? Also what about Dr Kempner's sugar and rice diet that cured obose people of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure? Surely sugar wasn't bad for them!

  23. I have been so obsess about eating healthy lately and I have been following your daily recommended deit for so long.One of my close friend sent me a video where a person was describing that how being obsess about eating healthy make her a victim of orthorexia. The symptoms that she had exactly match with mine. So, I am in a kind of dilemma now with what is going on and what I have to do.
    If this comment reach to you by any chance I will be so thankfull to everyone.

  24. I find it very funny that everyone sees the actions of the sugar industry as extremely corrupt yet when animal agriculture industries do the exact same thing but also worse suddenly there are trillions of excuses. How do these people even exist with their contradictory nonsensical logic? Seriously, we've beaten natural selection.

  25. I wouldn't be praising the WHO with their appalling reaction to the Coronavirus. They've been terrible.
    They are bad as the CDC, adjuncts to Big Pharma. All they want to do is stick needles in people and sell vaccines.

    "So who is heading the WHO this time around? Well, it’s not Margaret Chan anymore. She stepped down in 2017 and was replaced by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian politician and academic who, William Engdahl notes, is the first WHO director-general who isn’t even a medical doctor. Instead, after earning his degree in biology at the University of Asmara in Eritrea and serving in a junior position at the Ministry of Health under the Marxist dictatorship of Mengistu, he:

    “[. . .] then went on to become Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012 under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. There he met former President Bill Clinton and began a close collaboration with Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI). He also developed a close relation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As health minister, Tedros would also chair the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that was co-founded by the Gates Foundation. The Global Fund has been riddled with fraud and corruption scandals.”

    Oh, you mean the Gates Foundation and their GAVI Alliance for vaccination that are the WHO’s biggest donors? The Gates Foundation that helped host the Event 201 “high-level pandemic exercise” in New York last October that war gamed out the entire coronavirus scenario we’re currently living through? Right."

  26. I add Amla powder to my add sugar foods (jelly's/sugary juices), or add fresh berries, i like to think that helps blunt the blood sugar spike?

  27. I enjoy adding a spoon of raw honey to my morning oatmeal with cinnamon, apple, and berries, instead of all the brown sugar I used to add to it as a kid.

  28. Actually, percentage #s are confusing. Especially for people who don't plan their own meals & don't know if their sugar intake will meet the percentage guidelines or exceed them.

    I saw a BBC documentary about sugar intake in the past few years. The recommendation was no more than 24 grams (6 teaspoons) of added sugar for women & no more than 32 grams (8 teaspoons) for men. I've been following those guidelines (mostly) since. Gotta satisfy my sweet tooth sometimes so I don't turn into the sweet monster. (Like cookie monster, but encompasses all things sweet).

  29. That last argument about the WHO only being concerned with health… they can just as well be corrupted. They've demonstrated that pretty neatly in the last month.

  30. They use candy as a reward in school, even Kindergarten. Every year I talk with the teachers and my kids are the ones eating a healthy snack from home while the other little kids feast on mounds of sugar and food dyes at parties or other nasty processed snacks daily. I’m sure everyone thinks I’m mean. When it’s our turn to bring snack to Kindergarten, I love being able to provide something real and all but one child actually likes it and eats it!

  31. 10% is still a lot. That's 200 kilo calories. I can almost drink 2 small cans of coca-cola for that amount. (2×25 gram sugar)
    So under 10%, 9% maximum, is definitely doable. It's ADDED sugars. Just cook yourself and don't use packages and cans for everything and you're fine.

  32. I am surprised that you did not mention the upper limit established by the Institute of medicine for added sugar is being 25% of total calories. It should be that the UL is 10%. I can't imagine consuming that much sugar I never add sugar to anything and eat almost entirely Whole Foods at home. As soon as I eat something with added sugar in it I can feel it eating away at my gums. I'm curious about Sugar's role in cancer here lately. I have a friend who may have cancer I discovered recently and he was inquiring with me about it. I know back in 2016 there was a lot of talk about starving cancer by restricting sugar intake. I haven't looked into it very deep yet but I'm planning on it, all I'm seeing thus far is metabolic complications such as dyslipidemia, insulin resistance which really doesn't make sense, and increased visceral adiposity, a form of corpulence, a fancy way of saying obesity, an attempt at politely saying super fat. That's one thing I like about McDougal, he sure is blunt, lol. But you're my all-time hero man keep up the great work as always and look forward to seeing you this month in Charlotte and maybe even Savannah!

  33. 2 months ago I started whole food plant based diet and started daily exercise. Got my blood work today and LDL and triglycerides were amazingly improved. Try 231 to 113 and ldl went from 121 to 76. But my good cholesterol went from 38 to 34. Thank you dr Greger. Any recommendations on raising good cholesterol?

  34. 'Sugar is bad but fruit is good!!' What a blatant contradiction lol. What next? Arsenic in food is ok but added arsenic is bad! No wonder greger fans are so out of shape and confused.

  35. I love when you’re also present in person on screen! Not that we’re not fond of your voice, of course. But seeing I’m you in person is better 😊 cheers from Italy

  36. Dr. Greger, could you make a video about the difference (if any) between refined sugar and sugar from other sources like dates, figs, fruits etc.? That would be great! Thank you.

  37. Why can you not talk CLEARLY?
    You drag your vowels, mumble the spaces between words, etc.
    PLEASE!!! I love your channel but if I could only understand it

  38. If the sugar industry has so much power to ask US government to remove funding to WHO imagine the power of meat and dairy industry! No wonder FAO dropped their numbers of the impacts of animal agriculture on environment!
    It's all about lobbying!
    Adding deforestation, 50% makes more sense!

  39. Thanks for the info Dr. Greger. My husband has been having sugar addiction, I call it , because he wants to eat a dessert/bread/sweet around 30-40g of sugar each serving. Drink Alcohol with sweet too lately. He did Laser Surgery for enlarging Prostate in 2019 . and my have been trying my best to educate him about the sugar and Alcohol negative affect to his health ,such as aging , damage cells, liver and bad for his Prostate….however; he refused to listen. Would you please make a video regarding sugar addiction, it’s It’s damaging property and Prostate health? He already became Incompetent ; he said it himself because we used to make love 2-4 times a day, whereas after the Surgery I am lucky if he can preform 8-10times a year. And it only last about 1-2 minutes . I need your help. Thanks!

  40. Carbs = Sugar. You need to count the carbs. Rice, Pasta, Bread they dont have sugar but it converts in sugar in minutes. Only fiber its ok. Keep your blood glucose low and you will end the inflametion.

  41. I’m 18 and I eat about the same amount of sugar as the average teenager, but I hardly eat any added sugar at all. The majority of my diet is Whole Foods, I just eat a lot of fruit lol. Especially in my morning oatmeal.

  42. Everyone knows refined sugar is not healthy. But I believe that sugar mostly becomes a problem when your diet also contains alot of saturated fat and cholesterol.
    The sugar itself is dealt with rather quickly, more or less like the glucose in carbs. However refined sugar should be avoided if possible. But a piece of candy once a week isn't gonna hurt.

  43. Thanks for this video! For overall health and preventative care, it's beneficial for everyone to keep added sugar under intake the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendation of 25 grams per day added sugar. This is the same as 6 teaspoons per day!

  44. Yeah, let's not consume added sugars as much as possible. Eat raspberries (1 calorie per berry), blackberries (2 calories per berry), and blueberries (4 calories per five berries).

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