La lista di controllo giornaliera della dozzina del dottor Greger

Nel mio libro Come non morire incentro i miei consigli su una dozzina giornaliera di checklist di tutte le cose che cerco di inserire nella mia routine quotidiana .

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OK, but how do you actually incorporate those Daily Dozen foods into your diet? Check out my new How Not to Die Cookbook! ( (all the proceeds I receive from my books go to charity).

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Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

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OK, but how do you actually incorporate those Daily Dozen foods into your diet? Check out my new How Not to Die Cookbook! ( (all the proceeds I receive from my books go to charity).

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:>ks per guardare.>
OK, but how do you actually incorporate those Daily Dozen foods into your diet? Check out my new How Not to Die Cookbook! ( (all the proceeds I receive from my books go to charity).

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:>Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

I sottotitoli per questo video sono disponibili in diverse lingue.>
OK, but how do you actually incorporate those Daily Dozen foods into your diet? Check out my new How Not to Die Cookbook! ( (all the proceeds I receive from my books go to charity).

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:>Per trovare il tuo, fai clic sulla rotellina delle impostazioni in basso a destra del video e quindi su “Sottotitoli/CC”.>
OK, but how do you actually incorporate those Daily Dozen foods into your diet? Check out my new How Not to Die Cookbook! ( (all the proceeds I receive from my books go to charity).

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:>
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OK, but how do you actually incorporate those Daily Dozen foods into your diet? Check out my new How Not to Die Cookbook! ( (all the proceeds I receive from my books go to charity).

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

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OK, but how do you actually incorporate those Daily Dozen foods into your diet? Check out my new How Not to Die Cookbook! ( (all the proceeds I receive from my books go to charity).

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:>ttps://

100 Risposte a “La lista di controllo giornaliera della dozzina del dottor Greger”

  1. I have a problem. Let's say you want to gain weight and you have to consume 2800 kcal each day. Half a plate of vegetable is not very calorie-dense. What kind of foods should I incorporate or eat more to meet this demand without sacrificing​ my health?

  2. I don’t care how healthy anything is if It causes endothelial inflammation I don’t eat it, if it has lectins in it unless they are soaked or cooked properly I don’t eat it, if it has fructose in it, I don’t eat it.

  3. Dr Greger, Excellent presentation and your app is an excellent reminder list at the grocery store. Many thanks. I follow your program daily, almost to the letter as I have been on the Dr Esselstyn's Plant Based Diet to reverse coronary blockage since January 24th 2018 with excellent results beyond my wildest expectations!

    May I ask your feelings on Vitamin C? I have read many positive articles on this.

    Thank you,


    btw… if people would follow follow your diet exclusively, almost everyone on blood pressure and cholesterol medications (plus some others) would not need them after 60 days and I am living proof of that! Until actually following this diet, I would have never dreamed this was even remotely possible! Your body becomes and is what you eat and drink!

  4. This whas really helpfull for me, especially the serving sizes. Since I'm in my fourties (45), I can't eat this much food anymore, but will do my best.
    Beans are a bit harder for me, here in Belgium we eat most days patatoes, meat and vegtables and not much beans at all, so I had to learn to like them. I still hate kidney beans, tofu and chickpeas (but I do like hummus), but learned to love lentils, black beans and pinto beans now. The only beans I ever tasted before I became vegan where white beans in tomato sauce and green beans, Thank you for all the info.

  5. I wish I could come around to liking mushrooms! It is simply a flavor and texture thing that I cannot get past. With the How Not to Die Cookbook, I feel like mushrooms are used a lot in his recipes. I was thinking to substitute eggplant in most cases, but does anyone know a good fix? If mushrooms are the only way I can get a certain nutrient, what are the least flavorful ones and how can I hide them?

  6. This works great for people who can afford unlimited food or are planning a garden but if you can't afford all this fancy stuff you can still be plenty healthy eating starches like we've done for thousands of years! Yes greens are awesome but if your not rich then eat what you can forage seasonally or start growing what you can and if it's winter then don't worry eat grains and roots and you will be just fine. Sprout some dried beans and whole grains in a sunny window or under a cfl if you can and get your greens that way. Add what you can when you can but if you're looking at this list and thinking healthy eating is to expensive then you're doing it wrong. Starches like whole grains, roots, tubers, and legumes have been staples for people all over the world since the dawn of time. Start every meal with a starch: oats, rice, wheat, potatoes, yams, bananas, plantains… There is a starch for every taste, meal, budget, lifestyle! If you start with a tried and true staple you will get the calories you need to feel full and good without going broke, then you can fit in these other foods if they are available but if not you will still be healthier than anyone who is starving of nutrition on the sad diet or energy because they are trying to live off of super foods that are to expensive and low in calories to be sustainable. I think the foods on this list are great and if you can then add them but nothing is more sustainable, affordable, or time tested than a starch based diet so please don't give up if you think all wfpb diets have to be this detailed to be healthy because the definitely do not. I want to save as many animals including people from suffering as possible and I know this daily dozen is not obtainable for so many of us so please be aware that there are affordable healthful options that can feed the world while saving lives

  7. Thank you for making this app free. I love it. I really think I'm eating better. It helps remind me to eat the right things. I realized I wasn't getting some things very often.

  8. This was great info for me. Thanks for the tips. Very helpful. Much appreciation for you. Thanks bunches for making and sharing this video.

  9. How do I contribute to translating "Dr Greger's Daily Dozen" app to other language (my native language Lithuanian)? That would spread the message for sure!

  10. Dear Dr. Gregor,

    First I would like to tank you so much for sharing so much valuable information with us! You changed my life…During pregnancy I had gestational diabetes and after following your daily nutrition advise (as much as I could – I am not vegetarian or vegan – yet), I felt excelent and gave birth to a wonderful child.

    I would also like to ask you to which cathegory do you include onions, garlic, olives and olive oil?

    Many thanks in advance for your response.

  11. How many of these check boxes should I aim for my 3 year old to get? We've recently become plant based and want to make sure she's getting all her necessary nutrients for a growing girl! Thanks!

  12. Dr G: How can we trust you to be unbiased? You lose credibility if you serve as both a scientist and a Cheerleader for vegan diet? You cannot simultaneously be the Cheerleader and the Referee. Also, as an actuary and professional mathematician I can tell you that you’re going way too easy on some of the questionable perversions of statistical techniques.

    I can’t trust you if 100% of the studies you read confirm veganism and only veganism. This never happens in the real world of scientific studies. There are always some contradictory findings from some studies.

    It would also help your credibility if you would show the links for at least the abstracts, so that some of us more curious folks can take a look under the hood.

    BTW I have found the Vegan diet very superior to anything else I’ve tried. However, I don’t go around telling people I’m vegan—-this can be very upsetting to others, especially those who have taken it as a political position

    And you are among only a handful of experts who I can half-way trust. But I’d prefer if I could fully trust you

    There are any number of questions which arise during your presentations which I’d be happy to help you with. I spent 40 years measuring and studying health care trends, the effect of different lifestyles, etc. you would be surprised with how often there are serious unanswered questions in many of the studies you present.

    Some of the poor study designs can lead to potentially bogus results. One you often make is to study the effect of a single food on various bio markers of inflammation, oxidation, insulin-spiking. This makes for a nice clean study, but most people eat several different things at a meal—-potentially with offsetting effects on the biomarkers. So you might test blood markers after eating eggs. As I recall this resulted in a spike of inflammation and other worrisome biomarkers. Your conclusion is to avoid eggs. But what if I also have a cup of fruit, or an omelet full of veggies? This is how people really eat, not one food at a time.

    I’m happy to volunteer to assist you with some of the statistical and study-design problems if you think it might help.

    Another problem area is your over reliance on LDL as a valid biomarker. As you must know, the science behind this is subject to intense scrutiny right now and a consensus is building that LDL MAY be one of the many factors in CVD but much less significant than was believed 50 years ago. It’s more complicated than a single factor. It involves other, more important factors such as inflammation, calcium distribution in the soft tissues, etc. unfortunately you’ve condemned some foods based solely on effect on LDL, without also looking at what might be more important factors. The LDL hypothesis is just that, a hypothesis with inadequate basis in unbiased science.

    You’re definitely head an shoulders more credible than most, but can’t be fully trusted to be unbiased.

    I’m happy to help you fix that, to help “peer review” the published studies from the perspective of problems with study design and the rampant misapplication and misinterpretation of statistical techniques applied to the data.

    You can text me at 215-272-5056 to schedule a phone discussion if you’d like. I’m happy to volunteer.

  13. I am in that stage when life hits you in the face and tell you that you should take care of your body and your self and i am 1 month triening to find a way to eat clean and healthy and i am sooooo grateful i gound your yt channel… you helped me a lot to have some idea how to proceed and i am happy i am on a good track. Thank you a lot for sharing you knowlege with the rest of the world. I hope i will hit my curent condition in the face with all this infos i got from you dr. 😃 thank you again

  14. This diet could change a life, I'll just do it. (Mainly) Also – 5:22 make it 0.25 speed to absorb the context more perfectly. "Peana mmmBUTTURrrrmmmBANAaaaNahSAAAAANWICH!" mario coin noise

  15. Some people,are taking this as it’s all you need to eat for the day. It’s not enough calories. It should be more as a guideline of minimums not maximum food for a day

  16. Please, if somebody who knows can help me… I'm 164cm and 60 kg right now. I feel great when I'm 56- 57 kg. This year I was doing every day 20 min. at least and some days even more running, so I thought since I follow the daily dozen diet and being more active than the past years I should be slimmer… Now in the sommer im doing at least 45 min. Running everyday but still… Instead of what I was expecting, I'm heavier than ever before and I don't feel comfortable with that. I'm not obese, but still, I don't feel like me. Should I eat less than the daily dozen? What am I doing wrong? I eat only what is in the list. Once or twice a month I might eat something small like cookies etc. I look in the Internet if somebody is experiencing the same issues like me, but I can't find an answer.

  17. I love the app! It demonstrates the big variety of a vegan diet! There are so many categories to eat that I did not realize, there‘s no categorie for sweets etc. just fruits.
    I wonder, did he cut out potatoes?

  18. Ok, so my question is this: do all people of all sizes and shapes get the same portions? I mean, what And how much I should eat is the same as what a big guy should eat too? (Woman here!)
    That question wouldn’t bother me so much, but I currently have some weight to lose!
    Note: I posted the exact same question on the older video too! And then I found this one!

  19. I never realized how small the serving sizes actually are. I was using 1.5 cups of blueberries in my smoothies. I had no idea that was 3 servings of berries/fruit. Similarly with beans, I was using 1+ cups at a time. I had no idea that the serving size was half a cup.

  20. thanks dr Greger:):) You are a gem and your videos are so effortlessly informative and fun. You are a wonderful resource not only for us vegans but everyone interested in eating well.

  21. ¡Gracias! Thanks so much, Dr. Gregger, this is so useful and helpful for explaining people how going healthy plant based can be actually easy 🙏🙃💚🌱

  22. Do you really need to eat an entire salad bar to get your nutrition, and you still miss out on numerous important nutrients. Dr. Gregor should investigate optimum nutrition and how to get it without stuffing yourself 24/7.

  23. Sorry to you all. I love my meat and fish and will never leave it. I love my Passover lamb very much and will continue to enjoy my Passover lamb. Have a nice day.

  24. Hi Dr. Gregor.

    Here is something you should know! Not for everybody this recipe with eating a lot of beans is good!

    I read your book. at that time (one year ago) I ate just raw food. But then I read your book and thought – oh well, that sounds logic, I will eat a lot of beans and cook again.
    So my husband and I ate a lot of salad like we are used to, but integrated really a lot of beans every day. After 8 months of this diet I got gout in my fingers!!
    I researched a lot and found, that beans and pies (and Mangold, I ate a lot of that too) can lead to gout!

    So I stopped eating lenses, beans and pies.

    And I found out that the ph of my urine is way to sour! I started taking minerals. And now, after a week of fast in February 2021 I started to eat mainly alkaline, a lot of potatoes.
    My gout is not away, but it seems to be a little better and I hope after some years of alkaline food and a lot of minerals, there is a chance to get free of that again.

    Beside it : I do not drink coffee or black tea or alcohol,  fish I eat around 4 times a  year and no meat. I take B12.

    What do you think about this? Reading your book I did not believe I could get sick by following your insights and recipes.

    I think, it should be mentioned, that pies and beans are not good for people, who have gout in the family (my mother and cousin have gout).
    It could break out!

    I would be very happy to get an answer from you.


  25. He forgot the Alliin veggies – they belong also to the healthiest vegetables on our planet like garlic, red onions, ….

  26. Completely haphazardly and randomly. Not a single idea about food combining, except throwing in the belly a bulk of superfoods. As if digestion is of no importance at all.

  27. Dear Dr. Greger, What if I'm much smaller than you? This is too much food for me. 🙁 I feel uncomfortably stuffed and I still haven't finished your checklist. And no, I didn't eat anything that wasn't on your checklist… burp

  28. Do the foods that fit into different categories count as a serving in both categories or just one category at a time?

  29. Dr. Greger, you're a blessing!! Thank you so much for sharing! 🥰🤩 It makes me interested what all these food items have in common now. At first, I was lured into spices for their aroma but after reading about the health benefits.. I've started to be more interested in other food items, but the problem is which ones are better? Aside from legumes, coconut, and flax seeds, I didn't know what else is good but This video just answered it!! THANK YOUUUUU

    This video is so visually engaging- so appealing 🤩 and I bet that app is too!!

  30. I don't get the measurements of the staates with serving size, portion size, ounce …. why not have a universal measurment like the europeans have with …kcal per 100g???

  31. Thanks you herbalist francis I found through YouTube for all you do in my life and my family. I went for a test today after taking the medication i ordered from herbalist francis and I tested Herpes negative. Thanks doctor I will keep letting the world know about your good work sir.

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