Quale caffè è più sano: arrosto leggero o scuro?

Il caffè tostato scuro è più efficace del caffè tostato chiaro nel ridurre il peso corporeo.

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Resta sintonizzato per sapere se il caffè a bassa acidità causa meno reflusso acido? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-low-acid-coffee-cause-less-acid-reflux), in arrivo avanti.

I video che ho mostrato sono Il caffè influisce sul colesterolo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-coffee-affect-cholesterol/) e l'aggiunta di latte blocca i benefici di Caffè? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-adding-milk-block-the-benefits-of-coffee) .

Quanto zucchero aggiunto è troppo? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-added-sugar-is-too-much/) . Guarda il video!

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88 Risposte a “Quale caffè è più sano: arrosto leggero o scuro?”

  1. I went carnivore and could quit everything, including sugar, but not coffee. I love the dark mother so much that the shame of betraying my diet is not enough to make me stop consuming it. I used to love making extra cream coffee ice cream before I stopped eating ice cream. Now some coffee in some hot water is the only culinary indulgence I have left.

  2. I am drinking a lot of black coffee or plain water, that’s all I have been drinking. This video was interesting, however I am in the process of eliminating coffee from my whole food plant based diet. Just keeping it simple. My coffee drinking is a habit/addiction that I even don’t get joy from anymore.

  3. Off topic: You cherry pick by only focusing on the benefits of plant based diets but deliberately ignore any benefits of animal products. It's no surprise considering nutrition facts used to be called the Vegan Research Institute. You're guilty of the very thing you criticise and nutrition facts is ironically named as it doesn't really present the complete facts about nutrition.

  4. Oh maaan…You know,this gets a bit out of control for me!! Taking good care of your health is good,but to this extend it gets kinda insane and overwhelming! Knowing some things for encyclopedic knowledge is fine but I cannot imagine a human doing everything that has been said in these vids…


  5. So better to drink coffee from a paper filter do to cholesterol? Is it oxidized cholesterol , should be a new video concerning what information is about cholesterol and coffee.

  6. I wish to see Arabic among the caption languages, almost half a billion Arabic speaker would benefit from your valuable videos

  7. When I hear heat "wipes out pesticides", that means that it denatures the chemicals, but what are they degrading into? Not always a good thing guys. Go light roast.

  8. It's interesting how medium roast coffee has more caffeine than dark roast. Plus using a paper filter reduces the caffeine…..I like a dark roast coffee brewed with a french press to get all the caffeine and polyphenols.

  9. What does the weight loss have to do with it? Was the study done with controlled calories or was it a free-for-all? Doesn't really tell us much.

  10. Does anyone know how to nominate dr. Greger for Nobel Peace prize? He deserves it more than anyone else I can think of right now

  11. Does coffee increase the risk of heart attack due to reduced production of gas from the inner blood vessel wall that protects us from cholesterol shards?

  12. How does espresso compare to that water-coffee they serve in the US. i only drink one or two cups a day, but around 4oz, but it is much more concentrated than that stuff served in 16oz cups at 7-11.

  13. Does the soy milk added to the matcha beverage reduce the potency of matcha? I heard a doctor-youtuber talk about her coming across the studies. I wonder how significant the effect is if it’s true… I drink a lot of matcha but don’t enjoy it without soy milk.

  14. I've been wondering about decaf when it comes to cholesterol, I use a french press, wonder if paper vs french makes any difference with decaf

  15. Common sense test doesn’t pass with this video. There is no way just because you drink dark roast vs. light roast that a fat person would lose more weight. Dunkin Donuts is licking their chops now from all new fat customers searching for their cure. And of course they will ask for a couple donuts on the side.

  16. Congratulations! Your videos series are amazing. I would like to suggest a video comparing and explaining the effect of drink coffee with and without sugar in human health. Thanks

  17. What about espresso machines that really produce a very different product to French, boiled (percolated??),or Turkish. Typically espresso machines produce less caffeine than other methods and extracting the coffee under high pressure (15 bar) makes all the difference.

  18. I was making a light roast (possibly medium) espresso at home for a little over a week. Totally feel like my system changed and my heart has been acting up. I’ve been drinking Starbucks lattes for most of last month without the same issue. I am a little afraid to drink light roast now. Keep in my they say dark roast removes more caffeine as well

  19. The people that tolerate coffee are just healthier people. Coffee does not do anyone any favors. Until someone does a blind placebo controlled study looking at the critical metabolic factors, there is no way to know if coffee is good or bad. One thing is for sure, coffee drinkers’ breaths stink.

  20. https://youtu.be/j4UZbFA2dp0 hi, Dear NF and Doctor Greger, what do you think regarding this ‘nutritionist’ says? Really would be great to get your feedback. To me this video looks like meat lobby. As well they say that Chinese study results were not correct due to addition of toxins to mixed food versus plant based food.

  21. Love your videos !!can you please do a video on group B strep infection in the bladder what’s the best remedy .I’ve looked all over on the Internet I can’t find any cure I am a non-pregnant women with Reoccurring infections. Thank you:)

  22. Bart Kay, an up-and-coming YouTuber in the anti-vegan camp, has stated that the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease is not causal. He's a published researcher who has a relatively impressive career in academia (impressive compared to your typical YouTuber). He's willing to debate you, so the public can get to the bottom of who is lying and who is being honest when it comes to the claims you make regarding cholesterol.

    Refusing a debate is essentially admitting defeat. It's possible that a lot of your fans won't care if you refuse or ignore him, but unbiased people researching veganism are going to stumble across Bart's channel, see that he is calling you out, and see that no debate ever occurred. They will put 2 and 2 together and see a refusal for what it is – an admission of defeat.

    A refusal to debate is the same as admitting that you're either a liar, or not sure about what you're claiming. You can come up with some excuse, but again, people will see any refusal for exactly what it is. If you choose to ignore Bart, you'll be undermining what you're trying to accomplish here.

    You can contact him by simply leaving a comment on his channel and he will provide you with his e-mail, so the two of you can set up a debate. His audience is still small enough that he will almost certainly notice it.

    I think most ordinary people would benefit from seeing you two do battle in a live debate, regardless of who wins, so I hope you're willing to defend your ideas, just as Bart is willing to defend his.

  23. Heard somewhere that drinking any kind of coffee (or any caffeinated drinks) raises the cortisol level. To my knowledge, high levels of cortisol promotes fat storing.

    Not sure what to believe anymore.

  24. "Coffee raises blood pressure, cholesterol, and risk of heart disease. Bowel problems from indigestion to diarrhea are also caused by coffee. On the other hand, teas have far fewer side effects and many health benefits."
    Dr. John McDougall

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