La Marijuana Causa Il Cancro Ai Polmoni?

A boccata dopo boccata, il fumo di cannabis deposita quattro volte più catrame nei polmoni rispetto al tabacco, ma questo si traduce in un aumento rischio di cancro?

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Resta sintonizzato per Cannabis Can Cure Cancer? ( dopo, ma ho un intero forziere di video sulla cannabis che dribbling ogni mese circa fino alla fine del 2019. Se vuoi vederli tutti ora, li metto tutti in un DVD digitale ( .<br/>
Ecco quelli pubblicati finora:
• Rapporto dell'Istituto di medicina sugli effetti sulla salute della marijuana (
• Ricerca sugli effetti sulla salute della marijuana (
• La marijuana crea dipendenza? (
• Funziona La marijuana causa problemi di salute? (
• La marijuana provoca danni permanenti al cervello negli adolescenti? (
• La marijuana provoca danni permanenti al cervello negli adulti? (
• La Cannabis si trasformerà in Big Tobacco? (
• Legalizzazione della marijuana e l'epidemia di oppioidi ( l'epidemia di oppioidi)
• Effetti del fumo di marijuana sui polmoni (
• Fumare Marijuana vs. Uso un vaporizzatore di cannabis (

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100 Risposte a “La Marijuana Causa Il Cancro Ai Polmoni?”

  1. I didn’t watch video but I bet it’s all negative because so many pot smokers are dying from lung cancer and other diseases every day. NOT!!!!

    Every single DAILY pot smokers I met are ridiculously healthy and most don’t even look their age. I’m only referring to the heavy duty pot smokers. Is if you eating McDonald’s and smoking weed yeah yeah life will be unhealthy, but I think the doc is just against pot and needs to look at the HERB as a herb and not a drug. Cannabis has been around for centuries so doctors and haters get over it.

    Yes vaping and edibles are much much healthier. But if you smoke a joint you might only smoke a few a day. Now cigarette smokers can smoke anywhere from a half a pack to a full pack or more a day. Pot smokers can’t. So pot is healthy and safe and yes I’ll say it first. Pot (herbs) are healthy for you. Since when are herbs not healthy Duh.

  2. Any smoke is toxic, cook your plants and eat them it gives a better and longer buzz.

    I bought a Mighty dry herb vaporizer and my lymph nodes swell up the same way as smoking used to induce pain..

    However it never happened with edibles i just get massive munchies and craving for refined carbs and when I eat sugar or dairy they swell too

    I found that green tea infusions and turmeric really help lower this "inflammation"

  3. Please put part 2 soon, Doctor G.
    My dad has terminal stage 4 prostate cancer and is facing chemo right now.
    He really doesn't want to take it, but might be persuaded to try cannabis to complement his 'quality of life' regimen.

  4. I’ll pass on the weed. Smoking psychoactive drugs for health sounds like an oxymoron to me. And pot smokers want to here good things about their bad habits they’ll focus on the anticancer properties mentioned in the video and completely ignore that pot smoke still has 33 known carcinogens.
    The only thing that weed has got going for it is it’s safer then alcohol.

  5. You mentioned heavy long time use in both cannabis and cigarettes. Interesting.. Most of the research I have read has on been on the effects of heavy smoking (1,2 and 3 packs a day) and some research has shown that there have been no cases of cancer to anyone who smoke less that 10 cigarettes a day. Not sure if this is true or not. But interesting none the less. With so much mixed information out there it's so hard to make an informed decision on basically anything these days. One part of me says F&&k it and live it up while the other says no play smart and try to live a long life (with no guarantees) Yes even those health nuts out there get cancer. What is a girl to do? Thanks for listening. Cheers Shanell

  6. very biased story, i can tell you, my wife used nothing but infused cannabis oil and she has been cancer free for 5 years. There are no real studies because as long as Cannabis is scheduled one, it cannot actually be studied in America.. but hey, just like they only give partial facts on SMOKING Cannabis, never anything on infused food products. they are trying to keep you brainwashed and stupid. this author should be ashamed.

  7. I Been Smoking Weed Since I Was 10 I'm 27 Years Now.. Fuck That Propaganda About Being Worse Than Tobacco Or Being A Gateway Drug Cuz That's All Alcohol.. Never Thought Of Doing Cocaine When I Was Smoking Can't Say The Same When I Did A Line When Drunk AF.

  8. If most of us all die before 85 than we can confirm we will die no matter what people act like weed will make you live longer. Or preserve infinite life. Idiot

  9. It does not give you cancer I know so many ppl that do it and they’re healthy as a horse. My gym where I live owner of the gym uses it and he’s completely healthy. And all these people that have been doing it for years and doctors always tell them they’re just fine and healthy!

  10. Misleading title. Marijuana does not cause lung cancer. Smoking marijuana (like smoking tobacco or eating burnt toast) can cause cancer. Using hemp extracts or CBD in the right way can lead to many benefits in people who could really just do with some help but when there is none available. The failure to recognise that context and dose are paramount to any effects (beneficial or harmful) from drugs is what causes a lot of misunderstanding. 

    Can I just say that I do enjoy your videos but this topic really needs some serious transparent discussion.

    I'm a toxicologist and here's the opposite side of the story:

  11. So no mention of the function of nicotine? Last article I read linked it to lung cancer through inhibition apoptosis, our natural defense against cancer. Our cells are programmed to commit suicide when they sense the genetics and division mechanism is breaking down so that precancerous cells are eliminated before they can start up with the uncontrolled division that becomes such a problem and this is why nicotine is like miracle grow for cancer.

  12. My dad is a dr and has done many x Ray on patients who smoked both weed an tobacco and the ones who only smoked weed lungs were far less damaged then a cigarette smokers only issue with pot is people hold it in longer but even with that it is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes and most likely you would not get lung cancer from weed but may just naturally get cancer in the long run it does happen

  13. What if you use Metal pipes to smoke out of … I know enough metal particles inhaled thru YOUR lungs can cause health issues to the LUNGS so why not recommended Glass pipes or other ways 2 smoke ??? See this is y 4 so long I've been looking 4 a video like this , but from an actual pot heads point of view 😏

  14. My name is Sunli gandhi, Dr. Harvey is the only herbal doctor who could ever get my HIV cured with his herbal products. I have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution for the virus, despite all these happening to me, I always spend a lot of money to buy HIV drugs and other supplements to keep me healthy and taking several medications. Until one day I was just surfing through YouTube when I came across a great post from Anita, who said that she was Diagnosed with HIV and was healed through the help of this great herbal supplements of Dr Harvey, Sometimes I really wonder why people call him the great Dr.Harvey, I never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing. So I quickly contacted him and told him everything happening to me, and he asked me a few questions and he said something I will never forget, that anyone who contacts him is always getting his/her cure within a few weeks after doing all he asks them to do. So I was amazed all the time I heard that from him, so I did everything he said only to see that at the very day which he said I will be cured and should go for a test to confirm my status, I went to hospital for the final test and the doctor after running the test said I'm HIV Negative wow. I'm very amazed and happy about this cure i have really gone through so much pain and tears for this Dr.Harvey cured me with the Help of his natural herbs.If you have Anybody going through this same Situation or any kind of cancers or Diseases at all contact Dr Harvey today he cures them all save a life today.You can contact Dr.Harvey EMAIl::[]

  15. With Gratitude and joy in my heart I wanna say a very Big thank you to Dr Harvey Herbal world on YouTube for Helping me get Rid of my HIV with his Herbal Products.To Get Dr Harvey Herbal Product for HIV Search Dr Harvey Herbal world on YouTube,Thanks Dr Harvey for saving my can contact Dr Harvey on EMAIl::[]
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  16. Please, do NOT divide videos with such important information. The purpose of this channel should be beyond this sort of strategy for views. It is not possible to find the next one among thousands of videos.

  17. I’ve known folks who used cannabis and died, and tobacco that died, some short time users and some longtime users, some never used either and still died. What of? It really doesn’t matter, your gonna die.

  18. Tobacco causes cancer, and is super poisonous no matter how it's taken. People get mouth cancer from chewing tobacco, sinus cancer if snorted (snuff) and if eaten it can easily be fatal. It can actually be used to commit suicide, which is really why it's no longer allowed in prisons.

  19. There have been studies where patients smoked one joint for several years and didn’t show any sign of lung degeneration.

    Time to stop damaging the reputation of this miracle plant.

  20. This argument is based on one joint versus one pack of cigarettes so if someone smoked as much weed as a normal tobacco smoker smoke cigarettes would they still be immune for cancer?

  21. Why don't just use dry herb vapourizers? You eliminate all tar, carbon monoxide and carcinogens generated by the combustion. And you don't burn away 30% of the THC and CBD content. And it is also very discrete without any strong odours.

  22. My friend smoked cannabis daily for 3-4 yrs(from age 21-25) and then he was diagnosed with emphysema and two years after that he was diagnosed with lung cancer and he died at 29 due to respiratory failure…… He regretted the fact that everyone told cannabis is not harmful which is the biggest life changing LIE …….. Smoking CANNABIS or anything causes PREMATURE DEATH

    Smoking anything (whether it is tobacco or weed or cocaine or heroin or opium) can cause lung, throat, mouth, oesophageal cancer because smoke is a combustion (oxidation) product which can trigger inflammation, irritation, injury to the cells continuously …

    Please WAKE UP guys cannabis smoking is definitely more injurious to health (heart, lung, psychiatric health) … In fact more than cigarettes ….. Say no to both

    Most ppl are living in a falsely proclaimed myth that cannabis smoking is good for health (absolutely no).

    Don't land up in a situation where you get locked up in dead end….. Cannabis definitely causes emphysema andCOPD and that's a progressive dead end with no cure

  23. List of diseases that are potentially caused by weed smoking

    1. COPD – Chronic bronchitis, emphysema

    2. Heart diseases – heart attack, heart failure, heart rate abnormalities, gangrenous diseases

    3. Hypertension (high BP)

    4. Infertility


    6. Stroke

    7. Acute cannabis poisoning leading to heart attack, acute psychosis, cardiac arrest

    8. Vehicle accidents due to impaired coordination

    9. Psychiatric illness- anxiety disorder, depression, amotivational syndrome, schizophrenia (very worst outcome)

    10. ENT – sensory ear deafness

    11. Lung infections – TB, aspergillus fungus, bronchiectasis, lung abscess

    12. Cancers – oral, throat, lung, oesophagus

    13. Cannabis use before 18 – reduced brain development leading to low IQ than expected

    YOU MAY GET ANY OF THESE… Even if you escape from one, the other one will chase you if you continue to do weed thinking that weed is not harmful

  24. So many weed lovers started this self proclaimed idea that "weed is not harmful, it is cigarette and alcohol which is harmful" …. This is the most stupid sentence….. In fact all three are equally harmful in different aspects

    If u rate the harm level this is how it goes

    Social harm – alcohol (9/10), cigarette (5/10), weed(8/10)

    Psychiatric harm – alcohol (8/10), cigarette (5/10), weed(10/10)

    Faster to get addicted – alcohol (5/10), cigarette (10/10), weed (7/10)

    Physical health harm- alcohol (6/10), cigarette (10/10), weed(8/10)

    Total score of harming potential
    Alcohol – 28/40
    Cigarette – 30/40
    Weed- 33/40

  25. Does marijuana(devil weed) cause crator(black-hole) cancer? Id say socially and globally its protective in entirety but with all the no smoking signs tobacco might be ill advised after all the people killed out of predjudice on tobacco smoking similar to desecration of a grave isnt protective of a tomb and with everynation inherited from our elders and deceased forfathers a change of direction might be advised as tobacco helped cause the death of our global population already and is stale and rude at this point. Coming from a tobacco smoker. Besides the chemical composition.

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