La lista di controllo giornaliera della dozzina del dottor Greger

Nel mio libro Come non morire, incentro i miei consigli su una dozzina di checklist giornaliera di tutte le cose che cerco di inserire nella mia quotidianità routine.

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “La lista di controllo giornaliera della dozzina del dottor Greger”

  1. If flax seeds are not available, I wonder if chia seeds would serve the same purpose and have the same benefit. Does anybody know?

  2. Anyone that is considering trying this please do! I can't recommend it enough, as someone who has always struggled to maintain their weight and control cravings this has been a god send. I slowly cut out red meat, then the next year chicken and next dairy, fish and eggs. I don't always hit every item on the checklist, but I'm usually too full to eat any sweets or junk food. Thank you so much Dr Greger. <3

  3. I feel better than ever!!! But because i ended with all this vegetables. Now i eat an all animal based diet… Always dealed with asthma, intestinal problems, obesity… But man… Now I'm better than ever. When i was vegan i felt like dying. Now I'm alive again.

  4. Having the prescription of what to eat and how many serves is a real game changer for me. It gives me the assurance I need to obtain a healthy diet. I needed the structure given by this eating plan . Thank you so much.

  5. A lovely thing I have been using for a while now 🙂 Really helpful for making my meals healthier!
    I have one question though … If I eat something like arugula which is a cruciferous vegetable and a green … can I check two boxes or do I need to have a different (additional) food for every box?

  6. It would be hard to do a double blind test in a diet study. How much does the positive thought that you are eating the right thing affect whether you feel good from a diet? Does the placebo effect affect your health when you go on a diet?

  7. The app is great. Would be nice to have a feature that tracks your “score” over the week and month, and makes it a game to improve the score over time.

  8. I rather die eating meat than have to move to a plant based diet. Also water relies heavily on groundwater, which is contaminated by industry, why is that not a risk?

  9. This is a great guide … it's also about 2x the amt of food that I can eat in a day! Also, food allergies make following this list quite difficult for me. Still, I love Dr. Greger's scientific, study-based approach which cuts through all the pseudo-scientific voices that are so loud out there.

  10. I think this list is not very well suited for women who need fewer calories than men.
    It is way too much, I wish there was an option to make the serving sizes smaller because I always have to guess how much I need

  11. I finally, at 71, figured out a way to eat enough vegetables. I buy bags of salad, the kind with cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, carrots, some seeds or nuts, that sort of thing. No lettuce, or very little. I dump the salad in a bowl, add the dressing, and eat the entire thing. About 5 cups of mostly cruciferous veggies. I know you all are more perfect about it, but this is pretty damned good for me. Fig bars for breakfast, and something, whatever, for supper. Egg and toast, mostly.

  12. Thanks so much for your advice..after self medicating my PTSD with alcohol for many years and of course not getting better, I've decided to try diet, meditation and exercise..also healing music found right here on YT not far from your channel.

  13. Hiii! I’ve strongly believe in plant based diet. However, I’m starting to weight lift. I’m really nervous about the amount of protein I should get as various trainers tell me I at least need to eat fish and eggs (which I do but would love to cut fish). What do I do?!?

  14. This isn’t not anti keto and probably the “other fruit” category, this could be a keto diet. Only 1 serving of beans instead and add a little fish, eggs, or meat. Vegan and keto aren’t as far apart as we think. Ketovore is a thing

  15. I eat this way but larger servings. I eat a lot of greens lol. Healthy. I needed to gain healthy weight No mention of tahini which I love w tamari and lemon dressing.

  16. This checklist mirrors closely the GBOMBS that Dr. Joel Fuhrman promotes. What’s clear is beans, berries, nuts, and seeds are absolutely critical to include daily and in good amounts.

  17. If the only greens you ate were iceberg, no dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, or fish, and only Boston baked Beans, what specific nutrient do you believe would you be lacking? Researching this is overwhelming, so I thought I would ask this community for help for my graphic memoir. This was my late mother who never ate those foods for various reasons. Can anyone help me a bit?

  18. A friend of the family is an Allergist MD. I asked him if any of his patients are allergic to meat or fowl and he said no, that is almost unheard of. I asked then what are they allergic to and he said, they are allergic to wonderful wholesome plant based goodies like tree pollen, ragweed, mold form leaves, poison ivy, peanuts, citrus fruits, strawberries, high oxalate greens, soy products, wheat gluten, nightshade vegetables, natural bee stings, and the list goes on.

  19. I really want to understand why if plant based is our natural diet, we need to take a B12 pill. If one day there's no more pills, we will eat meat again? I don't get it

  20. Love this! Is there a paper checklist available? I'm trying to be less dependent on my phone/apps, so looking for an old-fashioned paper checklist to keep on my fridge.

  21. If only the world knew that you can heal almost all diseases, including cancer by incorporating a plant based diet.

    But there's no money in recommending patients to eat healthy.
    Instead, there's drugs…which mask the symptoms and not solve the issue.

  22. You have seriously inspired me to become vegan. I feel like by simply following this plan along with knowing specific supplements to take (like B12 supplements) I have a good chance of eating healthy without the risk of any deficiencies. Thank you for what you do!!

  23. 2:22 So if you compare it in gramms, one serving of legumes will be either 60 gramms of bean dip or 130 gramms of cooked legumes. Why is that equal? It‘s TWICE the amount of cooked beans compared to the bean dip, even if the bean dip was 100% beans (which it will be just close to since you probably put few other ingredients in).

    I really just don‘t understand. So if I‘m missing something and someone can explain I‘d really appreciate.

  24. 👉Holy Quran 📖Chapter 2 :verses: (183) "O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous.(184)For a certain number of days. But anyone who's sick or traveling, then some other days. For those who are capable: a ransom of feeding a needy person. Whoever does good voluntarily benefits from it. Fasting is good for you — if you only knew.(185) Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. Guidance for people, clear teachings, and discernment. Whoever among you witnesses the month should fast it. But anyone who's sick or traveling, then other days. God wants for you ease and no difficulties. So that you may complete the number, glorify God for having guided you, and be thankful….. " over 1400 years ago 😉 Stop Mocking Muslims for their True knowledge given by " Allah " the Creator through his prophet Muhammad (peace be up on him)

  25. Love the info he gives I just..can’t..stand.. the.. way he.. talks… why does he keep Pausing like that. Is he on a cell phone going threw a tunnel and his and his services keeps giving out. Is about to start crying. What is it.

  26. All good and I totally support this kind of list, but something is missinig in daily dozen checklist. B12 supplement… and all of a suddent it looks a bit different.
    Don't get this wrong, I support whole grain plant based diet idea, yet people should choose by themself what kind of B12 supplement are they using. As an animal product or by biosynthesis, industrial production, laboratory synthesis.

  27. Dr. McDougall says to keep it simple, choose a starch, and add fruits and a variety of vegetables. If you have weight to lose, increase the low calorie density vegis to 1/2 your meal, and eat till comfortably satisfied. If you eat a salad or a veg soup 1st, you'll tend to fill up on more low calorie dense foods, and the higher calorie dense foods will take a back seat. Honestly, when I started it was all much lower calorie density than what I'd been eating… lol. I still have trouble with a squirrely head that tells me it's ok to fudge a little, then I'm off and running. Still I've been able to maintain an 80 lb weight loss. My head is out to get me… haha.

  28. Drink with Supplements: 8am
    Filtered water
    Algae oil

    Breakfast: 9am
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1/2 cup unsalted lentils
    1/2 cup chokeberries
    1 tbsp ground flaxseeds
    1 pear
    1/2 pomegranate
    1 oz walnuts

    Exercise: 10am

    Drink: 11am
    Hibiscus tea

    Lunch: 13pm
    1 cup lentils
    2 whole wheat tortillas
    1 tomato
    4 cremini mushrooms with vit d
    1/4 tsp turmeric
    1/4 tsp black pepper

    Drink: 15pm
    Hibiscus tea

    Dinner: 17pm
    1/2 cup spelt pasta
    1/2 cup steamed red cabbage
    1/2 cup steamed nettle
    1/2 cup steamed collards
    1 banana

    Drink: 19pm
    Filtered water

  29. Can we still consume the daily dozen, foods highest in: Arsenic, Gliadin, Furocoumarins, Cesium, Oxalates, Goitrogens, Serpins, Solanines, Cyanide, Thallium, Bergapten and Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids. Should we keep eating foods high in these 12 or try to find foods that are low in all 12?

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