La vitamina D3 è migliore della D2?

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DESCRIZIONE: La vitamina D3, proveniente dall'esposizione alla luce solare, da fonti animali e vegetali, può essere preferibile alla vitamina D2 proveniente da funghi. Quanta D dovrebbe prendere coloro che non riescono a prendere abbastanza sole? Vedi -raccomandazioni-nutrizione-ottimale/.
Non è quello che dice l'Istituto di Medicina però. Giustifico la mia raccomandazione su una serie di video di due settimane che inizia con Vitamina D Recommendations Changed ( e termina con Resolving the Vitamin D-Bate ( bate/). E i lettini abbronzanti? Vedi Pillole di vitamina D e lettini abbronzanti ( Raccomando anche di assumere integratori di vitamina D con i pasti ( Cos'è quel pezzo di vitamina D e longevità? Vedi La vitamina D e la mortalità può essere una curva a forma di U ( -curva-au/). Sai che sono contrario a citare i nomi dei marchi, ma sentiti libero di lasciare qualsiasi consiglio nei commenti per fonti a basso costo. <br/>
Penso ancora che le persone dovrebbe mangiare funghi però! Per cominciare, vedi Cancro al seno contro funghi (, Rendere le nostre arterie meno appiccicose ( ) ed Ergotioneina: una nuova vitamina? ( Ci sono un altro 20 video e post sui funghi ( oltre a centinaia di video su più di mille argomenti nutrizionali (

Credito immagine: corteccia, Jim di JimOnLight, chimothy27, & pugno nell'occhio9 tramite flickr; e Evan-Amos e Ben Mills tramite Wikimedia.
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32 Risposte a “La vitamina D3 è migliore della D2?”

  1. I'm actually enjoying the longer videos! I feel like I'm watching a mini documentary every time. The shorter 2 min videos I felt would always leave me wanting more information. These longer ones have more detail! thanks!!

  2. See Dr. Greger's video "Toxins in Raw Mushrooms".

    Agaratine, a natural toxin found in mushrooms, is destroyed by cooking

  3. Dr. Cannell who is as far as i know one of the most prominent researchers of vitamin D at the moment, has said some damning thing about the efficacy of vitamin D2. Look him up and try to find his interview with Dr. Mercola here on youtube.

  4. At 3:08 he says "and if you're not vitamin D deficient…. D2 from mushrooms or supplements doesn't appear to raise your levels (of serum 25 (OH)D) further"

    Does this mean that vitamin D2 is less likely to cause toxicity? Since once you reach a healthy level its harder for more doses of D2 to keep raising levels like D3 does?

    I would love Dr.Michael Greger to answer this.

  5. Is anyone aware of any research into the presence of BMAA in lichen based D3 supplements? as i have read that it has been detected in some varieties..

  6. Most of the studies I've read describe D3 as more bioavailable than D2, specifically that it has a more direct pathway to being converted into an active nutrient [25(OH)D], as opposed to D2 which metabolises into ercalcitriol, albeit a similar compound to [25(OH)D]. D2 is most certainly not metabolised into D3 as I'm reading others suggest in the comments here. D2 does not have a low half-life because of some conversion into D3, from what I've read, this is not how the compound is metabolised in the body. D2 has a lower half-life because it is not fat-soluble and will break down in the body within about a week, whereas D3 is fat-soluble and may persist in the body for up to a few months (making it much more viable for those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder).

    I don't understand why, as a self-professed nutritionist and plant-based promoter, you'd overlook this information to promote the consumption of mushrooms, particularly mushrooms that more than not need to be exposed to UVB lighting for several reasons which are staggering, at least to me. 1) As if the process of maintaining one's nutrition wasn't convoluted enough, your audience should figure out that if they don't live by a provider of vitamin-D2 rich mushrooms (or the knowledge of how to find them, especially in food deserts), they should set up a lighting system and/or outdoor mushroom sunbathing area, know that they'd need a light source that provides UVB radiation, not UVA, and have the knowledge of how to preserve their mushrooms in the process. 2) For those without access to consistent, quality sun-exposure (i.e. the majority of Western society), we're going to promote a completely esoteric and tedious means of procuring an extremely vital nutrient when simple, affordable solutions exist (which is mentioned, to your credit). 3) It's not as if Vitamin D deficiency is a new thing. This has been an issue for a long time and has been the bane of those considering a plant-based diet before it began to become the trend that it is now, along with b12 and iron, which have far less esoteric and strange means of resolving. Yeah, get sunlight, simple solution, but that's not available to everyone. Go out and buy a sunlamp or drying racks to set up mushroom radiation stations in your home/yard for a less bio-available form of the nutrient… How is this even considered an alternative option?

    Just supplement D3 with capsules that derive the nutrient from lichen. They're not expensive supplements. You can order them online. To my knowledge, their procurement is not harmful to the environment They've been around for a while. Simple solution. Or do your head in and figure out how to properly radiate mushrooms for a nutrient that won't even be consistently bio-available in your body for over a week and give yourself another chore. Really, I can't fathom how that's the body of this video. It may go without saying, but I'm disappointed with the lack of forethought that went into how this information (or lack thereof) would impact those looking to resolve the common issue of vitamin-d deficiencies in vegans.

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