La marijuana causa problemi di salute?

Ogni anno, si stima che la cannabis causi 2 milioni di anni di vita sana persi a causa della disabilità. Quanto costa rispetto ad alcol e tabacco?

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Se se ti interessa di più, dai un'occhiata ai miei due video prequel The Institute of Medicine Report on the Health Effects of Marijuana ( of-Medicine-Report-on-the-Health-Effects-of-Marijuana) e Researching the Health Effects of Marijuana (http: // e l'ultimo video, Is Marijuana Addictive? ( E se vuoi davvero saperne di più, ho realizzato un intero DVD ( di ricerca sulla cannabis per coloro che sono interessati ad approfondire.<br/>
La questione della cannabis mi ricorda un simile scontro di interessi politici e commerciali nel dibattito sui telefoni cellulari. Se sei interessato, dai un'occhiata ai miei video Le radiazioni del telefono cellulare causano il cancro? ( e Cell Rischio di tumore al cervello del telefono? (

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100 Risposte a “La marijuana causa problemi di salute?”

  1. I’d say the real threat of smoking weed is what you smoke it out of, a blunt is obviously not healthy. I prefer a bowl 🤷‍♂️

  2. Of course weed is not safe and good for your health. But hey, who gives a shit. Alcool is bad, cigarette too. Fastfood is bad. Evrrything can be bad. You just gotta hope it won't kill you lol

  3. It can cause psychological problems i have over 15 years of on and off experience but there seems to be nothing permenent, all you have to do is stop for a while or for good and you'll be back to normal within 1-3months. Remember its medicine if abused it will mess u up mentally/emotionally and spiritually but like all natural herbs its a very short term negative side effects where with pharma drugs that's when it gets long term and many times permanent damage.

    Cannabis when used properly can actually repair damaged cells but again once optimal health if you continue to use its pointless because at the end of the day its medicine to show you the door, get you back on track and not to rely on.

    Lets not forget when you "get high" your heart rate beats much faster so that should say enough for long term use.

  4. Let’s talk about things that are created like Xanax and opioids. Y’all do anything to depict what God has left us and promote Satan well being

  5. Yes Cannabis can cause health issues, when it's grown by total fuckwits who either don't know or don't care about flushing out the chemicals they put into it's when grown.

  6. Mind and body are connected. Being dependent on any drug is going to put a lot of stress and anxiety on your mind when you aren't getting high, which opens up the door to a number of other health problems, including muscle tension, headaches and insomnia. in severe cases you can start having some gastrointestinal issues, heart problems, etc.
    Weed may be harmless for casual users, especially in comparison to other drugs. But we can't ignore the relevant downsides from smoking too much. You can get addicted to it just like any other drug because it's a psychological stimulant. it's fun. it's relaxing. and it's harmless. It's the perfect recipe to form a dependence if you're not careful.

  7. Too much of anything is bad for your health…No matter what type of smoke goes into your lungs. You're simply burning something and consuming it into your lungs…Plus the weed they grow has gotten a lot more potent over the years and they have all these fucking crazy names for them and a bunch of crystals all over the weed and shit…Cmon guys can you just admit that its no good…too much of anything isnt good. Just like meds you get prescribed from the "DOCTORS", too much of that isnt healthy either. It only has benefits when you use it in moderation. Same thing for cannabis, using it in moderation can have benefits to certain things people have such as glaucoma, and a few other issues. Yes Cannabis has health benefits of course, but abusing it isnt good. People think just because they smoke all day everyday its healthy. People roll blunts all the damn time and bongs i guess are a safer way but ehh you can debate on that too. I personally think marijuana is unhealthy your brain. I smoked for 5 years and just recently stopped and im fine now. I was a pothead, for a long time i was okay with it but my brain isnt cooperating with weed anymore. Recently i was getting paranoid and getting more anxiety, and just getting the spins, and not feeling like i was real. Ive been clean for 6 months and i feel much better, i feel grounded on this earth. I had some good highs and some bad highs. All in all i stopped the shit i just got tired of feeling stuck. It actually does fuck with your brain chemistry and possibly can increase epilepsy or scitzophrenia. Cannabis should be for the people who Actually NEED it not just something you wanna abuse and be recreational with…i have more to say but i'll leave it here. Let all the potheads attack me now lol

  8. so here is the quick answer. NO! Cannabis itself cannot kill you what so ever however the smoke you inhale into your lungs can cause some minor health issues later in life but simple solution just dont smoke weed eat it vape it etc.

  9. I've never in my life heard of anyone eating a mmj editable and jumping out a window or off a balcony… Just saying I'm a daily smoker and wouldn't be stupid enough to jump from a window or balcony

  10. I'd say that it seems that basically any related health issues are caused by motivation loss. I smoke, but I eat pretty healthy and I workout, and I'll admit that far fewer potheads have stuck with working out than the more sober crowd. At least In my experience.

  11. ok I got a good one for ya: Swedish Snus. Its big where I live and theres even an MD in America promoting it as safe. what say ye ?

  12. So you advocate that eating a plant based diet is a good way to help reverse or prevent cancer yet you completely ignore that THC from cannabis(tetradyhrocannabinol) has been proven to kill cancer cells? Interesting.

  13. Don't know about smoking it, but taking it orally (cooked with coconut oil) dries your mouth out pretty thoroughly. Can't be good in that respect. Sure helps with sleep though.

  14. Cannabis causes brain damage to offspring (via Epigenetics); it handicaps Executive Functions in these children and makes them LOSERS…unable to follow goal directed behavior over time… so they tend to sit on the couch and just watch TV, and not do anything in the world.

    Not how I want my kids to grow up!

  15. It is the most dangerous substance on Earth. It is the only drug that effects your decisions and health in a way to attribute the consequences to other factors. Cannabis says: "Move along here folks nothing to see here".

  16. It is faulty reasoning to compare the number of deaths from cannabis use to Viagra and imply that it is safer because less deaths can be attributed to cannabis. On the face of it, Viagra users are much more likely to be older than cannabis users and likely have more circulatory problems. It is comparing apples to oranges.

    It is hard to believe smoking any burning substance is not detrimental to one's delicate lungs in more than a minor way.

    The recent videos are not the same quality as in the past.

  17. Here is your mystery solved, research (cannabis and dry mouth) AND (dry mouth and periodontal disease) AND (periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease).

  18. I liked it until i got into my late 30's. Now it just messes with my sleep and makes me feel tired and old. So smoke it up while you're young,kiddos. The high isnt that great after you start getting old.

  19. What are the long-term health and economic outcomes of being arrested for marijuana?

    An implicit question is the efficacy of prohibition as a medical intervention.

  20. It's simple every person that smokes or vapes anything always will be coughing their lungs out. People that do this long term have throat problems and eventually will lead into more serious health effects. Also breathing in bad pollution of any kind for years and years is pretty much guaranteed to knock off 10+ years off your life and makes your chances of getting a heart attack a lot higher. That's why in polluted countries the average life span is 10-20 years less than the rest of the world.

  21. The one health hazard not mentioned was the high death rate of those forced to interact with dope smokers, and who die of boredom. Like drunks, dope smokers are just plain boring and tedious.

  22. you hear his impression of a pot smoker from 0:40 to 0:41?…. tony the tiger called, he wants you to stop mocking his shitty cereal ads with bad voice acting….

  23. Ref: THE LANCET Issue 9904, 9-15 Nov 2013: "The key findings from estimates of other outcomes of illicit drug use were as follows: regular cannabis use made a VERY SMALL contribution to disease burden (approx 7000 DALYS globally). The highest estimated global burden was attributable to opioid dependence (9.2 million DALYS)." From the article cited in the video

  24. Marijuana is great. Use it as a tool to expand your mind. Think every way possible. Your brain has the ability to utilize the same hardware without marijuana software afterwards; how great is that?!

  25. I was diagnosed with cannabis use disorder when it helped with my spasms and I mostly would smoke reg. Now that I've no other choice but to stop, CBD biofreeze cream has helped me with my pain enough to walk again. 🙂 Can't wait for it to be legal in KY. Maybe then I can drive again too.

  26. Known a lot of die hard pot heads over many years n they all have these similar traits. Self absorbed n only present when it's comfortable for them. Which is not very often.

  27. I smoked on weekends in high school and college. Graduated and moved to Colorado, where I stopped drinking alcohol and started using pot recreationally every day. It’s been 4 or 5 years with no ill side effects on mentality, motivation, physical activity or cardio. I also don’t use it constantly. Probably twice around 8 and 9 o’clock at night, every night and it really helps with muscle soreness, and just getting to sleep. That being said, about sleep. I have noticed that when I stop using cannabis for maybe 2 or 3 weeks, I have vivid nightmares of primal shit, or like a dream where I get very very drunk and feel wasted in my dream, it’s so real. That is literally the 1 negative side effect I can think of with cannabis. It does effect your ability to REM sleep, thus when you stop smoking cannabis for 2-3 weeks you are basically catching up on your Rapid Eye Movement sleep.

  28. You got to stop watching Reeder Madness . It's only a propaganda movie.Really No one plays the piano faster and faster then jumps out the window .

  29. What about the hundreds of millions of years of health GAINED by treating other mental and physical disabilities with cannabis?

    Have there been any studies on this the effect of inhaled cannabinoid oils on endothelial function? There's one fact-sheet on secondhand smoke describing a deleterious effect of particulate smoke matter on endothelial function here, but is there anything about inhaled vaporized cannabinoid oils and how they impair endothelial function or promote atherosclerosis, in relation to dietary consumption of oil?

  31. indeed..pot is harmful, particularly psycho-social, but not as "bad" as alcohol or nicotine, cause there are many more causal users of marijuana than either alcohol or tobacco..these #s may change as marijuana becomes more readily available

  32. So what is the verdict?? I don't think it would shorten my life and I am surprised about the study's results. Was that chronic everyday use or just casual use? What psychiatric problems are associated with it?

  33. so you have got to look this hard to find inconclusive results? and no one jumps off of a balcony from eating cookies they are more likely to be more nervous about getting too close to the edge .

  34. Every single study including those referenced by Dr Greger, and Dr Greger's conclusions in all his videos unfortunately, have confused taking MJ with smoking MJ and the use of defoliant chemicals and pesticide chemicals. Honestly these are not the same as taking MJ. Smoking, spraying defoliants and pesticides on plants are peoples' behaviors, and they are independent factors from the behavior of interest, which is of course taking MJ. Of course a person will get sick from inhaling smoke, defoliants, and pesticides. Let's put on our thinking caps now. It's time for real research to begin without such confusion of human behavior which may be detrimental to health, with taking MJ.

  35. Confusing the taking of MJ with the smoking of MJ is currently a persistent problem in the research community. If scientists can't or won't speak precisely enough to understand the situation, then who will?
    Let's get a study that avoids smoking, spraying defoliants, and spraying pesticides, and THEN let's see the effects of MJ on humans. I'm still waiting.

  36. Much less indoctrinated and corporate-vibey than a video nine years ago in which he said in terms of carcinogens, he said (approx.) "1joint=1 pack of cigs"

  37. I've had personal experience where combined chronic and acute pressures/stress+high THC usage in the form of edible whole plant extract, dabs and the bong, each on separate occasions, caused psychotic episodes where I had to be hospitalized. One of the good things about cannabis is takes down people's psychological defense mechanisms, but this is also a downfall when they have intrusive thoughts.

  38. Is it actually funny that he said "ODed" instead of "overdosed" or is it the weed? Is that a thing that doctors say? They write it surely, they love shortening everything but say oh-dee? Usually different types of people say that lol

  39. I think Cannabis is vastly overrated. And I have been a consumer of it.
    To me, maybe taking it orally once in half a year would be the only acceptable way of consuming it nowadays, if at all.
    But daily use, and by means of smoking or vaping, just seems absolutely bad.

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